I dunno, I can actually see Leslie going for head of personnel. Think of all the redshirts he can help!
Duty. That's how they get ya when common sense says no.
[X][EC] Vice Admiral T'lorel
[X][ACAD] Rear Admiral Nash ka'Sharren
[X][PERS] Rear Admiral Zrai ch'Shennaryth
Let us raise a new Father Time to replace the old, for that is the order of things.
[X][EC] Vice Admiral T'Lorel
[X][ACAD] Rear Admiral Nash ka'Sharren, Chief of Staff, Explorer Corps
I really wanted Nash as Personal, but there are no other compelling options for the Academy. Possibly next promotion.
I believe some elements in the thread are trying to delay Nash's promotion to Vice Admiral as long as possible, in part so she remains eligible for commanding any force kicking (Breen/Harmony/?) butt in a shooting war as long as possible. Which reasoning she would obviously hate.

Also because there's a sense of a 'ticking career clock' that begins at Vice Admiral, which is probably less of a problem now we have more Admiral billets than just Head of Star Fleet, but is still a factor.

Plus, I think she'll be great at the Academy. And Cadet Picard interactions!
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[X][EC] Vice Admiral T'lorel
[X][ACAD] Rear Admiral Nash ka'Sharren
[X][PERS] Rear Admiral Gorac Crogan
2322 - EOY
End of Year Report Card - 2322

Starting Resources
2090 Bulk Resources
1347 Special Resources
310 Political Will
624 Research Points

Starting Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 34.65 Officer, 62.03 Enlisted, 73.3 Technician
Explorer Corps: 14.6 Officer, 14.84 Enlisted, 10.9 Technician

Spent During the Year
1700 Bulk Resources
1430 Special Resources
510 Political Will
543 Research Points

Standard Starfleet: 1 Officer, 0 Enlisted, 1 Technician
Explorer Corps: 8 Officer, 9 Enlisted, 9 Technician

Career Casualties
Standard Starfleet: 60 Officer, 70 Enlisted, 62 Technician
Explorer Corps: 15 Officer, 20 Enlisted, 19 Technician

Total Starfleet Ship Losses
5 Excelsior, 1 Renaissance, 2 Constitution, 2 Constellation, 2 Centaur, 5 Miranda (1 Miranda presumed lost but later recovered), 1 Oberth, 1 Hospital Ship, 3 Cargo Ship, 1 Runabout

Total Other Allied Non-Auxiliary Ship Losses in Starfleet-led operations and incidents
1 Miranda, 3 Orah, 3 Stinger, 1 Patroller-A

Gained During the Year

Political Rewards


USS Enterprise


+6 relations with OSA
+20 relations with the Felis

Averted temporal attack from Looking Glass Universe

USS Ambassador


+20 relations with Shanpurr

Located Morgana-1321 rp Colony located at (Coreward region of f,3) +5(8) RP per month
Averted temporal attack from Looking Glass Universe

USS Courageous



+10 to relations with Dreamer Collective
Found new colony site, Colony site located at PLY-5000 (H,7) 5(8) br/year

USS Courageous crippled. 90 br, 75 sr repair costs; repair time 3Q (reduced from 4 by T'Lorel). Crew casualties: O1 E2 T3

USS Sarek



USS S'harien

Event Failed

+25 to relations with Chrystovians

Ship Presumed Lost with All Hands

USS Stargazer

[Out of Contact]

USS Odyssey


USS Atuin


+20 to relations with Ittick-ka
+10 to Cardassian Threat tag with Chrystovians and Ashidi

USS Voshov

+5 rp

+5 on [Cardassian Neighbors] tag (Now 15/300)
+20 relations with Trill
-20 relations with Hishmeri

+1 Threat Level
1 pt of Enlisted casualties

USS Tarrak

USS Opportunity

-15pp (but it was in a good cause)

+10 relations with Gorn

Gain a bonus to the next anti-piracy action in the HBZ


Ships Lost
USS S'Harien, Excelsior-A, NCC-2008

Ships Damaged
USS Tarrak, Excelsior-A, NCC-2023
USS Svai, Miranda-A, NCC-1658
USS Exeter, Constitution-B, NCC-1748
USS Courageous, Excelsior-A, NCC-2003

