@Thor's Twin pretty sure that wasn't abeo's proposal. This does explain why I got super confused when you said the horror having SEA slotted rather than SS would negate first strike though.
Yes, of course we can't assume that it do what it did. Of course.
On other news, we shouldn't train FVM because the next level will remove all techs from it. After all we can't assume what it would do.
One turn of their time is not at all an issue tho.
Why are you assuming it's just one turn of their time, and why are you saying that, after being shown his formation was superior to ours, that it wouldn't be superior to ours? We had to evovle our scouts multiple times for it to be able to fly, after all. Our scouts
still can't fight without gattai. Suyin's scouts are also said to be better than ours, likewise.
No we don't. Even in this worst case scenario where we're not allowed to assemble the Horror ahead of time (even though it has no stated time limit to keep us from doing so the day before, and there's no stated rules against bringing in constructed minions like the Li Silk Guards or Renshu's puppets), Ling Qi has already moved around with a Scout active in her pocket. We could just have the Scouts hidden on our person ready to assemble, no storage ring action required.
We can have
21 scouts hidden in our pockets beforehand? What big pockets we have. I guess this also means having our bow hidden in our mouth or some such?
We all like to think of Qi as that thing we spend to use techs, and carefully imagine Qi budgets where tech spending goes out and regen goes in. That's not really the whole story, since Qi is also the thing we block damage with, especially imperfect damage that might be dealt in large amounts with someone using a big weapon AP strategy.
I could imagine us getting into a slugfest with Kang Zihao where he can hit us just enough to be wearing down our Qi reserve with damage absorption, even though he can't actually add on damage fast enough to injure us. In cases like that 1 point of Qi is effectively 1/2 an extra Hit Box, which I think is more than nothing.
This is actually the reason I ultimately switched Zhengui's loadout to -5 QR, because its conceivable that he could need to damage absorb a lot and gutter his qi more quickly than we'd expect.
That is exactly the kind of ridiculous scenario that can't matter though? A slugfest with Kang Zihao means being hit every turns while also hitting most every turns and having Zhengui being down (because Zhengui can heal us).
The problem is that not only does Ling Qi has superior defence to offence, but she also has significant debuff-oriented techniques, hence why we talk about death cascade so much. A slugfest is not something that can happen with Ling Qi simply because if she herself is able to hit the enemy with reliability then not only the enemy
won't be able to hit her with reliability, but suddenly she would be able to very very quickly put him down.
And if Ling Qi is in a position where she is losing the last of her Qi and healthbox but aren't hitting the enemy at all, then 1/2 healthbox means nothing whatsoever.
After originally submitting the plan with Qi overflow, after 2 months of uncontested Qi overflow in the plans both before and after the SLP weeks, and with the theme of the plan very much being "full bore tourney prep", I feel it'd be very dishonest to the people who voted for SHHS to flip the Overflow now (and it would've still been dishonest 12 hours ago, when this was first brought up). The best time to argue about something is before it matters, not right on the 11th hour after it's been sitting there settled forever. If the 20% less paranoia plan wins, then so be it, that'll be the will of the people.
The main reason I think that going from -4/+3/+3 to -5/+2/+3 in my talisman setup makes sense is that on reflection it'll be better for Zhengui going into the tourney (and that's why I'm not going all the way to -6/+2/+2, I don't think being slightly more optimal in some theoretical time afterwards is worth it.)
When we switched to Qi overflow it was explicitly in preparation for SLP weeks and after deciding we couldn't have appraisal before the tournament. Since SLP weeks, we had no significant overflow and Qi overflow was a dead detail that didn't really matter one way or another.
We are arguing about it now because it is the only time that Qi overflow has a chance to matter since SLP weeks, and so it is the only time to talk about it
before it matters. Arguing that switching to Qi overflow in preparation over the SLP weeks means that we are now obligated to have Qi overflow forever is dishonest to people who argued to switch to Qi overflow before the SLP weeks (and I was one of them).
I'll be pleasantly surprised if we have the roughly 2200 RSS budget per week, which is almost 10K RSS per month (per action) to cultivate with starting a month or two
into Inner. Sure, the Mirror is worth one month of that and a bit of change, but I'd be surprised if CRX is going to up our allowance that radically in such a short span of time.
Given that we're likely going to be moving to a system of month long actions instead of week long actions, it's very possible the Spiritual XP won't make a difference to which turn we pop Appraisal on. I think that supposition that we'll continue with week-to-week cultivation in the face of month long turns is ridiculous in the extreme. A lot of eyes in the thread are already glazing over at the complexity in plans, and this would make them twice as gross as they are now.
2200RSS/Week? what? Using 2GSS is 1000RSS. Where are you getting 2200 RSS budget per week from?
CRX flat out told us, when she began to give us 1GSS/month, that she would give us significantly more in the inner sect. There is no significant reason to believe that we won't be getting 1GSS/Week from her. Inner sect stipend
should increase, but we had no confirmation there, so we can't make assumptions.
This means that if we get to appraisal within the first month and don't use any CRX GSS then, as well as sell the mirror in the auction, we will then have 30GSS on week 5 with 1/Week from CRX and 300RSS/month from the sect minimum. This means we could use 2GSS/Weeks for 32 weeks straight.
As for the argument that it will have '4x the complexity in plans than now', that is a good argument for questers eye glazing over.... but it doesn't actually mean what you think it means? In your scenario with no flexibility, It makes it
more likely that we'll end up with 1150/1200 at the end of the first month for appraisal, and so needs another full month learning spiritual rather than another thing, or means a month with 40 less dice to all cultivation.
However, this isn't how it's going to happen. We'll definitely be able have conditional to 'switch to something else and use 2GSS when hitting appraisal', and so on.