Tally Time

I fixed my List and put in the Cardassian Theatre as the place for the Argus array since we already have a substantial force working on the Horizon theatre.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Mar 6, 2018 at 4:34 PM, finished with 82933 posts and 17 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Mar 6, 2018 at 5:53 PM, finished with 82944 posts and 22 votes.
[X][COUNCIL] Briefvoice 2322

Would like to bank slightly more, for eventual UP, but don't think that'll fly.
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[X][COUNCIL] Mining Colonies, Diplo pushes and Argus Subspace Telescope.

I don't think the Argus Subspace Telescope is an optimal way to spend PP.

And I don't care. This is a Star Trek quest. Can we not dream big? Is not building a massive telescope to study phenomena wild and wonderful from a quarter-galaxy away exactly why Starfleet exists? Isn't that worth pursuing even if it's not really a perfect use of resources?
Well, if we get the Kadeshi joining, we might get data on the mothership... perhasp we could use that as a basis for a mobile Argus Array (perhaps call it the Mother of all space-AWACs?)
The Kadeshi aren't going to join. That number ticks upwards for tracking purposes only. Basically imagine they have a N/A tag.

So okay after ruining the humor here I think we kind of have to build a stationary Argus Telescope before we can think about building a mobile one, no?
[X][COUNCIL] Mining Colonies, Diplo pushes and Argus Subspace Telescope.

Alright, forget my comprimise plan. Comparing this to Briefvoice's, the only thing it has that I wanted and Plan Argus doesn't is making Personel a Vice Admiral position. The other three items: A listening post on the much-calmer Romulan Border Zone, a single 1mt berth even though we know Federalization is comming, and even more FDS Task Force attachments even though we alredy have some of them? I'll gladly trade all that in for a giant subspace telescope of dubious direct use. This plan also still builds the Starbase we need!
The Kadeshi aren't going to join. That number ticks upwards for tracking purposes only. Basically imagine they have a N/A tag.

So okay after ruining the humor here I think we kind of have to build a stationary Argus Telescope before we can think about building a mobile one, no?

I saw no confirmation of that, one way or the other. will wait till we get a GM's explicit statement, still that doesn't mean we won't get some rewards for our escort service :p

A mobile science station, the Peace Star. It can target Cardassians ships from three sectors away and fire subspace deflector beams at them.

a deflector array the size of a continent! imagine all the things we could do with that! so much science and knowledge.
[X][COUNCIL] Mining Colonies, Diplo pushes and Argus Subspace Telescope

As much as I'd like to have the promotion in BV's option (and I'll be happy if that wins), the telescope is more interesting.
Laudon is a Rigel planet, which isn't up for re-election until next year. I think you mean Merafa there.
Uh... it could have been a special by-election? I mean, the Council is big enough that it'll hardly be uncommon for a councilor to die or have to step down in the off-season.

Why do you think that??
It's CONCEIVABLE that it could help, whereas nothing else we've ever been offered as an option could POSSIBLY help.

It's not me thinking "the Argus array will help with finding Stargazer." It's me thinking "well, there's definitely nothing else that will help."
Uh... it could have been a special by-election? I mean, the Council is big enough that it'll hardly be uncommon for a councilor to die or have to step down in the off-season.

It's CONCEIVABLE that it could help, whereas nothing else we've ever been offered as an option could POSSIBLY help.

It's not me thinking "the Argus array will help with finding Stargazer." It's me thinking "well, there's definitely nothing else that will help."

Given the Argus Array explicitly only grants a reroll in one theater of space, expecting it to help a situation in another galaxy is overly optimistic in my opinion. Still it's a cool project and I'd love to build one near the CBZ just to make the spoonies paranoid. Too many other things we need though and with all the member ships we have called up we don't have as much pp to throw around as in the past.
[X][COUNCIL] Mining Colonies, Diplo pushes and Argus Subspace Telescope

I've been won over by the blatant appeal to the glorious Starfleet ideals, sorry bv
The Kadeshi aren't going to join. That number ticks upwards for tracking purposes only. Basically imagine they have a N/A tag.

