Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

I'm curious what you believe in character motivations are that we're overlooking. You don't really say. I like to keep things in in-character bounds and contexts, so it'd help me if you elaborated.

Now, this is of course open to interpretation. How one see's Ling Qi, her driving forces and motivation. It also has the potential to be quite nuanced but I will try not to throw a wall of text out and limit myself to aspects relevant to the current vote.

In my view, one of Ling Qi's primary motivations is the drive to better herself and make up for her past misdeeds, as questionable as her 'guilt' might be in these cases. She wants to see a better world, and strive for something better than fighting in the dirt for scrabs. That is one of her core motivations, and has been present multiple times in the quest. Be it the spirit during Zhou's test that brought these thoughts to the forefront, as well as being referred to multiple times later. If only simply by half-ironically thinking of herself as a "greedy, selfish girl".

She also wants to be free, unrestrained by others and not be pushed around and bullied by those stronger than her. Over time this has evolved to accepting voluntary bonds with close people and being restricted by those despite her desire for freedom.

Strength, personal power, admiration and respect from others is something nice to have for Ling Qi, even if the later two are still somewhat bewildering for her. They are not primary motivation. Ling Qi doesn't crave strength by itself, but she craves the security strength gives.

She doesn't care much for riches, still being unused to her newly gained wealth. In an abstract sense, she is thankful for the good fortunes she had and the Cultivation aids she could use because of them. It is not very present on her mind, though. Maybe because of some part of 'arrogance' due to her relatively high talent and that she stumbled into these good fortune encounters almost regularly.

From my reading of Ling Qi's talks with Renxiang and her ponderings and talks about the offer with others, Ling Qi herself does not seem to have paid much attention to the material wealth Renxiang had to offer. Or the opportunities for superior Cultivation aids a vassalization might imply.

Thus I believe the currently leading votes are placing too much emphasis on these aspects and too little on what we saw of Ling Qi's own ponderings. Admittedly, we don't get too clear a picture of those given that we are basically in Ling Qi's head, and it is quite possible that she basically agreed with the thread on the material wealth aspects and opportunities. I don't find it particularly likely, though.

To me, it seems much more as if Ling Qi was motivated by personal loyalty, trust and the ability to believe in what Cai Renxiang stands for. Ling Qi didn't just want to give an empty vow and get a lot of goodies in return, she wanted something to believe in and someone she can accept as a person. She didn't want to give her loyalty to a person in who's ideals she can't believe, whom she can't back fully. Ling Qi very much wants a personal connection, not simply a 'boss' she 'works' for.

This also brings me to her second motivation for choosing Cai Renxiang. Personal freedom, this time expressed in a short chain of command. Ling Qi believes she can stomach taking orders from Cai Renxiang. I believe she is a lot less sure that she could take orders from some random Count or Marquis if she were placed under a Viscount as in the usual imperial noble hierarchy. 'Serving' directly under Cai Renxiang means there are few if any outside of Renxiang or Shenhua herself who would give her orders. The later is unlikely to do so most of the time.

Thirdly, Ling Qi's desire to find or build a proper home or to establish roots played a role in her accepting Renxiang's offer. While that is also something she could have done in the Gu route, the whole marriage deal creped her out too much, no matter how well her prospective groom presented himself. So Renxiang was the more 'safer' option to establish her home. (On that note, this is about establishing a home and less about a fief. Despite the threads ponderings, the fief isn't yet a major consideration or focus of Ling Qi.)

This is just my interpretation and Yrsillar's intent or someone's else interpretation might differ. But I don't think many of the current vote options represent this all that well. PrimalShadow's is probably pretty close, but it's open to interpretation and how you read the wording. I take particular issue with Kai Merah's focus on "material gains" though, but again. That's just me.

... and I wrote a wall of text anyway. Sorry about that, but I can't help it ;-/
[X] Lady Cai's offer was the one that offered us the greatest potential for growth. She offered us a home where we could extend our roots, opportunities that would let us advance as a cultivator, an ideal that would help us grow as a person.
[X] Lady Cai's offer was the one that offered us the greatest potential for growth. She offered us a home where we could extend our roots, opportunities that would let us advance as a cultivator, an ideal that would help us grow as a person.
[X] Lady Cai's offer was the one that offered us the greatest potential for growth. She offered us a home where we could extend our roots, opportunities that would let us advance as a cultivator, an ideal that would help us grow as a person.
Still kinda feels the last part is too strongly worded. Ling Qi does not really believe in CRX ideals nor think that they are really possible. So having LQ say that they will help her grow as a person while not believing in them is really eh to me.
Don't believe in a world of Cai's ideals - believe in a you who believes in a world of Cai's ideals!
So we should just ignore actual character motivations and option for whatever we want it to be... Ok.

