Well then, we did know that we would be going public at some point once we started shipping out mecha to Union Forces.

Though this will give us more resources and much more expanded talent base in general, still hoping our research center also becomes a pilot school in the future.
So we're going public in four months....fuck.

On the one hand, yay! More resources so we can do more things!

On the other hand, we won't get to do those things. Why?

"Alright, team we need to go ahead and—"

"Hey there! This is random EUDF group here! We were wondering if you guys could maybe make use a mecha robot that serves ice cream."

"Why would we—"

"Oh other organizations~!"

"Fine, you'll get your fucking ice cream."

Unless it's particularly interesting and / or funny, it likely won't get that bad.
[X] Plan Getting A Full Team
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Jun 6, 2018 at 2:00 PM, finished with 31 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan Getting A Full Team
    -[X] Fact Hunt
    --[X] Internal Politicking - You yourself always try to stay away from politics, but this is a job that is not giving you that luxury. You at least want to send someone out there to see what people are making out of all of this. Anna is more than happy to assist you in this regard, this being her job and all.
    -[X] Aviation - 'What a piece of junk!'
    --[X] Go full ham on it - You expected Wilde and Henry to make a passionate plea about making something new. You were not expecting your entire staff (AI included!) to make a pitch for building something brand new from the ground up. No one knows how this is going to turn out, but this is an all-hands-on-deck project if you authorize this. What will it be able to do? Who the heck knows?
    ---[X] 'Katarina's Support!' – You may add +1d6 to one Action ONCE THIS TURN. Refreshes for next turn!
    -[X] Pilot Training
    --[X] Pilot Training – Find New Talent – You have an entire base of personnel to tap into, all with varying abilities and psychic potential. The option remains to find new talent, but you'll have to invest into actively searching.
    -[X] Supercomputer AI
    --[X] MMI Supplemental Development - In short, there's enough fragmentary code to be a part of an AI personality, but not enough to develop one on its own. But if someone were to spend some time with an MMI helmet with the code, the code fragments will draw from the member's ESP waves and fill in the gaps. You will get a personality that resembles the contributor, but still be its own individual.
    -[X] Configuration
    --[X] Combinations for the Steed - the Steed is early power armor at best. But Wilde and Henry are wondering if it can be configured to combine into even bigger power armor with another vehicle. This is a relatively light project.
    [X] Plan: To The Skies!
    -[X] Diana's Support on Legio Enclave? (Otherwise, wherever she can do the most good)
    -[X] First Response Corps (1 RP)
    -[X] Go full ham on it (4 RP)
    -[X] Functional Supplemental Development (2 RP)
    -[X] Ivanna's Support on Kaiju Biotechnology
    -[X] Katarina's Support on Kaus Armor Plating
    -[X] Dispersion Field Plans (3 RP)
    --[X] Xenotech Lab Bonus
    [X] Plan-No one makes em like we do
    -[X] Internal Politicking Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
    -[X] Go full ham on it Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
    --[X] Katarina's Support
    -[X] Pilot Training – Find New Talent Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
    -[X] Pilot Training - Callaghan Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
    -[X] Configuration
    --[X]Triple Change Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
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"Simply put, you've all overturned so many bloody apple carts in the market square it's all flowing in cider now," comes to roundabout answer. "The First Minister's office and the EUDF High Command are agreeing that they're going to want to make further use of your organization soon. In a much more public manner."

Well drat, that's an excuse to make a change in the mechanics.
On the plus side, that means we can do merchandising for real! As well as start brutal tournament programs in schools in order to recruit for potential pilots, taking only the best and most ferocious/brave boy (and sometimes girl) available.

[] Invest moderately into reconstruction - You have a unique opportunity here. You're already producing new classes and modifications of vehicles - why not try to go bigger with a dropship? Wilde and Henry are itching to see what they can do with a customized Stork, and Dr. Igantov was also interested in seeing what he and Katarina could do.

That's what we should do...

