Some average, one legendary success, and our Cadet is a prodigy, how appropriate!

Shame that antigrav got a meh result. At least we ultimately got a breakthrough on the synergy effects eventually.
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The Buckler is definitely going to be Core Unit material with that roll though, and if we make it a drone warfare package, that fits his traits too.
Sadly no. Using Ivanna's re-roll was not specified, so I defaulted to using it on the first time it was needed.

Also, if anyone wants to throw their hat into the ring regarding a name for the Buckler rework, now is the time.

My bad there, I thought I implied it strongly, but I forgot that the earlier projects would eat it first.
The Buckler is definitely going to be Core Unit material with that roll though, and if we make it a drone warfare package, that fits his traits too.
Hmm... Couple Modules we can build here to take advantage of the large amount of empty space in the chassis.

Assault: Packs jump jets in it''s fighting compartment. Uable as either mobility or point blank weapons.
C&C: Drone weapons and mobile comm relays allow for a force multiplier unit.
Knight: Extra layers of armor, everywhere.

I look forwards to seeing what Basarin cooks up for that success.
Hrrm... Buckler's noot a bad starting name. Or it would be, if it wasn't what those Westphallian creeps called it...
Maybe to start with, we can call our version the 'Gaurd' as an opener. From there? We shall see what it becomes, and if Tellison gives us any ideas what to name it.
...Long-term we could make this the cat-series but I'd rather use a different mech then some walking turtle of a beast.
...Maybe the Turtle, prospective upgrade names being Genbu or Gamora after that flying Kaiju turtle-creature though that latter name...Miiight be somewhat in bad taste.
To build off DaLinty's module ideas...
Assault=Wartortise and/or Kappa.
C&C Shellsage...I dunno, I don't have great ideas, and Tortise might in theory work but I have doubts...
Knight: Well, the Matroikya for just how many layers the thing could have might work. Protector's also an option for a more knightly theme. Legendary name might be Marshall after William Marshall.
Buckler IFV – Combined with the broken remains of the Westphalian versions, you now have a giant armored vehicle in plentiful supply. Why not make use of it and make this the subject of configuration into a mecha?

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough at ADVANTAGE (3d6, Threshold of 4-6 (Excess parts!))

Critical Success then. Also, cool numbers.


And it's on the least useful roll of the turn...

I say we call it Slaaneshs mini van. Quick crank up the bass!
A "Shield" IFV, huh?
Callit a "Phalanx"?

Mobility/Anti-Air Focus = "Targe" Mode
Transport/Anti-Armor Focus = "Kite" Mode
Armor/Defense Focus = "Tower" Mode
Turn Three, Year Two Results
Plan: It's Raining Dosh!
-Construct Legionary Enclave (3 RP)
-Mander Security Solutions (1 RP)
-Aviation – Eye in the Sky (3 RP)
-Pilot Training - Cadet Satsuma (2 RP)
--Diana's Support
-Upgraded Equipment (3 RP)
-Submit both as a package deal, designed to work in tandem with one another
--Katarina's Support
-Buckler IFV (2 RP)
-Increased Exposure to Individuals
-ESP Theory (2 RP)
-Anti-Gravity (2 RP)

LOCKED Actions
-Command Center
-Pilot Candidate
-Joint Operations
-Energy Blast
-Increased Exposure

Special Actions

Construct Legionary Enclave – One of the Legion's engineers, Architect, has arrived as part of the advance party. Once he links up with Wilde and Henry, the three of them will put their heads together to begin discussions on where and how the Enclave is going to take shape. Both sides seem to be agreeable with each other so far, and the fact you're helping build a new permanent home for them is only improving the situation.

Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Chance for Greater Success (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Duration: 3 Turns

It turns out that building a large base for giant sentient machines is a lot trickier than you gave it credit for. Who knew?

As Architect and Patch go over the planning phase with the Duo, a multitude of issues are emerging. They need, obviously, a lot of space. That itself isn't the problem. The problem is also finding good enough terrain that is both workable and keeps them relatively out of sight. This is going to be less of an issue once the entire Legion is capable of self-configuration, but for now, they're planning as if none of them have it. And walking around at full height tends to draw attention.

