Turn 18 Results
- Location
- Maryland
Martial: Gustav Kingfeather, the "Old Troll Hunter" has upheld his oath to see the end of Sombra. But despite the war's end, he isn't the Griff he used to be. His joints ache, his feathers grey. There's little doubt that, despite his assurances to the contrary, he's entering his twilight years. Regardless, he is resolved to serve for as long as you need him.
-Licking Wounds: The War is over. After years of war, peace has finally been achieved. But there are still threats to the Empire and it's people, both the known threats within and unknown threats without. The army must stay strong if it is to continue to be the protector of the realm and its inhabitants. Hold one last recruitment drive to replace the losses sustained during the invasion. Cost: 1313 Time: One Year. Reward: Army returned to pre-Invasion Strength.
Though peace is finally more than a dream, and many veterans return to their homes and waiting families, the Empire still has need of able-bodied soldiers to defend the realm and its people. The possibility of there being another Sombra somewhere else in the unknown world is a worry on the minds of many, and the beasts and brigands of the dark forests are a constant concern. As such, there's no shortage of volunteers seeking to live up to the example set by the countless deceased heroes of the Winter War. By the end of the year, your army has returned to full strength, thousands of new recruits joining the grizzled veterans already in the line of duty, each one equipped with the now standardized and state-bought equipment. +2627 Warriors, 1275 Polearms, 263 Archers, 214 Diamond Dogs. Army returned to full strength.
-The New Guard: Gustav Kingfeather, your Marshall for nearly two decades, is considering retirement. He's certainly earned it, after guiding you and the nation through two wars and forging the Imperial Army into what it is today. His replacement will have big shoes to fill, but after the Winter War there's no shortage of experienced officers. Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
Kingfeather seemed almost embarrassed when he reluctantly admitted to you that he no longer feels capable of effectively managing the Imperial Military in his old age. You tell him, very matter of factly, that he's done more in his years of service than any one Griffon could reasonably be expected to do. You task Frida with throwing together a retirement celebration fit for his years of loyal service while you begin going over a list of candidates to act as his replacement. In the end, three choices stand out to you, each of which could bring a unique outlook to their post.
[ ] Gabriella Golden-Feather: While some may accuse you of nepotism, none can question your wife's qualifications. Having been the head of a mercenary company for years and assuming a leading roll in both wars, she is an obvious potential pick for your new Military Advisor.
[ ] Manfred Redbeak: While you had once considered Hardbeak an ideal candidate for your Martial advisor, it's now clear that he's far better suited to leading his Knights from the front. The Grandmaster has however recommended one of his Knights of the Inner Circle with a head for logistics and strategy, one Manfred Redbeak. Having lost an eye in the Crystal Invasion, the Veteran Knight is no longer in peak fighting shape, but is still eager to serve the Empire by applying his hard-earned experience to an advisory role. He is by all accounts the very model of a modern Knight, as virtuous as he is deadly and as knowledgeable as he is disciplined.
[ ] Sebastion Vauban: With the construction of the Peregrine Line, the rise of Artillery, the advent of practical military explosives, and Griffons' seemingly instinctual desire to fortify their settlements, it should come as no surprise that "Military Engineering" has become a field of growing importance and prestige. And one of the greatest names in this field is Sebastion Vauban. He started his career building castles for the late Brochard, and has showcased his skills as one of the lead architects of the Peregrine Line while simultaneously authoring numerous treatises on new methods of fortification and the employment of explosive weapons. He seems like a prominent candidate for Martial Advisor.
Diplomacy: The end of the war and the liberation of the Crystal Ponies has left Elva with another nation to negotiate with, in addition to the Yak Clans and the Neighponese, who are still coming to grips with the post-war world.
-The Gryphus-Neighpon Mutual Defense Pact: Your soldiers fought and bled alongside the Neighponese in the Invasion of the Crystal Empire. Victory over Sombra, while possible without them, would have been much more difficult. You know that the Qilin have come to the same conclusion. And you both know that another great threat may be waiting for you out in the unexplored world. It only makes sense for your Empires to sign a treaty of mutual defense, pledging to come to each other's aid when faced with foreign aggression. Time: One Year. Cost: 150. Reward: Mutual Defense Treaty with the Kingdom of Neighpon. Chance of Success: 70%
Required: 30. Rolled: 60+18=78
Kōryū and his court are nothing if not receptive to your proposals, and by the end of the year the terms of a proper treaty are hammered out by Elva and her Neighponese equivalent. A grand ceremony is held in Aukland Bay, the very spot where your peoples first met each other, and where you met your fellow Emperor. As the ink of your signature dries alongside Kōryū's, you both have little doubt that this is the start of a wonderful partnership between your nations.
Gryphus now has a mutual Defense Pact with the Kingdom of Neighpon. +.5 to Neighpon Relations.