Ships Scrapped

Ships Laid Down
Ambassador, NCC-3909
Renaissance, NCC-2636
Kepler, NCC-4102
Kepler, NCC-4103
Kepler, NCC-4104
Kepler, NCC-4105
Kepler, NCC-4106
Kepler, NCC-4107
Kepler, NCC-4108
Kepler, NCC-4109
Kepler, NCC-4110

Refit - USS Rru'adorr, Excelsior-A, NCC-2016
Refit - USS Pleezirra, Excelsior-A, NCC-2024
Refit - USS Yukikaze, Centaur-B, NCC-2101
Refit - USS Zephyr, Centaur-B, NCC-2103
Refit - USS Gale, Centaur-B, NCC-2106

Comfort, NCC-3507
Comfort, NCC-3508
Freighter, NCC-3625 (Andorian)
Freighter, NCC-3626
Freighter, NCC-3627
Super-Freighter, NCC-3628
Cargo Ship, NCC-3732 (Human)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3733 (Rigellian)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3734
Cargo Ship, NCC-3735
Cargo Ship, NCC-3736
Cargo Ship, NCC-3737
Cargo Ship, NCC-3738 (Orion)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3739 (Orion)
Passenger Ship, NCC-5201
Colony Ship, NCC-908

Ships Crewed
Renaissance, NCC-2632
Renaissance, NCC-2633
Centaur-B, NCC-2147

Comfort, NCC-3505 (Medical Crew)

Ship Commissioned
USS Enkindle, Renaissance, NCC-2629
USS Zh'Mai, Renaissance, NCC-2630
USS Renewal, Renaissance, NCC-2631
USS Whale, Centaur-B, NCC-2135
USS Fluffy-Puffy, Centaur-B, NCC-2136
USS Sommerfield, Centaur-B, NCC-2137
USS Kepler, Kepler, NCC-4101 (formerly NX-4101)

Refit - USS Avandar, Excelsior-A, NCC-2010
Refit - USS Pathfinder, Excelsior-A, NCC-2021
Refit - USS Winterwind, Centaur-B, NCC-2104
Refit - USS Bull, Centaur-B, NCC-2107
Refit - USS Chinook, Centaur-B, NCC-2130
Refit - USS Sirocco, Centaur-B, NCC-2131

USS Shepherd, Comfort, NCC-3504
Freighter, NCC-3610 (Vulcan)
Freighter, NCC-3611 (Tellarite)
Freighter, NCC-3612 (Human)
Freighter, NCC-3614
Freighter, NCC-3615
Freighter, NCC-3616
Freighter, NCC-3617 (Human)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3725 (Vulcan)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3726 (Betazoid)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3727 (Orion)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3728 (Orion)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3729
SS Rocinante, SFI Civilian Ship, NC-2944

Final Stockpile with Annual Income
BR/yr: 1470 - 25 + 100 = 1545
SR/yr: 1130 - 15 + 130 = 1245
PP/yr: 173 - 5 + 2 = 170
RP/yr: 308 - 0 + 45 = 353
BR: 2090 - 1700 + 187 + 1545 = 2122
SR: 1347 - 1430 + 155 + 1245 = 1317
PP: 310 - 510 + 305 + 170 = 275
RP: 624 - 543 + 394 + 353 = 828

2122 Bulk Resources
1317 Special Resources
275 Political Will
828 Research Points

New Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet:
O/yr: 23.3 - 0.0 + 0.75 = 24.05
E/yr: 35.12 + (-1.5 + 0.75) * 1.05 = 34.34
T/yr: 27.65 - 0.0 + 2.25 = 29.9
O: 34.65 - 14.0 + 0.0 + 24.05 = 44.7
E: 62.03 - 17.0 + 0.0 + 34.34 = 79.37
T: 73.3 - 14.0 + 0.0 + 29.9 = 89.2

Explorer Corps:
O(EC)/yr: 6.1 - 0.3 + 0.1 = 5.9
E(EC)/yr: 6.27 + (-0.0 + 0.0) * 1.1 = 6.27
T(EC)/yr: 4.7 - 0.0 + 0.3 = 5.0
O(EC): 14.6 - 2.0 + 6.0 + 5.9 = 24.5
E(EC): 14.84 - 4.0 + 5.0 + 6.27 = 22.11
T(EC): 10.9 - 4.0 + 5.0 + 5.0 = 16.9

Standard Starfleet: 44.7 Officer, 79.37 Enlisted, 89.2 Technician
Explorer Corps: 24.5 Officer, 22.11 Enlisted, 16.9 Technician
We currently have 275 PP. If we get over 300 PP before the next Snakepit I will be very happy and we can grab those 3 colonies in the Adrazzi Gulf that we need in order to stake our claims there as well as do a full 5 Diplo Pushes. That will take around a 150 PP total IIRC. and that will leave us with another 150 PP to spend.
Remember when we could afford the PP to usually do everything we urgently needed and sometimes even invest in things for the future? That was pretty nice.

