[X][HANDSHAKE] Accept the deal. TF Handshake will disband at start of 2322.Q3 [Gorn pleased, tag progress on 'Great Power Ambitions']
[X][DAWI] Establish a joint mining colony at Ruby Eyes' Folly [Your income from Ruby Eyes' Folly reduced to 20sr, Dawiar gain 20sr income]
[X][REF] Establish an event-generating patrol sector for Ruby Eyes' Folly, requirement D7.
[X][STO] Allow deployment to Trill space as part of a Starfleettask force. [-15pp, Task Force Option unlocked.]
[X][HANDSHAKE] Accept the deal. TF Handshake will disband at start of 2322.Q3 [Gorn pleased, tag progress on 'Great Power Ambitions']

Especially with the Cardassians wooing the Gorn, I'm willing enough to give in to this as a way to improve relations with them and free up ships (potentially to be used to befriend the Gorn! Or the Trill!)

[X][REF] Establish an event-generating patrol sector for Ruby Eyes' Folly, requirement D7.

[X][DAWI] Establish a joint mining colony at Ruby Eyes' Folly [Your income from Ruby Eyes' Folly reduced to 20sr, Dawiar gain 20sr income]

[X][STO] Allow deployment to Trill space as part of a Starfleet task force. [-15pp, Task Force Option unlocked.]
No chance we could just rotate Handshake over to the Gorn?

(waves hands) We could... I would prefer to drop another Excelsior on Beyond in order to completely overwhelm the Harmony of Horizon, and then since it's only for half a year I figure we might as well just reinforce the Trill TF.

My take is basically this. The Gorn are a long term project. If we don't get started with them this year, then it'll be next year. They're important but not urgent necessarily, especially when we just cut a deal to make some progress with them this year. By Q3 there's only 2 quarters left in the year anyway. Let's just reevaluate at end of year and see what we can send their way in 2323.

EDIT: Unless you'd like to vote against the Trill TF, in which case...
Why should we give the Dawiar access to Ruby Eyes' Folly if we're letting them go, aren't we low on 20sr stocks?
SR is important to our shipbuilding since they're limited.
It gives us SOME continued contact with the Dawiar, possibly enabling us to get back into contact with them at a future time once the issues with us and the Gorn and this tangle with the Ittick-ka is cleared up somewhat.

The Seven Sages have taken note of the United Federation of Planets. We have seen your sleek-lined ships!

"Awww, they think we're pretty."

Even today exactly what the Prime Directive IS is pretty vague. In pre-TNG times it was seriously vague - sometimes, for example, it would be applied to isolationist civilizations with warp drive.
Right, but TNG made it pretty explicit. Yes, it means noninterference, but it definitely refers pretty specifically to keeping your hands off of civilizations that don't have warp drive, while making it clear that nonwarp civilizations don't have the means to do interstellar travel.

I didn't say it was invented only once. I said that it was invented in the local region 3 times in a short period.
Okay, my apologies. But at the same time, either the technology is some kind of staggering weirdness that takes a legendary genius to invent it where even species with hundreds of years of starfaring technology hadn't come up with it before, or it's a relatively "routine" evolution of pre-warp technology that opens up the interstellar age for whoever uses it.

In the FASA timeline warp drive or possibly improved warp drives (it was never made clear, and generally people who like the FASA timeline err towards the latter, since that fits better with TNG and DS9) was invented first by the Klingons, then by Cohcrane, then by the Romulans. After the 3 major empires took advantage of their head-start and became the local powers in the region, warp drive kept being invented, but the late comers were not able to become major powers. And of course before the Federation, Romulans and Klingons invented warp drive (or improved warp drives) there were older empires that had since fallen who had warp drive, but had either gone extinct or collapsed so badly they'd lost the technology.
See, that makes it more plausible, but it still only works if you explicitly spell out "Cochrane warp drive is a better form of warp drive than the stuff seemingly every random Atomic Age planet is cooking up while we watch them from a distance."

I feel like we need certain guarantees with respect to the Dawiar so that it doesn't come off as us just abandoning the people we've been supporting.

