Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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You guys make good points. In the interest of optimizing Plan Ready For Battle's efforts to make Mathilde as prepared as possible for the challenges ahead, then, do you think that swapping out the Ulgu Site Search for an Intrigue Internalization (playing off our exams/the recent intrigue crit that got the Emperor's written thanks) would be beneficial? The Site Search was included in the plan because there seemed to be widespread support for it but I'm not seeing a lot of votes changing, or even approval votes for both, so it seems that it's not doing the plan any good. A couple extra points of Intrigue could make a difference.

Passing up the Site Search now doesn't mean that we can't secure such sites in the future, either, just makes it harder.
Personally, I feel Ulgu sitye search is all but useless this turn. It's about wasting time for something which we will not need for years and is not time-sensitive. I'd much rather we did something useful instead. I'm partial to new spells, but I'll take whatever.

For the record, I didn't read your plan. i just liked the name, and disliked the whats-the-name-something about-economics plan, which I did read.
I'd just again be the voice of caution and note here that best chance =/= good chance... or even necessarily half a chance. I'm not sure who'd provide reinforcements when they declined to join when glory was initially offered. We're a mediocre diplomat, certainly no Anton.
The other dwarf holds. I don't know how it's depicted in this quest, but Belegar Ironhammers campaign for the City of Pillars isn't a "take big army to place and fight" kind of war.

It involved conquest, holding sections of the city, with more reinforcements from other dwarves showing up at times.
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Things didn't even get that bad in canon, Eight Peaks was steadily being reclaimed when GW flipped the table.
Over the course of decades. I dunno really, I'm mostly going by the Wiki entry, which mentions days of tens of thousands of Greenskin casualties as a probing action and the Greenskin leader Skarsnik didn't even need to begin to care.
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Surely an action investigating Qhyash juice is best done immediately before going away to fight skaven for 5 years, yep yep.

Definitely a good pick there.
If we are in Zhufbar then it won't be much of an issue since, while not easy, it would be entirely possible for us to travel back into Stirland to grab some more Qhyash Juice bottles for more experimentation.
Personally, I feel Ulgu sitye search is all but useless this turn. It's about wasting time for something which we will not need for years and is not time-sensitive.
Pretty sure that is time sensitive, actually.

The longer it waits, the more people have the opportunity to buy up and invest in the lands Abelhelm Van Hal's campaign has pacified. At the very least, that's going to drive the price up; some of the sites are probably going to become entirely unavailable, because they'll be bought by people not willing to sell to a wizard.

Of course, it's not like it's a desperately valuable action in the first place; putting the branch college on our existing lands is an option, and it's not like we're made of gold, either.
Personally, I feel Ulgu sitye search is all but useless this turn. It's about wasting time for something which we will not need for years and is not time-sensitive. I'd much rather we did something useful instead. I'm partial to new spells, but I'll take whatever.

For the record, I didn't read your plan. i just liked the name, and disliked the whats-the-name-something about-economics plan, which I did read.
Then you'll be glad to know that the plan no longer includes it and has replaced it with getting an enchanted item from another College which can heal us should we get injured.

I appreciate your taking the time to reply with feedback, and for your support whether you read the plan carefully or not. Fortunately, the plan's contents should live up to its name quite well at this point.
Surely an action investigating Qhyash juice is best done immediately before going away to fight skaven for 5 years, yep yep.

Definitely a good pick there.

Yeah, I would say that discovering if the mysterious liquid derived from a trapped demon is / has the potential to be the magical equivalent of nitroglycerin is something we should learn before letting it accumulate under the capital city of Stirland for the next five years is a good pick.
@veekie @LoganBert34 @mcclay @hcvquizibo @REAPER35 @giodan @sasza666 @vsh @VoidZero @Siual @PseudoLurker
Excuse me for the inconvenience but since you all expressed interest in keeping the swords, with the way the vote is going in there any chance I could convince any of you to at east aproval vote for
[ ] Plan Finaly Getting IT DONE
Since this is looking to be our last chance of doing it ?
Can I persuade you to switch the Blessing to the Snake Juice? Since while the swords are nice the Snake Juice is our most unique item and one that I really don't want to risk screwing up.
[X] Zhufbar regularly sends salvaging parties into Karak Varn and mining parties into the tunnels below. It will be close enough to Stirland to keep in touch, and you have a good reputation in Zhufbar especially.