We need to figure out how to get more PP or spend less and still accomplish our goals. This is getting annoying.
The Kepler Wave Draws Near
And the Ambassador wave as well. Don't forget about them. Too bad its still going to be another 4 in game years until they launch

Another year waiting.
*Random Starfleet Officer looks around the table.* "Its been 6 Years now"
*Random Starfleet Officer raises his tankard of Ale and looks around the table at his comrads who are also holding Tankards aloft.* ""Here's to you Stargazer. Wherever you are Go Boldly and know that you are missed but not forgotten."
*Random Starfleet Officer than downs the Tankard with the others joining him*

Remember when we could afford the PP to usually do everything we urgently needed and sometimes even invest in things for the future? That was pretty nice.

We need to figure out how to get more PP or spend less and still accomplish our goals. This is getting annoying.
That's what I have been saying for a while now. Your not the only one who is frustrated with our PP shortage. It seems like we are losing more PP every year.
Well, it definitely feels like the personnel pools are healthy. And seeing that list of nine Keplers does a heart quite some good. For SCIENCE!

Remember when we could afford the PP to usually do everything we urgently needed and sometimes even invest in things for the future? That was pretty nice.

We need to figure out how to get more PP or spend less and still accomplish our goals. This is getting annoying.

I feel like it's more a matter of "everything urgently needed" has expanded somewhat. And a bit of not really recalling the difficult decisions of yesteryear :p

Oof. Half our career EC casualties were this year? This can't be game-long, just the current Admirals? Still. Oof.

S'harien was a good chunk of that, I believe.

Such an... undramatic way to go, too ^^;
We currently have 275 PP. If we get over 300 PP before the next Snakepit I will be very happy and we can grab those 3 colonies in the Adrazzi Gulf that we need in order to stake our claims there as well as do a full 5 Diplo Pushes. That will take around a 150 PP total IIRC. and that will leave us with another 150 PP to spend.

You're forgetting Task Forces. Just to keep up with what we've got now will be 70pp.
And seeing that list of nine Keplers does a heart quite some good. For SCIENCE!

Such an... undramatic way to go, too ^^;
They can't come fast enough.

So much for making Amarkia our next HIP location or anywhere else for that matter. unless we get really lucky with our PP someday we are never going to be able to make another HIP anywhere and the one in Sol will be our only one. And I don't like it. We absolutely need another HIP somewhere else in the Federation to prevent a crisis if something should happen to the one in Sol. Granted Sol is heavily defended but that wont stop a determined attacker. So getting a second HIP someday is a must for us both In game and out.
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Task Forces and increased Diplo push numbers are taking up a large amount of our pp. You know what would be neat? A big, expensive pp option that made a single push per year free going forward or something.
[X][EC] Vice Admiral T'lorel
[X][ACAD] Rear Admiral Nash ka'Sharren
[X][PERS] Rear Admiral Zrai ch'Shennaryth
[X][EC] Vice Admiral T'lorel
[X][ACAD] Rear Admiral Nash ka'Sharren
[X][PERS] Rear Admiral Zrai ch'Shennaryth
Sergey Rozhenko - Assigned to Reactor Operations, USS Endurance
Well, it has been a dozen years of good service for him...

Rachel Garrett - Assigned to Chief Science Officer, USS Odyssey

Yuna Zwicky - Assigned to Security Officer, USS Bull
Huh. Well, good to see she's surviving; she's the only one to survive being caught in a quantum entangled redshirt state with two other redshirts on the Endurance back at Deva IX.

Percival Amin - Assigned to CO, Starbase 2 (Vulcan)
Yay Percy!

