I almost pity Belegar. Speaking to Mathilde must be an adventure. Either she's handing you more problems, solving all your previous problems, creating out of context problems that are also a benefit, or a mix of all three. If she cackled madly at least she'd fit the wizard stereotype. And seeing Gabriella is what dealing with Mathilde must be like for everyone elee.
'How was your trip, Mathilde?'
'Oh, not bad, Belebro. I ended a necromantic college, caused battle wizards to be unleashed, got to wallow in my own crapulence a little with spite- and I got two new skulls! Also Karagil is ripe to collapse into infighting, just let me know when you're ready for that to kick off. Have you seen Kragg? I need to show him sketches of a Vampire's face when they bounce off his work. Oh, and I made sure it was all done in your name.'
[X] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Titus Muggins, who's returned to farming with every avenue of attack defended.
[X] Francesco Caravello, proud leader of the Undumgi
[X] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, as the new home of the Winter Wolves takes shape.
[X] Loremaster: Expert on Forest Spiders
[X] The best reading chair ever
If reading chair wins, and Mathilde eventually digs down and has a multiple section library, the skull chair shouls be there. With dire warnings that anyone sitting in it to read who isn't Mathilde will be made to act as her personal assistant.