-The Crystal Conundrum: The War has been won, and Sombra is finally, completely dead. But the consequences of his crimes are still felt. The Crystal Empire lies in destitute ruins, a shadow of its former self. Tens of thousands of Crystal Ponies live either on the brink of famine in the ruins of the Crystal City, or as displaced refugees within your own borders, all suffering from the mental and emotional trauma brought about by years under Sombra's rule. Clearly they cannot be simply left to struggle on their own. But what exactly should be done? Should the Crystal Empire be annexed? Re-established as a vassal or protectorate of Gryphus? Or should it be treated as simply another nation? And what of the Crystal Ponies already living within your cities? What of the Crystal Heart, an object that is both a magical superweapon and an almost holy cultural artifact to the Crystal Ponies? A great many questions need to be answered before you can begin rebuilding that which Sombra destroyed. Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.
To be Continued in "The Crystal Summit"
Stewardship: Frida, while as happy about the end of the war as everyone else, is too busy seeing to the housing, care and feeding of the thousands of Crystal Refugees to celebrate with her usual enthusiasm. Still, she retains her upbeat demeanor, something that you're sure will bring some comfort to the former slaves.
-Western Prospectors: The Western Frontier has a number of mines already, but the majority of its mineral wealth remains untapped. Perform a mineral survey and construct additional mines to boost the productivity and profitability of the rapidly growing province. Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Mines established, Increased Mining Income.
After two years of non-stop work, the Frontier Mining project is finally completed. Over a dozen mineshafts have been excavated and smelting operations established across the province, shipments of coal, iron, copper and even the rare bit of gold or silver now making their way out of the ground and into the great blast furnace of the Imperial Economy. Such developments have led to an even greater influx of prospectors, miners and entrepreneurs into the rapidly growing settlements of the West, boosting the local economy as much as the national economic growth rate. New mines established across the Frontier. +300 Yearly Mining Income.
-Adopt a Pony Program: Thousands of Crystal Ponies inhabit hastily erected tent-cities, having been freed from Sombra before his defeat or fled the frost-blasted wasteland their homeland has been reduced to in order to escape the threat of famine. They are unsuitable for long-term habitation, and consuming vast amounts of resources for maitenance. Before anything else, these camps need to be emptied. Ideas have been passed around of a sort of "adopt a pony" program, where the Citizens of the Empire will open up their homes to these former victims of Sombra in exchange for a sizable tax cut, providing them with the care and sense of community they require while simultaneously assisting their integration into the wider Empire of Gryphus. Some Griffons and Dogs have already begun to do this on a small scale individually, but many feel that this should become an official government policy. This will of course be a significant undertaking that will require a massive bureaucracy and boatloads of funding, but it is both necessary and worth it to help those who have already suffered so much. Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%
Required: 35. Rolled: 75+18++15(A Visit to Griffonstone Omake)+5(Setting an Example)=113 Art Crit!
You'd instructed Frida to establish a vast bureaucracy capable of matching up refugees with host families, keeping track of who was with who, and distributing tax breaks and aid appropriately. By the end of the year, not only has she overseen the creation of a streamlined and effective office staffed by hundreds of hard-working Griffons and Dogs, but she's already begun the process of emptying out the refugee camps, months ahead of schedule.
Once again, your people surprise you with their willingness to accept outsiders into their communities. In a matter of weeks, thousands of Crystal Ponies have found homes. Measures are taken not to split up families (those that can claim to have them), and orphaned foals in particular are given special care and attention, your subjects inspired by your example of adopting one into the Imperial family. The Diamond Dogs in particular, remembering how they were accepted into the Empire, seek to pay it forward, taking in refugees by the dozen and making them "part of the pack".
Despite your worst fears, abuses of the system and incidents of refugee exploitation are few and far between and quickly hunted down, Frida's bureaucrats ever vigilant in their work to identify those seeking to take advantage of the tax breaks or "cheap labor" that the Ponies represent. Those few that dare to shame the Empire in such a manner are tried equally harshly in the courts of law and public opinion, serving as a warning to all those who would dare to consider such actions.
Frida informs you that, at the current rate, the refugee camps will be emptied completely by the end of next year, and that, though their mental scars are still present, many Crystal Ponies have begun to show signs of recovery, their overall moods brightening ever so slightly as they are accepted into the greater Empire and bond with their adoptive families. Your Steward goes so far as to state that the program may be completed sooner than previously thought, potentially ending a whole year earlier than initially assumed.
Refugee camps are emptying at a rapid rate. Action will now take two years instead of three. Will finish next Turn.
Learning: Archimedes and Genevieve continue their work as the Empire's top scholars, Archimedes focusing on improvements to the Imperial War Machine while Genevieve focuses on more Domestic improvements. This does not mean that the two do not collaborate and share information, merely that the two Griffons divide the work between them. They are further joined by the Neighponese trio, the Magical Experts you convinced to work for you.
-Rotative Beam Engine: Archimedes and Genevieve have been going over the designs for the Steam Pumps in between other projects for the past couple of years, and they think they've come up with a way to make the devices more versatile. By replacing the piston with something called a flywheel, they can turn the single-use pump into a multi-use engine, allowing for much greater utility. Simple in theory. In practice...well, you'll need to give them some time and funding to see if it's worth it. Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.
