End of Year Report Card - 2322
Starting Resources
2090 Bulk Resources
1347 Special Resources
310 Political Will
624 Research Points
Starting Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 34.65 Officer, 62.03 Enlisted, 73.3 Technician
Explorer Corps: 14.6 Officer, 14.84 Enlisted, 10.9 Technician
Spent During the Year
1700 Bulk Resources
1430 Special Resources
510 Political Will
543 Research Points
Standard Starfleet: 1 Officer, 0 Enlisted, 1 Technician
Explorer Corps: 8 Officer, 9 Enlisted, 9 Technician
Career Casualties
Standard Starfleet: 60 Officer, 70 Enlisted, 62 Technician
Explorer Corps: 15 Officer, 20 Enlisted, 19 Technician
Total Starfleet Ship Losses
5 Excelsior, 1 Renaissance, 2 Constitution, 2 Constellation, 2 Centaur, 5 Miranda (1 Miranda presumed lost but later recovered), 1 Oberth, 1 Hospital Ship, 3 Cargo Ship, 1 Runabout
Total Other Allied Non-Auxiliary Ship Losses in Starfleet-led operations and incidents
1 Miranda, 3 Orah, 3 Stinger, 1 Patroller-A
Gained During the Year
Political Rewards
USS Enterprise
+6 relations with OSA
+20 relations with the Felis
Averted temporal attack from Looking Glass Universe
USS Ambassador
+20 relations with Shanpurr
Located Morgana-1321 rp Colony located at (Coreward region of f,3) +5(8) RP per month
Averted temporal attack from Looking Glass Universe
USS Courageous
+10 to relations with Dreamer Collective
Found new colony site, Colony site located at PLY-5000 (H,7) 5(8) br/year
USS Courageous crippled. 90 br, 75 sr repair costs; repair time 3Q (reduced from 4 by T'Lorel). Crew casualties: O1 E2 T3
USS Sarek
USS S'harien
Event Failed
+25 to relations with Chrystovians
Ship Presumed Lost with All Hands
USS Stargazer
[Out of Contact]
USS Odyssey
USS Atuin
+20 to relations with Ittick-ka
+10 to Cardassian Threat tag with Chrystovians and Ashidi
USS Voshov
+5 rp
+5 on [Cardassian Neighbors] tag (Now 15/300)
+20 relations with Trill
-20 relations with Hishmeri
+1 Threat Level
1 pt of Enlisted casualties
USS Tarrak
USS Opportunity
-15pp (but it was in a good cause)
+10 relations with Gorn
Gain a bonus to the next anti-piracy action in the HBZ
Ships Lost
USS S'Harien, Excelsior-A, NCC-2008
Ships Damaged
USS Tarrak, Excelsior-A, NCC-2023
USS Svai, Miranda-A, NCC-1658
USS Exeter, Constitution-B, NCC-1748
USS Courageous, Excelsior-A, NCC-2003
Ships Scrapped
Ships Laid Down
Ambassador, NCC-3909
Renaissance, NCC-2636
Kepler, NCC-4102
Kepler, NCC-4103
Kepler, NCC-4104
Kepler, NCC-4105
Kepler, NCC-4106
Kepler, NCC-4107
Kepler, NCC-4108
Kepler, NCC-4109
Kepler, NCC-4110
Refit - USS Rru'adorr, Excelsior-A, NCC-2016
Refit - USS Pleezirra, Excelsior-A, NCC-2024
Refit - USS Yukikaze, Centaur-B, NCC-2101
Refit - USS Zephyr, Centaur-B, NCC-2103
Refit - USS Gale, Centaur-B, NCC-2106
Comfort, NCC-3507
Comfort, NCC-3508
Freighter, NCC-3625 (Andorian)
Freighter, NCC-3626
Freighter, NCC-3627
Super-Freighter, NCC-3628
Cargo Ship, NCC-3732 (Human)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3733 (Rigellian)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3734
Cargo Ship, NCC-3735
Cargo Ship, NCC-3736
Cargo Ship, NCC-3737
Cargo Ship, NCC-3738 (Orion)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3739 (Orion)
Passenger Ship, NCC-5201
Colony Ship, NCC-908
Ships Crewed
Renaissance, NCC-2632
Renaissance, NCC-2633
Centaur-B, NCC-2147
Comfort, NCC-3505 (Medical Crew)
Ship Commissioned
USS Enkindle, Renaissance, NCC-2629
USS Zh'Mai, Renaissance, NCC-2630
USS Renewal, Renaissance, NCC-2631
USS Whale, Centaur-B, NCC-2135
USS Fluffy-Puffy, Centaur-B, NCC-2136
USS Sommerfield, Centaur-B, NCC-2137
USS Kepler, Kepler, NCC-4101 (formerly NX-4101)
Refit - USS Avandar, Excelsior-A, NCC-2010
Refit - USS Pathfinder, Excelsior-A, NCC-2021
Refit - USS Winterwind, Centaur-B, NCC-2104
Refit - USS Bull, Centaur-B, NCC-2107
Refit - USS Chinook, Centaur-B, NCC-2130
Refit - USS Sirocco, Centaur-B, NCC-2131
USS Shepherd, Comfort, NCC-3504
Freighter, NCC-3610 (Vulcan)
Freighter, NCC-3611 (Tellarite)
Freighter, NCC-3612 (Human)
Freighter, NCC-3614
Freighter, NCC-3615
Freighter, NCC-3616
Freighter, NCC-3617 (Human)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3725 (Vulcan)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3726 (Betazoid)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3727 (Orion)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3728 (Orion)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3729
SS Rocinante, SFI Civilian Ship, NC-2944
Final Stockpile with Annual Income
BR/yr: 1470 - 25 + 100 = 1545
SR/yr: 1130 - 15 + 130 = 1245
PP/yr: 173 - 5 + 2 = 170
RP/yr: 308 - 0 + 45 = 353
BR: 2090 - 1700 + 187 + 1545 = 2122
SR: 1347 - 1430 + 155 + 1245 = 1317
PP: 310 - 510 + 305 + 170 = 275
RP: 624 - 543 + 394 + 353 = 828
2122 Bulk Resources
1317 Special Resources
275 Political Will
828 Research Points
New Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet:
O/yr: 23.3 - 0.0 + 0.75 = 24.05
E/yr: 35.12 + (-1.5 + 0.75) * 1.05 = 34.34
T/yr: 27.65 - 0.0 + 2.25 = 29.9
O: 34.65 - 14.0 + 0.0 + 24.05 = 44.7
E: 62.03 - 17.0 + 0.0 + 34.34 = 79.37
T: 73.3 - 14.0 + 0.0 + 29.9 = 89.2
Explorer Corps:
O(EC)/yr: 6.1 - 0.3 + 0.1 = 5.9
E(EC)/yr: 6.27 + (-0.0 + 0.0) * 1.1 = 6.27
T(EC)/yr: 4.7 - 0.0 + 0.3 = 5.0
O(EC): 14.6 - 2.0 + 6.0 + 5.9 = 24.5
E(EC): 14.84 - 4.0 + 5.0 + 6.27 = 22.11
T(EC): 10.9 - 4.0 + 5.0 + 5.0 = 16.9
Standard Starfleet: 44.7 Officer, 79.37 Enlisted, 89.2 Technician
Explorer Corps: 24.5 Officer, 22.11 Enlisted, 16.9 Technician