Oxygen sickness, low levels to actually breath, and rapid changes to altitude without pressurization is harmful both the longer you stay up and at the speed you ascend and descend, just because we are flying creatures doesn't mean we don't suffer from those same issues.
Well here's the thing we live and build on mountains and higher up ranges so I would assume we would be used to atleast some lower oxygen levels and the fact that we can fly and change altitude a lot faster then any Zeppelin ever could means that won't be an issue for us. And it is because we can fly that some of those issues aren't a problem since we can do much more then a Zeppelin ever could.
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Siren songs can ensnare people far beyond normal hearing range. So unless we are flying miles up which we can't do for the reasons listed above we are still in danger if it is the seaponies.
Sirens in MLP feed off of hatred and conflict, they're basically sea Wendigos with corporeal forms. Long story short? If it were Sirens they wouldn't be wasting their time raiding ships filled with useless baubles, they'd be trying to manipulate naval bases, ports, and villages by the seaside.
SIrens in MLP are literally powered by negative emotions right? We have access to something built to counter such beings, why not see if we can make something to ward them off or depower them? Even limited-use versions of the crystal heart could probably deal with them. And it's no like there's a shortage of such threats. Might as well get started now.
Don't take anything from the shows or comics as how things work in this universe. They are only a basis not how things are at all.

We may also finaly make that air ship we have.

We don't have an airship we don't even have plans we have a concept of what may become an airship. We still need to do all the research steps and manufacturing steps needed before we can even start on making them. That is assuming the concept proves to be viable which it might not.
Siren songs can ensnare people far beyond normal hearing range. So unless we are flying miles up which we can't do for the reasons listed above we are still in danger if it is the seaponies.

Even then sounds travels- let alone magical singing. This hinges on the premise it is the sirens. For all we know it could be the migration of giant sea turtles who hold grudges, or carnivorous moving sea coral. Maybe an island displaced in time and space.
Also were forgetting a key factor here. We have no idea or proof that it even is sirens. It's a possibility I will give you that but as of now there is nothing to indicate what is the cause.
Well here's the thing we live and build on mountains and higher up ranges so I would assume we would be used to atleast some lower oxygen levels and the fact that we can fly and change altitude a lot faster then any Zeppelin ever could means that won't be an issue for us. And it is because we can fly that some of those issues aren't a problem since we can do much more then a Zeppelin ever could.
We don't not live on tops of mountains we live on the side. Also we do not change attitudes that much when we fly because if we did then the physical problems and the helath problem would kick in. And that is the point the zeplin/airships cannot go higher than what a species can handle and any level that we can handle would still be in the range of the magical songs.
Honestly we wouldn't be a good target for Sirens anyway. We aren't a naval power, we don't build out by the sea (much), we aren't currently at war, our society is fairly stable, and our Citizens are mostly happy. And even if it is them, what interest would they have in ships? They can't eat the food on it, any luxuries or technology would be destroyed by ocean water, and anyone they kidnap wouldn't be able to survive underwater. Other than destruction for destruction's sake I can't think of a good reason why they'd even bother.
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Well, some form of sea monsters are canon, just look at Steven Magnet. I somehow doubt he's the only one of his kind...
Don't take anything from the shows or comics as how things work in this universe. They are only a basis not how things are at all.

Good point, thanks for reminding me. Still, that raises the question of how to handle this. Anti-magic weaponry might be necessary depending on what is doing this, but putting that stuff at risk of being stolen strikes me as a bad idea. As it stands we don't really have anything set up to counter naval threats. Neighpon has their base in progress, but that won't really help out on the sea at this time.

Given the possibilies, our most likely threats are pirates (unknown group/race), Sirens (capabilities could be anywhere between mythological and MLP canon), and sea monsters (giant squid, maybe a remnant of Discord's fun). Pirates can be countered by just building up our navy and getting Neighpon to help, sirens would require specialized counter-gear and a way to prevent them from fleeing (electric weaponry would have great aoe and damage, the issue would be using/inventing it), and the sea monster would require overwhelming force and a way to track them to their nests and ensure there won't be more of them (have the crystal ponies scry them? Non-magical entities shouldn't be able to counter that, though it's uncertain if such a thing is currently possible).

