Just to be sure I'm not misremembering: Is that 80s anime in which there were girls that used power armor of sorts, the bad guy was an old man that seemingly had a secret base usually entered by a hidden elevator, and violence was quite graphic?

Bad guy was a corporation. First an young evil ambitious executive, then old evil CEO/chairman, then mad robot "god". No secret base, Genome Corporation got giant piramidal acrologies world-wide! Can't comment on graphics of violence.
Turn Three, Year Two: Springboarding
There we go. All done now.

1420, 1 March, A.D. 2071
Command Center Construction Site

"This'll be a thing soon enough," you comment. Hardhat in place (as stringently insisted by Ignatov), you and Sasaki are observing the construction in progress.

You can't help but smile. They even got the bridge-style command center you wanted! Even though this place still looks more like the cave it started as, and not a proper command center of metal and electronics yet - your only illumination right now are the light towers that you brought down into here - it's going to look amazing when it's done.

You totally aren't wasting resources. No Sir, you are not. Those are lies and slander.

You are abruptly taken from your thoughts as you see Architect step in and make minor adjustments. "...adjust the pylon twenty degrees, make sure the stabilization gel settles properly before moving on to the next," he mutters. He then notices you're there and pauses. "Ah, Commandant. Coming to observe our work?"

"We are," you agree, "And we appreciate the help."

"Doesn't really compare to what you're building for us later," he points out, subtly reminding you of the deal you struck with Galbinus. "But it's always good to build. Always good to build something that will last. Yes."

"It seems progress is coming along nicely," Sasaki comments. "We look forward to fulfilling our part of the bargain."

"As long as it keeps Cavalier away from here," Architect mutters. "Hasn't stopped configuring for hours."

You snort in amusement. "Well, I'll get out of your way. We all have work to do."

"Quite. Work to do. Always work to do."

RESOURCE POINT INCOME: 13 RP + 3 RP (Landing Pad) + 6 RP (Intelligence Service Bounty, This Turn Only) – 4 RP (Joint Operations, Pilot Candidate, Energy Blast, Outposts) = 18 RP (Makin' it raiiiin)

'Katarina's Support!' – You may add +1d6 to one Action ONCE THIS TURN. Refreshes for next turn!

Special Actions

Diplomacy – Upholding Promises – You and Galbinus struck a few deals, and it wouldn't reflect very well on you if you didn't keep to them. You have five months (including this month) to at least start to uphold the spirit of the agreement. As long as you start any of the projects within five months, there will be no issues.

-[] Construct Legionary Enclave – One of the Legion's engineers, Architect, has arrived as part of the advance party. Once he links up with Wilde and Henry, the three of them will put their heads together to begin discussions on where and how the Enclave is going to take shape. Both sides seem to be agreeable with each other so far, and the fact you're helping build a new permanent home for them is only improving the situation.

Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Chance for Greater Success (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Duration: 3 Turns

Fact Hunt - With Anna Smith from the Intelligence Services on hand, you now have a lot more resources to keep tabs on the rest of the world in case you might become involved. She has taken Wallflower, Rotterdam and Rockefeller under her wing, and is ready to send them out again to liaise with other Intelligence Service agents. She just needs the resources to do so. If you go with this, choose one:

-[] The Yukimura Institute - Besides the K-Class Materials (which you're keeping under wraps), you haven't had much to do with the Kaiju yet. Now that you have the Intelligence Services' backing, it might do to send Wallflower to the Yukimura Institute directly. See what he can learn and find out about how they do business, particularly with the Black Guardian of the North.

Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns

-[] Mander Security Solutions - Your forces have the most experience fighting off unwanted attention from separatists. The Valiant has been fighting them since Day One of its creation. Send Rotterdam over to Mander Security Solutions with Intelligence Services backing to see what she can learn about how to best fight against Westphalia.

Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns

-[] First Response Corps - You have a wealth of information now about the Kausen conflict, but the First Response Corps have had the most exposure to cleaning up the mess those fights leave behind. Rockefeller can link up with Colonel Kim to see what else she can learn about the battlefields and anything potentially left behind, and learn what you can from their perspectives. You already have a good reputation with him, so this shouldn't be difficult.

Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn

Defense Force Actions

Creative - You may reduce the Success Threshold of any one Defense Force Action by -1.

Command Center - You wanted a command center. You need a command center. You can justify a command center. You're tired of directing operations from your office. Besides the fact it's downright cool, it will also provide additional options during deployments or - goodness forbid - another base defense.

