Tally time.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Jun 17, 2018 at 2:54 PM, finished with 20 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Only The Best Training in the World
    -[X] Rolling Out - Galbinus has informed you in a meeting that the Free Brothers have begun their raids again. However, this time it's not exclusively on securing energy sources (though unsurprisingly there's still a lot of that going on). It seems that the Free Brothers were temporarily thrown off by the Legion's relocation to the Enclave, and appear to be actively looking for it. Galbinus wants to head them off and divert their attention away from both the Enclave and the DFRI grounds.
    --[X] Detach some forces - You can see the logic behind at least seconding some of your available forces to Galbinus' diversionary attacks. That said, if you do this, you're only going to give him one formation to ensure the base is at least decently protected. Galbinus is understanding of this, and is grateful for the assistance anyhow.
    --[X] Third Reconnaissance
    -[X] "Sneaky Gits" - Anna cheerfully asks you for some resources out of the blue. When you ask what for, she answers, "For a one-time chance to sneak in where we shouldn't." In short: she was able to get some top-cover from her superiors to sneak into an area of interest and see what the hell's going on.
    --[X] The Third Air Defense Force - With the revelations from before, you now start to wonder just what the hell's going on with the local Air Defense Force formations. Was this just some quirk that human resources didn't pick up on? Or is there something else at work? You don't want to assume the worst just yet; you've met plenty of people who were just incompetent and not actively malicious before.
    --[X] Katarina's Support
    -[X] It's All a Political Game - There's no more avoiding it. Your work and your organization are now much more public. Subsequently, that means your name specifically is out there now too. And other movers and shakers in the EUDF are curious.
    --[X] Intelligence Services - For better or for worse, you have ties to the spy branch of the Earth Union. You haven't heard anything openly about the Shade or the Steed's performance, so you'll assume that's a good thing. But it might not be a bad idea to visit them and check up on how they're doing. Either they'll want a performance review (something you'd think they'd appreciate), or they'll want something new. Either way, better to keep them happy before they come visit you for something.
    -[X] Pilot Training - Heavy Investment
    --[X] Diana's Creativity
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] Now Accepting Internships...
    -[X] ESP Theory - Heavy Investment
    -[X] Xenotechnology - Light Investment
    [X] Plan: Action and Reaction
    -[x] Rolling Out
    --[X] Detach some forces - Ninth Armored Reconnaissance (3 RP)
    -[X] "Sneaky Gits" - The Third Air Defense Force (3 RP)
    -[X] It's All a Political Game - Intelligence Services (2 RP)
    -[X] Pilot Training - Heavy Investment (4 RP)
    --[X] Diana's Creativity
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] Pilot Training - Now Accepting Internships... (4 RP)
    -[X] Security Net - Reaction Force (4 RP)
    [x] Plan Politics and SCIENCE!
    -[x] Rolling Out
    --[x] Ninth Armored Reconnaissance: 3 RP
    -[x] "Sneaky Gits"
    --[x] The Third Air Defense Force: 3 RP
    -[x] It's All a Political Game
    --[x] Ground Defense Force: 3 RP
    -[x] Now Accepting Internships...: 4 RP
    --[x] Well-Rested bonus
    -[x] Reaction Force: 4 RP
    -[x] Xenotechnology - Heavy Investment: 4 RP
    --[x] Ivana's bonus