In particular, I think we'd want to require a conclave to vote out the current king, and probably a similar confidence vote to be held regularly in the future; we also might want to make certain requests in regards to any people the Cardassians have disappeared over the years from Dawiar space.

Our own internal politics are a consideration too, and the Princess hopefully understands that we need something a bit more concrete to show for our efforts with Handshake if we don't want people asking pointed questions about why we spent all that time and effort to give the Gorn a new vassal.
That's fair, and I definitely think we need to work on that.

@OneirosTheWriter , @IronWolf , the granularity of the vote options doesn't really allow us to ask for that, but can we reasonably assume that the FDS is going to ask for some reasonable concessions out of the Gorn?

It should be interesting to see how the Ittick-ka respond to us effectively telling them "come and have a go if you think you're hard enough" in response to their bluster. Almost as interesting as what'll happen when they try the same routine on the Cardies.
The Cardassian is either at your throat or at your feet... and I'm pretty sure they're not going to end up at the Ittick-ka's feet. :p
[X][HANDSHAKE] Accept the deal. TF Handshake willdisband at start of 2322.Q3 [Gorn pleased, tag progress on 'Great PowerAmbitions']
[X][DAWI] Establish a joint mining colony at Ruby Eyes' Folly [Your income from Ruby Eyes' Folly reduced to 20sr, Dawiar gain 20sr income]
[X][REF] Establish an event-generating patrol sector for Ruby Eyes' Folly, requirement D7.
[X][STO] Allow deployment to Ruby Eyes' Folly. [-10pp, special events will be generated in nearby sectors.]
As noted by the Prez, you have no formal alliance structure with the Trill. She is in fact extremely uncomfortable with the idea as are others [hence the pp loss], but also acknowledging that this is basically the STO offering a TF when ships are tight.

Diplomacy is important, but so is taking a strong stance against predatory civilizations. The Trill are asking because they already believe they are in danger, so refusing them and then having the Ittick-Ka roll in is just asking for diplomatic nightmares. We already have a history of doing this anyway and I don't see the Pacifist taking umbrage with our decision to stand against slavers.
Clarification: the Trill did not formally request this. They're accepting the TF if it is formed because of some groundwork by the FDS and STO. But they're still wary of outsiders.
@Simon_Jester sorry, missed your tag. The FDS is going to try to exploit opportunities as they arise, but remember, Saphorix is making this offer in semi-secrecy. And also all your diplomacy up to this point with the Dawiar has been in violation of Celos.

The FDS is treating this letter like a "foot in the door" - certainly if Saphorix is telling the truth, you're going to give her a lot more cachet to ignore the xenophobes and talk to you.
[X][HANDSHAKE] Accept the deal. TF Handshake will disband at start of 2322.Q3 [Gorn pleased, tag progress on 'Great Power Ambitions']
[X][REF] Establish an event-generating patrol sector for Ruby Eyes' Folly, requirement D7.
[X][DAWI] Establish a joint mining colony at Ruby Eyes' Folly [Your income from Ruby Eyes' Folly reduced to 20sr, Dawiar gain 20sr income]
[X][STO] Allow deployment to Trill space as part of a Starfleet task force. [-15pp, Task Force Option unlocked.]
Uh guys?

That 'before actual Warp Drive FTL that some random atomic age peoples' cook up has a name.

It's called, by humans at least, the "Alcubierre Drive". And even some warp-capable ships use the iconic look of it too!
@Simon_Jester sorry, missed your tag. The FDS is going to try to exploit opportunities as they arise, but remember, Saphorix is making this offer in semi-secrecy. And also all your diplomacy up to this point with the Dawiar has been in violation of Celos.

The FDS is treating this letter like a "foot in the door" - certainly if Saphorix is telling the truth, you're going to give her a lot more cachet to ignore the xenophobes and talk to you.

Well, are they at least going to try to say something like "We'll do this if you're willing to promise not to stand by and let the current Dawiar government brutalize or massacre the people who were talking to us?"

I mean, that's like the one valid reason people have for opposing the deal; not wanting to throw under the bus the Dawiar who were willing to talk to us.

Uh guys?

That 'before actual Warp Drive FTL that some random atomic age peoples' cook up has a name.