@yrsillar this is why I hope you will keep your previous way of dealing with IC character motivations and how she deals with situations. It has done wonders to keep LQ an actual person rather then inconsistent mess that will be the outcome of having write ins as a part of the quest. It would hurt to lose LQ as a character this far into the quest.
@yrsillar, again this one is too short for omake points, it's to get my idea across:


A Selfish, Greedy Girl

"Allow me to put that same question to you young lady, why do you follow my daughter?"

Beneath that burning, inhuman gaze, Ling Qi opened her mouth, words ready, aching for a release… only to close it again. What answer could she give? She had a dozen little reasons and rationalizations, but was there really one, true reason? Sixiang was silent, absent, and Zhengui was doing the spiritual equivalent of hiding in his shell. She could only rely on herself for an answer here.

The silence stretched, a slow, languid thing, and yet, as every moment dripped away, she could feel the tension stretch, time slowly unsheathing its claws. She licked her lips only to discover that it felt like dragging a mass of bloated, leathery flesh against an open wound.


The Duchess smiled. Zhengui whimpered, burrowing further in.

And in that sound, the mix of bass and sibilant, she heard the gasping sobs of a child, one hand covering her mouth, the other covering her with more and more trash; she heard the sound of a fist striking flesh, and woman crying out; she heard a child die and another flee; she heard the roaring, pitiless wind that froze all.

She heard a kiss – and a sound like a pebble striking the surface of a lake.

Finally, she heard herself say: "I'm a selfish, greedy girl."

Silence answered her.

If silence had a quality this one was like the sun: sharp and painful and pitiless. Both her liege and Gan Guangli had stopped breathing. So had she.

An eternity passed before the Duchess said, mildly: "Are you?"

She couldn't look up, couldn't look down. Muscles she hadn't known she had twanged painfully around her mouth, as if she had clenched them for days. She breathed in, then out.

"I am. I don't know if the world Lady Cai wants to build is possible or if it's a butterfly's dream, but… I want to live in it. I want my family to live in it," the long billowing sleeves that were part of her dress stretched slightly as she began to bunch and twist the fabric nervously in her hands, and Sixiang's absence here was maddening, "Brother Gan is selfless, and I've seen it, I've seen him, I have no doubt he would willingly sacrifice himself – but, if you can forgive the clumsy comparison, where he would die for Lady Cai's ideals – I would – I seek to live for them."
Can someone explain to me the appeal of this, outside a joke vote? Like, do people just want to shock the Dutchess with our spunk? Or do people somehow think that it accurately answers the question posed?

Honestly, I kind of like it because it fits Ling Qi, and does rather answer the Duchess' question. Greedy means interested in material wealth, which is certainly one of Ling Qi's reasons. But you know Ling Qi would probably be saying these words with an unwilling/unhappy tone, indicating she regrets being a selfish, greedy girl and would like to be better, which is another reason for following Cai.

I would vote for this along with mine if I wasn't being name voted. Approval voting is nice that way. Although I'd probably edit it a bit to be

[ ] Because I am a selfish, greedy girl, but she wants me anyway.
In a very technical way, that's the responsibility of people who chose to namevote you. This is why it's better to have plan format for multi-line votes though, or to just keep things in one line.

*shrug* Can't be helped now. Anyway, mine is only a single vote, so if I'm a selfish greedy girl is popular enough to succeed, it should manage without my one vote.
"I am. I don't know if the world Lady Cai wants to build is possible or if it's a butterfly's dream, but… I want to live in it. I want my family to live in it," the long billowing sleeves that were part of her dress stretched slightly as she began to bunch and twist the fabric nervously in her hands, and Sixiang's absence here was maddening, "Brother Gan is selfless, and I've seen it, I've seen him, I have no doubt he would willingly sacrifice himself – but, if you can forgive the clumsy comparison, where he would die for Lady Cai's ideals – I would – I seek to live for them."


I'm in two minds about this. Because I like it. I really do.

And yet...

It feels... too soon? I don't feel like Ling Qi would be able to be this openly hopeful? yet. Dunno...
Honestly, I like the I'm a selfish greedy girl vote at least partly because of its ambiguity. It conveys certain subtleties without them having to be stated outright.
[X]"Because... The things I want: to have, do, build, protect, I can see them as possible on this path. And I want to see if her vision of the world is possible."

I... dislike most of the other answers, so, there you have it. *shrugs*