So Cavalier and Galbinus are practically SPACE POLICE, or at least the ones in their home planet.
Bandit and Tyrannous are both SPACE PIRATES/criminals.

Also, when my omake gets back from vetting I could use some feedback as to how it could have been better. It's mostly just a piece of... Not quite fluff, but it's just a fun little romp as the city starts getting broken.
It's big, black, and a brawler. Yeah... Not Valiant's "conduit of electricity"/modularity, which means interesting possibilities for a mad scientist who specializes in biology...

We should spend spies/informants to Valiant and Not-Mazinger's places already. Even if we don't do anything about them, they are taking info from us, so fair is fair. Not-M. used a freezing ray that was possibly "inspired" by an info leak.

CPT Sasaki: "Anything you say that you know about the Kausen stays with this organization. No one else outside of our chain of command is in a 'need to know' status.

Is it "Krausen" or "Kausen"?

Both red-lensed optics and green eyes stared at each other blankly as both parties came to grips with realizing this scenario was even happening. Jessica had literally bounced off of the Kausen's shoulder only to land on an open palm.

I see that the good guys have non-standard "good" coloration, that is, red eyes instead of green or blue, darker colors-

"…uh, are you okay?" the dark blue-colored giant asked.

...Nevermind. Of course there had to be a blue-colored, dull, boring guy.

CDT Satsuma: "I'm a cadet, Ma'am. They don't trust me with anything remotely important."

She's been a cadet for months, right? How long are they meant to stay like that, or is she being a little slow?

old me about where he was from, what he was fighting for.

I see what you did here.

Or 'why are your machines so clumsy?'"

Considering they're mechanical types, I think he was asking this for quite strange reasons.

Like Optimus, he includes a surname of sorts. Like Cullen's alter ego, it has a completely different name compared with the others.

"Led by a fragging gangster. Likes to call himself Tyrannous these days."

"'Tyrannous?'" Jessica raises an eyebrow. "That's just screaming '
I am a bad guy!' already."

I like how the not-Autobots ignore her comment.

Kausen's – you correct yourself, Kaus' – wrist.

Shouldn't it be Cav?

"What were you thinking!?" Jessica all but screams. "You could have died out there!"

"And leave you and the others alone with that creep? No chance, Jess," the voice says.

The first thing she does is to scold him in front of everyone. Typical yandere behaviour.

"Heh. Fair enough, Sir. I'm honestly not going to be up for it for Metatrine knows how long. I'll be sure to let you know."

I hope a robot angel called Metatron shows up at some point...

New Actions Unlocked!

Sam: "It's vivisection time!"

Alright time to better than the military in Michael Bay's movies and help the not!autobots!

Sssh! Speak not that accursed name, lest it hears you!
That demon has hurt more Transformers' reputation than anything else!

By making our own unholy organic-techno hybrids.

Too late to make our own EVAs though. We also have actual budget unlike NERV.

In fact, I watched the 1st episode of GGG the other day, it was a contrast with Evangelion's 1st episode, complete with an alien that has a horn and a force-field, can shoot laser beams and can swim. Unlike NERV though, the good guys here have budget and proper training.

It also seems that Tengen Toppa stole everything from King of Braves.

In fact, I watched the 1st episode of GGG the other day, it was a contrast with Evangelion's 1st episode, complete with an alien that has a horn and a force-field, can shoot laser beams and can swim. Unlike NERV though, the good guys here have budget and proper training.

It also seems that Tengen Toppa stole everything from King of Braves.

You haven't seen anything yet. And then there are OVA, with different tone, but Grand Finale.
There are many fun non-"SCIENCE!" takes on physics scientist. My job is to reproduce, engineers are there to mass-produce, for example. Scientist who gets you anything working on a lab bench, but needs assistance with making devices practical.
There are many fun non-"SCIENCE!" takes on physics scientist. My job is to reproduce, engineers are there to mass-produce, for example. Scientist who gets you anything working on a lab bench, but needs assistance with making devices practical.
Kinda like the difference between Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison.

