This is probably not quite the feedback you were looking for, but I do have a question that might or might not inspire you. Will there be a moment, when the players get to design/customize a unit (deliberately avoiding the word "robot" here) from scratch, playing with available tech like with Lego blocks? I suppose, making the EUDF Super Robot will be one such opportunity, but I would really like the ability to customize a unit for a Notable Character.

Funny enough, when I spent the month before I went live on this quest brainstorming ideas, a system fairly similar to this came up. I still plan on it, but right now I don't think you have quite enough options just yet. Part of this was due to trying to find the balance when that went out of whack midway through Year One, and it fell to the wayside.

That being said, I haven't forgotten about it completely. There will be an option later where you spend an entire turn doing nothing but building a Super Robot from the ground up with everything you've learned from the prototypes. Right now, your prototypes are good, but they were built and upgraded incrementally.
Yeah, we have good prototypes, but they're not Super Robot quality yet.

But they will be, we're getting close. The last major bottleneck at this point is having enough individual chassis and a good power source, and we should be tracking to crack that by the time we go public.

At any rate, my plan's arranged in such a way that we don't choke to death on our own upkeep next turn, and that I'm not monofocusing on further developing the Steed as a high priority because it's just not intended to be a primary battle machine.

I want our last adviser to see if we get any synergy bonuses as well as making sure the Engineering corps has a Little Wrench Sister of their own, and I want to see about making sure our two science projects without breakthroughs have the highest chance of walking away with at least one that I can muster.

Next turn is when I'm hoping to start the shard, because the upkeep for that'll come online when the upkeep for the Dropship falls off. If we do it right now, we'll end up in a position where we're paying 4 Upkeep on 2 projects.
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@Basarin will we possibly make triple changers our elite Mecha units since they are more versatile and have potentially more combination ability?
Yeah, we have good prototypes, but they're not Super Robot quality yet.

But they will be, we're getting close. The last major bottleneck at this point is having enough individual chassis and a good power source, and we should be tracking to crack that by the time we go public.

At any rate, my plan's arranged in such a way that we don't choke to death on our own upkeep next turn, and that I'm not monofocusing on further developing the Steed as a high priority because it's just not intended to be a primary battle machine.

I want our last adviser to see if we get any synergy bonuses as well as making sure the Engineering corps has a Little Wrench Sister of their own, and I want to see about making sure our two science projects without breakthroughs have the highest chance of walking away with at least one that I can muster.

Next turn is when I'm hoping to start the shard, because the upkeep for that'll come online when the upkeep for the Dropship falls off. If we do it right now, we'll end up in a position where we're paying 4 Upkeep on 2 projects.
I want to signal-boost this because not only do I agree about clearing our Upkeep, I LOVE the idea of a fully-synergized team of AI Assistants helping run things in battle.
I just realized something. With our plans going full ham on the new dropship class. @Basarin couldn't Kausen help us with designing the thing as a passive bonus. I don't see them staying out of it. It would be another way to show our cooperation with the Kausen to the outside world when the time comes to reveal their existence.
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[X] Plan: To The Skies!

Getting A Full Team has us screen for a new human pilot on top of developing an AI pilot. Why? Tellison's Phalanx hasn't even left the prototype stage, and we're still at the drawing board for what Satsuma's unit should even be. Throwing another pilot candidate onto the pile is one thing, but two?

Meanwhile we've been enjoying the benefits from our AI advisers every turn, with Ivanna actually clutching out the Anti Gravity research, so let's make sure that Engineering gets its dedicated support.
And impress this shape into the faces - nay, the very souls of her enemies! It is shaped surprisingly like a drill.


[] Skeleton
--[] K-Bones (x RP) {Lowers Maintenance, can Regenerate}

If only, the EVA approach...
Wait, are there organic Mecha that are hotblooded and non-evil?

--[] Invisible Stealth Camo (+d RP) {Malus to Hot Blood, can Surprise Attack}

That ninja-police car from GGG would disagree.

That being said, I haven't forgotten about it completely. There will be an option later where you spend an entire turn doing nothing but building a Super Robot from the ground up with everything you've learned from the prototypes. Right now, your prototypes are good, but they were built and upgraded incrementally.

But wait, Super Robots are always prototypes, usually unique and without blueprints because people are stupid HOTBLOOD NEEDS NO PLANS! and such. What will happen with our former/current units once we can build a Super Robot? Will we be able to cannibalize them for extra bonuses? A prototype super robot made of prototypes should have ultimate power!

Which reminds me: Didn't you mention something about a bonus action related to my omake, @Basarin ?
...couldn't Kausen help us with designing the thing as a passive bonus. I don't see them staying out of it. It would be another way to show our cooperation with the Kausen to the outside world when the time comes to reveal their existence.

It's possible, yes. If left alone, Architect or someone will eventually wander in and see about lending a hand. As it is, they'll understandably be a bit busy moving into the shiny new enclave you're building for them (which finishes this turn!).

If someone wants to take a stab at an omake to see about getting some bonuses in earlier, though, have a gander.


