Creature of Fable
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[X] Plan Good End
Hey, I just made a post... that I deleted like a couple minutes later. What I wanted to say isn't worth making anyone here upset. I should have stopped myself before making the post in the first place, but I didn't. I'm sorry, and basically I want to apologize, even if most of you won't know what that post was.
If you have my previous post quoted, please don't repost the quote.
Plan Inquisition's had Bolians instead of Licori for a while now, not sure what you're reading. Also, your plan bothers with the Nessic which is a very substantial difference, so not mentioning that when comparing plans is kinda[X] Plan Protect the Vulnerable, Remember the Victims
-[25kq] -Full details of planned operations in Felis space.
-[15kq] -Full details of Harmony infiltration of Nessic space.
-[15kq] -Full details of Harmony infiltration of Bolian space.
-[10kq] -Full records of the Harmony's actions when they intervened in Padani space.
-[05kq] -Full records of the Harmony's actions in regards to their intervention on Kelowna.
Fans of "We should have expected the Inquisition," can I ask you to consider switching the Licori for the Bolians?That's basically the only difference between my plan and yours.
I think we have a reasonable chance of dealing with the mess in Licori space by normal means. Among other things, the Licori are less computer-dependent than most species, the Harmony's biggest single node was probably destroyed with the embassy fire, and the entities most likely to serve as Harmony catspaws (the corporate wolfpack and House Rithe) have already been outed by earlier actions taken by Captain Zara and the Courageous.
By contrast, I don't think we have a hope of stopping Harmony absorption of the Bolians without specifics on how the infiltration has proceeded, because our contacts with the Bolians are tenuous and we have reports that Harmony progress with them is very far along.
[X] Plan Protect the Vulnerable, Remember the Victims
-[25kq] -Full details of planned operations in Felis space.
-[15kq] -Full details of Harmony infiltration of Nessic space.
-[15kq] -Full details of Harmony infiltration of Bolian space.
-[10kq] -Full records of the Harmony's actions when they intervened in Padani space.
-[05kq] -Full records of the Harmony's actions in regards to their intervention on Kelowna.
Fans of "We should have expected the Inquisition," can I ask you to consider switching the Licori for the Bolians?That's basically the only difference between my plan and yours.
I think we have a reasonable chance of dealing with the mess in Licori space by normal means. Among other things, the Licori are less computer-dependent than most species, the Harmony's biggest single node was probably destroyed with the embassy fire, and the entities most likely to serve as Harmony catspaws (the corporate wolfpack and House Rithe) have already been outed by earlier actions taken by Captain Zara and the Courageous.
I would mark it as a priority on the basis that full Singer records probably show their history-modification after the fact, which frankly seems very damning.Can those of you voting to include the records of Padani intervention explain why that one is a priority?
I concur that theoretical knowledge doesn't directly translate into practical knowledge, but it sure helps.Theoretical knowledge doesn't translate directly into practical knowledge. And these implants can't be literally invisible, nor can the Singers themselves, once we have a wealth of information on a huge number of their puppets.
This will not give us a fast end, and it will result in Harmony Bullshit triumphing in multiple species scattered throughout what is now neutral space. The Harmony will confront a Federation that is now hostile and immune to its control, but from a greatly strengthened strategic situation thanks to its ranks being swollen by all the species we didn't have the means to save.[] Plan Good End.
This is simply the fastest way to stop Harmony Bullshit I see.
This is simply the fastest way to stop Harmony Bullshit I see.
We're going to lose several species to the Harmony, and have large networks of unidentified sleeper cells we only know how to detect in theory, and the Harmony will be sending all their plans into overdrive because they have to assume the worst about us.It sucks, it really does, but... this is probably our only chance on learning how Singer tech actually works. That's by far the biggest advantage we could gain over the HoH. It doesn't give us a smoking gun to end a diplo conflict in any specific area, but it allows us to weed out Singer influenced people both inside the Federation and outside. It's the choice between stopping specific HoH plots in some places, and being able to stop/detect the HoH's method of control itself.
It just really sucks that we have to trade almost everything else for it.
The other plans give us 65 points worth of information on specifics about what the Harmony is up to in various nations. Some of these (the Felis, the Bolians, the Nessics) we know the Harmony has extensively infiltrated already, which means that there's a very high risk of the Harmony just plain swallowing those nations whole, faster than we can take this information and use it to neutralize guys are no doing a very good job of explaining the pros and cons of each plan. your arguing behind the scenes stuff while most of us need the basics and the pros and cons of each plan. Right now I am set on the Good end plan which will give us long term success against the singers. But I think I can be persuaded to choose another plan if you explain it correctly and don't talk down to me and the rest of the guys who are not so invested in the small details.
you guys are no doing a very good job of explaining the pros and cons of each plan. your arguing behind the scenes stuff while most of us need the basics and the pros and cons of each plan. Right now I am set on the Good end plan which will give us long term success against the singers. But I think I can be persuaded to choose another plan if you explain it correctly and don't talk down to me and the rest of the guys who are not so invested in the small details.
It's not like they are going to eat those species. In the end, we also need to help Harmony citizens that are already in, so them getting more people doesn't fundamentally change the equation. Would suck in a war, but then the war would suck in general. And, I wouldn't count out Intelligence getting details of Harmony operations in time themselves, now that they know where to look for.Harmony Bullshit triumphing in multiple species scattered throughout what is now neutral space.