It's called, by humans at least, the "Alcubierre Drive". And even some warp-capable ships use the iconic look of it too!
The Alcubierre drive requires you to find a source of negative-mass exotic matter, and uses energy levels comparable to the output of a star. It's interesting as an indication that even under relativity, 'FTL' travel can possibly occur under sufficiently space-warping conditions. But it's not "literally the same thing as a Star Trek warp drive," nor is it an underdeveloped version of same.

It's a bit like how if you told the ancient Greeks that in the present day, there would be ships the size of our oil tankers, they might imagine such a ship being moved by a huge army of slaves on capstans operating tremendous super-oars, with sails on masts cut from the largest trees in the world, inching the ship laboriously forward at one mile per hour. They'd probably laugh off the idea that anyone would bother, and it wouldn't give them an accurate picture of what real life modern engines can do.
Nope. Can't in good conscience sell out the Dwarves to the Imperialist Space Lizardstm​, no matter how much of an uphill battle it is.

[X][HANDSHAKE] Don't accept the deal. TF Handshake mission continues. [Gorn displeased.]

[X][REF] Establish an event-generating patrol sector for Ruby Eyes' Folly, requirement D7.

[X][DAWI] Establish a joint mining colony at Ruby Eyes' Folly [Your income from Ruby Eyes' Folly reduced to 20sr, Dawiar gain 20sr income]

[X][STO] Allow deployment to Ruby Eyes' Folly. [-10pp, special events will be generated in nearby sectors.]
As noted by the Prez, you have no formal alliance structure with the Trill. She is in fact extremely uncomfortable with the idea as are others [hence the pp loss], but also acknowledging that this is basically the STO offering a TF when ships are tight.

Clarification: the Trill did not formally request this. They're accepting the TF if it is formed because of some groundwork by the FDS and STO. But they're still wary of outsiders.
Oh, noted. Still a good thing to do, then, because it tells them we are willing to help them should need arise.
@Iron Wolf and @OneirosTheWriter, could we get a preview of what the Trill mission is going to look like? The parameters of the mission, what the STO is willing to send for free, what stats are important (likely combat and presence), and so forth that are typical in a mission summary?

Horizon Border Zone – Requires D9 (Supports Rigel sector)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 9 = 6 homeworlds (Kelowna, Laian, Wumei, Vail, Obar, Okatha), 3 other major worlds
  • 2322.Q1 – 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Frontier], 1 Renaissance (5) [Justice], 1 Centaur-B (5) [Aurora], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Agile (B)] = 18D
Yay, four ships in the HBZ!

-Pavel Chekhov - Nullifies the first 2pts of crew casualties per year, reroll the first failed Away Team Combat each year
-Attachments: ????
Is Chekov the right choice here? I suppose the problem is that there simply isn't a better option? Like, Vol Chad would be a default fallback option, but we're only sending a single Starfleet ship here.

As for attachments, the only think I can suggest is Starfleet Tactical Brass, but I don't think it's worth the 10pp cost for what's supposed to be just a deterrent force (and a Trill diplomatic force on the side).

Notes: In 2323.Q3, add 1 Oberth (T'Mir (V)), 1 Rigellian Turtleship, and 1 Betazoid Centaur-B from Task Force Handshake
T'Mir I was hoping could be traded with a ship in the GBZ for faster mining opportunities.

I'm not quite comfortable with sending an obviously non-Starfleet and non-STO ship like the Turtleship over, for a mission that the Trill agreed to with STO & FDS. The Betazoid Centaur-B is borderline acceptable in this regard, being a Starfleet-designed ship, plus Betazoids.

I think the base force of an Excelsior-A, 1 Centaur-B, an Audacious, 2 Constrictors, and 2 Arquillas, along with whatever the Trill have, are an already potent deterrence force.

Maybe send the Turtleship over to TF Shield so that's beefed up from 6 ships in 2321 to 9 ships in 2322?

I'm also not sure how important the D stat is here, so the Centaur-B might be tradable with a Miranda-A somewhere. edit: From the new info below, P stat is important, so the C-B should be kept here.

