Looking at our list of actions, I'm concerned that this isn't going to scale terribly well. We need to be building and maintaining contacts in a half-dozen different areas; completely passing up the watch's information or ignoring the castle staff is just sloppy and we will definitely be blamed if there's a failure of intelligence or successful enemy action there, but that's not going to have enough marginal gains in terms of new information flowing in to be worth doing alone. Yet if we don't take those actions it'll be years before we get around to backtracking and handling them, because we desperately need personal improvement and there are always too many balls to juggle on our job.
The most obvious way to multiply our effective number of actions is to get someone else to do them for us. Where can we get a reliable lieutenant that we can shove actions onto so that we don't have to be the one personally spending months of our time figuring out how to efficiently receive information from the Watch on a regular basis, personally looking into the background of every single person employed at the castle, or convincing the trade guild leaders that they should report anything interesting or suspicious to the Count and figuring out how to regularly review those reports?
And later, we're going to need someone else to manage constructing and maintaining intelligence gathering teams in every city or barony, because we might be able to handle that around the capital given a few years but we certainly don't have enough time and attention to put 3-4 actions into getting a proper intel network in every major part of Stirland when the Count is asking us to chase down a new fishy thing or two every turn. We must delegate.
So I feel like a high priority here in building a network is figuring out how we can locate competent people that we can delegate to and getting them to work for us. Is that what the "Informants" section of the character sheet is for, or do we need to work toward creating a new category ("Subordinates"?) and filling it?