
Calling the vote here. I'll get this rolling later today.
Adhoc vote count started by Basarin on Jun 18, 2018 at 9:11 AM, finished with 45 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan Only The Best Training in the World
    -[X] Rolling Out - Galbinus has informed you in a meeting that the Free Brothers have begun their raids again. However, this time it's not exclusively on securing energy sources (though unsurprisingly there's still a lot of that going on). It seems that the Free Brothers were temporarily thrown off by the Legion's relocation to the Enclave, and appear to be actively looking for it. Galbinus wants to head them off and divert their attention away from both the Enclave and the DFRI grounds.
    --[X] Detach some forces - You can see the logic behind at least seconding some of your available forces to Galbinus' diversionary attacks. That said, if you do this, you're only going to give him one formation to ensure the base is at least decently protected. Galbinus is understanding of this, and is grateful for the assistance anyhow.
    --[X] Third Reconnaissance
    -[X] "Sneaky Gits" - Anna cheerfully asks you for some resources out of the blue. When you ask what for, she answers, "For a one-time chance to sneak in where we shouldn't." In short: she was able to get some top-cover from her superiors to sneak into an area of interest and see what the hell's going on.
    --[X] The Third Air Defense Force - With the revelations from before, you now start to wonder just what the hell's going on with the local Air Defense Force formations. Was this just some quirk that human resources didn't pick up on? Or is there something else at work? You don't want to assume the worst just yet; you've met plenty of people who were just incompetent and not actively malicious before.
    --[X] Katarina's Support
    -[X] It's All a Political Game - There's no more avoiding it. Your work and your organization are now much more public. Subsequently, that means your name specifically is out there now too. And other movers and shakers in the EUDF are curious.
    --[X] Intelligence Services - For better or for worse, you have ties to the spy branch of the Earth Union. You haven't heard anything openly about the Shade or the Steed's performance, so you'll assume that's a good thing. But it might not be a bad idea to visit them and check up on how they're doing. Either they'll want a performance review (something you'd think they'd appreciate), or they'll want something new. Either way, better to keep them happy before they come visit you for something.
    -[X] Pilot Training - Heavy Investment
    --[X] Diana's Creativity
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] Now Accepting Internships...
    -[X] ESP Theory - Heavy Investment
    -[X] Xenotechnology - Light Investment
    [x] Plan Politics and SCIENCE!
    -[x] Rolling Out
    --[x] Ninth Armored Reconnaissance: 3 RP
    -[x] "Sneaky Gits"
    --[x] The Third Air Defense Force: 3 RP
    -[x] It's All a Political Game
    --[x] Ground Defense Force: 3 RP
    -[x] Now Accepting Internships...: 4 RP
    --[x] Well-Rested bonus
    -[x] Reaction Force: 4 RP
    -[x] Xenotechnology - Heavy Investment: 4 RP
    --[x] Ivana's bonus
    [X] Plan: Action and Reaction
    -[x] Rolling Out
    --[X] Detach some forces - Ninth Armored Reconnaissance (3 RP)
    -[X] "Sneaky Gits" - The Third Air Defense Force (3 RP)
    -[X] It's All a Political Game - Intelligence Services (2 RP)
    -[X] Pilot Training - Heavy Investment (4 RP)
    --[X] Diana's Creativity
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] Pilot Training - Now Accepting Internships... (4 RP)
    -[X] Security Net - Reaction Force (4 RP)
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So, random tangent. I recognize my taste in video games has changed over time. So why am I trying to learn how to play Paradox Entertainment games? @_@

The plan that won did not specify which action got the Well Rested Bonus or Ivanna's Re-Roll for Science, so I used my own judgment on that. I gave Well Rested to ESP, and I applied Ivanna's Calm to the lighter option, Xenotech.

Third Reconnaissance
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Loot (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

Rolled: 5+5!

Greater Success!

The Third Air Defense Force - With the revelations from before, you now start to wonder just what the hell's going on with the local Air Defense Force formations. Was this just some quirk that human resources didn't pick up on? Or is there something else at work? You don't want to assume the worst just yet; you've met plenty of people who were just incompetent and not actively malicious before.

Anna isn't so sure, and she'd like to check. Just to confirm maliciousness or incompetency.

3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Information on one of the following (2d6+1d6, Katarina's Support is provided, Threshold Unknown)

Rolled: 3+3+4!

You find enough to be suspicious, but not enough to make any conclusions.