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Jun 17, 2018 at 3:23 PM, finished with 22 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan Only The Best Training in the World
    -[X] Rolling Out - Galbinus has informed you in a meeting that the Free Brothers have begun their raids again. However, this time it's not exclusively on securing energy sources (though unsurprisingly there's still a lot of that going on). It seems that the Free Brothers were temporarily thrown off by the Legion's relocation to the Enclave, and appear to be actively looking for it. Galbinus wants to head them off and divert their attention away from both the Enclave and the DFRI grounds.
    --[X] Detach some forces - You can see the logic behind at least seconding some of your available forces to Galbinus' diversionary attacks. That said, if you do this, you're only going to give him one formation to ensure the base is at least decently protected. Galbinus is understanding of this, and is grateful for the assistance anyhow.
    --[X] Third Reconnaissance
    -[X] "Sneaky Gits" - Anna cheerfully asks you for some resources out of the blue. When you ask what for, she answers, "For a one-time chance to sneak in where we shouldn't." In short: she was able to get some top-cover from her superiors to sneak into an area of interest and see what the hell's going on.
    --[X] The Third Air Defense Force - With the revelations from before, you now start to wonder just what the hell's going on with the local Air Defense Force formations. Was this just some quirk that human resources didn't pick up on? Or is there something else at work? You don't want to assume the worst just yet; you've met plenty of people who were just incompetent and not actively malicious before.
    --[X] Katarina's Support
    -[X] It's All a Political Game - There's no more avoiding it. Your work and your organization are now much more public. Subsequently, that means your name specifically is out there now too. And other movers and shakers in the EUDF are curious.
    --[X] Intelligence Services - For better or for worse, you have ties to the spy branch of the Earth Union. You haven't heard anything openly about the Shade or the Steed's performance, so you'll assume that's a good thing. But it might not be a bad idea to visit them and check up on how they're doing. Either they'll want a performance review (something you'd think they'd appreciate), or they'll want something new. Either way, better to keep them happy before they come visit you for something.
    -[X] Pilot Training - Heavy Investment
    --[X] Diana's Creativity
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] Now Accepting Internships...
    -[X] ESP Theory - Heavy Investment
    -[X] Xenotechnology - Light Investment
    [X] Plan: Action and Reaction
    -[x] Rolling Out
    --[X] Detach some forces - Ninth Armored Reconnaissance (3 RP)
    -[X] "Sneaky Gits" - The Third Air Defense Force (3 RP)
    -[X] It's All a Political Game - Intelligence Services (2 RP)
    -[X] Pilot Training - Heavy Investment (4 RP)
    --[X] Diana's Creativity
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] Pilot Training - Now Accepting Internships... (4 RP)
    -[X] Security Net - Reaction Force (4 RP)
    [x] Plan Politics and SCIENCE!
    -[x] Rolling Out
    --[x] Ninth Armored Reconnaissance: 3 RP
    -[x] "Sneaky Gits"
    --[x] The Third Air Defense Force: 3 RP
    -[x] It's All a Political Game
    --[x] Ground Defense Force: 3 RP
    -[x] Now Accepting Internships...: 4 RP
    --[x] Well-Rested bonus
    -[x] Reaction Force: 4 RP
    -[x] Xenotechnology - Heavy Investment: 4 RP
    --[x] Ivana's bonus
Why do people want to get more out of the intelligence services? The Ground force, or hell, the Navy are more needing our help than the secret squirrels.

[x] Plan Politics and SCIENCE
Basically taking care of all unique actions (beginning with the greater chance of phat loot, focusing on the not-traitor for once and the ground-pounders to make them effective against the West-guys), starting that totally-not test simulator for future child pilots, establishing a reaction force (preferably with a wacky codename), as well as the most exotic branch of SCIENCE! Hopefully the math is okay.

Greetings, Robot Fighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Sheol and the Kaiju Armada...

[x] Plan Politics and SCIENCE!
That's working on the assumption that intelligence itself isn't compromised though.

But I see the angle you're coming from.
If intelligence is compromised then theres nine flavors of screwed pooches.

Voting for this because it digs at that mystery box that is ESP, seeing as the biggest thing we've gotten out of it is Callaghan.
I'd note there should be synergy between taking on intensive pilot training, testing and recruiting lots of pilots and also intensive ESP research as well.

It gives us a large sample of volunteers to push the limits of ESP after all.
Why do people want to get more out of the intelligence services? The Ground force, or hell, the Navy are more needing our help than the secret squirrels.

Intelligence offers us the most against the current hot enemies of the Westphalians, who have currently infiltrated the ChAir Force to a significant degree and have an unknown level of penetration in the other armed forces based on current evidence.

I want to make sure we aren't accidentally giving the Westphalians our designs. At least makethem work for it.
Yeah, the Westphalians are likely infiltrated the chair force. That's not the Ground force, and those boys Need help to make there tanks actually combat viable against the Westphalians monstrosities.

The Intelligence people have a product they aren't unhappy with, the First Responders have there Jackals, the Navy has the VT33, the Ground Force has jack diddly.

They need our help.
Carlson Laboratories Case Study: K-Class Growth
I'm not too sure why I wrote this. But here you go.

"Sam here! I just wanted to address a random question some of you all had. It's not exactly important in the grand scheme of things, but I thought I'd take a bit of time away from the Science to answer it anyway."
"You're welcome. Anyway. Some of you folks've been asking about the sort of music we use to grow the K-Class Materials. You all know by now that we default to heavy metal and rock, but that seems to confuse some of you. 'Sam,' you all ask, 'why metal music? Why not other genres of music? Like blues? Or jazz?'"

"Well I'll admit it's a good question. And believe me, it's one we asked ourselves way back when last year. We stumbled onto the positive kaiju reaction to heavy metal purely on accident, let me tell you. Involved a bit of a scuffle over the playlist, and it just sorta worked. But anyway."

