Widow Null
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Is this the dark side of writing bad things about the Gorn in Omake? Maybe we shouldn't have done that...
Character-building: legit dangerous.
Is this the dark side of writing bad things about the Gorn in Omake? Maybe we shouldn't have done that...
Pretty sure we've got a dust-up between the Gorn and Ittick-ka scheduled, no doubt soon followed by a major war with the Cardassians and HoH at the same time, a Borg or Dominion invasion, a hoard of possessed Honiani pouring out of the Eye of Chaos, and then maybe the Klingons awakening space Cthulhu or the HoH sending operatives disguised as Mormons door to door diplomancing the entire population of our core worlds.GMs, after the current set of fires die down, could we have a quarter or two of quiet times, please?
My opinion is that 'Sizeable' doesn't cut it, particularly for 'Stop the War'. 'Overwhelming' is more what we'd want.I don't know. It looks like the 24-point distribution Briefvoice has suggested is big enough to put sizeable forces on everything critical.
Thanks!I think diplomatic pushes would have to be a secondary priority to claiming some mints in the Gulf and the absolute necessity that is making Shipyard Operations an Admrial position in light of upcoming Federalization.
But if you want to draw up a plan, feel free. Here:
Boldly Go-Member and Affiliate Fleets
Save and make your own copy.
That tells you what member ships are available. You'll notice that on each member tab, there is a row labeled "Starfleet Drafted". Put the number of ships of that type you are drafting in there. If it exceeds 25%, a cell on the Member Worlds tab will trun red to alert you that you have over-drafted.
Well, how overwhelming is overwhelming? We could conceivably sacrifice everything else and throw fifty ships at stopping the war, but that would almost certainly be overkill. How many is enough by your standards? Forty? Thirty? Twenty? Because right now Briefvoice has about fifteen ships budgeted plus three diplomacy-boosting attachment teams.My opinion is that 'Sizeable' doesn't cut it, particularly for 'Stop the War'. 'Overwhelming' is more what we'd want.
It does raise the question of why we're even bothering with them. I know the Federation's goals are supposed to be about accepting other races and working towards a better future, but there will Be civilizations that are just not compatible in their current state.
2) We may want to give up on Ashtarr for this year. He's good, but I'm not sure he's 10pp worth of goodness (that is, half a diplomatic push) in a year where we've got such a big lump sum of PP being devoted to upscaling our task forces.
-Cpt. Wolfe's Analysis Team: 20 pp on purchase, 10 pp per year. Effect: +1 on opposed rolls
-Rixx Scrutineers: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Re-Roll Presence Tests during criminal investigations.
-Yokathi Lakhept: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reduce the cost of all failed diplomatic events by half.
-Technocracy Interstellar Ministry Diplomatic Team: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: For every passed Presence event each quarter, add +3 relations to another applicable tag.
-Ventil Oyana: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter.
-Hortance: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: Gain 5 pp each quarter that this task force succeeds on all events.
Um, BTW I think you're missing the "[X] [TASK]" bits in front of the two [NEW] task forces in your actual vote post.I am not the GMs, but my understanding is that for each Task Force you want, you vote for it as:
[] [TASK] Name of Task Force
You have to do a separate TASK vote for every task force you want.
Um, BTW I think you're missing the "[X] [TASK]" bits in front of the two [NEW] task forces in your actual vote post.
I should note I also have a lot of the really good ships in there. We are completely out of Member Centaur-Bs. I drafted them all.
I would want 25 ships in honesty.Well, how overwhelming is overwhelming? We could conceivably sacrifice everything else and throw fifty ships at stopping the war, but that would almost certainly be overkill. How many is enough by your standards? Forty? Thirty? Twenty? Because right now Briefvoice has about fifteen ships budgeted plus three diplomacy-boosting attachment teams.
It's really good with the larger TFs like Beyond or Unity; 5 or 6 makes it definitely worthwhile.There's a point of sufficient passed presence events where the +3 relations adds up to being worth 10pp, but I don't really know where it is.
Move the Spirit (Excelsior-A) from Sol to TF Unity
Move the Pathfinder (Excelsior-A) from CBZ to TF Unity
Move the Enlightenment (Renaissance) from from SBZ to TF Unity
Move the Tarrak (Excelsior-A) from from HBZ to TF Unity
Move the Zarayet (Excelsior-A) from GBZ to TF Unity
The Rixx Scrutineers do seem like they're uniquely suited to TF Unity.I think this is applicable to to the Corps Are Lying To Us tag. This entire thing was kicked off by piracy, after all.
Both Yokathi Lakhept and Ventil Oyana seem like a good idea for TF Royal. The first one since its starting small this year and more likely to fail checks, the latter is thematically appropriate if we ever want to attack the Orion tag.Hard to see the advantage of mitigating failures, but if it's as important as preventing a war it might be very well worth it. Changing a big -40 failure into a -20 is essentially worth 20 relations score.
There's a point of sufficient passed presence events where the +3 relations adds up to being worth 10pp, but I don't really know where it is.
Hortance might be good for the Adrazzi Gulf TF since it's unopposed and thus more likely to trigger every quarter...So he pays for himself on a single successful quarter, and can gain more pp from there. Basically generates us some pp if on an easy TF, but still costs us 5pp up front before starting, so probably a skip this year.