Wilde and Henry are gamely keeping up with their requirements. There's a few good locations that roughly match the Legion's specifications about ten miles away from the base. Not exactly next door, but easily within proximity.

Still, this month was entirely focused on the planning phase. You expect to see actual construction begin sometime next month.

Enclave construction began. This month was focused on planning; construction to begin next month.

Mander Security Solutions - Your forces have the most experience fighting off unwanted attention from separatists. The Valiant has been fighting them since Day One of its creation. Send Rotterdam over to Mander Security Solutions with Intelligence Services backing to see what she can learn about how to best fight against Westphalia.

Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns

The initial reports you get from Rotterdam is that Charles Mander is a weirdo.

And she says that with full knowledge of who works at your organization. But also like at at DFRI, she can see that there's a certain method to the madness.

From what Rotterdam can determine so far, Charles Mander is a retired Naval Defense Force Officer (something he insists on referring to as "His Majesty's Navy, in support of the Earth Union." Yes. He says it like that every time.) who was forced to retire after being too injured to continue active service. A long-time advocate of action against Westphalian terrorism, Mander Security Solutions is the culmination of his life's work of defending against separatism. Rotterdam can't confirm it yet, but he seems to have predicted fairly early on Westphalia's favor towards using esoteric warmachines, and spent a good amount of resources towards building the Valiant as a response.

You shudder at how expensive that might be to a private organization. You at least are government-funded.

Rotterdam will continue to investigate, but she is focusing her inquiries towards the scientist behind Valiant, Dr. Marcus Dinym, and the pilot, one Arthur Drake. With luck, she'll be able to at least gain some input on how the Valiant works and how to best combat the Westphalians.

Tentative contact made with MSS. Inquiries ongoing.

Defense Force Actions

Command Center - You wanted a command center. You need a command center. You can justify a command center. You're tired of directing operations from your office. Besides the fact it's downright cool, it will also provide additional options during deployments or - goodness forbid - another base defense.

Duration: 1 Turns
Constructs Command Center. Unlocks Additional Combat Options.

0954, 20 March, A.D. 2071
DFRI Command Center

"You seem pleased," Anna comments.

"Oh, yes," you agree.

"He has been wanting something like this for awhile," Sasaki mutters. "Even though I am the tactical officer."

"Hush, and let me have this," you say.

...bless you, it's beautiful.

The Command Center, located deep underground, is connected to the Main Hall by high speed elevators. Upon leaving the elevator, one is greeted to a long, outstretched walkway leading towards banks of consoles with a holographic display in the center of it all. In any other situation, this would be handled by a cadre of officers. But thankfully, you have the AI 'sisters' who can congregate and fulfill those duties.

But it doesn't end there. Stretching below you, separated by transparent barriers, are the new maintenance bays for the Beowulf and its accompanying Formation units. Run by a mixture of automated maintenance drones and engineering staff, there are additional elevators and walkways for the pilots (currently just Callaghan) where they can receive their own briefings, shower, and take a catnap if time permits. There is even enough room for Kausen to maneuver around (which made sense, since Architect had a hand in designing this). The entire setup is a mixture of hewed out rock formations, hardball road surfaces and metal walls and barriers.

You are, however, far too pleased by the fact that there is a large, sloped elevator that will bring all involved units straight to the Landing Pads where they can be immediately whisked away to any waiting drop ship.

"...okay, I'm good," you announce.

"You sure?" Anna teases. "Need another minute?"

"No. Good now."

Command Center complete! Gain new options and bonuses for combat deployments!

Aviation – Eye in the Sky – Sasaki was quite happy with having the Yuri Gagarin on station in November. She was not so happy when you had to give it back. She wants to know if there is a way we could get our hands on our own.

Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
Gain a Stork-class Dropship (allows for independent missions)

Requisitioning a drop ship is a lot more difficult than you were expecting.

The expenses? You were ready for that.

You were not, however, prepared for just how in demand the damned things are.

One public item that you can attribute to the Warlord's rampage was that he made it a point to actively target firms that developed the parts for the Stork-class dropship. The private sector is recovering and will catch back up now that he's gone, but for the moment, every Stork-class is treated by their commanders like gold.