Or Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man.
DaLintyGuy: Rise, Mercury V! Meltdown at Manila!
The city of Manila was alive. Not with the energy of the night, the simple Brownian Motion of a large mass of humanity going about their lives, but a directed evacuation. Starting from the waterfront an orderly wave of vehicles and foot traffic were directed inland. It was well that such practices were well taught and prepared for, as the bay heaved and jagged crags punctured the waves.
The word "kaiju" was often ascribed to the monsters that crawled into the cites of man in order to destroy and terrorize, a word rooted in mythology and superstition.

Such descriptions were apt for the strange beast that pulled itself onto the docks. Longer in length than the ships that hadn't made their way out of the port in time, made of matter that defied the comprehension of the brightest in the Defense Force, it's simple passage was enough to start the destruction of the docks. A sweep of the tail as it levered it's body up and out of the ocean collapsed a loading crane, pushing it's mass onto the vessel it had been servicing before the warning had been given.

Such an event hardly went unopposed. Missiles and shells slashed in at the creature. Well aware of the relative power being brought to bear the operators did their best to aim for the eye clusters or other apparent weak spots, to distract and delay the monster. But they were ants trying to fight an elephant, and both sides knew it. With a contemptuous snort the kaiju turned from the prepositioned fire points and ponderously dragged itself inland. Vehicles and men scattered before it rather than even attempt to slow it down further at the cost of their lives.

Wreathed in explosions and trailed by dust and smoke it resembled a demon wading through tall grass. Residential and commercial structures were trampled underfoot or plowed over, while skyscrapers were sent crumbling by blows from the bladed tail.

It was an unstoppable force that destroyed all in it's path. And then it simply wasn't.

"Sorry sir!" At the magnified shout the creature started to turn it's head but had the motion violently reversed by a black humanoid's fists. "But I'm going to need to see your insurance before letting you go any further!"

A pair of buildings collapsed onto the shovel like snout and were shaken off irritably. The creature had found it's match now and that called for a different set of actions. As the six legged crocodilian reoriented on the challenger the pilot of the robot just grinned and raised the fists of his mechanical shadow.

"Hiroki. The kaiju's armor over it's central body seems to be built to break away." At the introduction of the older voice the pilot paused and circled slightly, letting his opponent posture. "I find it likely that it is a reactive defense measure to physical impact."

"Don't hit the body or legs, got it." The pilot smiled, surging forwards as his shadow's head lit up with a baleful glow. The light wavered as water started to spontaneously condense and immediately freeze, tracking over one side of the kaiju's head and one leg. A thunderous downward strike pounded the ground with hundreds of tons of flesh before the unit known as Mercury V had to sidestep away from a sideways snap at it's legs.

Looking at the flaking over the affected areas Matsumoto Hiroki gave a self satisfied grin. "You aren't so tough are you?" He taunted the staggered construct, banging his fists together lightly.

The response was slightly greater than expected, as the kaiju's tail emerged from a line of buildings and slammed into Mercury's shoulder. The black mecha rolled with the impact to deny the blades any purchase and came back to it's feet in the ruins of a supermarket.

"Alright, I guess that teaches me." The pilot commented agreeably as he checked the status of his ranged weapons and pushed his mecha into a run back at his opponent. "First, that tail comes off."


While the battle between man made gods was raging the mere mortals were hardly inactive. Vehicles darted down streets and around corners in clouds of dust and smoking rubber. Darting from cover to cover in order to canvas the area for any sign of straggling civilians.

"Gheist 2-4, be advised that the contact is slowly moving back towards the ocean." A cool voice sounded inside one of the searching vehicles and causing the driver to instinctively glance down at the source. "Make your way east to escape the anticipated channel of destruction."

"Roger that, making for RP Hotel." His vehicle fell apart and reassembled in order to climb over a stretch of rubble that was still shifting in time with the footsteps of the slowly approaching duel. "ETA... Eight mikes."

"Understood Gheist 2-4." The channel cut out and the driver shifted back into road-mode in order to make better time. When a structure started collapsing ahead of him he slid to the other side of the road to avoid the worst of the spray.