Vulcan Sector – Requires D10 (supported by RBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 5 = 1 homeworld (Vulcan), 4 other major worlds
  • 2322.Q1 – 1 Constitution-B (5) (Korolev), 1 Centaur-B (5) [Sommerfield], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Clarion], Starbase I (7) = 15D 19D
Apinae Sector – Requires D10 (supported by CBZ and SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 6 = 2 homeworlds (Apinae, Indoria), 4 other major worlds
  • 2322.Q1 - 1 Constitution-B (5) [Exeter], 1 Constellation-A (4) [Stalwart (B)], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Eclipse], 2 Starbase I (14) [Grand Hive of Apinae, Indorian Starbase], Extra Outposts [5] = 30D
Task Force: Beyond
-Mission: Counteract Horizon diplomatic efforts in the Horizon Border Zone region.
-Commander: Samhaya Mrr'shan - +1P to Flagship, reroll first failed combat roll each year
-Attachments: Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment
-Ships 2322.Q1: 1 Excelsior-A [Salnas (B)], NEW 1 Andorian Excelsior-A, NEW 2 Amarkian Centaur-Bs, 1 Constitution-A [Cheron (V)], 1 Apiata Little Queenship, 2 Apiata Stingers, 1 United Earth Renaissance, NEW 2 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruisers [OUS Nelhiar's Pride, ????], 1 Orion Molhane Patrol Escort
-Ships 2322.Q2: 1 Excelsior-A [Salnas (B)], 1 Andorian Excelsior-A,2 Amarkian Centaur-Bs, 1 Constitution-A [Cheron (V)], 1 Apiata Little Queenship, 2 Apiata Stingers, 1 United Earth Renaissance, 2 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruisers [OUS Nelhiar's Pride, ????], NEW 1 Tellarite Renaissance, 1 Orion Molhane Patrol Escort, NEW 1 Centaur-B [Chinook]
-Ships 2322.Q3: 1 Excelsior-A [Salnas (B)], NEW 1 Excelsior-A [Endurance (B)], 1 Andorian Excelsior-A, 2 Amarkian Centaur-Bs, 1 Constitution-A [Cheron (V)], 1 Apiata Little Queenship, 2 Apiata Stingers, 1 United Earth Renaissance, 2 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruisers [OUS Nelhiar's Pride, ????], NEW 1 Tellarite Renaissance, 1 Orion Molhane Patrol Escort, NEW 1 Centaur-B [Chinook]
-Notes: In Q2, add 1 Centaur-B [Chinook] from refit and add Tellarite Renaissance as it arrives from Task Force Shield. In Q3 add Endurance from Task Force Handshake.

Task Force: Shield (assume continues to 2322)
-Mission: Dissuade Hishmeri raiding.
-T'Mina - Reroll the first failed intercept each quarter.
-Attachments: None
-Ships 2322.Q1: NEW 1 Amarki Riala-A, NEW 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Avandar (B)] (replaces Renaissance - Emancipation), Tellarite Renaissance, NEW 1 Little Queenship, NEW 2 Apiata Stingers, 2 Amarkian Anacail
-Ships 2322.Q2: NEW 1 Amarki Riala-A, NEW 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Avandar (B)] (replaces Renaissance - Emancipation), Tellarite Renaissance 1 Renaissance [Torch (pa)], 1 Little Queenship, NEW 2 Apiata Stingers, 2 Amarkian Anacail
Notes: In 2322.Q2 send Tellarite Renaissance to TF Beyond and replace it with Renaissance (Torch pa) when it completes phaser array refit.

No chance we could just rotate Handshake over to the Gorn?
Gorn aren't so urgent that we should dedicate a task force to them yet. It's also not clear how such a task force should be composed to address which Gorn diplo tag.

I'd rather just diplo push them this year.
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[X][HANDSHAKE] Accept the deal. TF Handshake will disband at start of 2322.Q3 [Gorn pleased, tag progress on 'Great Power Ambitions']
[X][REF] Establish an event-generating patrol sector for Ruby Eyes' Folly, requirement D7.
[X][DAWI] Establish a joint mining colony at Ruby Eyes' Folly [Your income from Ruby Eyes' Folly reduced to 20sr, Dawiar gain 20sr income]
[X][STO] Allow deployment to Ruby Eyes' Folly. [-10pp, special events will be generated in nearby sectors.]
The STO will send exactly what they outlined - the Serene (an Audacious), two Constrictors, two Arquilla. Mission parameters will be outlined more clearly in the deployment vote, but since you're there to protect but also diplomance, I'd recommend some P.