Duration: 1 Turns
Constructs Command Center. Unlocks Additional Combat Options.

Outposts – From what you can tell, the Westphalians were able to take advantage of the tiniest gaps in your security net to sneak through. While this may be closing the barn door after the horses left, you're not taking any chances. Set up some outposts in key positions to make sure no one gets another chance.

Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Greater Local Security

Pilot Training – Tellison – Tellison has already proven himself in the defense of the Institute. Perhaps it's time to begin testing him more fully to take to an MMI-based machine?

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Additional Traits (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Aviation – Eye in the Sky – Sasaki was quite happy with having the Yuri Gagarin on station in November. She was not so happy when you had to give it back. She wants to know if there is a way we could get our hands on our own.

Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
Gain a Stork-class Dropship (allows for independent missions)

Base Defense – The Third Air Defense Force really should have seen something, but for whatever reason they didn't. Though you do not want to start any nasty political wars (any further than your existence alone does), it's better to take the defense of this region into your own hands. You have BG Peters' full backing on this.

-[] Upgraded Radar Tower – BG Peters has no complaints against you and Sasaki wanting even greater radar coverage. Not only would this provide greater local radar coverage, this would allow you to tap further into the EUDF Global Network. This is more expensive than the Outposts, but also allows you to see much farther than your local area.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Greater Local Security, Greater Awareness of Global Threats

Additional Actions Pending Completion of Outposts

[] A Helping Hand - The sappers know the drill by now. If you can spare some resources, you can speed up the construction of an ongoing or new build project.

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turns
Reduces Turn Duration of one construction project by One Turn. Cannot be reduced below One Turn.

Pilot Candidates – It's becoming more imperative to start training and grooming new talent to take to the field ahead of any new machines we make. Lieutenant Tellison is now undergoing training, and there's undoubtedly more talent that you haven't tapped into. Thanks to Sam and the Duo's efforts, you have a pretty reliable way of finding and training new talent. Best get to it!
-[] Pilot Training – Find New Talent – You have an entire base of personnel to tap into, all with varying abilities and psychic potential. The option remains to find new talent, but you'll have to invest into actively searching.

Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance to find new pilots (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

-[] Pilot Training - Cadet Satsuma - Though her primary job in the base is liaising with the Legion, there is no reason not to test CDT Satsuma's aptitude for piloting. She might actually be more talented than you realize, but you won't know until you try.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Additional Traits (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

Engineering Actions

Xenotechnology Branch - Max is hard at work at her given area, but she doesn't have a dedicated lab or staff yet. Wilde and Henry, once again supported by Architect, are willing to step up to the job of repurposing one of the last unused buildings in Sam's corner for her use. With as much experience as they have now, the Duo (w/Architect) have some ideas of how to go about this.
Automated Laboratory - Max is...difficult to deal with as it is, as Ivanna will attest. So perhaps building an automated laboratory that can keep up with her demanding specifications will be for the better. This would definitely help speed up some of the projects, though it wouldn't necessarily make any of them easier.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Will allow Max to reduce the Duration of ONE Xenotechnology project each turn. Cannot be reapplied to an ongoing project.

Upgraded Equipment - When dealing with Xenotech, no matter how irascible or grating it is to deal with Max, it's better to have dedicated and proper equipment! The staff is just gonna have to suck it up. At least they'll have Ivanna helping every so often, right?

Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Will allow Max to reduce the Threshold of ONE Xenotechnology project each turn. Cannot be reapplied to an ongoing project.

New Customers - Anna has given you the specification requirements for the new model for the Intelligence Services. At this point, Wilde and Henry are old hands at this, and even Patch and Architect are joining in. Patch because he sees this as good practice for modifying the rest of the Legion, and Architect out of genuine intellectual curiosity.

They've already come up with two competing designs, both looking to take the title of "CR-02." You can choose one or the other...or you can submit them as a package deal and see if you can get more resources that way. There's no guarantee that it will happen, but you've made a sales pitch before...

Either design by themselves more than satisfies the criteria. The question is, how lucky do you feel?
-[] CRX-24 "Shade", designed by @Alectai
Purpose: Espionage Support Craft
Vehicle Form: Civilian SUV
Alt-Form: Light Mech
Biography: The 'Shade' is prepared to the specifications of the Intelligence Service, and designed to assist in their ability to gather information--and to take direct action when necessary. By default, it can be constructed in the shape of any number of civilian models of SUV, permitting decent off road mobility while not attracting too much attention in urban environments. Where a civilian automobile would have useful quality of life computers and a satellite radio, is exchanged for a high powered signal interceptor/satellite uplink, and a top class integrated computing system derived from DFRI studies, capable of codebreaking and data decryption alike--and just as easily scrubbed in times of exigency. When the time for direct action is required, the 'Shade' can be Configured into a light combat mech, theoretically proof against infantry and capable of fighting against light hostile war machines long enough to make good an escape--or disrupt a key operation at just the right moment.