The top scholars in the Empire get to work, gathering together a team of engineers and a hoard of materials to aid in their experimentation. The sounds of metal on metal, shifting gears and whistling steam form a cacophony emanating from Archimedes famous workshop, occasionally interrupted by shouted requests or bursts of colorful language from the Griffons inside. A series of rejected designs and annotated blueprints make their way across your desk, each seemingly a marvel of technology, each deemed "inefficient", "high-maitenance", "too expensive", or "unreliable". Genevieve informs you that Archimedes is convinced that this one invention will be his greatest and most influential, the foundation of his legacy. As such, he's determined to ensure that it is as perfect as he can make it. Fair enough you suppose. Will finish next Turn.
-The Book: That ominous book you found in the catacombs beneath Sombra's castle is locked away in the secured archives, stored in a specially made Orichalcum lined safe. A few of the Crystal Ponies that got a look at it claim that the language used in it is one completely unknown to them, and since it was at ground zero of the "heartsplosion" it shouldn't contain any lingering traces of Sombra's magic. Despite yourself you can't help but have some lingering curiosity about it. The magic experts from Neighpon have volunteered to have a look at it, and if they exercise caution...well, who knows what they might find? Time: One Year. Cost: 100. Reward: Info on the Mysterious Book
An Orichalcum lined room with a reinforced door is prepared, and magic-resistant protective gear is made to ensure that Sombra's tome does not have any adverse effects upon those interacting with it. A mixed group of Griffons and Neighponese experts are selected to investigate the books contents and nature. Work is conducted slowly and carefully, an abundance of caution being deemed preferable to recklessness when it comes to anything related to Sombra. After several weeks of work, the trio of Neighponese magic experts in your employ deliver a summary of what information they've been able to gather.
For starters, the Orichalcum protections are redundant, as there is absolutely no magic or enchantments whatsoever present within the book. It seems the Crystal Heart did its job well. From a purely arcane perspective, the book is no more dangerous than any other. That is not to say it is a normal book, far from it. Close examination has revealed that the cover, binding and even a few of the pages are made from the flesh of numerous creatures, from Trolls to Chimera, along with more than a few skin samples belonging to unknown or undiscovered creatures that none can identify. As for the actual contents of the pages...the news is mixed.
At least three different distinct languages have been identified within the pages of the book, none of which are known. As such, most of what's written is untranslatable. It appears that the book was not written all at once but over the course of many years, changing hands between multiple authors of multiple cultures, each adding to the body of the overall work. The diagrams within appear to describe everything from the movements of stars and planets to recipes for potions to the physics and theory behind the building blocks of magic.
One of the only things your scholars tell you that they are certain of is what they believe to be the name of the original author of the book: Sendak.
Perhaps you'll learn more of the contents of the book in time. For now, it is little more than a curiosity. Info on the "Sendak Manuscript" gained. Potential to learn more in the future.
Intrigue: Ravenburg, while happy that the war is over, sees no reason for him to relax, remaining as busy as ever. "The enemies of the Empire never rest, and neither can I." You respect his dedication if nothing else.
-Clan Politics: With all the hubbub surrounding Sombra and the Crystal Empire, you haven't had too much opportunity to look into how the growing modernist movement has been shaking up Yak Society and the balance between the Clans. Have Ravenburg's agents investigate the political landscape of Yakyakistan, and see if there are ways you can influence it to your advantage. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Yak Politics/the Modernist Movement, New Intrigue Options. Chance of Success: 70%
Required: 30. Rolled: 51+13=64
The Yakyakistan political scene is rapidly growing more complicated. A few years ago all one had to worry about were the elder councils of the four major clans and their competing interests, but after their sudden and dramatic introduction to the wider world some of the younger generation of Yaks began to argue that their ancient and nomadic lifestyle was no longer viable. This so called "modernist" movement has grown in strength, and counts many veterans of the Winter War among its most vocal supporters.
In the beginning the Yak elders were keen to dismiss the movement as little more than a fad, the radical objections of the young and inexperienced. They had upheld their traditions for thousands of years and survived the reign of Discord. Why should they abandon all that they knew at the first sign of difficulties? But after the grievous losses at the battle of Redstone, the meteoric (in their eyes at least) rise of the Empire of Gryphus, and the increasing number of Yaks adopting more sedentary lifestyles on their own, they couldn't ignore the changing winds of public opinion.
As such, the Elder councils of all four clans have agreed to some reforms, establishing several permanent or semi-permanent settlements, cultivating what arable land they possess and mining the earth for ore to smelt into metals, to be shaped into tools or traded with Griffon Merchants. While the fruits of such endeavors are pitiful in comparison to the output of your Empire, its a marked economic improvement over their previous nomadic lifestyle. Still, while the protests of some are soothed by these actions, the more ambitious and radical leaders of the modernist movement are not satisfied with this. They seek to turn Yakyakistan into a land on par with its neighbors in both strength and prosperity.