Well, are they at least going to try to say something like "We'll do this if you're willing to promise not to stand by and let the current Dawiar government brutalize or massacre the people who were talking to us?"

I mean, that's like the one valid reason people have for opposing the deal; not wanting to throw under the bus the Dawiar who were willing to talk to us.
High Commissioner M'Sheer
"Unfortunately most of what we have to go off is in this letter -- Gorn diplomats tend to play with their cards close to their chest. We have inferred from our sources that the Gorn are not likely to desire retribution on pro-Federation elements; however if the Dawiar king requested their assistance in doing so to hold onto power, they would likely agree.

Dissuading them from that would require more open contact -- which agreeing to the request should provide."
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T'Mir I was hoping could be traded with a ship in the GBZ for faster mining opportunities.

I'm not quite comfortable with sending an obviously non-Starfleet and non-STO ship like the Turtleship over, for a mission that the Trill agreed to with STO & FDS. The Betazoid Centaur-B is borderline acceptable in this regard, being a Starfleet-designed ship, plus Betazoids.

I think the base force of an Excelsior-A, 1 Centaur-B, an Audacious, 2 Constrictors, and 2 Arquillas, along with whatever the Trill have, are an already potent deterrence force.

Maybe send the Turtleship over to TF Shield so that's beefed up from 6 ships in 2321 to 9 ships in 2322?

I'm also not sure how important the D stat is here, so the Centaur-B might be tradable with a Miranda-A somewhere. edit: From the new info below, P stat is important, so the C-B should be kept here.

Turtleships have a 4 in Presence, though. Seems a shame not to bring one in on this given it's already in the area.
Turtleships have a 4 in Presence, though. Seems a shame not to bring one in on this given it's already in the area.
Yup, changed my mind. I wasn't 100% sure if presence was going to be important here, and IW just confirmed it was. That said, I am still worried that TF Shield isn't being reinforced enough, even if a Riala-A + E-A are quite the beasts (and the upgraded Centaurs). I'm hoping that task force also gets some free reinforcements due to the Hishmeri raid.
Yup, changed my mind. I wasn't 100% sure if presence was going to be important here, and IW just confirmed it was. That said, I am still worried that TF Shield isn't being reinforced enough, even if a Riala-A + E-A are quite the beasts (and the upgraded Centaurs). I'm hoping that task force also gets some free reinforcements due to the Hishmeri raid.

I think we simply had some awful luck on Shield. It's not that we didn't have enough ships; it's that we didn't have enough ships to mitigate really low rolls.
[X][HANDSHAKE] Accept the deal. TF Handshake will disband at start of 2322.Q3 [Gorn pleased, tag progress on 'Great Power Ambitions']
[X][REF] Establish an event-generating patrol sector for Ruby Eyes' Folly, requirement D7.
[X][DAWI] Establish a joint mining colony at Ruby Eyes' Folly [Your income from Ruby Eyes' Folly reduced to 20sr, Dawiar gain 20sr income]
We should have the Risans add a ship to TF Flute (called that because it's handling the Trill); some official Party Planners would help the Presence score.
how do we stop the Gorn affiliating with the Ashalla pact, if they don't already have? Because 'you can have our member' looks like good relations. And a Cardassian - Gorn axis wouldn't be that good for the Federation (which would please the Cardassian's).
And that would also be a diplomatic coup for the Gorn, getting one over the Federation like that.
Pushing them a lot, and assigning a task force next year, hopefully.

It's worth pointing out that the Gorn have assigned a very large number of ships to the Dawiar and they don't build small starships; they may have the combat power to directly challenge any attempt at blocking them and they will not necessarily be shy about using it. It's entirely possible the Gorn could break the Dawiar loose from the Pact against the Cardassians' will since they don't have the Treaty of Celos in their way but they can count on us to resist any Cardassian attempt to provide their forces on the scene reinforcements.