-[] Go full ham on it - You expected Wilde and Henry to make a passionate plea about making something new. You were not expecting your entire staff (AI included!) to make a pitch for building something brand new from the ground up. No one knows how this is going to turn out, but this is an all-hands-on-deck project if you authorize this. What will it be able to do? Who the heck knows?

But people will go for this. It's inevitable.

-[] Energy Shard Processing – The lifeblood and currency of Kausen society apparently. It seems straightforward enough to Max: processed energy essentially scrunched into a tiny package. Human energy processing such as oil, gas and fusion power apparently translate quite nicely into Shards (which explains the constant raids from the Free Brothers). Max is confident she can replicate it, but the bigger question to her is how we can use it safely.

We have to do this one in less than 4 turns so right now if possible, as well as investigating not-Mazinger Z and if resources allow get a Steed support unit.
[X] Plan Getting A Full Team
-[X] Fact Hunt
--[X] Internal Politicking - You yourself always try to stay away from politics, but this is a job that is not giving you that luxury. You at least want to send someone out there to see what people are making out of all of this. Anna is more than happy to assist you in this regard, this being her job and all.
-[X] Aviation - 'What a piece of junk!'
--[X] Go full ham on it - You expected Wilde and Henry to make a passionate plea about making something new. You were not expecting your entire staff (AI included!) to make a pitch for building something brand new from the ground up. No one knows how this is going to turn out, but this is an all-hands-on-deck project if you authorize this. What will it be able to do? Who the heck knows?
---[X] 'Katarina's Support!' – You may add +1d6 to one Action ONCE THIS TURN. Refreshes for next turn!
-[X] Pilot Training
--[X] Pilot Training – Find New Talent – You have an entire base of personnel to tap into, all with varying abilities and psychic potential. The option remains to find new talent, but you'll have to invest into actively searching.
-[X] Supercomputer AI
--[X] MMI Supplemental Development - In short, there's enough fragmentary code to be a part of an AI personality, but not enough to develop one on its own. But if someone were to spend some time with an MMI helmet with the code, the code fragments will draw from the member's ESP waves and fill in the gaps. You will get a personality that resembles the contributor, but still be its own individual.
-[X] Configuration
--[X] Combinations for the Steed - the Steed is early power armor at best. But Wilde and Henry are wondering if it can be configured to combine into even bigger power armor with another vehicle. This is a relatively light project.

Lets get that AI pilot going.
Internal Politics queued to deal with upcoming nonsense.
Full Ham because...well, its us, of course we Full Ham and slap bonuses on.
AI pilots and talent search so that we can crash train them and develop combinations for them before we need to go public. Would prefer to have five or six, including the AI.
And Steed should fit Sasaki if we can uparmor the dang thing.

We need mechs more than support due to going public. So the pilots would have to be the core.
E: Going to bed, if any fixes would be done first thing in the morning.
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Just found this quest and it is amazing!

I also have some questions as well.

First, didn't we get armored personal Carriers? what happened to them. Or were they the Bucklers?

Second, how tall are the kaiju and Super robots?

Three is the Mercury V pronounced "Mercury Five" or "Mercury Vee"?

Finally would a three way combination between the Beowulf, Shepard and the TMU be a true Super Robot or would it just be super close?
First, didn't we get armored personal Carriers? what happened to them. Or were they the Bucklers?

Second, how tall are the kaiju and Super robots?

Three is the Mercury V pronounced "Mercury Five" or "Mercury Vee"?

Finally would a three way combination between the Beowulf, Shepard and the TMU be a true Super Robot or would it just be super close?

Thank you for the kind words, and welcome. :)

The Armored carriers were the Buckler IFVs, yes. Since recently modified to the Phalanx chassis.

The height of the super robots and the kaiju vary. The average kaiju and Mercury V are roughly the same height as each other (use this picture as a reference), the Valiant is maybe about two to three stories tall. The others vary.