As for how they should go about this...that is where opinions begin to diverge. Some call for closer ties with Gryphus or Neighpon to "learn the secrets of civilization". Others seek to follow your example in a different fashion: uniting the numerous clans into a single nation. Either through diplomacy, or by force. As of now these ideas are only discussed in hushed tones, for fear of inviting the wrath of others who might violently disagree, but such thoughts are on the minds of more than a few Yaks. Ravenburg is already coming up with some ideas of how you can use this situation to your advantage. New Intrigue Options Unlocked.
Personal: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day.
-Son's Socialization: Gawain is brilliant, a fine young ruler in the making. He has excelled in his studies and conducts himself in a manner befitting the Crown Prince of the Empire. He also doesn't really have any friends his own age, outside of his sisters and the children of some of the castle staff, and the latter are more acquaintances than true friends. It might be time to look into introducing him to a peer group. Not only would it be good for him to make friends his own age, it might be advantageous for him to have trusted contacts in certain levels of Imperial society. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain makes some friends. Chance to develop future contacts.
Despite Gawain's objections to the contrary, he needs friends his own age. Thankfully there's no shortage of peer groups, and you're sure there are plenty of potential companions to be found in some of the youth social organizations that have become popular throughout the Empire in recent years. The only question is: which such organization should you enroll him in?
[ ] The Silver Talon Society: A social club for the children of nobility with a history reaching back to the first founding of the Empire, the Society is a place where the counts and dukes of tomorrow gather to make contacts with fellow noble scions, establishing a foundation upon which they will build their future social circle. Activities include hunts, chess tournaments, mock-duels and frequent balls and galas.
[ ] The Squires of Gryphus: Originally founded by the children of Knights, the Squires have grown over the past several years into a nationwide organization dedicated to preparing its young members for a life of martial service to the Empire, be it as a great Knight or a humble soldier. From fencing to jousting to wilderness survival and first aid, young Squires will have the chance to learn valuable skills that will serve them well regardless of their eventual career path.
[ ] The Archimedes Institute: While your chief scholar is far too busy to actually run the organization bearing his name, he is more than willing to dedicate a portion of his sizable fortune to "create a welcoming and nurturing environment for young minds destined for greatness" (or so the sales pitch written in the informational pamphlets states). Aspiring inventors, scientists, engineers and doctors from throughout the Empire gather regularly to exchange ideas, discuss the latest breakthroughs and innovations, or just spend time with their intellectual equals. Seeing as how Gawain had Archimedes as his personal tutor for much of his life up to this point, you're confident he's smart enough to be comfortable amidst such scholarly youngsters.
[ ] The Foundation for Interspecies Camaraderie: The most recent addition to the list of recognized Youth Organizations, the Foundation lives up to its name by facilitating social and charity events for the benefit of all races, from Diamond Dogs to Crystal Ponies and everything in between. While none of the other organizations discriminate on the basis of race, this is the only one that was explicitly created for the benefit of Non-Griffons. Much of this organization's renown has been gained through high-profile charity events for the benefit of Crystal Refugees.
-Setting an Example: A wise Griffon once said that a leader should not ask his people to do what he himself is not willing to. Another said that a King (or Emperor, in this case) should lead by example. You're about to ask your subjects to accept the Crystal Ponies into their homes and care for them as they would fellow Griffons or Dogs. It would be hypocritical not to do so yourself. And there are an awful lot of orphaned foals...well, you've already adopted a Dragon, a Pony shouldn't be too big a deal. It may raise a few eyebrows among the nobility but you're the Emperor, you can do what you want. Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.
Oddly enough, it was Gawain and Gabriella who first raised the idea of adopting a Crystal Pony into the family. Both felt an obligation to care for one of the countless parentless foals huddled in the refugee camps, and once Gilda and Gwyndlyn got wind of it they were on board too, albeit for different reasons ("new sibling, yay!"). As such, when you travel to one of the "Crystal Orphanages" hastily established in the aftermath of the Winter War as a family, it is an observant Gawain who points out a white-coated filly huddled by herself in a corner, away from the other foals.
No sooner has your son pointed out a child in need of emotional assistance than your wife and daughters have approached her with a gentle smile and enthusiastic gestures of affection. A few short hours later, you find yourself the legal guardian of Gleaming Pearl (or "just Pearl", as she squeaks through tears of joy). Though somewhat shell-shocked by her sudden adoption by the royal family, the Filly begins to come out of her shell in time, her new sisters coaxing genuine smiles and laughter as you and your wife seek to make her feel as safe and comfortable as you can.
After her second month in the palace, she starts calling you dad.
You now have four children, and you wouldn't give them up for anything.
Crystal Pony Adopted: Gleaming Pearl.
Hazard/Random Event Rolls:
19(Bare Failure, to be Continued in Rumor Mill)
17(Failure, to be Continued in Rumor Mill)
Again, sorry for the delay with this update. I'm only a few weeks from graduation so I'm pretty busy. Term papers, job interviews, etc. Still, I'm committed to giving you guys reliable updates on a regular basis. I'm enjoying this Quest as much as you guys are.
