Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Might be worth trying for one of the now available new and powerful spells.
I do really want Dread Aspect. That single spell is a battle-winner in the hands of someone who can draw a lot of attention and look very dangerous, and look, here's Mathilde with a Torc of Fire and a complete willingness to charge the enemy lines. If she does that with Dread Aspect and the Torc active against most enemies we're likely to face, particularly skaven where one fleeing rat can cascade into many fleeing rats, then the enemy lines break and if she has people with her (we've been burned by that before) they can decisively penetrate the enemy lines to huge tactical effect.

It's not clear to me if Spells of Grey Magic allows for requesting instruction on a specific spell/spells, but I don't see why it wouldn't. There simply aren't enough apprentices to be teaching all of those classes at all times so the curriculum must be tailored to the students. If @BoneyM would be so kind as to clarify that and it does, I'll probably edit the plan to specify that as highest priority followed by Doppleganger, Invisibility, and Cloak Activity. Even if we consider it too unreliable to use often due to miscast chance, using it once at the right moment- or enchanting an item with it- has the potential to be utterly decisive. The DCs and result of a failed roll should be much lower taking it as a class than learning on our own from a book.

@BoneyM, if you could also rule on whether we can take the same class twice (with the assumption that we mean to learn about different areas of the topic covered) that would be appreciated. if we can just take the Spells of Grey Magic class twice we might be able to pick up 4+ spells again even without a crit, which would be pretty great and guarantee something useful even if we don't get Dread Aspect.

My problem with internalization this turn is that it seems to be something that we can do while on the campaign (although it would cost us the piety bonus) compared to the other actions which require us to be physically present in Stirland.
We can indeed do it while on campaign. However, doing it before the campaign means that we'll be better off during the campaign, and further can build on our experiences there by internalizing again so that we end up with higher stats overall.

Aside from that, Stirland is important but we also voted that it's not the most important. We voted to go adventure, so that means that Mathilde should be investing in Mathilde first, second, and often, with other concerns being tertiary.
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The Site Search was included in the plan because there seemed to be widespread support for it but I'm not seeing a lot of votes changing, or even approval votes for both, so it seems that it's not doing the plan any good. A couple extra points of Intrigue could make a difference.

Passing up the Site Search now doesn't mean that we can't secure such sites in the future, either, just makes it harder.
You've got Fog of War already, so that works.

We have a unique strategic opportunity here and now to further the goals of the Grey Order in purchasing Haunted Hills land, one that probably comes along every few decades at best. Buy the land. Great spot for a school and keeping an eye on Sylvania. We can probably lease it to the Grey College if we want to wash our hands of school management.

One issue I have with Karak Varn is that it wont really change much in the end. The Dwarves will not retake the hold as it is too corrupted by warpstone. All they will get out of it is some valuable metal, but it wont improve their strategic position.

Karak Varn will remain abandoned by the dwarves and infested by the Skaven, no matter how much we help in raiding it. Karak Eight Peaks on the other hand is a campaign of reconquest. Belegar plans to take and hold the stronghold.
It's the level-appropriate adventure, though. We can learn a lot about Hold fighting, and the existence of Skaven. And they're cooler than Orcs and Goblins.

Skaven Scramblers forever.
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In terms of spells I'd personally go for Doppleganger or Cloak of Invisibility something to make us better at sneaking past goblins under a mountain.
Personally, I hope we're less going into battle, more supplementing recon, intelligence, scouting and tactical support, getting field experience and developing Fog of War magic.

Another question, @BoneyM - I know we're wrapping organisational actions up, but as a single exception, based on location, if the relevant Dwarf War action wins- is it possible we'd be able to arrange Zhufbar/EIC trade links next turn? Assuming we're able to have regular enough contact to Zhufbar to still take the time required.
'Recon' is another name for 'go, alone, into enemy territory and see what you find.' I'd RATHER be in the battle than doing recon, even if it does play to our strengths.
You guys make good points. In the interest of optimizing Plan Ready For Battle's efforts to make Mathilde as prepared as possible for the challenges ahead, then, do you think that swapping out the Ulgu Site Search for an Intrigue Internalization (playing off our exams/the recent intrigue crit that got the Emperor's written thanks) would be beneficial? The Site Search was included in the plan because there seemed to be widespread support for it but I'm not seeing a lot of votes changing, or even approval votes for both, so it seems that it's not doing the plan any good. A couple extra points of Intrigue could make a difference.

Passing up the Site Search now doesn't mean that we can't secure such sites in the future, either, just makes it harder.
I'm down to learn Intrigue if it's possible, but I'd also like to spend an action to travel to Altdorf and blow all our College favor on magical gewgaws. Surely there's four petty spells among the other Colleges it would be valuable for us to have before we jump into the deep dark hole.

