Influencing Van Hal: You're going to be spending time with him anyway, that's a lot of time to talk.
@BoneyM Is a single 'Influencing van Hal' a freebie? As we'll be working with him a bit?
[ ]Plan They're coming out of the walls (but hopefully not the mirrors)
As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment. Choose ONE to have Van Hal's assistance with.
-[x] Examine and interrogate the imprisoned infiltrator. Van Hal.
-[x] Closely interrogate every remaining servant.
--[x] We might have non-Sigmarite priests from the Kasimir/Van Hal action to re-vet faith?
-[x] Go out to the nearby villages and confirm the details of every single servant claiming to be from there.
Hopefully our interrogation will reveal what they have sabotaged, their abilities, who they spoke with, where they went etc. They were clearly aware of each other as infiltrators, at least.
Influencing Van Hal: You're going to be spending time with him anyway, that's a lot of time to talk
-[x] If Kasmir is to be removed, he'll need replacing. Suggest somewhere that Van Hal could look to find someone. 'Suggest' he/Kasmir invites some prominent Morrite priests, Shalyans etc to help verify the faiths of the staff, with the Morrites also to examine the gribblies. He can size them up then? (free)
Anyone got any better ideas? Plus, re-vetting faith with relevant priests would help us check the castle staff.
-[x] Van Hal can get you veterans of the Army of Stirland - mostly uneducated and suspicious of magic, but unquestionably loyal to Stirland. (no action required, -10g discretionary/turn each)
-[x] Looking for three. One bodyguard/assistant/messenger/apprentice. One to regularly cycle round the regional Watches and bring back reports. One to insert as retiree/veteran observer in Leicheberg (on the border, main army base. At least this guy will hear the back-from-patrol gossip from the border force).
--[x] Scribe literacy training. -15g.
Not this turn [ ] Ask Anton to introduce us at social gatherings to intelligent, patriotic young nobles. We can't rely on his assessment
particularly, so we won't, but if we size them up enough individuals over a few months, we might sift out a suitable lieutenant.
10g/turn/town is far too expensive for pub gossip. Hiring a traveling bard to cycle around the villages would accomplish about as much. Might need an action to set up the watch-checking veteran? @BoneyM
Backtracking and Side Operations:
-[x] Write down what little you already know and send that instead. (does not cost an action)
--[x] One of our not-quite-yet but soon-to-retire recruits is to provide a report on the new Martial advisor. Theres a lot to be learned from how he addresses the men, who he surrounds himself with, what if anything he changes in army drills, organisation, etc. Add (some of?) this to our report. (free?)
-[x] Try to tail the messenger who you give the report to. Ranald Bonus.
??? Are we ready to try this yet??? We can be fairly certain they're not Imperial Intelligence, given Imperial Intelligence proposed the three candidates.
Home Comforts:
-[x] Enchantment: So far you've failed to find suitable equipment (
damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try again with local goods. (-personal gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment, action expenditure can be postponed)
-[x] Wardrobe Expansion: Start wearing a tunic and breeches under your wizard's robes. (no action required, -personal gold)
I want to get our lab set up, and ideally a bit of training, before we try to age ourselves to death again.
-[x] That damn Asp has
still been quiet, but now you've got a lead. Peruse the book
Light And It's Properties, by Leonardo da Miragliano.
No Asps please. Everyone older and wiser has been flabbergasted at how blase we've been.