The Goodwill is only useful if we were taking any options that would cause negative responses. The way people voted we took none of those. We took actions that don't make anyone happy or mad we stayed at exactly the same place we started at.
Good will is also useful in setting attitudes towards us so for those that want to integrate the Crystal Ponies picking up good will from them will help with that goal down the line.
Which would be more useful if they were partially annexed. As a protectorate we can't do as much to repair and improve things in their lands because we don't have the authority to command them to. A protectorate has full control over their own domestic policies and pays for protection and gives up foreign policy to an overlord. So we are hoping that the CP have enough stable individuals to set up a proper government that can deal with the issues that cropped up.
lets see a current tally
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on May 12, 2019 at 1:10 PM, finished with 195 posts and 85 votes.
In fact, how are we going to influence the CP in a Protectorate if we can't intervene their domestic policy?
We can't really. We are limited in what we can do. The only thing we can hope for is that they make the right choices and ones that allows us to gain more control over them over time. They need to get support from us to do anything but we cannot deny them the aid without looking like tyrants or choosing what the spend that aid on. Also we are not likely to see any income at all for awhile since they need all the have to fix things for a long time.
Still they will most likely be looking to us as examples of how to rule their kingdom so they will hopefully atleast take our advice and let us help them build back to their former glory.
Still they will most likely be looking to us as examples of how to rule their kingdom so they will hopefully atleast take our advice and let us help them build back to their former glory.
Pretty sure what they do is based in rolls weighted rolls but still rolls. The trade off for annex is some negative feelings, but the trade off for protectorate is no control what's so ever. They are also going to recover slower because again they are in no real postion to run things properly. after all we got confirmation during the end of the war that even with the heart none of them or any condition to actually run things. all the crystal ponies were still extremely traumatized with mental scarring and issues. And I very much doubt any of that has changed in the short amount of time that this has gone on. And if for some reason it has I got to say that is very much breaking my suspension of disbelief a little too much. I'm hoping that QM doesn't decide oh nevermind there actually are enough crystal ponies to properly run a government despite what I said before.
Which would be more useful if they were partially annexed. As a protectorate we can't do as much to repair and improve things in their lands because we don't have the authority to command them to. A protectorate has full control over their own domestic policies and pays for protection and gives up foreign policy to an overlord. So we are hoping that the CP have enough stable individuals to set up a proper government that can deal with the issues that cropped up.

You assume that unless we are specifically able to command them that they WON'T repair their homeland? I don't simply believe that unless we have the Crystal Ponies bend the hoof the Crystal Empire will never be repaired. Sure they might not rebuild how we like but I seriously doubt we have to command them to repair their homeland. We really don't need the level of control partial annexation gives, and I don't particularly want it either. We did not defeat Sombra to conquer the Crystal Empire, we defeated Sombra to liberate the Crystal Empire
Pretty sure what they do is based in rolls weighted rolls but still rolls. The trade off for annex is some negative feelings, but the trade off for protectorate is no control what's so ever. They are also going to recover slower because again they are in no real postion to run things properly. after all we got confirmation during the end of the war that even with the heart none of them or any condition to actually run things. all the crystal ponies were still extremely traumatized with mental scarring and issues. And I very much doubt any of that has changed in the short amount of time that this has gone on. And if for some reason it has I got to say that is very much breaking my suspension of disbelief a little too much. I'm hoping that QM doesn't decide oh nevermind there actually are enough crystal ponies to properly run a government despite what I said before.
Honestly they should be fine they will rebuild regardless of what we do, yes they can rebuild faster if we had control but that dosent mean we cant still help now just less directly.
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Pretty sure what they do is based in rolls weighted rolls but still rolls. The trade off for annex is some negative feelings, but the trade off for protectorate is no control what's so ever. They are also going to recover slower because again they are in no real postion to run things properly. after all we got confirmation during the end of the war that even with the heart none of them or any condition to actually run things. all the crystal ponies were still extremely traumatized with mental scarring and issues. And I very much doubt any of that has changed in the short amount of time that this has gone on. And if for some reason it has I got to say that is very much breaking my suspension of disbelief a little too much. I'm hoping that QM doesn't decide oh nevermind there actually are enough crystal ponies to properly run a government despite what I said before.