So okay after ruining the humor here I think we kind of have to build a stationary Argus Telescope before we can think about building a mobile one, no?

That reminds me, someone made a post mentioning that so far, none of our starbases have responded to any events despite their high D stats. Now obviously, starbases aren't supposed to do that, but I got to thinking: What's the difference between a starbase and a starship? Starbases don't have warp engines, (and only relatively small sublight engines for manuvering,) so they don't need to constrain for size. Starbases probably use their massive size to gretly reduce the need for our limited SR and BR, instead getting their stats from just making really big components.

So... what if we wanted to make a Starbase have warp capability anyways? What if we changed the design just enough to let a Starbase transport itself at a servicable speed? It'll never be fast enough to respond to emergency situations, but it could manage pre-planned missions. Predicted stellar phenomina that could use oversized sensor arrays, sceduled diplomatic and trade events, research that could use massive tractor beams and deflector dishes, debris fields that a runabout squadron could investigate... And yes, slowly relocating in the event of conflict.

I don't know if it would be considered outdated or anything, but over in the Starbase Design research tree, there's a tech for Starbase lls, which cost 100 sr yet have stats of "C16 S12 H24 L24 P12 D10". Yes, those are ridiculous stats, but it's mostly a combat monster. A stationary combat monster that will very rarely use its S12 or P12, and for that matter rarely see combat. Sure, we still need these kinds of starbases, but developing and building bigger and bigger starbases seems a bit of a waste. An alternate design that slimmed down combat components just enough to fit an effective D1 of warp and sublight capability would be absolutely worth it in a next generation starbase.

Unfortunately, we can't call them "explorer-class starbases". They, uh, won't really be doing much actual exploring. :V But they will in spirit! :D
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[X][COUNCIL] Mining Colonies, Diplo pushes and Argus Subspace Telescope


Given the Argus Array explicitly only grants a reroll in one theater of space, expecting it to help a situation in another galaxy is overly optimistic in my opinion.

I don't expect it to end up necessarily helping with Stargazer, but I do expect it to affect event rate and possibly other things in a wide radius around it, simply because a big survey telescope is gonna find things and not have a chance to follow up on them.
Hey guys, wouldn't it be glorious and Trek-like to promote the commander of Personnel to Vice Admiral? Wonder through bureaucracy?


Come on, this is a good year to take care of some stuff that's been piling up for a while and that we should really get to.
Hey guys, wouldn't it be glorious and Trek-like to promote the commander of Personnel to Vice Admiral? Wonder through bureaucracy?


Come on, this is a good year to take care of some stuff that's been piling up for a while and that we should really get to.
@Briefvoice Is my Argus Telescope Spinward Theatre choice correct? I want to focus the array on the Cardassians and Hismeri septs group while the Taskforces deal with the Horizon tags. I don't want to have it voided if I wrote it wrong in my list.
@Briefvoice Is my Argus Telescope Spinward Theatre choice correct? I want to focus the array on the Cardassians and Hismeri septs group while the Taskforces deal with the Horizon tags. I don't want to have it voided if I wrote it wrong in my list.

The array is a scientific instrument. It's not exactly meant to be used in any other way. So it won't do what you're thinking of. It will help scientific missions in the theatre the Cardies and Hishmeri are operating (Spinward), but it won't help deal with them because most scientific missions have nothing to do with the Cardassians and Hishmeri Septs.
[X][COUNCIL] Briefvoice 2322

Spending resources on a non-essential morale project (which is all the Argus Array amounts to for the next 4 years) while we're engaged in a diplomatic knife-fight is not a good idea. Let's at least try to practice good governance in fictional form.
The array is a scientific instrument. It's not exactly meant to be used in any other way. So it won't do what you're thinking of. It will help scientific missions in the theatre the Cardies and Hishmeri are operating (Spinward), but it won't help deal with them because most scientific missions have nothing to do with the Cardassians and Hishmeri Septs.

Maybe we can put a bunch of ominously glowing coils around the tube and give it a spooky code name and try to convince them it's secretly a death ray?