You can't be right. Dwarves are resistant to magic, which is why magic affects them less than humans. Humans, on the other hand, are the most mutable race on Mallus and would get changed by exposure to magic long before dwarfs start turning to stone from it.
While that's true, Dwarves also can't 'absorb' as much magic as humans. Basically the humans can ignore it because it's probably about as much magic as there is if they walk around in a storm or near a large fire, while the Dwarves typically repel magic, but can't repel it if they're eating it.
Think of it as Dwarves having High Damage Resistance but a middling HP pool while Humans have low DR, a moderate HP pool,
but a trickle of Regeneration.
Anything that doesn't bypass the Dawi DR is ignored, but if it's
consumed the what might otherwise be an okay amount of magic bypasses the majority of the DR and starts chipping away at their HP aka initiates the stonification process*. Instead of filtering out of their system, Magic turns Dwarves to Stone.
Humans on the otherhand are so mutable that they have an innate
tolerance to Magic. The vast majority of the time, a singular casting of a Human Spell on a Human target will do exactly what the spell is supposed to do and nothing more. Any remaining traces of magic will eventually filter out of the system with next to no effects, like a liver filtering out alcohol.
If you end up consuming enough alcohol (Magic) then your liver may get some scarring (mutations/arcane marks), but generally speaking humans are able to get black out drunk (receive semi-regular War Buffs from both Wizards and Priests) with no real after effects.
The Watchmen were specifically affected by Dwarven Battlemagic as wielded by a Living Ancestor, The Greatest Active Runelord, with said Battle Magic's effect being "Make Them More Like The Platonic Ideal Of A Dwarf."
And I think Kragg got a crit.
So that specific case is something of an exception and more resembles going on a drunken bender in the classy part of town as paid for by a celebrity and waking up with a taste for The Good Stuff/Straight Everclear.
*Which is what canonically happens to Dwarves who have magic enter their system or who
channel magic. That's why Runes are so important to the Dawi.
Nothing. Humans don't react negatively to magic in their system.
Plus, WoG.
Personally i was thinking a two-stage filter. A first stage filtration pool with Hysh magic to cleanse chemical impurities and Dhar, then some way down the piping a runic filter that repels all magic in the water that flows through to get rid of the Hysh. We know that repelling magic is a relatively simple exercise for Dwarven runecraft after all.
Why not just go for Runecraft in the first place then?
but it would be a lot more difficult and a lot harder to sell to a Dwarven population than just building Runic or non-magical filtering in the first place.
The narrative that's being told here, as far as I can read it, says:
It takes a significant investment for any Rune Based Infrastructure Investment. Really for any Infrastructure Investment, but especially for Runed Systems because Magic.
At the time that K8P fell,
no one was expecting any of this. Within the Dawi time frame, everything went wrong immensely quickly, and no one could really
imagine things going wrong like they did, nor for
sabotage to happen.
Ranger-like thinking still isn't exactly a mainstream thought process after all.
So protecting the water supplies from
What proper Dawi would ever need to do that?
And then the Skaven did it and Karak Eight Peaks fell.
The Skaven will not succeed in doing it a second time.