Commander Vinon - Assigned to Assistant, Underway Department, Field Repair Division, Starfleet Engineering Command
The quiet, restrained, Vulcan hot-rodder-enthusiast.

Commodore Alexandria Kuznetsova - Assigned to CO, Starbase 12 (Betazed) from Chief, Field Research Division, Starfleet Explorer Corps

Commodore Min-Jee Lee - Assigned to Director, Press Office from CO, Task Force Handshake
Ooooh, I really hope that's a temporary bump in her career. We kind of set her up to fail there...

Courts Martial into the Damaging of the USS Exeter in the incident of Stardate 28022

While Captain Xansad Lalen was imprudent in ordering Exeter to warp deep into the Razzira system, the severity of the consequences of this action could not have been predicted. As such, Captain Lalen is reprimanded for his recklessness, but will retain command of Exeter.

"Exeter... smaaaaashed..." @_@

Vice Admiral Rachel Ainsworth has elected to take an extended sabbatical. As such, a new commander of the Explorer Corps is required.
Further, Personnel Command has been reorganized into a Vice-Admiralcy. A new Vice Admiral of Personnel is required.

[ ][EC] Choose a new commander of the Explorer Corps
[ ][PERS] Choose a new Director of Personnel Command.

Bonuses will be listed after the new heads of the EC and Personnel Command are chosen. Any Vice Admiral, or any Rear Admiral with at least 3 years of time-in-rank, is eligible to be chosen. Eligible candidates can be found here.
Uhh, didn't we used to get told what benefits would... oh, I see, what with the very open plan situation that's not feasible...

[sees ACAD]

I'm not going to lie, I don't like this. Like, being able to plan around character bonuses is actually kind of important and normally informs our vote choices. I can understand why you can't tell us what every one of a dozen or more candidates would do in a posting, but it's kind of harsh when you give us three choices and don't tell us what they do.[/quote]
Oof. Half our career EC casualties were this year? This can't be game-long, just the current Admirals? Still. Oof.

No, it's all game long. Most of those Standard Starfleet casualties were from the Licori War and Gabriel Campaigns.

Can you picture how long the update where the member fleets are handed over, if it lists every single ship .....

That's what we have Spoiler Tags for.
Task Forces and increased Diplo push numbers are taking up a large amount of our pp. You know what would be neat? A big, expensive pp option that made a single push per year free going forward or something.

We currently have a number of free pushes, and it's never enough. What about a pp option that expands the resources of the FDS, which reduces the pp cost of pushes and task forces by XX% for a set number of years?
[begins catching up with the discussion...]

We should make Leslie do it...
You would have a lot of memorable and very... wary... dialogue...

[X]Rear Admiral Eddie Leslie
...But exactly which job are you voting for him to take? o_O

I would be interested to see what Nash would do as Commandant. She has a unique perspective on the Federations mission and goals. My only concern is that it would be seen as an attempt to militarize the Academy.
That is exactly the thing about her reputation that she would most want to neutralize.

You know who seems to know every single person in Starfleet?

[][PERS] Rear Admiral Eddie Leslie

e: please don't vote for Eddie, this is mostly a joke...
Given the transcendental paperwork snarl that's preventing him from retiring because he's already legally dead, I would be compelled to write an omake in which Starfleet's personnel database eats a paradox to the face and collapses into a transdimensional Ouroboros singularity, causing demented scritchings at the walls of reality as the boundaries between life and death are literally blurred. At least in Starfleet's paperwork.

I feel like if you seriously try to promote Leslie we will have to make a post like "Leslie talks his way out of it by charming the council, you get someone else instead"
I think @Simon_Jester has requested that Leslie not be promoted above Rear Admiral.
Actually no, I haven't outright requested it, it's just that he'd have a hard time imagining it. Also that his "old salt" personality would creak pretty hard if called up before the Council, though he's flexible and multitalented enough to probably cope. As befits one of the few men in Starfleet history ever to wear the red, the blue, and the gold shirts during a single three year period. :p

I'm not explicitly requesting that Leslie not be promoted, and would do my best to keep Leslieing whatever happened to him, as I've always done in the past.

That said, putting him in charge of Personnel would be specifically a bad idea, but that's just because there'd probably be some kind of anti-time paperwork explosion, not because he's unfit for higher rank, a matter which I leave it to the voterbase to judge.