Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection
-[X] 15 favors

[X] For the sake of your curiousity, sit in on some of the meetings between the two Kings.
[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
[X] Dwarf technology may be off limits, but the technology of other races are not and there could be all sorts of useful gadgets coming in from overseas. See if you can pick anything useful up with him from the vast markets of Barak Varr.

Time for kingly counsels, measly mercenaries and potent icons of durability and grandeur.
Back cover blurb on a lightly-chewed copy of The Knight Witch Hunts 1: Beastmen, Goblins and Orcs, Oh My.

For her service, MAGDA WESSEN, talented WIZARD has graduated as the Empires youngest GREY MAGISTER, but still she guards her heart. The DARK PLOT that slew her Master in The Witch and her Hunter 1: Murder Most Foul (available from all good book sellers) has been revealed, but it's DEPREDATIONS extended further than Magda could have ever imagined, into the IMPERIAL PALACE itself- with TRAGIC and UNSPEAKABLE consequences!

With unrest rising across the Empire, Magda foresees dark times ahead, while her enemies- JEALOUS of her talent- manoeuvre the prominent KNIGHT-WIZARD into leading a band of Journeymen, including the precocious young Jade Wizard potionmaker CONSTANCE BREW (YA series available now!) on a PERILOUS mission deep into the WORLDS EDGE MOUNTAINS. But first, a dangerous journey through the BORDER PRINCES and BADLANDS awaits...

Will Magda's PURE HEART, SHADOW MAGIC and SWORD be enough to overcome the hordes of GREENSKINS and BEASTMEN and protect those she cares about? What DARK DEEDS will be done in the Empire while it's BRAVEST PROTECTOR is in the distant Worlds Edge Mountains? And can ANYONE take up the challenge of replacing Magda's LOST LOVE and opening her heart once more?

Author: Stabreim Knochenbeinern
Well. If you're looking for a new harlequin romance male lead, you could do worse than someone whose job title is BORDER PRINCE.
[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
[X] Dwarf technology may be off limits, but the technology of other races are not and there could be all sorts of useful gadgets coming in from overseas. See if you can pick anything useful up with him from the vast markets of Barak Varr.
[X] Have them help you teach your fast-growing familiar simple commands.
[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] Ask him to teach Johann to Dispel.
[X] Yes
-[X] A Talisman
-[X] Protection/Antimagic
-[X] 15 Favors

I want some sort of antimagic aid, and if it happens that it keeps Mathilde safe from other dangers I won't complain.

[x] For the sake of your curiousity, sit in on some of the meetings between the two Kings.
The Grey Order would be interested to hear what two dwarf kings spoke of. Besides, I presume these meetings will be spoken in Reikspiel rather than Khazalid if they're open to the public (and I rather assume there are few truly private things any king does, even dwarf ones).
[x] Have Ulthar handpick his best sharpshooters to be equipped with envenomed bolts.
This doesn't seem time-sensitive, but it does feel like something better done eventually, and there's little reward for dallying.
[x] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
More meat for the grinder. Whether they fight for a cause or a coin, more bodies between us and the vying tides of goblin and rat is that much more welcome. There's even a chance they'll help supplement the expedition's deficiencies, as one can never have too much artillery and there's more than a few Dogs of War regiments with useful gimicks, such as flying crossbowmen or elite halfling rangers. I'm sort of curious as to what's in this particular box.

[x] Master Engineer Durin Wutokri
We'll want to place one of our Journeymanlings among his artillery crews. Let's get a feel for the dwarf before being unduly hasty.

[x] Barak Varr is one of the greatest centers of trade in the world. Spend some time browsing to see if you find anything interesting.
I'm not really fishing for something utilitarian here, even if I sort of wonder what could be on offer. I'm mostly curious if Mathilde will find some interesting bit of artwork or literature from far-off lands that peaks her interest as a...hobby? A non-work related interest, at least.

[x] Have them help you teach your fast-growing familiar simple commands.
The familiar isn't something I'm dreadfully keen on, but if this is to be done, better it be done sooner than later.