"Turns out,
any consistent sound will work just fine. It works even better when you have it in a regularized rhythm. Problem is that certain genres of music just don't encourage the kaiju tissue to grow fast enough for our purposes. We can't just wait on K-Class Material and put on coffee shop music; we'd be there the whole week. And more caffeinated than the Commandant. No need to horn in on his territory."

"So in no particular order:

"Jazz sees very minimal growth. The K-Class
is growing, but it's got no sense of urgency. Guess I can't blame it too much for being this relaxed. Jazz typically doesn't encourage you to be on the move like someone's lit a fire on your seat."

"Blues...I'm honestly not sure if it was growing or was just moving. When we tested that one, it just sort of sat there for a minute before it tried edging its way towards the alcoholic beakers...

"...we let it have that one. We've all had those days."

"Military marches didn't turn out too bad, actually. Fairly uniform, all things considered. But not fast enough for our purposes. That, and we didn't want to give the kaiju tissue ideas."

"What? Why's everyone looking like they're in pain-?"


"And so on and so on. I could go into specifics, but rock and metal strike a nice medium between growth and speed. That and it's the only thing anyone in the staff can agree on, and I'd rather not have to break up fistfights or station a Steed in there as a bouncer. There's too much work to do as is. So hope that answered your question."

"Sam Carlson, we're done here."
Yeah, the Westphalians are likely infiltrated the chair force. That's not the Ground force, and those boys Need help to make there tanks actually combat viable against the Westphalians monstrosities.

The Intelligence people have a product they aren't unhappy with, the First Responders have there Jackals, the Navy has the VT33, the Ground Force has jack diddly.

They need our help.

Its however, not nearly certain that the other army branches are clean. Thats what Intelligence is for.

Deserving help doesn't even begin to matter here. And none of them actually NEED help yet.
Verify, then dole out more.

Or do you think uparmored IFVs are Air force goodies? Those are ground army
Last edited:
I'm just saying, they're the only group outright Asking for help. Intel hasn't said nothing, Chair force gets nothing, Navy is tentative, and first responders already get stuff from us.
I wanna know what happens if we play heavy metal to a Kaiju, like do they start growing or dancing or what?
I'm just saying, they're the only group outright Asking for help. Intel hasn't said nothing, Chair force gets nothing, Navy is tentative, and first responders already get stuff from us.

Which still doesn't change that whatever is given may well go straight to Westphalians. Thats why the intel corps while we sort it out.
Whoever wants help most does not necessarily mean they would be the most beneficial for us.
WAIT A SECOND I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING! Have they tried playing songs that tell them to grow? Like songs that express growing up in the lyrics and not just the sound of it.
Greetings, Robot Fighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Sheol and the Kaiju Armada...

That gives me an idea for an omake...

If intelligence is compromised then theres nine flavors of screwed pooches.

Yeah, but becoming friends with the not-CIA will not help us regarding this.

Intelligence offers us the most against the current hot enemies of the Westphalians, who have currently infiltrated the ChAir Force to a significant degree and have an unknown level of penetration in the other armed forces based on current evidence.

Yeah, so? We won't have enough proof about this anytime soon, even if we send spies there, due still being in the prologue arc.

the Ground Force has jack diddly.

Exactly. They need something that seemingly works but is easily destroyed, so that the bad guys can feel awesome doing so, as well as our pilots feeling even more awesome in comparison for thrashing the bad guys.

I'm not too sure why I wrote this. But here you go.

Interesting. Just to know: Was there an "internet Blackout" and loss of ino of some kind during that war before the Unification?
Also, how long does a scale take to grow? Didn't they use 3D printers of sorts to make these?

"Blues...I'm honestly not sure if it was growing or was just moving. When we tested that one, it just sort of sat there for a minute before it tried edging its way towards the alcoholic beakers...

I wonder how long it will take until someone realizes that Kaiju Scales are people.
Then try to eat it.

"Military marches didn't turn out too bad, actually. Fairly uniform, all things considered. But not fast enough for our purposes. That, and we didn't want to give the kaiju tissue ideas."

"What? Why's everyone looking like they're in pain-?"

What's wrong here? It's early in the morning so I'm missing something I think.

That and it's the only thing anyone in the staff can agree on, and I'd rather not have to break up fistfights or station a Steed in there as a bouncer.

But think of the possibilities! We could have combat tests in situ with the Steed there! Compare the bio-power armors with that one and so on!

Those are ground army

Indeed, which needs cannon fodder/help.

Romance music yet Doc?

Not recommended with Kaiju.

WAIT A SECOND I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING! Have they tried playing songs that tell them to grow? Like songs that express growing up in the lyrics and not just the sound of it.

Let's play Super-Robot anime music for maximal meta! Except anything from Gainax and Sunrise, or it will end in tears.