we'd be shooting our paws if they suddenly have enough funds to hire mercenaris and arm their troops well.
We may not be able to get into a shooting war just wet, but if there are any tribes not yet incorporated into Maretonia, we could offer them some sort of deal to cut off our new neighbor's expansion. Not anex outright, just keep that border back.
It would be funny to see Maretonian diplomats try to protest.
Edit: refugee survivors might try to find a hone in the crystal empire. We need to plan that out to prevent tension if a caravan plops down after fleeing Maretonia. This is not just compassion, but we saw the sudden crystal camps before and after defeating Sombra.
Oddly enough we have this issue already solved. Thanks to the Bronzeclaw Plan and Adopt a Pony Projects, the Crystal Protectorate is severely underpopulated, and a sizable crystal pony population now lives in the Gryphus Empire. If/When Maretonian former slaves start fleeing across the Beryl Crystal/ Amethyst/Southern Border River, they will be about 1000 miles from Gryphus Empire, they will be in the Crystal Protectorate, a Protectorate that desperately needs labor and people, and also more than willing to open their homes to freed slaves, just like the Griffons did for them only 2 years ago.
In a way, the Crystal Protectorate would be utterly unrecognizable to the Crystal Empire, it's population is a lot less, multi-ethnic due to freed slaves potentially joining, and Crystal ponies are the majority but not as much as they once were. In short the protectorate if anything is now more likely to join us rather than become independent, as the identity of Crystal pony is no longer tied to nationality, just ethnicity
Oddly enough we have this issue already solved. Thanks to the Bronzeclaw Plan and Adopt a Pony Projects, the Crystal Protectorate is severely underpopulated, and a sizable crystal pony population now lives in the Gryphus Empire. If/When Maretonian former slaves start fleeing across the Beryl Crystal/ Amethyst/Southern Border River, they will be about 1000 miles from Gryphus Empire, they will be in the Crystal Protectorate, a Protectorate that desperately needs labor and people, and also more than willing to open their homes to freed slaves, just like the Griffons did for them only 2 years ago.
In a way, the Crystal Protectorate would be utterly unrecognizable to the Crystal Empire, it's population is a lot less, multi-ethnic due to freed slaves potentially joining, and Crystal ponies are the majority but not as much as they once were. In short the protectorate if anything is now more likely to join us rather than become independent, as the identity of Crystal pony is no longer tied to nationality, just ethnicity
I was not just talking about slaves, as Maretonia conqours the tribes on its borders. Some might be refugees slilping into the protectorate unannounced, or some might just move on in on their own.
And we should ask the crystal ponies if they want them first. I think they would, but I feel we assume a lot of things.
I was not just talking about slaves, as Maretonia conqours the tribes on its borders. Some might be refugees slilping into the protectorate unannounced, or some might just move on in on their own.
And we should ask the crystal ponies if they want them first. I think they would, but I feel we assume a lot of things.
I wonder what real world expy is Maretonia based on? We have Prance, Germainy, and Staliongrad. I would say Britannia but they seem to have a lack of tea and scotsmen in the north.
I wonder what real world expy is Maretonia based on? We have Prance, Germainy, and Staliongrad. I would say Britannia but they seem to have a lack of tea and scotsmen in the north.
From the looks of their armor, attire, and slavery, perhaps Ancient Greece? Sort of like if the multiple polities formed this kingdom, and they have differing opinions on things like slavery within.
I wonder what real world expy is Maretonia based on? We have Prance, Germainy, and Staliongrad. I would say Britannia but they seem to have a lack of tea and scotsmen in the north.
Hmm... a real world expansionist empire of the ancient world that relies on a large slave class, unified military Legions, and doesn't seem to be a great naval power. Probably build great works and marble statues and everyone wears togas and celebrates conquests... hmm...
Just a guess, but.... I'm guessing Rome
Edit: but Ancient Cloudsdale was Rome inspired. Maybe Maretonia was founded by Cloudsdalean Pegasi and is a "lost colonia" of Cloudsdale, kinda like rumors of lost Roman Legions in Sahara. Discord scrambling the geography could do something like that, so the Pegasi Legions could have just been stranded where discord left them... makes me wonder if they have a cloud city over Maretonia somewhere
Gawain Golden-feather, Crown-Prince of the Empire of Gryphus, sighed quietly under his breath. Another day, another social event.