[X] Zhufbar regularly sends salvaging parties into Karak Varn and mining parties into the tunnels below. It will be close enough to Stirland to keep in touch, and you have a good reputation in Zhufbar especially.
[x] Plan Ready For Battle

Apparently Zhufbar isn't attached to the Plan I voted for, so.
It's the level-appropriate adventure, though. We can learn a lot about Hold fighting, and the existence of Skaven.
We can die just as easily to a series of bad rolls at Karak Varn as we could at Karak Eight Peaks.

Since this is a roll based game, where we don't usually pick the minute details of our actions, level appropriate is not all that applicable.

Besides, pretty sure joining Belegar would involve multiple options along the whole campaign where we can pick the difficulty of the tasks we tackle.
Grab the Piety Internalization, vote builders. That's our bailout stat. Van Hal skimped on Piety options, and look how he turned out! :V
Well, now that I realize Karak Varn is phrased as 'salvaging and mining teams' rather than 're-take the hold', I'm a little less gung-ho. It sounds like it might be better for interpersonal actions (smaller teams, less bloody slog), but also less exciting?

I figure it'll only take a couple of years of fighting-related actions to really come into our own (get Fog of War spells, get that Aspect of Dread, get another point of Magic to make it less dangerous to cast), maybe we could join the Eight Peaks invasion then if it's still in progress?
When have we ever actually rolled using our piety stat?
DC 80 for Ranald to come up with a last-ditch effort to save Abelhelm Van Hal's life (presumably something like giving him a re-roll like we were a Ranaldite priest), which we missed by a measly 4 points.
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'Recon' is another name for 'go, alone, into enemy territory and see what you find.' I'd RATHER be in the battle than doing recon, even if it does play to our strengths.
Sure, but not if we make badass Fog of War spells that reveal enemy troop positions and movements. Mathildes Remote Sensing Fog D'Rhone, or similar. Or invest objects with Mathildes Directed Revelation and Obscuration Negation Enchantment which will do the recon for us.

Anyway, Dwarves have Rangers, so we'd not be alone.
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[X] Belegar Ironhammer has sent word that any that wish to seek their fortune are welcome to join him in retaking Karak Eight Peaks. While it is far from the civilized lands of the Empire, the treasure, the glory, and the adventure will be all the greater.
[X] Donate them to the Amethyst Order (+2 College Favours)
[X] Bring it with you, doing what you can with padding and cushions to protect it.
[X] Bring it with you, safely locked within the enchanted box Abelhelm kept it in.

[X] Plan Private Sector Preparation
-[x] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
--[X] Ranald's Blessing
-[X] Sell the produced niter crystals as fertiliser in Stirland.
-[x]Formalize and organize the payments people make for the Gong Farmers to perform their service.
-[x]Survey the Haunted Hills for sites rich in Ulgu for the EIC to buy on your behalf if the land goes on the market.
-[x]Seek and hire a steward to manage and improve the fief in your absence.
-[x] Farewell: Visit everyone you've gotten to know during your time in Stirland, let them know where you're off to, and say au revoir. (does not take an action, incompatible with Free Time)
Aside from that, Stirland is important but we also voted that it's not the most important. We voted to go adventure, so that means that Mathilde should be investing in Mathilde first, second, and often, with other concerns being tertiary.

It's not about Stirland, it's about improving our resource base while we can. Taking the opportunity to do that now while we can instead of putting it off 5+ years will almost certainly pay off more than getting those stat boosts one or two turns early.
You're given a five minute head start and told to hide before three of the Proctors start hunting you; four days later the town criers start broadcasting a request that you report to the College, and you say goodbye to the grocer you had been working for as Alys Schmidt and report smugly back.
I just want to note that I would bet money there is currently a Journeyman Grey Wizard hiding out in Altdorf, absolutely certain that the town criers are in the pay of the Proctors and this is all part of the test.
Karak Varn is all about going into a warpstone corrupted stronghold and salvage as much Gromril as possible. It'd definitely be interesting as an activity, but I can't imagine it having much strategic value as an action.

We're also kind of more likely to run into more characters in Belegars host. Mercenaries, other wizards, dwarves and who knows what other people seeking adventure, glory or just aligned with the dwarves.
Sure, but not if we make badass Fog of War spells that reveal enemy troop positions and movements. Mathildes Remote Sensing Fog D'Rhone, or similar. Or invest objects with Mathildes Directed Reconnaissance and Obscuration Negation Enchantment.

