Five to ten years from now the odds are that this will result in the Cardassians steamrolling the Dobetians and possibly securing rule over the Allupii with a puppet emperor the same way they took over, for example, the Goshawnar.
Something which I think is also possible is that the Allupii might invade a (nearly) affiliated Dobetian Commonwealth. That would be pretty awkward for us.
Glassware is pushing that we take one of the Welcome task forces and reassign it to [Court the Uaquuo]. I suppose we could snatch the Excelsior from Goodfoot to make it work; trade it for a Renaissance.

What do people think? It would be an undermanned TF; not the 7 ships advised.
Seems way too risky to me. If the Hishmeri decide to hit that TF instead of Liberty....
Rusty, but some of the discussion put a (to me) amusing thought in my head. So short omake to get it to paper, go!

"So, is this anything like what you were expecting?" Sarah Parsons, cadet, asks as she looks across the table at Shryr Ch'vaathros, also cadet, before taking a bite of her dinner.

"Helping shuttle around the FDS? It's not exactly what I expected when I signed up for Star Fleet, but I'm not complaining. It's important work, and we get to meet some pretty interesting people." Shryr replies, taking a sip of their drink.

"True true." Sarah responds. "Not exactly what I was asking, though. Up until this year, we were sending huge fleets of our best ships to deal with every issue we noticed in other polities. Guess someone up the chain realized that sending huge, capable fleets to deal with even the issues that required a light touch could cause more bad than good. Who would have thought?"

Shryr nods in agreement. "Perhaps they asked a 5 year old?"

Sarah snorts. "That old Earth joke?" She shakes her head. "Fitting in this case, though. Still, who would have thought, Mirandas as courier, taxis, and shuttles?"

A shrug from Shryr. "It's what we had that best fit the role. All our more capable ships are out working on other things. The good old Miranda isn't exactly suited to independent diplomacy or science work. Can you imagine having to deal with a sudden quasar or solar flare threatening a planet in one of these boats?"

Sarah flinches. "Point. But." She gestures. "Let's not beat around the bush. This ship is a gun boat. We've got no sensors that aren't shoved in the rolebar of any kind, our diplomatic facilities consists of a couple of couches and a projector, and our recreational facility just swaps the diplomatic projector with some entertainment stuff I'm pretty sure my parents played with as kids. In comparison, it's got passable shielding and can lay down the hurt with numbers."

"The Miranda was originally designed to not melt when up against Klingons. After they started melting, instead, because of being horribly outdated instead during the biophage incident, Starfleet doubled down on their intended role and then ultimately replaced them because of how outdated the base is in general. If we hadn't needed to scrounge up some ships to shuttle the FDS around and support their mission I'd have laid good odds on Mirandas being locked inside a big glass case with a note stating "In case of war, break glass" in the next few years."

They give a challenging look across the table. "And what's wrong with the classics? Still sore I took the high score from you?"

"Enjoy your victory while it lasts." Sarah grumbles in good nature. "You shall rue the day you drove me to perfect my play!" She laughs before pausing, mood getting a bit more serious. "Makes sense, yeah. Mirandas are obsolete by pretty much every measure. So I guess serving as a shuttle with delusions of grandeur is probably about the best it can hope for these days. Still, it's a bit weird, isn't it? The ships we're deploying in waves to support the FDS in their diplomatic missions are outdated gunboats?"

"Amusing." Shryr replies dryly. "Better rename ourselves the Gunboat Diplomacy Services. GDS, bringing the cargo space and guns everywhere the FDS needs it."

I have edited in the following two attachments:

  • Lt. Cmdr. Sadd-Har's Cadet Field Training Team: 3pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: Increased experience gain for missions involving S rolls. [DREAMING]
  • Hortance: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: Gain 5 pp each quarter that this task force succeeds on all events. [WELCOME]
Worth noting that most of the FDS tags are what I'd call "low-priority," stuff that we probably can't afford to start resolving for a long time or behind polities that have Distant Stars tags so the FDS can't work on them. Looking at it I'd say the Dobetians and the OSA are the most likely to become relevant.

Tags I'd like us to get started on ASAP:
Outer Space Alliance: 395/500
-[Disunified Homeworld [1/3] (FDS)]
Obviously, we want to membership them, and we're close to doing so.