Duration: 1 Turn
Guaranteed +1 RP permanent income

-[] CRX-31 "Steed", designed by @Toad
Purpose: Rapid Urban Transport and Emergency Escape
Vehicle Form: Motorcycle
Alt-Form: Power Armour
Biography: Designed specifically for use by field agents in need of speedy transport in urban areas. Has shielded compartments in both forms for hidden blades and firearms. Includes a power armor form with propelled grappling hook and enhanced jumping capabilities allowing for more three dimensional escape options in case of discovery by enemies. Speed of transformation is greater than that of larger mecha forms which enables dynamic shifts preformed at high velocity.

Duration: 1 Turn
Guaranteed +1 RP permanent income

-[] Submit both as a package deal, designed to work in tandem with one another. The Shade can operate as the field Command-and-Control vehicle, with subordinate units operating in multiple Steeds.

Or failing that, let them make the decision on which they want.

Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for greater permanent RP income (2d6, unknown threshold)
Can gain up to +3 RP permanent income

[] K-Class Materials Experiments - There is still room for improvement using the K-Class. There really isn't too much direction at this point, but if you give the Duo the resources to tinker around, they're bound to come up with something.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance to Improve Base Combat Stats of Beowulf, Unlock New Actions

Configuration - You still have both the new Buckler IFVs on inventory, along with a horde of broken down ones that are providing a scrapyard of spare parts for you. You also recovered the broken remains of the Westphalian warmachines, including the monstrous Pilum-class custom. It's broken, but you can make some use of it…
-[] Buckler IFV – Combined with the broken remains of the Westphalian versions, you now have a giant armored vehicle in plentiful supply. Why not make use of it and make this the subject of configuration into a mecha?

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough at ADVANTAGE (3d6, Threshold of 4-6 (Excess parts!))

-[] Enemy Wreckage – You have examples of the strange guntrucks/tank destroyers (called Tank-Mobiles apparently) and the monstrous Pilum-class custom's remains. Wilde and Henry noticed at a glance that both seem to share the same principles of engineering, ones that seem to also share a few ideas on variable configuration (if absolutely crude and inefficient). With your permission, they want to dig into this.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (5-6, Threshold of 5-6)
Gain analysis of Westphalian Equipment, Unlocks New Options

Supercomputer AI - Dr. Ignatov has been relatively quiet as of late, but you now know why. He and Katarina have been hard at work investigating the additional fragmentary codes emerging from the Lair. They have concluded that they are unlikely to actually develop into code by themselves...unless we give them a push. This is once again brand new territory for Ignatov, so he's requesting redundant resources in case something goes wrong.

They have provided options below. You may choose one.
MMI Supplemental Development - In short, there's enough fragmentary code to be a part of an AI personality, but not enough to develop one on its own. But if someone were to spend some time with an MMI helmet with the code, the code fragments will draw from the member's ESP waves and fill in the gaps. You will get a personality that resembles the contributor, but still be its own individual.

Ignatov and Katarina are adamant that you take at least two months with this approach.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Will gain new AI Supercomputer Personality, Will be slotted as a Mecha Personality

Functional Supplemental Development - The fragments are smart enough to fill in the blanks given enough hints. Katarina suggests placing the AI in areas where it can observe where you want it to work. The likeliest candidate right now is the Engineering Bay, but that can be changed if you wish.

Both Ignatov and Katarina also want to take their time doing this.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Will gain new AI Supercomputer Personality, Will be slotted as an Adviser Personality

Science Actions

Calm - Ivanna's help enables you to re-roll one failed Science Action Test this turn.

This Goes to No Museum - Xenotechnology – You know it's scanning for something now. You're not sure for who or what yet, and at this point you'd very much like to get ahead of whatever it's trying to do. Max agrees, and has two suggestions for you to choose from. By their nature, you can only choose one of them. Each decision will require two months of tests (2 Turns).
-[] Power Source? - If it has so much energy, let's try tapping into some of it. Carefully! This is as much to see what sort of reaction it will trigger as it is to actually gain any benefit from it.