It would be much more preferable than having a war between our affliates on our hands.Absolutely not. That's a recipe for failing events and then we lose due to PP leaching.
This question has already been both asked and answered, but in essence yes.Dickensian Nightmare? Does that mean some kind of excessively large wealth disparity?
I think it specifically refers to the combination of aristocracy, hereditary political power, undemocratic institutions, and wealth disparity, all of which combine to create a system more ghastly than any one of them would be independently.This question has already been both asked and answered, but in essence yes.
The thing is, the Cardassians seem to think they have a chance and are going to start working on the Gorn right now. If they succeed, then it becomes a problem for us. We don't necessarily NEED to affiliate the Gorn. But we DO need to ensure the Gorn remain neutral, or at least not pro-Cardassian, and do not start wars on our own borders. And that's all Task Force Royal has been assigned to do; "Affiliate the Gorn" is not their job.It does raise the question of why we're even bothering with them. I know the Federation's goals are supposed to be about accepting other races and working towards a better future, but there will Be civilizations that are just not compatible in their current state.
Let the Cardassians or the Klingons try to gain favor with them. We have more pressing concerns at the moment that don't involve the monarchal lizard people who have territory well outside our borders.
Hell, they're a better fit for the Klingons anyway. I can't see the Cardassians authoritarian regime with a focus on not wasting resources going over well with a society like the Gorn.
The thing is, Ashtarr always applies his +2 to the same roll. He's not targeted, he only helps us if that specific roll would otherwise be a failure, and a failure narrow enough that a +2 on the die roll would be decisive. I don't think that's worth 10pp up front when there are other things we could buy that would be good too. Like, say, another attachment for Unity![X] Briefvoice
I agree on the smaller subvotes, and I don't see more than marginal improvements to the plan. We need to really squeeze as much advantage into our TFs this year as possible, especially since the QMs seem to want to make the lead in to Federalization as stressful as possible...
I'd prefer not to. To justify spreading out into so many TFs this year, we need as much chance of each TF succeeding as possible. +2 is enough to flip near failures into successes. Still, there might be other attachments worth spending the pp on instead.
...Like, we could buy the Rixx Scrutineers for Task Force Unity instead of Ashtarr for the Gorn task force!Some other possible atachments:
[Wolfe's team] Super expensive for a +1, but for a TF that's guarenteed to have opposed rolls every quarter it might be worth it... if it wasn't so damn expensive.
[Rixx Scrutineers] I think this is applicable to to the Corps Are Lying To Us tag. This entire thing was kicked off by piracy, after all.
[The Lakhept guys] Hard to see the advantage of mitigating failures, but if it's as important as preventing a war it might be very well worth it. Changing a big -40 failure into a -20 is essentially worth 20 relations score.
[The Technocracy diplomat guys] There's a point of sufficient passed presence events where the +3 relations adds up to being worth 10pp, but I don't really know where it is.
[Ventil Oyana] This is a straight +20 relations for 5pp. Weirdly straightforward. [On the Brink of War N/A] is a mainly diplomatic tag, I'd assume.
[Hortance] So he pays for himself on a single successful quarter, and can gain more pp from there. Basically generates us some pp if on an easy TF, but still costs us 5pp up front before starting, so probably a skip this year.
For Presence-heavy task forces, Renaissances are a pretty good choice too... but the thing is, most of the member Rennies belong to the Core Four. It would be frustrating to spend a premium recruiting a bunch of Tellarite/Andorian/Vulcan/Earthling Renaissance-class cruisers, only for them to pass into our hands on their own within a year. Very expensive leases!I should note I also have a lot of the really good ships in there. We are completely out of Member Centaur-Bs. I drafted them all!
Member Explorers are really expensive for the price, and member cruisers are so-so (and we can't take many more Orion or Betazoid ships anyway).
Moving all those explorers is going to REALLY kick us in the shorts on event response. Pathfinder, Spirit, and Enlightenment all respond frequently to events in and around their sectors, and in their absence some things that would otherwise have gone well are likely to go badly.I would want 25 ships in honesty.
Within the current vote, I would:
Move the Spirit (Excelsior-A) from Sol to TF Unity
Move the Pathfinder (Excelsior-A) from CBZ to TF Unity
Move the Enlightenment (Renaissance) from from SBZ to TF Unity
Move the Tarrak (Excelsior-A) from from HBZ to TF Unity
Move the Zarayet (Excelsior-A) from GBZ to TF Unity
Add 'Rixx Scrutineers' to TF Unity
Add 'Ventil Oyana' to TF Unity
Add 'Technocracy Interstellar Ministry Diplomatic Team' to TF Unity
It's really good with the larger TFs like Beyond or Unity; 5 or 6 makes it definitely worthwhile.
I'm not sure it would benefit us very much; Centaur-As are pretty un-amazing ships to throw at a task force for event rolls. Plus, we've already refitted most of the Centaur fleet anyway, if not literally all of it.Considering the massive ship crunch and impending federalization, should we delay the Centaur refit by one year?
I mean, this assumes we aren't using scaling successes.The thing is, Ashtarr always applies his +2 to the same roll. He's not targeted, he only helps us if that specific roll would otherwise be a failure, and a failure narrow enough that a +2 on the die roll would be decisive. I don't think that's worth 10pp up front when there are other things we could buy that would be good too. Like, say, another attachment for Unity!