Oh, he wasn't a reclusive loner, far from it. He wasn't opposed to parties and balls in principle. It was just the fact that, whenever he attended events such as this, everyone wanted to talk to "the Prince". Not Gawain. He was frequently seen, not as a Griffon, or a scholar, or anything else, but as a member of the royal family, as the heir to the throne. It seemed at times that all that mattered was who his parents were.
It was a childish complaint he knew. Oh, the poor prince, living a life of luxury with everyone kissing up to him, how horrid. His father, the Emperor, suffered similarly from the "burden of rulership" as he called it, if not even more-so, given his unparalleled power and authority. But while the elite one percent of the Empire had both the means and the will to gain an audience with the Emperor, many others seeking to gain the ear of their monarch sought to do so by cozying up to his children. And, being the eldest child and heir apparent, he was the target of most of the suck ups willing to kiss his tail feathers in hopes of winning the favor of a member of the Imperial family.
Others may have viewed such a set-up as ideal. The movers and shakers of the Empire, from barons to business magnates, all willing to do practically anything for him? Perhaps, in another life, he would have enjoyed being the center of such attention. But here and now, stuck at yet another event he was more or less forced to attend to keep up appearances, surrounded by an orbiting collection of young sycophants and yes-gryphs from which he knew he could not escape, all he felt was disappointment.
But he never let it show. He put on a brave face, wearing the mask of a ruler, as his father did. He smiled politely, nodded when appropriate, and looked stoic when the situation called for it. But he couldn't wear the mask all the time. He couldn't hide his unhappiness from his family. He suspected that that was why his father had gently persuaded him to join the Silver Talon Society, the social club for children of nobility. Perhaps his father had hoped that, amidst the young heirs who also bore the weight of their parents' positions, he could find someone who saw him as more than just the prince.
Almost a month after joining, he'd yet to find one. Thus far, it had just been more of the same. The same parties, the same empty praise, the same sycophants seeking to earn the favor of the crown prince. As far as he could tell the only change had been the ages of the participants.
Still, he persevered, if not for his sake than for that of his parents. The night was still young after all, and this ball, a gathering of future nobles from across the Empire, surely played host to someone who would seek to do more than kiss his tail-feathers.
With a few carefully delivered remarks and deflections directed to the hangers-on clustered around him, the young Prince manages to break away from the corner in which he'd been spending much of the past hour and directed his gaze towards a few of the other social groupings that had formed since the party had begun. The only question was: which ones should he investigate?
[ ] The Young Knights: Well, perhaps knights is too strong a word. Though they hold themselves in an imitation of military posture, and though several of them bear the faux medals of the Young Squires youth organization, it's clear that these children are the heirs to their parents' noble titles. As such, though they aspire to dreams of knighthood and martial glory, virtually none of them will be allowed to risk their lives in such a dangerous profession. Still, though they may never become true knights, this does not stop them from becoming proficient in the arts of war, and training themselves to a high standard of physical fitness.
[ ] The Rich Chicks: The poster-children for the Silver Talon Society. While all the attendees of events such as this are of the upper class, a talonfull standout as being descended from particularly wealthy families. From the heirs to powerful duchies to the children of fabulously wealthy business magnates, their clothes cost more than the average Imperial Citizen could hope to make in a year. With their future positions already assured, such a privileged few are unlikely to demean themselves in search of a leg up. And who knows, perhaps he and they will have something in common beyond the vast wealth of their parents?
[ ] The Scholars: While the Archimedes Institute lays claim to the finest young minds in the Empire, that does not mean that one cannot find learned Griffons outside of it. A number of the more scholastically inclined noble heirs have congregated on the balcony outside, discussing the latest developments and discoveries in their fields of academic interest. Most of the children here wouldn't be able to keep up with such learned youngsters. But Gawain has spent years as Archimedes' personal protégé, and is one of the most well-educated Griffons in the Empire. A discussion of mechanics or natural philosophy would be a welcome change to the usual topic of noble politics at gatherings such as these.
[ ] The Loner: In a corner, sitting by herself, is a young She-Griffon, obviously trying to avoid attracting attention to herself. From where he stands, Gawain can't tell if she's shy or simply content to people watch from her seat in quiet isolation, but she certainly doesn't seem like the type of Gryph who's eager to suck up. She might make an interesting conversation partner, if nothing else.