-[] Increased Exposure to Individuals - You've determined it won't hurt anyone, and Max has devised means of containing it (through judicious application of Rupture Foam) if it tries. As a test, she's going to place it in a sealed containment unit with just enough room for it to subtly scan people above ground.

Joint Operations - Sam has noticed something about the K-Class Materials. It reacts to outside stimuli, but reactions to machines operated by the MMI or exposure to directed psychic signals are inconsistent. This lack of consistency offends Sam. He wants to know why this is happening.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6); Chance to Discover New Actions

Energy Blast – With the study on Bandit's rifle, Max has a good grasp of how to replicate the Kaus energy blasts. However, she flat out tells you that putting it into a 'handheld' package for the Beowulf is right out. She can, however, turn it into a Heavy Weapons package. One that promises to be much more potent than the rocket launcher you've set aside for the Beowulf.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options

[] ESP Theory - There's always room to improve your understanding of ESP Theory, even though by now you've explored a fair amount of territory doing so. Sam wants to push things further, but there's so much to do in there. He is prioritizing the Psychic Choir phenomenon, along with determining if psychic powers can develop any other additional traits.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Advantage (3d6 (Experts), Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in ESP Theory

[] Kaiju Biotechnology - Though a younger field than ESP, the biotechnologists are ready to break open even more secrets from the kaiju samples. With an emphasis on learning how to shape K-Class Materials into artificial shapes, they have their work cut out for them.

But the power of metal will provide.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Kaiju Biotechnology

Xenotechnology – Max has what you would call a mixed set of problems. On the one hand, she suddenly has a windfall of stuff under her specialty she needs to study! On the other hand, she doesn't have any facilities dedicated to studying any of it yet! She'll make do, but she's ecstatic that she has all sorts of new toys that "promise to make physics CRY!"

-[] Energy Shard Processing – The lifeblood and currency of Kausen society apparently. It seems straightforward enough to Max: processed energy essentially scrunched into a tiny package. Human energy processing such as oil, gas and fusion power apparently translate quite nicely into Shards (which explains the constant raids from the Free Brothers). Max is confident she can replicate it, but the bigger question to her is how we can use it safely.

Cost: 2 RP (2 RP Locked)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, Bonus RP Generation Option

-[] Anti-Gravity – Max honestly isn't sure what to make of this one. Though it is not the classic sci-fi portrayal of anti-gravity, it certainly has the potential to greatly lower the weight of classic metal materials. But Max can't really give a professional opinion until she takes a closer look, but she doesn't expect it to take very long.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options

-[] Kaus Armor Plating – Otherwise known as 'zirvitium alloy.' Max is predicting that it is very good at absorbing the energy blast weapons favored by Kausen warriors, but it's otherwise just a very sturdy set of armor plating. At least at first glance. She has some science to do on this one.

Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options

-[] Dispersion Field Plans – "It's a damned force field!" At least that's what you think you heard Max cackle. You're not sure. You just know that Galbinus told you it's not a complete set of the plans. It's just as much of the plans that some former shield engineers in the Legion scribed down from memory. On the plus side, it means you can create something uniquely yours.

Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options
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On the one hand, disassembly for maintenance is likely simple as it's already designed for it. On the other hand, so many moving parts that are all critical.
Not quite, from the sound of it the Variable Configuration is itself quite tough/sufficiently redundant given the sort of punishment we've been giving it without a case of failure to configure.
Alright *Cracks Knuckles*

I'm back to work today but largely recovered, let's get this done before i'm out
-[] Pilot Training - Cadet Satsuma - Though her primary job in the base is liaising with the Legion, there is no reason not to test CDT Satsuma's aptitude for piloting. She might actually be more talented than you realize, but you won't know until you try.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Additional Traits (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Applying the Creative bonus to this sounds like it has a lot of returns
MMI Supplemental Development - In short, there's enough fragmentary code to be a part of an AI personality, but not enough to develop one on its own. But if someone were to spend some time with an MMI helmet with the code, the code fragments will draw from the member's ESP waves and fill in the gaps. You will get a personality that resembles the contributor, but still be its own individual.

Ignatov and Katarina are adamant that you take at least two months with this approach.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Will gain new AI Supercomputer Personality, Will be slotted as a Mecha Personality
Personal priority
-[] Increased Exposure to Individuals - You've determined it won't hurt anyone, and Max has devised means of containing it (through judicious application of Rupture Foam) if it tries. As a test, she's going to place it in a sealed containment unit with just enough room for it to subtly scan people above ground.
Also personal preference.
-[] Energy Shard Processing – The lifeblood and currency of Kausen society apparently. It seems straightforward enough to Max: processed energy essentially scrunched into a tiny package. Human energy processing such as oil, gas and fusion power apparently translate quite nicely into Shards (which explains the constant raids from the Free Brothers). Max is confident she can replicate it, but the bigger question to her is how we can use it safely.