-Licking Wounds: The War is over. After years of war, peace has finally been achieved. But there are still threats to the Empire and it's people, both the known threats within and unknown threats without. The army must stay strong if it is to continue to be the protector of the realm and its inhabitants. Hold one last recruitment drive to replace the losses sustained during the invasion. Cost: 1313 Time: One Year. Reward: Army returned to pre-Invasion Strength.
Though peace is finally more than a dream, and many veterans return to their homes and waiting families, the Empire still has need of able-bodied soldiers to defend the realm and its people. The possibility of there being another Sombra somewhere else in the unknown world is a worry on the minds of many, and the beasts and brigands of the dark forests are a constant concern. As such, there's no shortage of volunteers seeking to live up to the example set by the countless deceased heroes of the Winter War. By the end of the year, your army has returned to full strength, thousands of new recruits joining the grizzled veterans already in the line of duty, each one equipped with the now standardized and state-bought equipment. +2627 Warriors, 1275 Polearms, 263 Archers, 214 Diamond Dogs. Army returned to full strength.
-The New Guard: Gustav Kingfeather, your Marshall for nearly two decades, is considering retirement. He's certainly earned it, after guiding you and the nation through two wars and forging the Imperial Army into what it is today. His replacement will have big shoes to fill, but after the Winter War there's no shortage of experienced officers. Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
Kingfeather seemed almost embarrassed when he reluctantly admitted to you that he no longer feels capable of effectively managing the Imperial Military in his old age. You tell him, very matter of factly, that he's done more in his years of service than any one Griffon could reasonably be expected to do. You task Frida with throwing together a retirement celebration fit for his years of loyal service while you begin going over a list of candidates to act as his replacement. In the end, three choices stand out to you, each of which could bring a unique outlook to their post.
[ ] Gabriella Golden-Feather: While some may accuse you of nepotism, none can question your wife's qualifications. Having been the head of a mercenary company for years and assuming a leading roll in both wars, she is an obvious potential pick for your new Military Advisor.
[ ] Manfred Redbeak: While you had once considered Hardbeak an ideal candidate for your Martial advisor, it's now clear that he's far better suited to leading his Knights from the front. The Grandmaster has however recommended one of his Knights of the Inner Circle with a head for logistics and strategy, one Manfred Redbeak. Having lost an eye in the Crystal Invasion, the Veteran Knight is no longer in peak fighting shape, but is still eager to serve the Empire by applying his hard-earned experience to an advisory role. He is by all accounts the very model of a modern Knight, as virtuous as he is deadly and as knowledgeable as he is disciplined.
[ ] Sebastion Vauban: With the construction of the Peregrine Line, the rise of Artillery, the advent of practical military explosives, and Griffons' seemingly instinctual desire to fortify their settlements, it should come as no surprise that "Military Engineering" has become a field of growing importance and prestige. And one of the greatest names in this field is Sebastion Vauban. He started his career building castles for the late Brochard, and has showcased his skills as one of the lead architects of the Peregrine Line while simultaneously authoring numerous treatises on new methods of fortification and the employment of explosive weapons. He seems like a prominent candidate for Martial Advisor.
Diplomacy: The end of the war and the liberation of the Crystal Ponies has left Elva with another nation to negotiate with, in addition to the Yak Clans and the Neighponese, who are still coming to grips with the post-war world.
-The Gryphus-Neighpon Mutual Defense Pact: Your soldiers fought and bled alongside the Neighponese in the Invasion of the Crystal Empire. Victory over Sombra, while possible without them, would have been much more difficult. You know that the Qilin have come to the same conclusion. And you both know that another great threat may be waiting for you out in the unexplored world. It only makes sense for your Empires to sign a treaty of mutual defense, pledging to come to each other's aid when faced with foreign aggression. Time: One Year. Cost: 150. Reward: Mutual Defense Treaty with the Kingdom of Neighpon. Chance of Success: 70%
Required: 30. Rolled: 60+18=78
Kōryū and his court are nothing if not receptive to your proposals, and by the end of the year the terms of a proper treaty are hammered out by Elva and her Neighponese equivalent. A grand ceremony is held in Aukland Bay, the very spot where your peoples first met each other, and where you met your fellow Emperor. As the ink of your signature dries alongside Kōryū's, you both have little doubt that this is the start of a wonderful partnership between your nations.
Gryphus now has a mutual Defense Pact with the Kingdom of Neighpon. +.5 to Neighpon Relations.
