Hmm... armor with a rune of sorcery would be worth it if the Winds could be selectively filtered.
Otherwise... well there's the shadow armor which is pretty good at Magic 8.
Well, shadow armour is ok mundane armour, but it's not twenty five point runic armor. Assuming one rune had to be applied to make it possible to freely cast spells while using it, and that soaked up all the extra favour above a basic item, a Master Rune of Adamant and a Rune of Preservation would make Mathilde enormously more survivable. Under old table top rules, T10 just made you immune to the attacks of insufficiently strong enemies.
Again, you are moving the goalposts and simultaneously ignoring half of that conversation to state you opinion as absolute fact, the thing that brought up that passage was this :
It wasn't a batlant hint on the protector, but him trying to explain why we didn't get favour before people inevitably asked about it.
Answer lack of aundience, the thing Protector solves, because the whole favour mechaninc is based around groups being awere af how much they owe us, and the protector makes everyone perfectly aware of how much they owe us isntead of it fading into obscurity.
I'm not moving the goalposts at all. I also note how you're stripping the formatting which emphasises dwarf and assassination. Given that emphasis, we have no reason to believe that it's about the lack of audience rather than about what dwarves think of assassination, seeing as the post saying nothing about an audience, and a lack of audience should apply equally as much to any other species, as they can't give credit for something they're unaware of, so wouldn't be a reason to underline and bold the word dwarf.
I also encourage you to read what I wrote, and note how words like 'seems' appear in it, and consider what that means in terms of whether I'm stating something as absolute fact.
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