This is plenty for a first Delve. And apparantly Zhufbar might be spending reinforcements to relieve a beleaguered Belegrim, so it's not as if we couldn't go along later when we've more (read: any) experience in Tunnel fighting and have developed our Fog Warrior magic.
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[X]Belegar Ironhammer has sent word that any that wish to seek their fortune are welcome to join him in retaking Karak Eight Peaks. While it is far from the civilized lands of the Empire, the treasure, the glory, and the adventure will be all the greater.
[X]Plan Ready For Battle

I'd already voted but apparently I overwrote the earlier vote
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Something to consider is that if the campaign proceeds ahead of schedule simply from rolls by others Mathilde being present, and more importantly trustworthy enough to spread word that Belegar Ironhammer with his current pace will soon need more of his people can result in a snowball as other Thanes become excited about actually retaking a lost Hold after centuries of loss. This strategic travel speed was a massive edge in Stirland among a society with horses that allow them to travel far faster than what the Dwarfs can run at.
[X]Belegar Ironhammer has sent word that any that wish to seek their fortune are welcome to join him in retaking Karak Eight Peaks. While it is far from the civilized lands of the Empire, the treasure, the glory, and the adventure will be all the greater.

[X] Plan Finaly Getting IT DONE
[X]Belegar Ironhammer has sent word that any that wish to seek their fortune are welcome to join him in retaking Karak Eight Peaks. While it is far from the civilized lands of the Empire, the treasure, the glory, and the adventure will be all the greater.
[x] Plan Ready For Battle
[X]Belegar Ironhammer has sent word that any that wish to seek their fortune are welcome to join him in retaking Karak Eight Peaks. While it is far from the civilized lands of the Empire, the treasure, the glory, and the adventure will be all the greater.

Switching to this plan for the magical healing item. As much as I hate the overwork and lack of snake, the healing item seems like a really good idea. Especially since skaven are here and where there's skaven there's poision.
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No different from abstaining from the vote then.
Not realy since neither plan is currently winnin you would actualy be increasing the chance any of then win instead of making more likely something you didn't want.

actualy @racnor did I miss something ? I tough you were voting for my plan before but at some point you seen to have switched to the frontruner, any reason for that ?
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[X]Belegar Ironhammer has sent word that any that wish to seek their fortune are welcome to join him in retaking Karak Eight Peaks. While it is far from the civilized lands of the Empire, the treasure, the glory, and the adventure will be all the greater.
A last minute attempt to merge the plans

[x] Plan Merged
-[x] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something..
--[X] Ranald's Blessing
-[X] Your experience with the so-called Fog of War has given you a lot of ideas for new applications of Ulgu. Investigate them to see what might be possible.
-[x] Spells of Grey Magic
-[x] Sell the produced niter crystals to Zhufbar.
-[x]Survey the Haunted Hills for sites rich in Ulgu for the EIC to buy on your behalf if the land goes on the market.
-[x] Seek and hire a steward to manage and improve the fief in your absence. (100+50 gold to pay them for the projected duration of your absence, free action)
-[X] Build a bailey for your subjects to shelter in and to encompass other structures. (100+50 gc for wood)
-[X] Improve the road between the Estate and Sonningwiese. (50+25 gc)
-[X] Purchase a loom, erect a building for it, and invite weavers to start calling your estate home. (100+50 gc)
-[X] Set up a dairy and recruit skilled cheesemakers from among the locals to work in it. (100+50 gc)
-[x] Relatively Simple enchantment (two favours, Earth Blood, free action)
-[x] Moderately Complicated enchantment (three favours, Second Portent of Amul, free action)
-[x] Farewell: Visit everyone you've gotten to know during your time in Stirland, let them know where you're off to, and say au revoir. (does not take an action, incompatible with Free Time)

This gets the haunted hills action people are worried about losing, while keeping the more important parts of Ready For Battle's self improvment. That is to say, it gets us new spells and a healing item, but drops the silly overwork training action for stats we don't use in combat.

Also, the juice, because seriously if that stuff has ANY benefit in enchanting or spellcasting we can just bring a few jugs along.

Approval vote
[] Plan Ready For Battle
[X] Plan Private Sector Preparation
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