Intelligence Services - For better or for worse, you have ties to the spy branch of the Earth Union. You haven't heard anything openly about the Shade or the Steed's performance, so you'll assume that's a good thing. But it might not be a bad idea to visit them and check up on how they're doing. Either they'll want a performance review (something you'd think they'd appreciate), or they'll want something new. Either way, better to keep them happy before they come visit you for something.

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn (don't worry, they know where you live)
Chance for strengthened ties with the Intelligence Services (2d6, Threshold of ???...this is good, right?)
Chance for additional flow of information from the Intelligence Services

Rolled: 1+3!

...they're okay with you...you think? They didn't even show up!

Anna is laughing herself silly for some reason.

Pilot Training - Heavy Investment
Cost: 4 RP (1-2 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3-5 Turns
Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 2-6), Well Rested and Diana's Creativity Applied

Rolled: 1+5+2!

Good Success! 1LT Callaghan will see a stat increase next turn!

ESP Theory - Heavy Investment
Cost: 4 RP
Duration: 3-5 Turns
Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 3-6), Well Rested applied

Rolled: 6+6+3!

Greater Success!

Xenotechnology - Light Investment
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6), Ivanna's Calm applied

Rolled: 6!

Everything went great except the talking stuff. :lol

Edit: Did ESP theory make greater progress than Xenotechnology because we did a heavy investment for it. Or did they make roughly equal breakthroughs?
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Anna laughing herself silly is probably either good or bad. I am leaning toward good and thinking that the Intel guys did come but tried to sneak in but failed so spectacularly that Anna found it hilarious.
I'm not too sure why I wrote this. But here you go.
I know, and I appreciate it.

"Jazz sees very minimal growth. The K-Class is growing, but it's got no sense of urgency. Guess I can't blame it too much for being this relaxed. Jazz typically doesn't encourage you to be on the move like someone's lit a fire on your seat."
There are different kinds of jazz. I'm guessing Carlson's crew, not being massive weaboos, haven't heard the kind of jazz that's usually associated with badass action and butt-kicking.

Also, while it's technically not jazz, the piece between 28:00 and 31:00 here gives me serious Super Robot vibes. Probably because Nadesico opening had a similar trumpet squeal.

I wanna know what happens if we play heavy metal to a Kaiju, like do they start growing or dancing or what?
Mid battle evolution as growth patterns are expressed again.
Now I want to push for Accoustic Weapons.

So, random tangent. I recognize my taste in video games has changed over time. So why am I trying to learn how to play Paradox Entertainment games? @_@
Quite a paradox.

I've only tried Stellaris and Sengoku. I'm slowly starting to realize that the famous "KCII" that many people have been hyper about is also their title... Which means I can continue not paying attention to it, as I have been.

Rolled: 1+3!

...they're okay with you...you think? They didn't even show up!

Anna is laughing herself silly for some reason.
Everything went great except the talking stuff. :lol
They had a bad taco on the way?
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I was thinking more about good references, like the Last Starfighter movie.

So why am I trying to learn how to play Paradox Entertainment games? @_@

Not recommended unless you enjoy spreadsheets, aspie-friendly gameplay, and wish to fork lots of money for 1d1000 DLCs... Unless you use alternate means, of course.
Stelaris might be slightly better in that regard, but watch out, they're very SJW, a mod that added more white people was banned IIRC.

Third Reconnaissance
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Loot (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

Rolled: 5+5!

Greater Success!

Phat lewd!

Rolled: 3+3+4!

You find enough to be suspicious, but not enough to make any conclusions.

Meh, average.

Rolled: 1+3!

...they're okay with you...you think? They didn't even show up! Anna is laughing herself silly for some reason.

Bad result. Incoming MBI attack in 3,2,1...

Rolled: 1+5+2!

Good Success! 1LT Callaghan will see a stat increase next turn!

A bit disappointing, but Cal is becoming the veteran that invariably dies to make the rookie teenager look more awesome.

Rolled: 6+6+3!

Greater Success!


Is that good? Did Max SCIENCE! too hard?

haven't heard the kind of jazz that's usually associated with badass action and butt-kicking.

Oh yeah, that's awesome indeed. Sadly it's likely that anime was lost amongst many other things due that war, as well as info decay and lack of interest in preserving data for one reason or another. I mean, in about 20 years, all of these "Battle Royale" crap games will be unplayable, to mention an example.

Now I want to push for Accoustic Weapons.

Of course. Extra points if they work in space somehow.
My personal take? They tried to do the Anna thing and got bounced, so Anna basically is quoting Loki from Thor:Ragnorok
And she is, at least vindicated with losing her streak to our security net.
They become close-contact weapons instead of ranged. If there's no air to transfer vibrations, vibrate the target's face with your fist.

