But it's fine when it's 10 Starfleet tanks?
We usually don't drop enough ships on any one species' doorstep to
conquer that species. Mrr'shan and other heads of Beyond were splitting their efforts among about three or four different species. And except for extreme weakling cases like the low-tech Laio navy, at no point did we have anywhere near as much strength in or around the space as any one of them, as that polity's own national navy. More typically, no one planet was getting visited by more than, like, an explorer and a couple of frigates. Which is sizeable but not a conquest fleet.
By contrast, I'm pretty sure that if the Harmony wanted to conquer the Licori they could do that with a quarter of this fleet that they're deploying. Maybe even before the Licori had a chance to shout for help meaningfully.
Yes. Like I say, from the information we've been given, it looks like the HoH have committed an act of war.
Not an annoying act, or an act that is ambiguous and can be misconstrued by paranoid people, but an act which any sane government would look at and go "yup, the HoH started a war there".
Yes. Absolutely that.
This is exactly what the US was willing to start a nuclear war over when Soviets appeared in Cuba and why the Soviets would have been within their rights to do the same when the US based missiles in Turkey (they didn't because they were too weak to stand a chance in that war, but the point is they certainly had the right to respond to such an extreme threat appearing in a heretofor neutral state on their border).
Uhhh, I wouldn't say it's that bad.
The thing about the Cuba/Turkey Missile Crisis is that those missiles were
less than an hour away from the capitals of the countries in question. They represented an escalation because of how easy it would be to use them for a decapitation strike.
The Harmony fleet doesn't have this going for it, it would still need weeks of flight time to reach our core territory and couldn't just push a button and wipe us out like a few hundred nuclear missiles in Cuba could do to the United States.
So this isn't a Cuban Missile Crisis level escalation. It's more like the kind of squabbles you saw in the 19th century over possession of this or that fortress or colony. Some of which COULD provoke war, but usually wouldn't unless the other side was already spoiling for a fight.
Right. This fleet is so big that it is bigger than the entire militaries of some of the local great powers. The HoH can do diplomacy like the Soviets did in the Baltic states in 1940.
Now THIS is true...