Still, you're not about to give up on it. For the same reasons other commands don't want to give up their drop ships, you are just as determined to get your hands on one.

Will complete in two turns.

Outposts – From what you can tell, the Westphalians were able to take advantage of the tiniest gaps in your security net to sneak through. While this may be closing the barn door after the horses left, you're not taking any chances. Set up some outposts in key positions to make sure no one gets another chance.

Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Greater Local Security

The outposts continue construction apace. Nothing else to be said so far; Wilde and Henry have identified suitable terrain to begin excavating underground. With jury-rigged Hounds repurposed for digging, both they and Architect are slowly establishing new listening posts.

Several Jackal squadrons have already moved out to assist in carving out what will be their new home next month.

Slowly but surely you are turning this region into a stronger redoubt.

Outposts will complete at the end of next turn.

Pilot Training – Tellison – Tellison has already proven himself in the defense of the Institute. Perhaps it's time to begin testing him more fully to take to an MMI-based machine?

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Additional Traits (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

It's official. Tellison has a talent for battlefield command.

Strictly as a pilot, he does not really stand out in any particular area. However, as suspected, his talent is that he can encourage the units around him to strike with him, defend with him, maneuver with him.

You suspect that if he were operating a machine that relied on a crew, Tellison would drive the entire machine to unseen heights. As it stands, he is a capable enough fighter that he can direct battlefield support units such as the First Experimental Support Wing or the Reconnaissance squadrons to perform even better than before.

You wonder what he could accomplish if you paired him with a co-pilot...or an AI Supercomputer personality.

1LT Oscar Tellison

Notable Character: Can make two attacks per turn at 2d6 for 1 HP each. Counts as a single Action.
Actions: 1
Inspiring Leadership: Inspire Support Units to fight harder!
- V-33 'Longship' Flight: Can conduct Heavy Weapon Strike every other turn!
- Jackal Squadron: Can Strike as if they were Notable.
- Can grant one friendly unit a re-roll to any Action for free once per combat turn! Cannot use this on himself.

Pilot Training - Cadet Satsuma - Though her primary job in the base is liaising with the Legion, there is no reason not to test CDT Satsuma's aptitude for piloting. She might actually be more talented than you realize, but you won't know until you try.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Additional Traits (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

In contrast, Satsuma...

...well. If you didn't know better, you'd suspect that she had some serious anger management problems.

But no. This is not the case. Sasaki and Callaghan discovered very quickly that she has a very aggressive combat style. One that they are struggling to channel properly, and it's only with Diana's help that they were able to retool the Proving Grounds to better suit her style. Where Callaghan is a skilled and agile combatant, and where Tellison inspires others, Satsuma chooses to press the attack and to not stop until the enemy ceases to be a problem.

It's something to consider. She is decent enough in a Jackal, but much like with Tellison, you wonder if there's another type of machine that she'd be better suited for.

You'll find out more when her training concludes next month.

Satsuma displaying Aggressive traits! To be defined at end of next turn!

Engineering Actions

Upgraded Equipment - When dealing with Xenotech, no matter how irascible or grating it is to deal with Max, it's better to have dedicated and proper equipment! The staff is just gonna have to suck it up. At least they'll have Ivanna helping every so often, right?

Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Will allow Max to reduce the Threshold of ONE Xenotechnology project each turn. Cannot be reapplied to an ongoing project.

Apparently it's a really interesting experience trying to construct a Xenotechnology lab with Maximilliane Brand in mind.

Henry describes it as "trying to build the Leaning Tower of Pisa in a minefield. And the mines think you stole their lunch." This is due to the sheer amount of volatile equipment that's lying around by necessity. With this in mind, Wilde and Henry are treating the lab as if they were building a containment facility, one that can be isolated into sections on demand.

Architect, when he heard what was going on, frantically rushed to fill in the gaps they left behind. Apparently Kaus energy weapons can make a really big boom if improperly handled.

Will complete next turn!

Submit both as a package deal, designed to work in tandem with one another. The Shade can operate as the field Command-and-Control vehicle, with subordinate units operating in multiple Steeds.

Or failing that, let them make the decision on which they want.

Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for greater permanent RP income (2d6, unknown threshold)
Can gain up to +3 RP permanent income

To be followed by Interlude.

Buckler IFV – Combined with the broken remains of the Westphalian versions, you now have a giant armored vehicle in plentiful supply. Why not make use of it and make this the subject of configuration into a mecha?

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough at ADVANTAGE (3d6, Threshold of 4-6 (Excess parts!))

Due to Critical Success, will be followed by Interlude.

Science Actions

Increased Exposure to Individuals - You've determined it won't hurt anyone, and Max has devised means of containing it (through judicious application of Rupture Foam) if it tries. As a test, she's going to place it in a sealed containment unit with just enough room for it to subtly scan people above ground.

0733, 12 March, A.D. 2071

"You put it where?" you ask.

Max shrugs as she points behind her. "Right over there," she answers as she sips from her coffee. True enough, the artifact is simply placed right above the door to the cafeteria. Still in its containment unit, but also well-disguised enough to avoid notice, it's been given a narrow avenue of vision to detect passing and going individuals. Enough for it to get a bead on individuals, but no more.

"And this is not going to-?"

"I placed a trigger system," Max says. "The second it detects something, I have ten canisters of Rupture Foam ready to go off. It's not going to hurt anyone."

"She says that," Sam says as he walks up to you. One tray is balancing what looks like a tower of donuts the length of his forearm. "But let me tell you about the time she-"

"-we resolved that out of court, you know," Max says casually. She swipes one donut from his tray. "Besides, this is perfectly safe."

"You know I hate it when you say that," Sam says as he sits down next to both of you. Biting into a donut, he waves the unfinished sweet in his hands to articulate his point. "Just as well. How's the xenotech stuff going?"

Energy Blast – With the study on Bandit's rifle, Max has a good grasp of how to replicate the Kaus energy blasts. However, she flat out tells you that putting it into a 'handheld' package for the Beowulf is right out. She can, however, turn it into a Heavy Weapons package. One that promises to be much more potent than the rocket launcher you've set aside for the Beowulf.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options

Anti-Gravity – Max honestly isn't sure what to make of this one. Though it is not the classic sci-fi portrayal of anti-gravity, it certainly has the potential to greatly lower the weight of classic metal materials. But Max can't really give a professional opinion until she takes a closer look, but she doesn't expect it to take very long.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options

"A bit mixed," Max admits. "Anti-Gravity didn't, uh, turn out so well."

"Is that why half my samples started floating when I tried shaping more K-Class?" he demands.

"I may or may not have had something to do with that," Max says. You note she is terrible at trying to sound innocent. "I followed the plans, but most of it was incomplete. I tried bridging the gaps with steel." She shakes her head. "The apparatus didn't work. It was trying to make everything else but the metal lighter. I'm going to have to make another go of it after I clean everything up."

"The Heavy Weapon package?" you ask.

"That works no problem." Handing you a tablet, what looks to be an arm-mounted cannon with wires going to an auxiliary backpack unit is highlighted. "I couldn't make it a standalone, so I had to rework several industrial batteries into a backpack unit to power the Kaus energy mechanisms. It's guaranteed to put a hole into whatever you're aiming at, and it'll recharge just fine in a fight, but don't expect it to be cheap."

You wince. That isn't the cheapest weapon to deploy, but if it works...

You almost miss what Max is asking. "And you, Sam?"

Joint Operations - Sam has noticed something about the K-Class Materials. It reacts to outside stimuli, but reactions to machines operated by the MMI or exposure to directed psychic signals are inconsistent. This lack of consistency offends Sam. He wants to know why this is happening.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6); Chance to Discover New Actions

ESP Theory - There's always room to improve your understanding of ESP Theory, even though by now you've explored a fair amount of territory doing so. Sam wants to push things further, but there's so much to do in there. He is prioritizing the Psychic Choir phenomenon, along with determining if psychic powers can develop any other additional traits.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Advantage (3d6 (Experts), Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in ESP Theory

"Mixed bag," he admits. "I'll have a deeper report later, but it turns out that MMI does treat K-Class as a machine. It's got its limits, so you're not going to be making a K-Class computer from fabrication or nothing like that. Trying to build something with an MMI and K-Class? Bit dicier." He devours the rest of the donut before looking for his coffee cup. "But if the wearer of the MMI considers the K-Class materials as part of the machine, the kaiju tissue is going to damn well run with it." Grabbing a hold of a cup, he gestures wildly, almost spilling the coffee, "I've got no damned explanation why it works like that, it just does."