Or use technobabble to justify using vibration weapons IN SPACE! In GGG's final episodes they take it a step further and have an entire brigade of robots playing guitars that shoot vibrational waves capable of dismantling matter in the atomic level. As well as a freaking cyborg-thing weaponizing The Wall of China. And it gets even more metal from there.

I regret having missed this show for so long.
Or use technobabble to justify using vibration weapons IN SPACE! In GGG's final episodes they take it a step further and have an entire brigade of robots playing guitars that shoot vibrational waves capable of dismantling matter in the atomic level. As well as a freaking cyborg-thing weaponizing The Wall of China. And it gets even more metal from there.

I regret having missed this show for so long.

The sheer amount of Monument damage that GGG has continues to amaze me.

Or use technobabble to justify using vibration weapons IN SPACE!
I don't get it. Are you or are you not a fan of TTGL and it's awesome manliness of punching the other dude from the bottom of one's heart?

In GGG's final episodes they take it a step further and have an entire brigade of robots playing guitars that shoot vibrational waves capable of dismantling matter in the atomic level. As well as a freaking cyborg-thing weaponizing The Wall of China. And it gets even more metal from there.
With every sentence I regret less and less the fact that I decided to watch G Gundam instead.
I don't get it. Are you or are you not a fan of TTGL and it's awesome manliness of punching the other dude from the bottom of one's heart?

Well duh, of course I liked TTGL, but it's meant to not to be taken seriously and is not remotely serious, so it wouldn't work for this Quest. GGG is somewhat more "realistic", so to speak.

Ideon is a somewhat "militaristic" super-robot show, but it has the standard "Tomino ending", so not useful for us.

With every sentence I regret less and less the fact that I decided to watch G Gundam instead.

... Wasn't that the series that they use a love-powered canon? Literally? And other over-the-top bullshit?
Oh well, different tastes I suppose.
... Wasn't that the series that they use a love-powered canon? Literally? And other over-the-top bullshit?

Yes and its also the reason I hate that particular part of the Gundam Franchise. Even the Orphans Gundam series is better than G. Gundam and I consider that one to be utter shit!
Hey now, let's not bash each others' tastes. Different preference to cheese is perfectly fine.

Pepper-jack is civilization.

Anyway, working on the update. Expect it sometime today.
... Wasn't that the series that they use a love-powered canon? Literally? And other over-the-top bullshit?
Dunno, I've got only about two episode further than the one where the opponent did kung-fu with his dragon-hands. It's whacky, and something in it reminds me of Ranma 1/2. I get an inexplicable craving to see some martial artists punching out giant robots.

Oh well, different tastes I suppose.
That, and I want to tease you somewhat. See, there's this guy, who eats food, and likes it this much. Maybe, with sufficient prodding, your expressions about how much you like over-the-top robot shows will become even more over-the-top than the shows themselves?
I've only tried Stellaris and Sengoku. I'm slowly starting to realize that the famous "CKII" that many people have been hyper about is also their title... Which means I can continue not paying attention to it, as I have been.

There's three games in the Paradox lineup that I actually understand enough to play. Not well, but decently enough.

Crusader Kings II (CKII). Though I find it interesting that so many quests use this format, it's actually one of the simpler games in the lineup to understand the basics. That said, I'm not sure I'll ever run one. I get the appeal, but I'd run myself mad going through that many rolls.

That said, nothing quite like having ten years of political scheming undone because your puppet heir drank himself to death.

Stellaris. I actually dig the new changes they made with the Apocalypse setting; I don't mind everyone starting with hyperlane tech and finding ways around it. It's just a weird pace because I'm more used to the 4X games like Master of Orion 2 and Galactic Civilizations; the Paradox layer kind of throws me off a bit here.

Midgame tends to drag a bit, though.

Hearts of Iron IV. This is one of the few games where I can say with a straight face that I ran a loyal South Africa from 1936 and very slowly built up my industry to the point where I could support German-style Panzergrenadier formations along with Medium Tanks w/self-propelled artillery guns and halftrack-mounted infantry and went on an encircling spree to capitulate Nazi Germany, claiming Sicily as my hard-won share of the peace treaty.

The game is frustrating as all hell, but oh-so-very satisfying if you can pull off something highly improbable. The game lets you get away with a lot if you execute it right.
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There's three games in the Paradox lineup that I actually understand enough to play. Not well, but decently enough.

Crusader Kings II (CKII). Though I find it interesting that so many quests use this format, it's actually one of the simpler games in the lineup to understand the basics. That said, I'm not sure I'll ever run one. I get the appeal, but I'd run myself mad going through that many rolls.