He was not prepared for what almost looked like a vehicle to ram into his vehicle and shove it into a small corner shop. Dust flew, the seat restraints did their job admirably, and he waited until he had stopped moving to trigger configuration once more. Standing in the rubble of the structure he swept his gaze over the scene and immediately found the attacker charging him once more. With minimal armaments his only real option was to try to dodge and in that he was partially successful due to having to break through a wall.

A set of mandibles closed around one of the Jackal's feet and shut. Armor grade metal and composite simply sundered at the touch, and the pause gave the driver a short look at what was attacking him. An armored back sheltered a pale white body from which extended dark black legs and jaws that were already opening for another bite.

Instead of letting it come to him the driver kicked the thing just below the mandibles with the slightly bent and sharpened remnants of his Variable's foot. Ichor splashed across the ground as the thing screeched in pain, and the driver triggered configuration once more.

"Valkyrie, enemy vehicle analogues are present in the battlefield!" He shouted into his helmet mike, not having the presence of mind to moderate his volume as the damaged Variable slewed around and fled from the site of the ambush. Skidding around another of the constructs another managed to grab hold of the rear and laboriously clamber up onto it's roof despite the evasive driving. Mandibles punched through the roof in the seat next to him and the driver, lacking any better idea, punched the super hard, armor cutting mouth parts.

To his surprise, it had an appreciable effect as the Jackal lurched and the creature's body went tumbling off the roof. Spinning to a stop he stared contemplatively at the now abandoned mouth parts lodged in his roof.

"You're welcome, Gheist." A Bulwark came rumbling up the street, the commander turned out and giving the search and rescue driver a self assured thumbs up from his cupola.


Swearing in fragments of a half dozen languages Hiroki watched the battered kaiju slink back into the depths. While normally he would have pursued a lot closer... Spot failures were rampant as the fragmenting "armor" had been revealed to be a layer of suicide drones. Capable of chewing through the joints between Mercury's armor plates and filled with caustics for when they were inadvertently crushed by moving parts, the accursed creatures made up for the lack of immediate danger from their parent.

"Hiroki?" Yukimura asked, a small amount of concern entering his voice. "I'm not seeing any penetrations near the cockpit-"

"Sorry, just... Steamed at this trick." Hiroki kicked lightly as a section of ship hull that had ended up on top of the docks at some point. "I would have had it!"

"We have to keep in mind our limits." The old scientist pointed out, but wearily. After all, the kaiju would return some day...

EUDF units were pushing past in order to ascertain the damage sustained to the city and to eliminate the dregs of the "bore-mites" to allow for rebuilding. But the city would be rebuilt with customary speed for due to the actions of it's defender actual casualties had been kept to a minimum. Humanity was victorious once more.
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Science Report: Carlson Laboratories, Kaiju Biotechnology Study #2
"Sam here! We are proud to report that we are now in the kaiju-lite development business!"

An image of a squat tin container with 'LITE' superimposed behind a chibi-kaiju flashes across the screen.

"…not quite like that, but it
is getting close to lunchtime. Editor, take five-!"


"Sam here! Proud to report that the Kaiju Tissue Growth Facilities are online and operational! We finally figured out enough of the details behind what encourages a kaiju to grow, and we're going to turn it to our use."

The images of kaiju samples all distributed along different stations. All of the tissue containment vats are floating in preservation liquid, and have wires injected in each of them. "These were all samples taken from the core sample, the one captured in Pusan back last year." A very diminished, but still intact, original sample is shown briefly. "Most of the past few months were figuring out what exactly caused the tissue to grow, now that we don't have to worry about it simply disintegrating."

"First option: Nutrient flow. It works, but it's
slow. It's simply not something we have the time for, and Science waits for nothing!"


"Damned right. So we don't use that by itself and we use it in conjunction with our third method. I'll get to that later."