Mercury V as in 'Victor(y)'

And a triple combination would bring you very close to a Super Robot, but the DFRI hasn't quite gotten that combination down just yet. It's feasibly possible, but not particularly tested.

Hope you enjoy the quest!
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[X] Plan Getting A Full Team

Now I want to record some evil laugh and share it with you.
Still monofocusing on the AI pilot, when we could lock down our advisers right now. Again, we are not suffering from a pilot bottleneck right now! Let's get our logistics fully in order before we start going for AI Pilots!

Here's what I have in mind.

[X] Plan: To The Skies!
-[X] Diana's Support on Legio Enclave? (Otherwise, wherever she can do the most good)
-[X] First Response Corps (1 RP)
-[X] Go full ham on it (4 RP)
-[X] Functional Supplemental Development (2 RP)
-[X] Ivanna's Support on Kaiju Biotechnology
-[X] Katarina's Support on Kaus Armor Plating
-[X] Dispersion Field Plans (3 RP)
--[X] Xenotech Lab Bonus

Gets us our final AI Adviser and unlocks any synergies available (Like I mentioned, one of the interesting things I noted earlier is how the AI Sisters convert to Not!Bridge Bunnies during Operations, getting the full set might lead to some nice bonuses).

We get our sweet ride started, we make contacts with the FRC (Who are going to be our closest allies when we go public), and we arrange matters to maximize our chance at breakthroughs with Kaiju Biotech, and hopefully get a positive result on Kaus Armor Plating. We also get cracking on the Dispersion Field to boot, making advantage of our fancy new lab to hopefully get as many breakthroughs as we can there, since it's the one we'll need the most on to benefit.

This limits the new upkeep costs we're going to have to pay with the projects that are finishing up, and frees up more resources starting next turn. We have the Pilum, for instance, being fully studied and freed up--and that strikes me as a better fit for Satsuma than a Steed (Which was explicitly called out as being to quite right), or a TMU (Which really are at their best as support units rather than standalones)
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-[] Go full ham on it - You expected Wilde and Henry to make a passionate plea about making something new. You were not expecting your entire staff (AI included!) to make a pitch for building something brand new from the ground up. No one knows how this is going to turn out, but this is an all-hands-on-deck project if you authorize this. What will it be able to do? Who the heck knows?

But when you have this many experts converging on a project like this...

Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Gain new class of dropship
- ???
- It could be good. You just don't know.

You crazy fools.


[X] Plan: To The Skies!

I was going to suggest investigating the Japanese Institute, but having all of our support staff ready is a good thing. However, I insist next turn we investigate the energy shard thing, get some more reinforcements and start saving up RP for the incoming clusterfuck. Chances are the kaiju attack will happen right before or after the 4 turns are up.
[X] Plan: To The Skies!

I was going to suggest investigating the Japanese Institute, but having all of our support staff ready is a good thing. However, I insist next turn we investigate the energy shard thing, get some more reinforcements and start saving up RP for the incoming clusterfuck. Chances are the kaiju attack will happen right before or after the 4 turns are up.

I agree, the only reason I didn't do it this turn is because that 2 RP upkeep is something I wanted to wait until we had cleared up some of our upkeep first, especially now that we're taking up another big project.

Plus, it means I can dunk the Xenotech Lab bonus on it.
I think we need to make the right mechs for the ones we've got. And make our pilots better.

[X] Plan-No one makes em like we do
-[X] Internal Politicking Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
-[X] Go full ham on it Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
--[X] Katarina's Support
-[X] Pilot Training – Find New Talent Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
-[X] Pilot Training - Callaghan Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
--[X]Triple Change Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
[X] Plan: To The Skies!

You know, if we get a full-on Mecha out of the Super-Stork, and a Mecha out of the Pilum, that gives us....4 not-quite-Super Robots?

Beowulf, Phalanx (especially after we research it a bit more), Mecha-Pilum, and Mecha-Stork. Hm.

Stork as the head/torso. Phalanx as one leg. Beowulf as...probably an arm? Pilum as an arm.