That said, nothing quite like having ten years of political scheming undone because your puppet heir drank himself to death.

Stellaris. I actually dig the new changes they made with the Apocalypse setting; I don't mind everyone starting with hyperlane tech and finding ways around it. It's just a weird pace because I'm more used to the 4X games like Master of Orion 2 and Galactic Civilizations; the Paradox layer kind of throws me off a bit here.

Midgame tends to drag a bit, though.

Hearts of Iron IV. This is one of the few games where I can say with a straight face that I ran a loyal South Africa from 1936 and very slowly built up my industry to the point where I could support German-style Panzergrenadier formations along with Medium Tanks w/self-propelled artillery guns and halftrack-mounted infantry and went on an encircling spree to capitulate Nazi Germany, claiming Sicily as my hard-won share of the peace treaty.

The game is frustrating as all hell, but oh-so-very satisfying if you can pull off something highly improbable. The game lets you get away with a lot if you execute it right.
Also, the games ranking on easy to play hard to master is the reverse of this for those of you that haven't played them yet. You can go into HoI 4 blind and still get some shit done learning as you play. As he said its very satisfying to play a weak nation and build it up through trial and error. Stellaris is a space rts so expect it to turn into W40K late game. CKII medieval politics with everyone having rpg stats.
To Defend the Realm
Super Robot 1.0 - I don't need a recap here. You all know what this is.

0755, 15 October A.D. 2071
Command Center

Richard might have been imagining it, but he could almost feel the Beowulf's presence from the Command Center's bridge.

Dismissing the thought for the moment, he saluted the Major as he entered. "You called, Sir?"

Major Devin idly returned the salute and gestured for him to relax. "Just thought I'd let you see your refurbished ride," he said idly. "I imagine Lieutenant Wilde hasn't exactly been feeding you updates about it lately."

Richard barely even heard the man as he rushed towards the window overlooking the maintenance bay. He was far from disappointed by what he saw.

V-33 'Falcon' Configuration
HP: Will add + 5 HP to the Beowulf
Fire Support: When not Combined, can make periodic Strikes. Roll 2d6 (Threshold of 5-6, 1 HP) every other turn.
-Note: Is loaded for Combination, so cannot make Heavy Weapon Strikes.​
Combine, Gale Formation: Spend Action to Combine with Jackal. +5 HP to Combine Core unit. V-33 will make one free Strike at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6, 1 HP) during Combine.
Agile: Despite the extra bulk, rocket boosters still enable quick movement and limited flight. Can negate one successful Enemy Strike at 2d6.
-Diminishing Returns: After Two Successful Agile Rolls, Increase Threshold to 5-6.​
-Counts as One Action (Notable Bonus may apply).
-Roll 2d6, Threshold of 5-6, inflicts 1+2 HP.​
Charged Cannon:
-2d6, 1 HP, Chance to inflict Shock status (2d6, Threshold of 4-6).​
-A successful Shock Roll will remove 1d6 from an enemy's next Roll.​
-Counts as a Single Action​
Zirvitium Armor: Reduce the first enemy attack's damage by -1 HP. Applies every Combat Turn. Reduce damage from Kaus Energy Attacks by an additional -1 HP. Takes One Upgrade Slot.
Additional Weaponry: Can Re-Roll one failed strike against Enemy Target at disadvantage (1d6). Can be applied once every turn.
Arc Cannon: Fires electromagnetically charged shots at high speeds.
-Can fire as a Heavy Weapon Strike that can be fired once every three turns (2d6, Threshold of 5-6, Inflict 3 HP).
-Can be used to launch a Rapid Fire Strike once every two turns (Can launch two simultaneous Strike Attacks, 2d6, Threshold of 5-6, counts as a single Action).
-"Jupiter's Fury," Thunderstrike. Finishing Strike requiring the deployment of the Spark Caliber. Test roll is contextual, but can deal up to 6 HP.
-Target-able - Enemies can make a called shot to disable the weapon if deployed. If successful, will be unavailable for two turns.​
Upgrade Slots: 2 Used.
-Zirvitium Armor, Charged Cannon​
The Falcon was positioning itself towards its permanent launch station the moment he made it to the observation platform. Already he could see the improvements. The freshly installed Zirvitium plating positively gleamed with a light blue shine under the lights as the maintenance servos gently set it down onto the surface, brightly enough that he could see it even from this height. The newly upgraded Charged Cannon was being lifted towards the waiting Pegasus, but he could see the servo arms installing the guidance systems between the two. "Don't hover over a girl's shoulder or anything, Lieutenant," a digital voice chirped, startling Richard. Lana's avatar appeared on the nearby console's screen. "We've been taking good care of your rides, don't worry," she continued to say gruffly. "The Falcon's ready to take a hit and dish one out."