I did. I just had to post early because work decided lunch breaks are for other people not me.

I have your options down, but it's going to apply at the top of next turn. I don't want to disrupt the current voting process, but it'll be at the top of Engineering next turn. Haven't forgotten! :)
Adhoc vote count started by Basarin on Jun 6, 2018 at 2:58 PM, finished with 38 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] Plan Getting A Full Team
    -[X] Fact Hunt
    --[X] Internal Politicking - You yourself always try to stay away from politics, but this is a job that is not giving you that luxury. You at least want to send someone out there to see what people are making out of all of this. Anna is more than happy to assist you in this regard, this being her job and all.
    -[X] Aviation - 'What a piece of junk!'
    --[X] Go full ham on it - You expected Wilde and Henry to make a passionate plea about making something new. You were not expecting your entire staff (AI included!) to make a pitch for building something brand new from the ground up. No one knows how this is going to turn out, but this is an all-hands-on-deck project if you authorize this. What will it be able to do? Who the heck knows?
    ---[X] 'Katarina's Support!' – You may add +1d6 to one Action ONCE THIS TURN. Refreshes for next turn!
    -[X] Pilot Training
    --[X] Pilot Training – Find New Talent – You have an entire base of personnel to tap into, all with varying abilities and psychic potential. The option remains to find new talent, but you'll have to invest into actively searching.
    -[X] Supercomputer AI
    --[X] MMI Supplemental Development - In short, there's enough fragmentary code to be a part of an AI personality, but not enough to develop one on its own. But if someone were to spend some time with an MMI helmet with the code, the code fragments will draw from the member's ESP waves and fill in the gaps. You will get a personality that resembles the contributor, but still be its own individual.
    -[X] Configuration
    --[X] Combinations for the Steed - the Steed is early power armor at best. But Wilde and Henry are wondering if it can be configured to combine into even bigger power armor with another vehicle. This is a relatively light project.
    [X] Plan: To The Skies!
    -[X] Diana's Support on Legio Enclave? (Otherwise, wherever she can do the most good)
    -[X] First Response Corps (1 RP)
    -[X] Go full ham on it (4 RP)
    -[X] Functional Supplemental Development (2 RP)
    -[X] Ivanna's Support on Kaiju Biotechnology
    -[X] Katarina's Support on Kaus Armor Plating
    -[X] Dispersion Field Plans (3 RP)
    --[X] Xenotech Lab Bonus
    [X] Plan-No one makes em like we do
    -[X] Internal Politicking Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
    -[X] Go full ham on it Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
    --[X] Katarina's Support
    -[X] Pilot Training – Find New Talent Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
    -[X] Pilot Training - Callaghan Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
    -[X] Configuration
    --[X]Triple Change Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Quick tally. I'll leave voting up for awhile longer today.
Adhoc vote count started by Basarin on Jun 6, 2018 at 2:58 PM, finished with 38 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] Plan Getting A Full Team
    -[X] Fact Hunt
    --[X] Internal Politicking - You yourself always try to stay away from politics, but this is a job that is not giving you that luxury. You at least want to send someone out there to see what people are making out of all of this. Anna is more than happy to assist you in this regard, this being her job and all.
    -[X] Aviation - 'What a piece of junk!'
    --[X] Go full ham on it - You expected Wilde and Henry to make a passionate plea about making something new. You were not expecting your entire staff (AI included!) to make a pitch for building something brand new from the ground up. No one knows how this is going to turn out, but this is an all-hands-on-deck project if you authorize this. What will it be able to do? Who the heck knows?
    ---[X] 'Katarina's Support!' – You may add +1d6 to one Action ONCE THIS TURN. Refreshes for next turn!
    -[X] Pilot Training
    --[X] Pilot Training – Find New Talent – You have an entire base of personnel to tap into, all with varying abilities and psychic potential. The option remains to find new talent, but you'll have to invest into actively searching.
    -[X] Supercomputer AI
    --[X] MMI Supplemental Development - In short, there's enough fragmentary code to be a part of an AI personality, but not enough to develop one on its own. But if someone were to spend some time with an MMI helmet with the code, the code fragments will draw from the member's ESP waves and fill in the gaps. You will get a personality that resembles the contributor, but still be its own individual.
    -[X] Configuration
    --[X] Combinations for the Steed - the Steed is early power armor at best. But Wilde and Henry are wondering if it can be configured to combine into even bigger power armor with another vehicle. This is a relatively light project.
    [X] Plan: To The Skies!
    -[X] Diana's Support on Legio Enclave? (Otherwise, wherever she can do the most good)
    -[X] First Response Corps (1 RP)
    -[X] Go full ham on it (4 RP)
    -[X] Functional Supplemental Development (2 RP)
    -[X] Ivanna's Support on Kaiju Biotechnology
    -[X] Katarina's Support on Kaus Armor Plating
    -[X] Dispersion Field Plans (3 RP)
    --[X] Xenotech Lab Bonus
    [X] Plan-No one makes em like we do
    -[X] Internal Politicking Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
    -[X] Go full ham on it Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
    --[X] Katarina's Support
    -[X] Pilot Training – Find New Talent Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
    -[X] Pilot Training - Callaghan Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
    -[X] Configuration
    --[X]Triple Change Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Not sure why Katarina's support is going on a no roll action there? When we have complex, rolled, important science first?