I think we need a Tank (aka MBT) as a VC Mecha, give us the other leg, and we've got a Combiner/Voltron. We'd basically be Good Guy Bruticus.
You know, a Mecha-Pilum might just be the thing Jessica Satsuma needs to show us the true shape of her burning courage.
And impress this shape into the faces - nay, the very souls of her enemies! It is shaped surprisingly like a fist.

[X] Plan Getting A Full Team
This plan has exactly one point with which I disagree, and not too much at that.

[X] Plan Getting A Full Team

Stork? I don't think we should make our dropship when we design it an actual mecha,, but we should throw an absolute fuckton of resources at it, and most of our hypertech if we can. A hero's chariot needs to be a legend in its own right! More importantly, we've got the Anti Gravity Treatment which means that we can shove a lot more stuff into it (Be it armor or other support equipment) then an "Ordinary" Stork.
Any feedback anyone has would help!
"The First Minister's office and the EUDF High Command are agreeing that they're going to want to make further use of your organization soon. In a much more public manner."
This is probably not quite the feedback you were looking for, but I do have a question that might or might not inspire you. Will there be a moment, when the players get to design/customize a unit (deliberately avoiding the word "robot" here) from scratch, playing with available tech like with Lego blocks? I suppose, making the EUDF Super Robot will be one such opportunity, but I would really like the ability to customize a unit for a Notable Character.

[] Base form (skipped when customizing)
--[] Mecha (x RP) {Can Hot Blood, gain free Basic Strike}
--[] Jeep (y RP) {Agile, Ground rating A}
--[] Truck (z RP) {Additional Cargo Space}
--[] A tank, probably (w RP) {More HP, gain free Ranged Strike}
--[] TMU (v RP) {Fast, Flying}
-[] Secondary form {increased maintenance cost, less HP}
--[] Mecha (+a RP) {Can Hot Blood, gain free Basic Strike}
--[] Car (+b RP) {Some other trait}
--[] Truck (+c RP) {Some other trait}
--[] A tank, probably (+d RP) {Some other trait}
--[] TMU (+e RP) {Some other trait}
--[] Megazord Left Leg (+f RP) {Can Gattai}
[] Skeleton
--[] K-Bones (x RP) {Lowers Maintenance, can Regenerate}
--[] Xenotechium (y RP) {Lowers HP, increases Speed}
--[] Oxenfeceum (z RP) {Can Hot Blood better, higher Maintenance}
--[] Good ol' Steel and Manlyness (0 RP)
[] Guts
--[] K-ables (x RP) {Lowers Power requirements}
--[] Oxenfeceum Lining (y RP) {Energy Strikes recharge faster, can Ki-Blast in Mecha form}
--[] Basic Stuff (z RP) {cheap but effective}
[] Armor
--[] K-Leather (x RP) {Regenerate better, lower Maintenance}
--[] Xenotechium (y RP) {Lower Energy, Acid and Exotic damage taken, high Maintenance}
--[] Titanium, or something (z RP) {More HP, cheap}
[] Fists (aka Main Attack Mode)
-[] Basic (0 RP) {Only for Mecha form}
-[] Gozilla Spikes (+1 RP) {+1 Damage to Ramming, Basic Strike}
-[] Gun, actually
--[] Conventional (+x RP) {Limited Ammo, cheap}
--[] Energy Blast (+y RP) {Unlimited Ammo, low Damage}
--[] Oxenfeceum Launcher (+z RP) {High Accuracy}
[] Pimp-My-Ride
--[] Dedicated Melee weapon (+a RP) {Only for Mecha form}
--[] Dedicated Ranged weapon (+b RP)
--[] Anti-Gravity Pack (+c RP) {Increases Speed rating}
--[] Invisible Stealth Camo (+d RP) {Malus to Hot Blood, can Surprise Attack}
--[] Some Exotic Shield {Lower Energy, Acid and Exotic damage taken, must be Deployed and Carried separately}
--[] And so on (and so on) {And So On}