SV-10 Shepherd -> Timberwolf class Formation (Applicable with Beowulf class)
Combine, Steel Formation: Spend Action to Combine. +14 HP to Combine Core unit.
Extra Tough: Can ignore one Enemy attack at Disadvantage, 1d6, Threshold of 4-6. Applies for every attack inflicted against the Timberwolf.
-Roll 2d6, 1 + 2 HP Inflicted. Notable Bonus may apply.​
Demolisher: Heavy Weapons Strike at Advantage (3d6, damage depends on package). May use every other turn.
-Heavy Weapon Package: Can equip more updated heavy weapons at RP Cost during deployment.​
K-Scale Mesh:
You may attempt to reduce damage at a 2d6 roll (Threshold of 5-6).
Reduces damage by -1. Applies once per Combat Turn.​
Heavy Zirvitium Armor: Reduces all successful incoming damage by -1 HP. Reduces Kaus Energy attacks by an additional -1 HP.
Blazing Fist: In-Built Finishing Strike. Test roll situational. Chance to inflict 7 HP.
-"Inferno": Temporarily add +1 HP to baseline Strike damage! Can be activated as a Free Action.
-"Inferno" will last for two combat turns, including turn of activation.​
Finishers: You may equip one Finishing Strike (not counting Blazing Fist). See list below for costs.
Upgrade Slots: 2 Slots Used
-K-Scale, Heavy Zirvitium Armor​
If the Falcon gleamed with a pleasant sky-blue shine, the Shepherd's heavier Zirvitium plating seemed to remain stubbornly dull with the hue of cold steel. Richard could practically feel the dormant heat within the machine, just waiting to be unleashed. If Bandit had found the original Timberwolf something of a lumbering monstrosity, he couldn't wait to show him what it could stand up against now. "She's looking good, Sir," Henry's voice crackled over the radio. "Just need to actually take her out for a spin."

The Beowulf
HP: 12 HP + 6 HP
Agile: May roll to avoid a successful enemy attack at 2d6, Threshold of 4-6.
Diminishing Returns: After two successful agile rolls, Threshold increases to 5-6.​
K-Scale Mesh: You may attempt to reduce damage at a 2d6 roll (Threshold of 5-6).
Reduce damage by -1 HP.
Applies once per combat turn.​
Counts as One Action (Notable Bonus may apply).
Roll 2d6, Threshold of 5-6, inflicts 1 + 2 HP on success.​
Ramming Speed: Counts as One Action. May roll to ram an enemy at high speeds at 2d6, Threshold of 5-6, inflicts 2 HP. Success may have additional effects if declared prior to attack, to be ruled by QM.
Follow-On Strike: May attempt a Free Strike at Disadvantage if Ramming Speed succeeds.​
Combine: May Combine with either the SV-10 Shepherd or the V-33 Falcon at reduced cost (see Combine Units)
Upgrade Slots: 2 + 1 Bonus Used
- Anti-Gravity Treatment, K-Circuits 2.0, K-Scale Mesh, K-Suit Upgrade​

But the real sight that took the breath away was his Mecha. The Beowulf, in all its crimson glory.

There it stood, blissfully undisturbed and powered down, its optics dull and lightless. But for all the maintenance tools and platforms that stood around it, it may as well have been a warrior shrine; none of the maintenance workers came near it, almost out of respect for the quiet atmosphere surrounding it. It stood proudly without any support struts, as if it simply had less weight it had to support on its own, and with the newly installed kaiju circuitry, he had no doubt it could rip straight through steel.

"Like it?" Adam asked with a wide grin from next to him. Richard practically jumped and took a few steps back. Adam just laughed. "Don't worry, Beowulf's all ready for you. Whenever we need him, anyway."

Fighting down a glare toward Adam, Richard just shrugged and nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. For all his quirks, his friend still did some good work. "Can't wait to try," he muttered. "It'll be good to take him out for a spin again."

As he turned his attention away, Richard didn't catch the momentary activation of light in the Beowulf's optics, almost as if in reaction to Richard's words.

The Beowulf is ready for battle!
The Foxhound and Timberwolf formations are distinct enough by now; do you want to give these specific ones a unique name, or leave as is?
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32 HP on the Timberwolf Formation, hahaha.

God, it's something like four times stronger than the prototype. If we went up against the Pilum Custom with this thing, we'd have shredded it in no time flat.