Anyway, Dwarves have Rangers, so we'd not be alone.
I think that it will probably be easier to metaphorically create fog of war than remove it. Divination is mostly a celestial wizard thing after all.
[X] Belegar Ironhammer has sent word that any that wish to seek their fortune are welcome to join him in retaking KarakEight Peaks. While it is far from the civilized lands of the Empire, the treasure, the glory, and the adventure will be allthe greater.

Because hell, Zhufbar is just mining and salvage expeditions. This one... is a Lot more than that. And I think it would be Amazing to be part of Ironhammer's story.
I'll admit, one of the things I kind of want, is to become an advisor for Belegar, but that's probably pretty unlikely or something others wouldn't want. Pretty sure joining his campaign is a prereq, though.
It's not about Stirland, it's about improving our resource base while we can. Taking the opportunity to do that now while we can instead of putting it off 5+ years will almost certainly pay off more than getting those stat boosts one or two turns early.
"Almost certainly" in this case meaning "assuming that the Elector Countess doesn't make the whole of the conquered territory into a couple baronies, meaning that the action gives us nothing". That's not terribly unlikely based upon our current information. There is a very real risk of no return on the site search and no plan is Blessing it to minimize that risk.
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I'll admit, one of the things I kind of want, is to become an advisor for Belegar, but that's probably pretty unlikely or something others wouldn't want. Pretty sure joining his campaign is a prereq, though.

We're the third most well liked human in the Empire. The only reason we aren't currently a Dwarf Friend is because we were avenging Ablehelm when we broke Castle Drakenhoff, not specifically helping the Dwarves.

Getting the Dwarf Friend title will do Wonders for our rep. Doubly so if we get Oathkeeper as a title.
I think that it will probably be easier to metaphorically create fog of war than remove it. Divination is mostly a celestial wizard thing after all.
Please don't make me make more tortured acronyms. :)

Mathildes Concealing Antidetection Multispectral Obscuring Umbral Fog Laying And Generating Enchantment.

When activated, it conceals the movement of roughly 5x Magic troops moving with the subject from any enemy detection or observation until violent contact is made with an enemy unit or the next dawn or dusk.

But, please note our actual trait, rather than just relying on 'stuff from the books':

Warrior of Fog: Appreciation of and focus on mastering the fickle fog of war. +2 martial, bonuses to scouting and hidden gambits while in command, unlocks creation of battlefield spells for revealing or concealing troop movements.
It might be easier to conceal, but we can explicitly learn to remove Fog of War.
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Originally I chose Zhufbar since I thought going to Karak Eight Peak might be a bit over our head. Still, seeing some of the argument, I guess I don't mind changing it.

[X] Belegar Ironhammer has sent word that any that wish to seek their fortune are welcome to join him in retaking Karak Eight Peaks. While it is far from the civilized lands of the Empire, the treasure, the glory, and the adventure will be all the greater.
[X] Donate them to the Amethyst Order (+2 College Favours)
[X] Leave it behind; have Heideck come in and replace the containers as they fill.
[X] Bring it with you, safely locked within the enchanted box Abelhelm kept it in.

[X] Plan Private Sector Preparation
I'm down to learn Intrigue if it's possible, but I'd also like to spend an action to travel to Altdorf and blow all our College favor on magical gewgaws. Surely there's four petty spells among the other Colleges it would be valuable for us to have before we jump into the deep dark hole.
Thinking on it, I like this idea quite a bit. In particular I am worried about being injured and then dying.

In Realms of Sorcery, Lore of Death has "suck the life from an enemy to heal yourself" (Moderately Complicated in this system, probably), Jade has "draw on the life within the earth to heal your wounds over the course of a few rounds" (Relatively Simple), and Lore of Light has "heal everything afflicting the target" (Fiendishly Complex in the quest system almost certainly, there's no way we're getting an item for it) and "heal some injuries on touch" (Relatively Simple). Any of those would be invaluable for the purpose of letting us live through a disaster that sees us badly injured with no capable healer in sight.

Opinions on burning some favors to get an item that replicates one of these spells when used, people? All the stockpiled College Favor in the world won't help us with our intestines spilling onto the ground, and even if we try to keep to scouting and sneaking there's no way that we won't be exposed to at least some risk of physical harm.

Also, @BoneyM, feasibility of actually getting our hands on an item that does one of the above/prices in College Favor and action slots? I would hope that we could do it without an action slot if we're going to be in Altdorf for a study action as in my plan, but that might be a futile hope if there are intense negotiations or inter-College politics involved that we have to participate in personally.

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Well we are currently at a tie.

Go team Karak Eight Peaks come on guys go big or go home think of all the loot and all the rune gear waiting for us think of all the booze!!! :V
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