[x] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
Seeds are the arrows in Panoramia's quiver. Be it potions ingredients, healing herbs or more varied and potent poisons the more options the Jade wizardling will have.

[x] Introduce him to the dwarven smiths so he can try to convince them to teach him.
[x] Ask the smiths to teach him as a favour to you (-2 favours)
These two are more of the same reasoning as above; if we spend favor on him now, we'll get favor either from him or the Gold Order in the future, and his own dwarf favor points can earn him greater breadth and depth of skill in turn. It does the expedition more good to have him more skilled in metallurgy sooner, and the Empire benefits more in the long run should he gain in skill and esteem of the Dawi. I am curious as to how the dwarfs look upon these waterfall crafters turning their reckless powers to sensible pursuits such as crafting though.

[x] Ask him to teach Johann to Dispel.
[x] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
Plus good. Possibly even double plus good, as every dispeller in the expedition is needed. Whether that's something possible when not on the march or not I'm not sure.

@BoneyM If Mathilde spent the 4 points to learn Khazalid, would it happen automatically over the next few turns, be something she had to cram on the march, or be better spent when she has longer turns to devote to such activities?

This isn't really meant for anything at the moment, though narratively it makes sense that Mathilde picks up the language of the Karaz Ankor on this campaign from so many Dawi revanchists. It does, however, open up the possibility of becoming a better diplomat for dealing with the dwarf holds as either an official spokesperson of the Empire or, more likely, a backchannel that persons of interest can communicate with other persons of interest through. We'd want to put more points in Diplomacy, but I rather presume that picking up multiple languages would help exactly that.
Pale Wolf I want to ask what experience in HEMA causes you to say any axe is more agile then a sword because history is my fortay. Is not the axe less agile then the sword for one simple reason, almost all of its weight is at the head. I have use two hand axes before and any time you bulid up any momentum you have to be careful because it is taxing to stop or redirect the swing. Unless you are holding the axe very close to the head with your top hand when using it, at which point you are using it more like a staff, a two handed axes momentum will be much harder to redirect then a swords. The length of a great sword varies depending height of the person using it and can still be well balanced and maneuverable. The smaller and less physical powerful you are the more of a toll controlling a heavy weapon takes on you and the fact that an axe is unbalanced just makes that worse. The balance of a weapon's weight very much does affect a person's ability to move, control and strike with the weapon. Their is a reason that axes have been known for their power thought history and been used by themselves or as a part of compound weapons against armored warriors while not being preferred as personal weapons or used in duels when other weapons are available.

I will say no more in the tread on it and sorry for not putting this up sooner as I was busy and we could just PM about it. Also a regular battle axe would be a much better back up weapon that we could actual carry at the same time we were carrying our great sword and pistol. To many good choices so I will go with the ones I like most.

[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] Have them help you teach your fast-growing familiar simple commands.
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
[X] The Black Lotus is a valuable trade good for those that encounter large and terrible beasts. Assist her in growing and selling some while you're here.
[X] Ask the smiths to teach him as a favour to you (-2 favours)
[X] Have Ulthar handpick his best sharpshooters to be equipped with envenomed bolts.
[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection
-[X] 15 Favors
[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
[X] Ask him to teach Johann to Dispel.
[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] Dwarf technology may be off limits, but the technology of other races are not and there could be all sorts of useful gadgets coming in from overseas. See if you can pick anything useful up with him from the vast markets of Barak Varr.
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] Have them help you teach your fast-growing familiar simple commands.
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
[X] The Black Lotus is a valuable trade good for those that encounter large and terrible beasts. Assist her in growing and selling some while you're here.
[X] Ask the smiths to teach him as a favour to you (-2 favours)
[X] Have Ulthar handpick his best sharpshooters to be equipped with envenomed bolts.
[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection
-[X] 15 Favors
[X] No
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Channeling/Antimagic
-[X] 10 Favors

[x] Marksman Codrin Petrescu
[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
[X] Barak Varr is one of the greatest centers of trade in the world. Spend some time browsing to see if you find anything interesting.
[X] The Black Lotus is a valuable trade good for those that encounter large and terrible beasts. Assist her in growing and selling some while you're here.
Adhoc vote count started by Jrin on Apr 3, 2018 at 1:38 AM, finished with 15231 posts and 80 votes.
Vote Tally for anyone interested.
Adhoc vote count started by Jrin on Apr 3, 2018 at 1:38 AM, finished with 15231 posts and 80 votes.
@BoneyM If Mathilde spent the 4 points to learn Khazalid, would it happen automatically over the next few turns, be something she had to cram on the march, or be better spent when she has longer turns to devote to such activities?