Righteous Allupii Empire: 100/100
-[Serfdom: 0/5 (FDS)]
-[Deeply Entrenched Feudalism: 0/10 (FDS)]
We can't start this now because of the [Distant Stars] tag, but notice that all other visible tags are FDS tags. We should get started on both these tags the minute it's possible to do so, as it'll help cement any anti-Cardassian alliance we end up making.

Dobetia Commonwealth: 60/100
-[Constitutional Work in Progress: 0/1 (FDS)]
It's between us and that [Cardassian Threat] tag. I think we all remember the last time we left that tag untouched.

Tags I'd like us to start relatively soon:
Lamarck: 110/300
-[No Unified Government: 0/10 (FDS)]
We'll want to do this about 10 years before we'd finish pushing them to membership levels.

Hishmeri Septs: 74/100
-[Slave Free or Die Hard: 0/10 (FDS)] (Cannot be worked on until [Rimward Slave Trade] is gone)
We should start this the minute [Rimward Slave Trade] is gone.

Ittick-Ka: 100/100
-[Slaver State: 0/12 (FDS)] (Cannot be worked on until [Rimward Slave Trade] is gone)
Again, the minute [Rimward Slave Trade] is gone, we need to start this.
I have no idea how it's going to run either, but last year we almost ran out of RP so I'm trying to be more conservative this year.

Looking it over again, we spent 410RP in last turn's research, out of a budget of 454.5RP. Given we're just starting this year with 531.5, we're likely to get more and we're really not likely to get another 200RP MWCD option again. I think we'll be fine.
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@Briefvoice since we have 6 explorers and several smaller class ships as part of task force righteous. Could we split off one of the explorers and 2 or 3 smaller ships from Righteous and send them to the Dobetians?
@Briefvoice since we have 6 explorers and several smaller class ships as part of task force righteous. Could we split off one of the explorers and 2 or 3 smaller ships from Righteous and send them to the Dobetians?

Uh, TF Righteous is going to be a hard mission, and splitting off even one ship is likely to really hurt. That, and any other smaller ships will take time to travel to the Dobetians.
Righteous Allupii Empire: 100/100
-[Serfdom: 0/5 (FDS)]
-[Deeply Entrenched Feudalism: 0/10 (FDS)]
We can't start this now because of the [Distant Stars] tag, but notice that all other visible tags are FDS tags. We should get started on both these tags the minute it's possible to do so, as it'll help cement any anti-Cardassian alliance we end up making.
We already nearly got into trouble with the Allupii because they thought we might attack their "way of life and traditions", or whatever. Having the FDS actively work on dismantling their Serfdom and Feudalism isn't going to make our efforts any easier.

I have added a "Task Vote" to potentially do a TF Depths instead of Na'Shaya. See below.


[][TASK1] Task Force Goodfoot and Na'Shaya

[][TASK1] Task Force Goodfoot and Depths

If "Na'Shaya"

Task Force:Na'Shaya
Mission: Affiliate Sathuri.
Commander: Commodore Enad Rebin (if available)
  • None
2325.Q1 Ships
  • Cruiser: 1 Renaissance [Thejal]
  • Frigates: 1 Centaur-B [Talaxana], 1 Kepler [Nolaeis]
  • Note:In Q2 1 Kepler [Grand Duk Berth 1] arrives to make 4 ships.

TF Goodfoot (version Na'Shaya)
Mission: Affiliate Ur'razzi
Commander: Percival Amin - Reroll first failed Diplomacy roll each year.
  • Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
  • Ambassador Sarek: 8pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll.
  • Ventil Oyana: 4 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter.
2325.Q1 Ships
  • Explorers: 1 Excelsior-A [Sojourner (B)]
  • Cruisers: 3 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruiser
  • Frigates: 2 Indorian Centaur-B, 1 Orion Kepler
  • Notes: 7 ships
If "Depths"

Task Force: Depths
Mission: Affiliate Uaquuo.
Commander: Leaniss Larai - May add one additional member fleet frigate to this task force, separate from other ships called up.
  • Ambassador Sarek: 8pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll.
2325.Q1 Ships
  • Explorers: 1 Excelsior-A [Sojourner (B)]
  • Cruiser: 1 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruiser
  • Frigates: 1 Kepler [Nolaeis], 1 Amarki Centaur-B [Leaniss Bonus Ship]
  • Note: In Q2 1 Kepler [Grand Duk Berth 1] arrives to make 5 ships.

TF Goodfoot(version Depths)
Mission: Affiliate Ur'razzi
Commander: Percival Amin - Reroll first failed Diplomacy roll each year.

  • Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
  • Ventil Oyana: 4 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter.
2325.Q1 Ships
  • Explorers: None
  • Cruisers: 1 Starfleet Renaissance [Thejal], 2 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruiser
  • Frigates: 2 Indorian Centaur-B, 1 Orion Kepler, 1 Centaur-B [Talaxana]
  • Notes: 7 ships
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[X][WOLF] Retask to attempt to negotiate a mutual-defense agreement with the Righteous Allupii Empire, aimed at Cardassia [Difficult Mission, -50pp]

[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.

[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade

[X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325

[X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P

[X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A

[X][TASK1] Task Force Goodfoot and Depths
[X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
[X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P
[X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A
[X][TASK1] Task Force Goodfoot and Depths
[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
[X][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth
[X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
[X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P
[X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A
[X][TASK1] Task Force Goodfoot and Depths
[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
[X][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Jan 24, 2019 at 6:10 PM, finished with 103716 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X][WOLF] Retask to attempt to negotiate a mutual-defense agreement with the Righteous Allupii Empire, aimed at Cardassia [Difficult Mission, -50pp]
    [X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
    [X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
    [X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
    [X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P
    [X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A
    [X][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth
    [X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
    [X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
    [X][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth
    [X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
    [X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
    [X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
    [X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P
    [X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A
    [X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
    [X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P
    [X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A
    [X][TASK1] Task Force Goodfoot and Depths
    [X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
    [X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
    [X][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth
    [X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
    [X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P
    [X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A
    -[X] Retain 24 points of ships and three cargo ships (40 pp)
    [X][WOLF] Retask to attempt to negotiate a mutual-defense agreement with the Righteous Allupii Empire, aimed at Cardassia [Difficult Mission, -50pp]
    [X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
    [X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
    [X][TASK1] Task Force Goodfoot and Na'Shaya
    [X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
    [X][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth
    [X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
    [X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P
    [X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A
    [X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
    [X][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth
    [X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
    [X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
    [X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
    [X][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth
    [X][WOLF] Return home (If chosen, ships are available for deployment starting Q3)
    [X][WOLF] Retask to attempt to negotiate a mutual-defense agreement with the Righteous Allupii Empire, aimed at Cardassia [Difficult Mission, -50pp]
    [X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
    [X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
    [X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
    [X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P
    [X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A
    [X][TASK1] Task Force Goodfoot and Depths
Last edited:
[X][WOLF] Retask to attempt to negotiate a mutual-defense agreement with the Righteous Allupii Empire, aimed at Cardassia [Difficult Mission, -50pp]
[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
[X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
[X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P
[X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A
[X][WOLF] Retask to attempt to negotiate a mutual-defense agreement with the Righteous Allupii Empire, aimed at Cardassia [Difficult Mission, -50pp]
[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
[X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
[X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P
[X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A

May want to make a TASK1 vote.
So TF Dreaming gets Lt. Cmdr. Sadd-Har's Cadet Field Training Team.
I wonder if ambitious second-year (third?) Cadets are eligible? (Picard Intensifies)

[X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
[X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P
[X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A
-[X] Retain 24 points of ships and three cargo ships (40 pp)
[X][TASK1] Task Force Goodfoot and Depths
[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
[X][WOLF] Retask to attempt to negotiate a mutual-defense agreement with the Righteous Allupii Empire, aimed at Cardassia [Difficult Mission, -50pp]
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Anyone else for Makpol on TF Chorus and (e.g.) Straak on Dreaming?

I think this is a good change so yeah I am for it.

I really wish there was a way to get the Affiliate Sathuri TF started this deployment turn. Well I guess the obvious solution is we must build more ships.

Okay, it seems like people are generally in favor of this and I don't see anyone defending Makpol. I'll make the switch.
[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
[X][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth
[X][WOLF] Retask to attempt to negotiate a mutual-defense agreement with the Righteous Allupii Empire, aimed at Cardassia [Difficult Mission, -50pp]

[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.

[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade

[X][TASK1] Task Force Goodfoot and Na'Shaya

[X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325

[X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P

EOY PP = 317
- 135 pp attachments
- 40 pp member ships

= 142 pp

Earnings During Q1? ~ 35pp maybe
+100 for meeting Council Objectives last Snakepit?

277pp maybe

Allupii could be -50pp on top of that though

Attachments are killing us. We're spending 135pp on attachments. We could build entire shipyards for that with political will left over.
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