Maybe we can appoint an Adviser for a few years to 'advise' them, making more reliant on us. Also was thinking that they should be extremely 'weak' against any manipulation we do through Intrigue so we'd at least have that.
Really even while they are a protectorate they are still in as much disarray as they were before so there is no reason they wont listen to us for the time being in helping them rebuild sure they can say no to some things but they should be open to our input for the time being.
If course they will listen but we need to use our diplomacy actions for that. Which limits how much we can do at a time. That is the main advantage of the annexation options we can use all of our action types to repair and fix things
Meh, point being we're dumping an assload of actions into helping them.
If course they will listen but we need to use our diplomacy actions for that. Which limits how much we can do at a time. That is the main advantage of the annexation options we can use all of our action types to repair and fix things
Well its whats been voted for so well just have to make due with it. Lets hope we dont have to put to much into it.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Pittauro on May 12, 2019 at 7:37 PM, finished with 209 posts and 87 votes.
So now we have the conclusion to the this then the rumor mill with those two failed rolls which i am still curious about. This is getting very exciting.
Turn 18 Rumor Mill

The Crystal Protectorate
: Scattered and subdued celebrations break out in settlements from North to South as Crystal Ponies in both Gryphus and the Crystal City receive word of their newfound Protectorate status. Capable of forging a future for themselves, but also benefiting from the protection and resources of their neighbor and liberator, the vast majority of Crystal Ponies are content with the outcome of the now famous "Crystal Summit". A hoofful of Crystal Ponies grumble over the exact terms of the treaty leading to their protectorate status, particularly the "lease" of land to the Kingdom of Neighpon for the construction of a naval base at the newly christened Nishiriku Bay, or the fact that the Crystal Heart is no longer considered the sole property of the inhabitants of the Crystal City, but such concerns are overshadowed by the prospect of increased aid from their Griffon and Diamond Dog neighbors and the scramble to assemble a government of their own.

The stallion known as Ivory Rook, already a figure of renown and authority in the Crystal City, is almost unanimously elected to the newly created office of Consul, a title taken from the Empire's history. While the original consuls acted as advisors and administrators for the Crystal Royalty, Ivory Rook now holds more political power than any other Crystal Pony, his authority only held in check by the Crystal Assembly, a body of elected representatives. Given the Crystal City's current population (or lack thereof), the assembly is composed of a mere hooful of ponies, but this is expected to change over time as the former Empire rebuilds. Already the Consul and Assembly have begun to coordinate clean-up and rebuilding efforts, seeking to return their homeland to the glory it once possessed, hopeful that aid from their newfound benefactors will allow them to achieve this goal.

The newly created Flag of the Crystal Protectorate

Featherpox Outbreak in Kestrella
: Grim news from the Westernmost province of the Empire as a sudden outbreak of Featherpox infected scores of Griffons in the newly established mining communities, killing dozens. Thankfully, swift action on the part of the Office of Disease Control managed to prevent the virus from spreading beyond the few affected towns, containing the effects of the pathogen via strict quarantines as the almost-plague burns itself out, though this has resulted in significant disruption of the local economy, to say nothing of the dozens of lives lost. -600 Gold

A Griffon Plague Mask, worn to prevent the spread of Disease

Ghost Ships
: Citizens of Neighpon and Gryphus are in a great state of concern, as several trade vessels that had plied the waves between the two Empires have been found floating adrift in open sea or washed ashore with all crew and cargo missing. Officials of both governments are perplexed, as all the ships involved have shown no signs of a struggle or damage to indicate the cause of their deserted state. Such events have caused trade between the two nations to wither, as ship captains become increasingly unwilling to risk their lives and livelihoods on the dangerous open sea. -300 Trade Income

An artist's depiction of a possible explanation for the missing crews. The Imperial Military wishes to remind the public that no credible evidence of so-called "sea monsters" has ever been found.
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A minor plague that we have under control is alright.

Creepy sea-based abductions on the other hand? Not so much.