"How about the-"

"Psychic Theater?" When you nod, he says, "Bit soon to say. But I can confirm there's no side effects or anything like that. So you're not gonna find people coming out of a Theater thinking they're the next coming of Genghis Khan or Napoleon or anything like that."

"...that sounds oddly specific, Sam," Max says with a raised eyebrow.

"Jim's always a little delusional," Sam shrugs. "But at least he's not trying to fabricate a K-Class that tastes like chicken. I just don't have anything major to say on it yet; we're in a really good spot to really dig into the Science of it next month, that's all."


"Quiet over there!" Max snaps at the group of scientists who echoed from the omelette stand.

You let the rest of the conversation wash over you, your attention already focusing on other matters.

Like a certain sales pitch you've got to get ready for.

Energy Blast Heavy Weapon Strike developed!
Cost to deploy: 2 RP
Heavy Weapon Strike at Advantage (3d6, inflicts 4 HP). 2 Charges. Can be used as a Free Action.

No significant progress yet.

Discovered that MMI treats K-Class as part of a wider machine. Increased performance for Beowulf.

Sam is well-prepared to really begin testing the Psychic Theater next month. Not much else to say.
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Whew, that heavy weapon. double the price, double the impact.

But that'll clean up nice when we can build Shards.
Even Further Beyond!
Obligatory PLUS! ULTRA!


"But if the wearer of the MMI considers the K-Class materials as part of the machine, the kaiju tissue is going to damn well run with it."
That explains the "itch" Callaghan got when the K-Mesh was first used. It was new, so it felt like slightly raw skin rubbing on fabric.

inb4 enough stimuli from the MMI kicks the evolution properties of the K-Scale into overdrive, covering the mech with scaly bio-organic armor, complete with NANOMACHINES KAIJUU SCALES, SON
Accidental K-Material coffee cup that's best coffee cup in the world, contains it at optimal temperature longer and improves taste of coffee put it in to boot?
Speaking of random items, we have Warlord's pipe and a shard of Bandit's armor in the Major's office. Because souvenirs, bragging rights, and karma laden paperweights.
Construct Legionary Enclave – One of the Legion's engineers, Architect, has arrived as part of the advance party. Once he links up with Wilde and Henry, the three of them will put their heads together to begin discussions on where and how the Enclave is going to take shape. Both sides seem to be agreeable with each other so far, and the fact you're helping build a new permanent home for them is only improving the situation.

Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Chance for Greater Success (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Duration: 3 Turns
@Basarin minor error, you have this when the Build Command Center action is.
Configuration - New Customers
With thanks to @HeavyBane and @NHO! I took pieces from both of your pitches and paraphrased them into this piece. The Buckler IFV Interlude will follow after this, I have just enough time to type this one out.

1138, 29 March, A.D. 2071
The Proving Grounds

It's an interesting situation you find yourself in as you conduct your briefing with the IS representatives.

Anna herself is here, but she was effectively only the messenger when it came to delivering the specification requirements. The actual party are a small group of men and women in business suits. Their identification all checked out, but you snort to yourself at just how they fit the Unity Station stereotype so well. Nicely dressed, groomed, and look like they never came anywhere near the firing range, nevermind the field.

In this case, though, you knew better. The higher in rank you got in the IS, the more you had to pay for the privilege in sweat and work. Some of these men and women probably had plenty of fieldwork to their names.

Yet here you are as you simply wait, allowing them to watch the proceeding demonstration. You decided to keep this simple and to the point: you just have to show off the capabilities of the Shade and the Steed, and then open the floor to questions. Katarina really came through for you here when you stressed what you wanted out of the presentation.

A mockup 'town' patrolled by the First Reconnaissance's Jackals, along with a flow of 'civilian' traffic (really just two or three cars) is the set-piece. The objective: a computer terminal located in the center of town has data to be extracted. Mission completion was getting the data, one way or another, and getting out.

