Theres a reason trade via air travel is not the bulk of shipping even IRL with modern technology, it's just not as cheap as sea transport. It'd probably be better for us to just build a proper navy and coordinate with Neighpon to take out the pirates or whatever.
For starters, again, we aren't reliant on naval trade, it's just a nice bonus. Second of all, we don't have haul freighters, we have frigates, which are much smaller, much slower, and move much less cargo. Third, we have no idea what enemies we may be facing in the water, or how long it will take to deal with the source behind the attacks, assuming that doing so is even possible. As has been previously mentioned, it could be just about anything. It could be sea monsters that only require a short excursion to deal with, or, it could actually be pirates or the actions of another polity. In the latter case this isn't a short-term problem, it's a
long-term problem, and even if we fully invest what little navy we have we'd still lose ships on occasion.
This is why I prefer we switch to air trade, I simply don't think we should be dealing with this right now. We
just got finished with the bitterest war in our nation's history, and we all need some time to rest and relax before moving on to the next one. So go ahead, speak with our allies, gather the navy, and let's see if this matter is one that can be resolved quickly, if not easily. And if it isn't something that can be resolved in the short-term? We switch to air travel. Simple as that.