"Two: photosynthesis. Already wrote this off as a way to
grow the kaiju samples, but turns out the genetic code just interprets that as wanting to soak up as much solar power as possible. This alone has some applications we can turn this to, but it's not something that'll grow a tissue sample. That, and I can finally stop the interns from trying to get a tan. Not on my clock you don't!"

power metal works." A panning view of the Kaiju Biotechnology Branch shows what are effectively nothing but giant speakers aimed both at the tissue samples and just positioned in general. Interns, researchers, and passing by EUDF personnel are simply bobbing their heads or mimicking air guitar motions as they work.

"Our initial theory about vibration physics stimulating the tissue held water. So at this point, we
are just sticking heavy metal, punk rock, and everything in between and in context on non-stop shuffle repeat while also feeding the things nutrients. Sure as heck, we're getting an appreciable growth rate within acceptable levels. Our new test: does the genre of metal or rock actually matter? We'll find that out eventually…as soon as they can agree on the playlists."

"What does this mean besides causing schoolyard arguments over who's the better artist? It means that experimentation with K-Class
anything is now viable. It's still going to be heavy on resources, but now we can do it a dramatically shorter timespan. Hate to say that John's gonna have to cough up some more resources coming in from Unity Station, but we already have a few ideas."

"K-Scale does
not like it when you try to fashion it into something it doesn't want to be. So some new lines of inquiry are going to include: what do K-Class materials grow into naturally? What can we fashion out of it?"

"And I'm a little concerned, but just a bit. Some K-Class materials are already exhibiting additional properties on top of what we found out already. Some aren't just conducting electricity, now they're
generating it. Heh, generating. Some are producing fire, some are…I have no idea, too early yet. But they look dangerous, they look destructive, and they look absolutely useful somehow to the Super Robot. So we're gonna keep on testing 'em."

"Sam Carlson, we're done here."

Construction of Kaiju Biotech Growth Facilities Complete!
K-Class Materials now much more plentiful (if still expensive)!
Reduce Duration of all Kaiju Biotech Actions by 1 (cannot reduce below 1 Turn)!
New Kaiju Biotechnology Actions Unlocked!
Sam Carlson, we're done here.

From: Carlson, Sam, Dr.
To: Devin, Johnathan, Major
Subject: Extra Help

Sam here. Just following up with you on getting extra hands for the science around here. Like we talked about earlier, I'm still the head honcho of science here, but I'm not too proud to admit when I'm running into something I don't know enough about.

Just check the ol' datafile below. I have a really good candidate, old friend of mine. The establishment'll tell you that they're off in the head, but they said that about me. So what do they know?

Note from Ivanna: Please disregard this, Sir. He does not mean it...I hope.

Just hit me up if you have any questions, but there's no doubt this is the one for the job. You want to decipher alien doohickeys? Look no further.

Sam Carlson,
We're Done Here

Who did Sam recommend? They all are qualified to, at the very least, start examining Bandit's leftover weapon in greater detail, but they all also have their own pet projects...something you may be able to incorporate for your use.

[] A scientist hailing from Zhejiang University in the People's Republic of China. He has raised eyebrows at his more unorthodox ideas...including his thesis on a parallel universe of exotic energies. Despite this, he has not been censured due to the sheer quality of his work.

Ivanna's Note: The idea is sound, if somewhat out of left field for most academicians. But given that sister and I exist, you are growing kaiju-tissue to empower transforming robots, and we are housing an alien life form in our facility, we do not have much room to doubt.

[] A researcher from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. Her career up to this point has been fairly conventional, if non-innovative, and has a solid record...until recently. She is convinced that a new type of mineral yet to be classified is capable of producing a staggering amount of energy under certain conditions.

Ivanna's Note: Few records of this mineral exists, but the few references I could ascertain did not start appearing until a few years ago. This is perhaps a new phenomenon, but I am unsure if this is related to the threats we face or if they signify something else.

[] A professor from Humboldt University comes with incredibly mixed reviews. Sam naturally endorses her, but the establishment is not convinced that she has discovered an alien artifact of some sort. That said, she could do the job you're asking her to do easily enough.