She's likely to start picking it up passively on the campaign, but once the march is done, if things at K8P are quiet enough for lessons there'll be options for it.
Isn't it illegal for a human to learn Khazalid?
That... depends upon whether, or not the dwarf you're asking is traditional, or not. It being illegal to teach humans is clearly not a universal opinion otherwise the priests of Sigmar wouldn't have picked up knowledge about it, and frankly with how Dwarven society is structured it comes down whether, or not the local King trusts the human in question with the secrets knowing Khazalid would potentially allow him/her to unlock.
[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection
-[X] 10 Favors
[X] Test their skills in battle by sparring with them.
[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.

Making Amber mages teach our familiar without giving them something seems iffy for me.
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[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection
-[X] 15 favors

When it comes to magic items, go big or go home.
[X] No
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Channeling/Antimagic
-[X] 10 Favors
[X] Test their skills in battle by sparring with them.
[x] Have them help you teach your fast-growing familiar simple commands.
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection/Protection-from-miscast-magic
-[X] 15 favors

[X] For the sake of your curiousity, sit in on some of the meetings between the two Kings
[X] Barak Varr is one of the greatest centers of trade in the world. Spend some time browsing to see if you find anything interesting.
[X] Dwarf technology may be off limits, but the technology of other races are not and there could be all sorts of useful gadgets coming in from overseas. See if you can pick anything useful up with him from the vast markets of Barak Varr.
[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
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Pale Wolf I want to ask what experience in HEMA causes you to say any axe is more agile then a sword because history is my fortay. Is not the axe less agile then the sword for one simple reason, almost all of its weight is at the head. I have use two hand axes before and any time you bulid up any momentum you have to be careful because it is taxing to stop or redirect the swing. Unless you are holding the axe very close to the head with your top hand when using it, at which point you are using it more like a staff, a two handed axes momentum will be much harder to redirect then a swords. The length of a great sword varies depending height of the person using it and can still be well balanced and maneuverable. The smaller and less physical powerful you are the more of a toll controlling a heavy weapon takes on you and the fact that an axe is unbalanced just makes that worse. The balance of a weapon's weight very much does affect a person's ability to move, control and strike with the weapon. Their is a reason that axes have been known for their power thought history and been used by themselves or as a part of compound weapons against armored warriors while not being preferred as personal weapons or used in duels when other weapons are available.
Go read what she wrote some more. In particular, compare the bolded portion to the part where she says,
for most of the fight you'll fence choked-up, with the axehead like half a foot away from your hand, trying to pry open your target's defence. You only deliver the huge baseball-bat swing either when you've cleared an opening, or as probing shots from a longer distance.
Go read what she wrote some more. In particular, compare the bolded portion to the part where she says,
To be fair, PaleWolf compares common fencing styles. A lightweight combatant who finds himself with a two-handed sword for some reason would probably use half-swording and close grips a great deal more than your common practitioner. That way it's arguably less exhausting than using a pole axe.
Tally pointedly not inserted

because between the large planning and the option splits, raw counts are not so informative.

But looking at the count, the leading things appear to be:
15 favors protective talisman
train familiar
look for seeds in market
look for mercs in market
help Seija teach Esbern to dispel
look for tech in market

10 favors
listen to kings
look for shiny in market

Next week I propose that teaching Johann to dispel too should be a priority, so that we have the Wizard Corps ready for such things. Because as Belegar says, even with Kragg counting for five he has more wizards than Runepriests.
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Voting is open