-The Crystal Conundrum: The War has been won, and Sombra is finally, completely dead. But the consequences of his crimes are still felt. The Crystal Empire lies in destitute ruins, a shadow of its former self. Tens of thousands of Crystal Ponies live either on the brink of famine in the ruins of the Crystal City, or as displaced refugees within your own borders, all suffering from the mental and emotional trauma brought about by years under Sombra's rule. Clearly they cannot be simply left to struggle on their own. But what exactly should be done? Should the Crystal Empire be annexed? Re-established as a vassal or protectorate of Gryphus? Or should it be treated as simply another nation? And what of the Crystal Ponies already living within your cities? What of the Crystal Heart, an object that is both a magical superweapon and an almost holy cultural artifact to the Crystal Ponies? A great many questions need to be answered before you can begin rebuilding that which Sombra destroyed. Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.
To be Continued in "The Crystal Summit"
Stewardship: Frida, while as happy about the end of the war as everyone else, is too busy seeing to the housing, care and feeding of the thousands of Crystal Refugees to celebrate with her usual enthusiasm. Still, she retains her upbeat demeanor, something that you're sure will bring some comfort to the former slaves.
-Western Prospectors: The Western Frontier has a number of mines already, but the majority of its mineral wealth remains untapped. Perform a mineral survey and construct additional mines to boost the productivity and profitability of the rapidly growing province. Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Mines established, Increased Mining Income.
After two years of non-stop work, the Frontier Mining project is finally completed. Over a dozen mineshafts have been excavated and smelting operations established across the province, shipments of coal, iron, copper and even the rare bit of gold or silver now making their way out of the ground and into the great blast furnace of the Imperial Economy. Such developments have led to an even greater influx of prospectors, miners and entrepreneurs into the rapidly growing settlements of the West, boosting the local economy as much as the national economic growth rate. New mines established across the Frontier. +300 Yearly Mining Income.
-Adopt a Pony Program: Thousands of Crystal Ponies inhabit hastily erected tent-cities, having been freed from Sombra before his defeat or fled the frost-blasted wasteland their homeland has been reduced to in order to escape the threat of famine. They are unsuitable for long-term habitation, and consuming vast amounts of resources for maitenance. Before anything else, these camps need to be emptied. Ideas have been passed around of a sort of "adopt a pony" program, where the Citizens of the Empire will open up their homes to these former victims of Sombra in exchange for a sizable tax cut, providing them with the care and sense of community they require while simultaneously assisting their integration into the wider Empire of Gryphus. Some Griffons and Dogs have already begun to do this on a small scale individually, but many feel that this should become an official government policy. This will of course be a significant undertaking that will require a massive bureaucracy and boatloads of funding, but it is both necessary and worth it to help those who have already suffered so much. Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%
Required: 35. Rolled: 75+18++15(A Visit to Griffonstone Omake)+5(Setting an Example)=113 Art Crit!
You'd instructed Frida to establish a vast bureaucracy capable of matching up refugees with host families, keeping track of who was with who, and distributing tax breaks and aid appropriately. By the end of the year, not only has she overseen the creation of a streamlined and effective office staffed by hundreds of hard-working Griffons and Dogs, but she's already begun the process of emptying out the refugee camps, months ahead of schedule.
Once again, your people surprise you with their willingness to accept outsiders into their communities. In a matter of weeks, thousands of Crystal Ponies have found homes. Measures are taken not to split up families (those that can claim to have them), and orphaned foals in particular are given special care and attention, your subjects inspired by your example of adopting one into the Imperial family. The Diamond Dogs in particular, remembering how they were accepted into the Empire, seek to pay it forward, taking in refugees by the dozen and making them "part of the pack".
Despite your worst fears, abuses of the system and incidents of refugee exploitation are few and far between and quickly hunted down, Frida's bureaucrats ever vigilant in their work to identify those seeking to take advantage of the tax breaks or "cheap labor" that the Ponies represent. Those few that dare to shame the Empire in such a manner are tried equally harshly in the courts of law and public opinion, serving as a warning to all those who would dare to consider such actions.
Frida informs you that, at the current rate, the refugee camps will be emptied completely by the end of next year, and that, though their mental scars are still present, many Crystal Ponies have begun to show signs of recovery, their overall moods brightening ever so slightly as they are accepted into the greater Empire and bond with their adoptive families. Your Steward goes so far as to state that the program may be completed sooner than previously thought, potentially ending a whole year earlier than initially assumed.

Refugee camps are emptying at a rapid rate. Action will now take two years instead of three. Will finish next Turn.
Learning: Archimedes and Genevieve continue their work as the Empire's top scholars, Archimedes focusing on improvements to the Imperial War Machine while Genevieve focuses on more Domestic improvements. This does not mean that the two do not collaborate and share information, merely that the two Griffons divide the work between them. They are further joined by the Neighponese trio, the Magical Experts you convinced to work for you.
-Rotative Beam Engine: Archimedes and Genevieve have been going over the designs for the Steam Pumps in between other projects for the past couple of years, and they think they've come up with a way to make the devices more versatile. By replacing the piston with something called a flywheel, they can turn the single-use pump into a multi-use engine, allowing for much greater utility. Simple in theory. In practice...well, you'll need to give them some time and funding to see if it's worth it. Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.