Ivanna's Note: Very little has been published on the 'artifact' in question, likely because the professor in question is threatening bodily harm against the peers who 'mocked her, and oh yes they will pay.' ...I am afraid I am quoting verbatim, Sir.

Go ahead and vote for your choice of new professor. They will begin adding to your options.
The results of this mini-vote and the Turn Twelve vote will likely go up tomorrow.
[X] A researcher from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. Her career up to this point has been fairly conventional, if non-innovative, and has a solid record...until recently. She is convinced that a new type of mineral yet to be classified is capable of producing a staggering amount of energy under certain conditions.

Tiberium, here we come!
[X] A researcher from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. Her career up to this point has been fairly conventional, if non-innovative, and has a solid record...until recently. She is convinced that a new type of mineral yet to be classified is capable of producing a staggering amount of energy under certain conditions.
[X] A scientist hailing from Zhejiang University in the People's Republic of China. He has raised eyebrows at his more unorthodox ideas...including his thesis on a parallel universe of exotic energies. Despite this, he has not been censured due to the sheer quality of his work.

I am guessing this is how we get Psykers.
[X] A professor from Humboldt University comes with incredibly mixed reviews. Sam naturally endorses her, but the establishment is not convinced that she has discovered an alien artifact of some sort. That said, she could do the job you're asking her to do easily enough.
[X] A professor from Humboldt University comes with incredibly mixed reviews. Sam naturally endorses her, but the establishment is not convinced that she has discovered an alien artifact of some sort. That said, she could do the job you're asking her to do easily enough.

If, given three choices, you get two reasonable people and a Spark?

Get the Spark.

Because god only knows what they'll get up to if left to their own devices.

I mean, let's be honest. Between magical super reactor mineral, a mystery dimension that might be the Warp, or a Spark who may or may not have an alien artifact, only the latter guarantees disaster if left unminded!
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[X] A scientist hailing from Zhejiang University in the People's Republic of China. He has raised eyebrows at his more unorthodox ideas...including his thesis on a parallel universe of exotic energies. Despite this, he has not been censured due to the sheer quality of his work.
[X] A researcher from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. Her career up to this point has been fairly conventional, if non-innovative, and has a solid record...until recently. She is convinced that a new type of mineral yet to be classified is capable of producing a staggering amount of energy under certain conditions.
[X] A scientist hailing from Zhejiang University in the People's Republic of China. He has raised eyebrows at his more unorthodox ideas...including his thesis on a parallel universe of exotic energies. Despite this, he has not been censured due to the sheer quality of his work.
] A scientist hailing from Zhejiang University in the People's Republic of China. He has raised eyebrows at his more unorthodox ideas...including his thesis on a parallel universe of exotic energies. Despite this, he has not been censured due to the sheer quality of his work.
So possibly infinite energy from parallel dimensions once we reach the end of this tech tree but this also opens the subplot of invaders from another universe because this is basically how DOOM started.
[] A researcher from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. Her career up to this point has been fairly conventional, if non-innovative, and has a solid record...until recently. She is convinced that a new type of mineral yet to be classified is capable of producing a staggering amount of energy under certain conditions.
Another super material along the lines of Sakuradite and other mecha power sources that while rare probably won't be that hard to use once we get a supply. Though getting the supply might be difficult since other powers are likely going to want it including our 'allied' super robots meaning we might need to fight for it. Also the fact it is recently appearing makes my suspicion alarms flare since it might mean we're dealing with some alien plant that initially appears to be the super power source but in the end turns out to be a villainous trap in the final season.
[] A professor from Humboldt University comes with incredibly mixed reviews. Sam naturally endorses her, but the establishment is not convinced that she has discovered an alien artifact of some sort. That said, she could do the job you're asking her to do easily enough.
And last but not least we have an expert in alien stuff which would be helpful for our current project of figuring out Bandit's gun and any other Kausen tech we find. She also brings her own alien artifact meaning another research project and might hint at other beings of extraterrestrial origin or maybe it's just more Kausen tech