Cost: 2 RP (2 RP Locked)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, Bonus RP Generation Option
And this would vastly enhance performance, considering the energy density of this.
Better than petrol!

Not sure if I should write up a plan since @Alectai is on the job and I won't be available to adjust due to bein too asleep soon...
18 RP huh. lets get the Enclave, The Stork Dropship, and the three Fact Hunt options.
[x]Plan Laughing Madly
-[x] Construct Legionary Enclave
-[x] First Response Corps
-[x] Aviation
-[x] Pilot Training - Cadet Satsuma
--[X] Diana's Support
-[x] Automated Laboratory
-[x] Submit both as a package deal, designed to work in tandem with one another
-[x] Enemy Wreckage
-[x] Increased Exposure to Individuals
-[x] ESP Theory
-[x] Dispersion Field Plans
--[x] Katarina's Support

18 RP even.
We start completing our promises both to Allies and Comrades, Aviation and FRC info allows us to really start cracking on hot spots, and everything else is on increasingly bleeding edge projects.
Dispersion Field is... interesting and increases defense, ESP is ESP, untaped field and pet project of our top scientist, Automation and Increased Exposure helps other scientist and enemy wreckage is full of intel and ideas.
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[X] Plan: It's Raining Dosh!
-[X] Construct Legionary Enclave (3 RP)
-[X] Mander Security Solutions (1 RP)
-[X] Aviation – Eye in the Sky (3 RP)
-[X] Pilot Training - Cadet Satsuma (2 RP)
--[X] Diana's Support
-[X] Upgraded Equipment (3 RP)
-[X] Submit both as a package deal, designed to work in tandem with one another
--[X] Katarina's Support
-[X] Buckler IFV (2 RP)
-[X] Increased Exposure to Individuals
-[X] ESP Theory (2 RP)
-[X] Anti-Gravity (2 RP)
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They even got the bridge-style command center you wanted!

The one with physics-defying shadows that conveniently form Christian crosses?

You totally aren't wasting resources. No Sir, you are not. Those are lies and slander.

It's okay, you're the boss.

But it's always good to build. Always good to build something that will last. Yes."

Someone has an addiction...

Hasn't stopped configuring for hours."

Others have it worse though.

[X] Plan: It's Raining Dosh!
-[X] Submit both as a package deal, designed to work in tandem with one another

If you do this, can you spare an advisor to increase the chances of success? Otherwise, we risk failing and getting very little.

I also think that tinkering with the spare Bucklers is safer and more likely to success, rather than risking our unique gunship at the moment.
[X] Plan: It's Raining Dosh!

Have to wonder what kinda bonuses we will get once the Enclave is up and running, not to mention what it will be capable of.
That's exactly what I did though?

But I'll toss Katarina over there, sure. Not sure it'll apply, but more chances to get better gains can't hurt.
Let's diff our plans!
It's Raining Dosh! vs Laughing Madly

First, Fact Hunt on Madler vs First Response. Rivals versus comrade in arms whom we want cooperate more. Can go either way, mine's faster, rivals could get tech insights.

Second, Improved Equipment vs Automated lab. More breakthrough versus faster and less frustration for support personnel. Personal preference.

Third, just a bike versus package deal. I like bike, plus guaranteed success versus thing that's written as if it can fail and get us 0 RP.

Fourth, Buckler vs. Gunship. We need air power, plus some technological insights and info about our enemies.

Fifth, Anti-Gravity vs Dispersion Field. We want both, we can get AG next turn and they end up ready at the same time.
I'm more interested in learning more about the Westphalians, who definitely know where we are and are now out for blood, and this is the option that studies them.

I'm pretty sure frustration for support personnel is 99% flavor?

It'd also be weird if we can present two individually potent items, and them being rejected because "Oh you've given us too much choice!"

Gunship isn't going anywhere, and I want to pop it when we can dunk Katarina on it for maximum gains.

And finally, Dispersion Field is more expensive, and pretty much demands Katarina's support to get breakthroughs from studying it. Ideally and a reroll too. As things stand, I already had to push Katarina to the sales pitch (Though if that's invalid, she's going right back onto Antigrav), because while the reroll is nice, I'd much rather throw more dice at the problem in the first place.
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