The top scholars in the Empire get to work, gathering together a team of engineers and a hoard of materials to aid in their experimentation. The sounds of metal on metal, shifting gears and whistling steam form a cacophony emanating from Archimedes famous workshop, occasionally interrupted by shouted requests or bursts of colorful language from the Griffons inside. A series of rejected designs and annotated blueprints make their way across your desk, each seemingly a marvel of technology, each deemed "inefficient", "high-maitenance", "too expensive", or "unreliable". Genevieve informs you that Archimedes is convinced that this one invention will be his greatest and most influential, the foundation of his legacy. As such, he's determined to ensure that it is as perfect as he can make it. Fair enough you suppose. Will finish next Turn.
-The Book: That ominous book you found in the catacombs beneath Sombra's castle is locked away in the secured archives, stored in a specially made Orichalcum lined safe. A few of the Crystal Ponies that got a look at it claim that the language used in it is one completely unknown to them, and since it was at ground zero of the "heartsplosion" it shouldn't contain any lingering traces of Sombra's magic. Despite yourself you can't help but have some lingering curiosity about it. The magic experts from Neighpon have volunteered to have a look at it, and if they exercise caution...well, who knows what they might find? Time: One Year. Cost: 100. Reward: Info on the Mysterious Book
An Orichalcum lined room with a reinforced door is prepared, and magic-resistant protective gear is made to ensure that Sombra's tome does not have any adverse effects upon those interacting with it. A mixed group of Griffons and Neighponese experts are selected to investigate the books contents and nature. Work is conducted slowly and carefully, an abundance of caution being deemed preferable to recklessness when it comes to anything related to Sombra. After several weeks of work, the trio of Neighponese magic experts in your employ deliver a summary of what information they've been able to gather.
For starters, the Orichalcum protections are redundant, as there is absolutely no magic or enchantments whatsoever present within the book. It seems the Crystal Heart did its job well. From a purely arcane perspective, the book is no more dangerous than any other. That is not to say it is a normal book, far from it. Close examination has revealed that the cover, binding and even a few of the pages are made from the flesh of numerous creatures, from Trolls to Chimera, along with more than a few skin samples belonging to unknown or undiscovered creatures that none can identify. As for the actual contents of the pages...the news is mixed.
At least three different distinct languages have been identified within the pages of the book, none of which are known. As such, most of what's written is untranslatable. It appears that the book was not written all at once but over the course of many years, changing hands between multiple authors of multiple cultures, each adding to the body of the overall work. The diagrams within appear to describe everything from the movements of stars and planets to recipes for potions to the physics and theory behind the building blocks of magic.
One of the only things your scholars tell you that they are certain of is what they believe to be the name of the original author of the book: Sendak.
Perhaps you'll learn more of the contents of the book in time. For now, it is little more than a curiosity. Info on the "Sendak Manuscript" gained. Potential to learn more in the future.
Intrigue: Ravenburg, while happy that the war is over, sees no reason for him to relax, remaining as busy as ever. "The enemies of the Empire never rest, and neither can I." You respect his dedication if nothing else.
-Clan Politics: With all the hubbub surrounding Sombra and the Crystal Empire, you haven't had too much opportunity to look into how the growing modernist movement has been shaking up Yak Society and the balance between the Clans. Have Ravenburg's agents investigate the political landscape of Yakyakistan, and see if there are ways you can influence it to your advantage. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Yak Politics/the Modernist Movement, New Intrigue Options. Chance of Success: 70%
Required: 30. Rolled: 51+13=64
The Yakyakistan political scene is rapidly growing more complicated. A few years ago all one had to worry about were the elder councils of the four major clans and their competing interests, but after their sudden and dramatic introduction to the wider world some of the younger generation of Yaks began to argue that their ancient and nomadic lifestyle was no longer viable. This so called "modernist" movement has grown in strength, and counts many veterans of the Winter War among its most vocal supporters.
In the beginning the Yak elders were keen to dismiss the movement as little more than a fad, the radical objections of the young and inexperienced. They had upheld their traditions for thousands of years and survived the reign of Discord. Why should they abandon all that they knew at the first sign of difficulties? But after the grievous losses at the battle of Redstone, the meteoric (in their eyes at least) rise of the Empire of Gryphus, and the increasing number of Yaks adopting more sedentary lifestyles on their own, they couldn't ignore the changing winds of public opinion.
As such, the Elder councils of all four clans have agreed to some reforms, establishing several permanent or semi-permanent settlements, cultivating what arable land they possess and mining the earth for ore to smelt into metals, to be shaped into tools or traded with Griffon Merchants. While the fruits of such endeavors are pitiful in comparison to the output of your Empire, its a marked economic improvement over their previous nomadic lifestyle. Still, while the protests of some are soothed by these actions, the more ambitious and radical leaders of the modernist movement are not satisfied with this. They seek to turn Yakyakistan into a land on par with its neighbors in both strength and prosperity.