The lack of information is the biggest issue. What we think solves the issue might be vulnerable to the true threat. Maybe build up the navy and use that to scout out the situation?

EDIT: Upon further thought there's one more group that might do this. Abducting people and supplies in secret is pretty much the Changelings' MO.
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Meh, there's no need for us to bother. Let's just finish up our airships and switch to a smoother, safer method of trade. Whatever bastards are raiding us can just flounder in the water for a bit. If they want us, they're going to have to come and get us, not just sit pretty and wait for us to come them where they are strongest.

Theres a reason trade via air travel is not the bulk of shipping even IRL with modern technology, it's just not as cheap as sea transport. It'd probably be better for us to just build a proper navy and coordinate with Neighpon to take out the pirates or whatever.
Oh look, a maritime threat to both of the people in the defense pact, and we have zero ability to project force in that direction. Exactly what I was afraid of.

Well, we're going to have to research cannon ships and build a navy as the absolute minimum first step. Airships may be an option but I'd prefer us to be able to put our money where our mouth is when it comes to our diplomatic agreements.
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Still I would have to imagine that this is effecting the neighpon much harder then it is us since they are naval based much more so then we are. So I would hope that they are jumping on this in full force.
I'm going with the simple and non-magical version of what is causing these ghost ships panicking crews. Like in RL the cause of ghost ships was not magical or a curse but simply the result of the crew getting scared when the vapours from the major amount of alcohol and spirts they were transporting igniting in a flashy but ultimately harmless to the health of the ship explosion. The crew see the fire and blast and flee. It is the reason for nearly all the ghost ships from the age of sail afterall.
I'm going with the simple and non-magical version of what is causing these ghost ships panicking crews. Like in RL the cause of ghost ships was not magical or a curse but simply the result of the crew getting scared when the vapours from the major amount of alcohol and spirts they were transporting igniting in a flashy but ultimately harmless to the health of the ship explosion. The crew see the fire and blast and flee. It is the reason for nearly all the ghost ships from the age of sail afterall.
But wouldn't you think atleast one of the crew members would have been able to fly back to land. We can fly for a pretty long distance without armor on so one would thing that one of them would have been able to make it back and report it.
Theres a reason trade via air travel is not the bulk of shipping even IRL with modern technology, it's just not as cheap as sea transport. It'd probably be better for us to just build a proper navy and coordinate with Neighpon to take out the pirates or whatever.
For starters, again, we aren't reliant on naval trade, it's just a nice bonus. Second of all, we don't have haul freighters, we have frigates, which are much smaller, much slower, and move much less cargo. Third, we have no idea what enemies we may be facing in the water, or how long it will take to deal with the source behind the attacks, assuming that doing so is even possible. As has been previously mentioned, it could be just about anything. It could be sea monsters that only require a short excursion to deal with, or, it could actually be pirates or the actions of another polity. In the latter case this isn't a short-term problem, it's a long-term problem, and even if we fully invest what little navy we have we'd still lose ships on occasion.

This is why I prefer we switch to air trade, I simply don't think we should be dealing with this right now. We just got finished with the bitterest war in our nation's history, and we all need some time to rest and relax before moving on to the next one. So go ahead, speak with our allies, gather the navy, and let's see if this matter is one that can be resolved quickly, if not easily. And if it isn't something that can be resolved in the short-term? We switch to air travel. Simple as that.
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But wouldn't you think atleast one of the crew members would have been able to fly back to land. We can fly for a pretty long distance without armor on so one would thing that one of them would have been able to make it back and report it.
These were in the middle of the ocean/sea they are not making it back to land even if they can fly. The distance is too great even with no armor you are talking hundreds if not thousands of miles. That is impossible to fly nonstop for anything not a machine.
These were in the middle of the ocean/sea they are not making it back to land even if they can fly. The distance is too great even with no armor you are talking hundreds if not thousands of miles. That is impossible to fly nonstop for anything not a machine.
To be fair I don't think we were ever give distance between us and neighpon so not to sure how far away they were.
So... I was just noticing something...

Do we have any idea what the rumored lands around Neighpon are? Koryu must have mentioned something about the land mass closer to Neighpon at some point
Well regardless of what's in the ocean are biggest concern should be to ensure the plague is eradicated and to refill the towns that we lost to try to get back that money. And possible some airship tech and maybe start considering building more ships.