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- United States of America
No, I'm arguing that when someone tells you to burn down a house, it would be hypocritical of them to punish you for burning down another house at a different time.You seem to be arguing that if burning someone's house down is fine in one context, then it must be fine in all other contexts.
You seem to be making the argument that being under Cai's "order" is sure fire way to be protected from predations and that Cai will avenge you if a crime is committed against you. That argument doesn't jive with what Cai will most likely want us to be doing, trespassing into people's houses, destroying their privacy, all to ensure they are not rebelling or to use as blackmail to make them stay in line. We wouldn't be unleashed against a rebelling household, that is what the army is for. So if we set against a person who isn't rebelling, he would still be protected under Cai's order, and as such under your argument, Cai would have to punish us for doing what she told us to do.