As for how they should go about this...that is where opinions begin to diverge. Some call for closer ties with Gryphus or Neighpon to "learn the secrets of civilization". Others seek to follow your example in a different fashion: uniting the numerous clans into a single nation. Either through diplomacy, or by force. As of now these ideas are only discussed in hushed tones, for fear of inviting the wrath of others who might violently disagree, but such thoughts are on the minds of more than a few Yaks. Ravenburg is already coming up with some ideas of how you can use this situation to your advantage. New Intrigue Options Unlocked.
Personal: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day.
-Son's Socialization: Gawain is brilliant, a fine young ruler in the making. He has excelled in his studies and conducts himself in a manner befitting the Crown Prince of the Empire. He also doesn't really have any friends his own age, outside of his sisters and the children of some of the castle staff, and the latter are more acquaintances than true friends. It might be time to look into introducing him to a peer group. Not only would it be good for him to make friends his own age, it might be advantageous for him to have trusted contacts in certain levels of Imperial society. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain makes some friends. Chance to develop future contacts.
Despite Gawain's objections to the contrary, he needs friends his own age. Thankfully there's no shortage of peer groups, and you're sure there are plenty of potential companions to be found in some of the youth social organizations that have become popular throughout the Empire in recent years. The only question is: which such organization should you enroll him in?
[ ] The Silver Talon Society: A social club for the children of nobility with a history reaching back to the first founding of the Empire, the Society is a place where the counts and dukes of tomorrow gather to make contacts with fellow noble scions, establishing a foundation upon which they will build their future social circle. Activities include hunts, chess tournaments, mock-duels and frequent balls and galas.
[ ] The Squires of Gryphus: Originally founded by the children of Knights, the Squires have grown over the past several years into a nationwide organization dedicated to preparing its young members for a life of martial service to the Empire, be it as a great Knight or a humble soldier. From fencing to jousting to wilderness survival and first aid, young Squires will have the chance to learn valuable skills that will serve them well regardless of their eventual career path.
[ ] The Archimedes Institute: While your chief scholar is far too busy to actually run the organization bearing his name, he is more than willing to dedicate a portion of his sizable fortune to "create a welcoming and nurturing environment for young minds destined for greatness" (or so the sales pitch written in the informational pamphlets states). Aspiring inventors, scientists, engineers and doctors from throughout the Empire gather regularly to exchange ideas, discuss the latest breakthroughs and innovations, or just spend time with their intellectual equals. Seeing as how Gawain had Archimedes as his personal tutor for much of his life up to this point, you're confident he's smart enough to be comfortable amidst such scholarly youngsters.
[ ] The Foundation for Interspecies Camaraderie: The most recent addition to the list of recognized Youth Organizations, the Foundation lives up to its name by facilitating social and charity events for the benefit of all races, from Diamond Dogs to Crystal Ponies and everything in between. While none of the other organizations discriminate on the basis of race, this is the only one that was explicitly created for the benefit of Non-Griffons. Much of this organization's renown has been gained through high-profile charity events for the benefit of Crystal Refugees.
-Setting an Example: A wise Griffon once said that a leader should not ask his people to do what he himself is not willing to. Another said that a King (or Emperor, in this case) should lead by example. You're about to ask your subjects to accept the Crystal Ponies into their homes and care for them as they would fellow Griffons or Dogs. It would be hypocritical not to do so yourself. And there are an awful lot of orphaned foals...well, you've already adopted a Dragon, a Pony shouldn't be too big a deal. It may raise a few eyebrows among the nobility but you're the Emperor, you can do what you want. Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.
Oddly enough, it was Gawain and Gabriella who first raised the idea of adopting a Crystal Pony into the family. Both felt an obligation to care for one of the countless parentless foals huddled in the refugee camps, and once Gilda and Gwyndlyn got wind of it they were on board too, albeit for different reasons ("new sibling, yay!"). As such, when you travel to one of the "Crystal Orphanages" hastily established in the aftermath of the Winter War as a family, it is an observant Gawain who points out a white-coated filly huddled by herself in a corner, away from the other foals.
No sooner has your son pointed out a child in need of emotional assistance than your wife and daughters have approached her with a gentle smile and enthusiastic gestures of affection. A few short hours later, you find yourself the legal guardian of Gleaming Pearl (or "just Pearl", as she squeaks through tears of joy). Though somewhat shell-shocked by her sudden adoption by the royal family, the Filly begins to come out of her shell in time, her new sisters coaxing genuine smiles and laughter as you and your wife seek to make her feel as safe and comfortable as you can.
After her second month in the palace, she starts calling you dad.
You now have four children, and you wouldn't give them up for anything.
Crystal Pony Adopted: Gleaming Pearl.

Hazard/Random Event Rolls:
19(Bare Failure, to be Continued in Rumor Mill)
17(Failure, to be Continued in Rumor Mill)
Again, sorry for the delay with this update. I'm only a few weeks from graduation so I'm pretty busy. Term papers, job interviews, etc. Still, I'm committed to giving you guys reliable updates on a regular basis. I'm enjoying this Quest as much as you guys are.
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