Like, it strikes me as a plan that had one, nonnegotiable job (AI Pilot immediately, and a steed upgrade), and everything else an afterthought.

It's just... We're not in a pilot bottleneck, so why the rush for an AI Pilot right this second, when we could finalize our foundation instead.
Last edited:
[X] Plan Getting A Full Team

changed my vote.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Jun 6, 2018 at 3:23 PM, finished with 45 posts and 24 votes.

  • [X] Plan: To The Skies!
    -[X] Diana's Support on Legio Enclave? (Otherwise, wherever she can do the most good)
    -[X] First Response Corps (1 RP)
    -[X] Go full ham on it (4 RP)
    -[X] Functional Supplemental Development (2 RP)
    -[X] Ivanna's Support on Kaiju Biotechnology
    -[X] Katarina's Support on Kaus Armor Plating
    -[X] Dispersion Field Plans (3 RP)
    --[X] Xenotech Lab Bonus
    [X] Plan Getting A Full Team
    -[X] Fact Hunt
    --[X] Internal Politicking - You yourself always try to stay away from politics, but this is a job that is not giving you that luxury. You at least want to send someone out there to see what people are making out of all of this. Anna is more than happy to assist you in this regard, this being her job and all.
    -[X] Aviation - 'What a piece of junk!'
    --[X] Go full ham on it - You expected Wilde and Henry to make a passionate plea about making something new. You were not expecting your entire staff (AI included!) to make a pitch for building something brand new from the ground up. No one knows how this is going to turn out, but this is an all-hands-on-deck project if you authorize this. What will it be able to do? Who the heck knows?
    ---[X] 'Katarina's Support!' – You may add +1d6 to one Action ONCE THIS TURN. Refreshes for next turn!
    -[X] Pilot Training
    --[X] Pilot Training – Find New Talent – You have an entire base of personnel to tap into, all with varying abilities and psychic potential. The option remains to find new talent, but you'll have to invest into actively searching.
    -[X] Supercomputer AI
    --[X] MMI Supplemental Development - In short, there's enough fragmentary code to be a part of an AI personality, but not enough to develop one on its own. But if someone were to spend some time with an MMI helmet with the code, the code fragments will draw from the member's ESP waves and fill in the gaps. You will get a personality that resembles the contributor, but still be its own individual.
    -[X] Configuration
    --[X] Combinations for the Steed - the Steed is early power armor at best. But Wilde and Henry are wondering if it can be configured to combine into even bigger power armor with another vehicle. This is a relatively light project.
    [X] Plan-No one makes em like we do
    -[X] Internal Politicking Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
    -[X] Go full ham on it Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
    --[X] Katarina's Support
    -[X] Pilot Training – Find New Talent Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
    -[X] Pilot Training - Callaghan Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
    -[X] Configuration
    --[X]Triple Change Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Yeah, we have good prototypes, but they're not Super Robot quality yet.


Next turn is when I'm hoping to start the shard, because the upkeep for that'll come online when the upkeep for the Dropship falls off. If we do it right now, we'll end up in a position where we're paying 4 Upkeep on 2 projects.
While I agree with your reasoning, I have to vote against your plan on principle. And it's not because I just want to finally see an AI Pilot, no-sir-ree. I have observed many times how a quest devolves into a pattern, where all decisions are made by, in essence, a single player. And once, I've seen a player vote for "Plan Username" before Username even came up with a plan. I'm not saying your plans are unreasonable, I'm saying that your plans are so good, that people don't bother coming up with their own plans. I disagree with this approach, and so I will try to make my own plans, but today I haven't, and so I'll vote for the plan which is not yours - because yours are so good.

And also because, just a tiny bit, maybe, I really want to see an AI pilot.

Ruined, you mean. If you want to convince me that spiraly tools represent a (wo)man's spirit better than a universal language of fists, I will demand that you do so in rap. Because rap is a man's soul.

Wait, are there organic Mecha that are hotblooded and non-evil?
This is our chance to make one, even if only in a text form.

That ninja-police car from GGG would disagree.
That ninja-police car can go gattai with a garbage truck. That's because he's sufficiently purple and sufficiently crazy to make it work.

Well, I can't really disagree technically, but voting because "I don't like how influential you are" is...

Well, it's not good civilization. You could just ask me to step back for a bit rather than vote against the username?
No, not "because I don't like how influential you are", but rather because I disagree with not having an alternative. I did vote for your plans, and will vote for them in the future. But not this turn, and not when I can make my own.

EDIT: And if you do step back, I (or anybody else) won't have a high standard to compete against.
No, not "because I don't like how influential you are", but rather because I disagree with not having an alternative. I did vote for your plans, and will vote for them in the future. But not this turn, and not when I can make my own.

EDIT: And if you do step back, I (or anybody else) won't have a high standard to compete against.

...Did this just go My Rival/Tsundere?