"So explain to us," one man asks. You turn towards him. Like everyone else, he looked both distinctive, yet not distinctive enough from the crowd he was a part of. "You have two machine classes here that fit our specifications. Why do you want to sell us both?"

"Because both act as force multipliers for each other," you respond. "The Shade operates as the field Command-and-Control vehicle, while the Steeds would work as subordinate units." Almost as if playing to a script, the Shade pulls over into a nearby alleyway and deploys a field communications kit - which on the shade just looks like a regular radio antenna from a civilian model car. A few plain-clothed 'agents' then file out of the car, making a roundabout path towards the objective. "By working together, they can achieve an unprecedented degree of coordination and mobility that experienced field agents will be able to exploit to their most."

True to form, the audience is then keyed into radio traffic as the Shade's operators begin acting as onsite mission control, with the Steeds slowly fanning out throughout the town. One immediately configures into Armor mode and, firing a grappling hook upwards, nimbly climbs up a nearby building, while the others are slowly trailing some of the Jackals, periodically reporting their movements.

"And if they get caught?" the same man asks.

"Well, that's why you wanted a Mecha mode, right?" you point out. "Should the two be trapped or isolated from each other, then they both have options they can fall back on. Or, at the very least, cause enough chaos to escape."

The next few moments then erupt into action as one of the Jackals sees the operatives attempting to access the computer terminal. Before it can sound the alarm or fire the laser ping signifying the 'death' of the operative, its aim is immediately thrown off as one of the Steeds wings it, summoned by remote command. The one operative then hops onto the Steed as it swerves to park next to him, only to promptly reconfigure into Armor mode. Shouting out commands, its forearms immediately deploys smoke screens, pointing its forearms on opposite ends of its body as it spins slowly in a circle to maximize coverage.

Simultaneously the Steeds that had fanned out into town begin launching their own firepower, all aimed at dispersing the concentrations of Jackals attempting to converge on the objective. One of the Steeds that had climbed onto the roof simply chooses to emulate a luchadore and bodyslams from the roof on top of one of the Jackals while it is in vehicle mode, grabbing hold of the roof and simply trying to swerve it into its comrades.

Throughout all this chaos, the Shade lives up to its name and sedately pulls up to the objective, unnoticed through the smoke and the chaos running rampant as it directed to its Steed compatriots. "You'll note," you tell the man as he watches, "that the Shade can work equally well for signal interception, team coordination, and direct action if needed." Before a nearby Jackal can get close, the Shade has already configured and slammed its fist directly into the Jackal's camera unit, knocking the entire warmachine face first into the ground. Promptly reconfiguring, it loads the objective and the operatives onboard and immediately guns the engine, betraying its non-civilian origins - no civilian car could output that much speed.

"Think we've seen enough," you comment. "Diana? Call ENDEX here."

"ENDEX, roger," she dutifully responds. A loud horn immediately blares, signifying the end of the display.

"Ladies and gentlemen," you say to draw their attention. "I will keep it short, as I know you all have other things to do. Either the CRX-24 or the CRX-31 offers what you want out of the deal. I say it's much more efficient to take both as a package. As you saw being demonstrated, our own simulations and training exercises - such as what you saw here - show that an ideal deployment group is a commanding CRX-24 with three to five subordinate CRX-31 units. You can use them interchangeably, or not at all - you are the professionals, and you'll know how to get the best use out of them. But with consultation - " you nod towards Anna, whose smile you can't quite determine, but you'll take it as a good sign, " - from one of your own, this formation fits most of what you are after. Pending further questions, that's all we have for this demonstration."

The audience all seem to mutter to each other, some pointing to this model or that, or looking over copies of the specifications that you provided to them before the demonstration. This only lasts for about ten seconds, before the man you spoke with nods. "We may or may not use them as you are thinking...but we do see the appeal of having both. And having the option to deploy both if we need it." He gestures towards the Main Hall. "Come, Major. I think we have more to talk about."

Good reception, if not particularly outstanding, with the Intelligence Services. They agree to take both as a package deal; whether they will use it that way or not is another matter. Not that it's your problem. +2 Permanent RP per turn!
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