[ ] The Foreigners: A bunch of Neighponese Qilin had been invited to this particular party in the interests of "furthering international camaraderie and cooperation." While they're all the same race and nationality, their backgrounds vary wildly, from the children of military officers to the scions of wealthy merchant houses. It's even rumored that the Neighponese Ambassador's child is present, though it's difficult to pick them out of the crowd of scaled equines, each of them dressed in finely embroidered silk garments. Disconnected from the intricacies of Griffonian politics, Gawain is hopeful that they are likely to treat him as just another foreign noble...assuming he can breach the language barrier. He's been taking lessons in Neighponese, but he's never tried to communicate with a native speaker outside of his tutors.
Here's my latest attempt at character building. Not my best work but hey, at least I tried. Have no fear, one way or another Gawain will make a friend tonight (his character arc depends upon it).
This choice is going to be a little different. While every reader may vote for only one option, the two with the most votes will be selected.
[X] The Young Knights: Well, perhaps knights is too strong a word. Though they hold themselves in an imitation of military posture, and though several of them bear the faux medals of the Young Squires youth organization, it's clear that these children are the heirs to their parents' noble titles. As such, though they aspire to dreams of knighthood and martial glory, virtually none of them will be allowed to risk their lives in such a dangerous profession. Still, though they may never become true knights, this does not stop them from becoming proficient in the arts of war, and training themselves to a high standard of physical fitness.
[X] The Loner: In a corner, sitting by herself, is a young She-Griffon, obviously trying to avoid attracting attention to herself. From where he stands, Gawain can't tell if she's shy or simply content to people watch from her seat in quiet isolation, but she certainly doesn't seem like the type of Gryph who's eager to suck up. She might make an interesting conversation partner, if nothing else.
The loner seems very tempting, and I'm going to place a bet on it being something people will gravitate toward, buuut
[X] The Foreigners: A bunch of Neighponese Qilin had been invited to this particular party in the interests of "furthering international camaraderie and cooperation." While they're all the same race and nationality, their backgrounds vary wildly, from the children of military officers to the scions of wealthy merchant houses. It's even rumored that the Neighponese Ambassador's child is present, though it's difficult to pick them out of the crowd of scaled equines, each of them dressed in finely embroidered silk garments. Disconnected from the intricacies of Griffonian politics, Gawain is hopeful that they are likely to treat him as just another foreign noble...assuming he can breach the language barrier. He's been taking lessons in Neighponese, but he's never tried to communicate with a native speaker outside of his tutors.
[X] The Loner: In a corner, sitting by herself, is a young She-Griffon, obviously trying to avoid attracting attention to herself. From where he stands, Gawain can't tell if she's shy or simply content to people watch from her seat in quiet isolation, but she certainly doesn't seem like the type of Gryph who's eager to suck up. She might make an interesting conversation partner, if nothing else.
[X] The Young Knights: Well, perhaps knights is too strong a word. Though they hold themselves in an imitation of military posture, and though several of them bear the faux medals of the Young Squires youth organization, it's clear that these children are the heirs to their parents' noble titles. As such, though they aspire to dreams of knighthood and martial glory, virtually none of them will be allowed to risk their lives in such a dangerous profession. Still, though they may never become true knights, this does not stop them from becoming proficient in the arts of war, and training themselves to a high standard of physical fitness.
[X] The Rich Chicks: The poster-children for the Silver Talon Society. While all the attendees of events such as this are of the upper class, a talonfull standout as being descended from particularly wealthy families. From the heirs to powerful duchies to the children of powerful business magnates, their clothes cost more than the average Imperial Citizen could hope to make in a year. With their future positions already assured, such a privileged few are unlikely to demean themselves in search of a leg up. And who knows, perhaps he and they will have something in common behind the vast wealth of their parents?
Boring perhaps, but a strong option.
Personally I dislike the Loner option, though the mystery box is a mystery box and it appeals to voters.
The Knights don't seem Gawain's type (debatebly the Rich Chicks don't either, but I think those are more his speed).
The Scholars seems good. Absolutely a great option, I might switch to this depending on the other votes.
The Foreigners. This is a difficult one, but ultimately, the Griffons are his people and his future people and thus deserving of more of his attention. It would do no good to be seen as avoiding your future subjects and colleagues.
[X] The Loner: In a corner, sitting by herself, is a young She-Griffon, obviously trying to avoid attracting attention to herself. From where he stands, Gawain can't tell if she's shy or simply content to people watch from her seat in quiet isolation, but she certainly doesn't seem like the type of Gryph who's eager to suck up. She might make an interesting conversation partner, if nothing else.
[X] The Scholars: While the Archimedes Institute lays claim to the finest young minds in the Empire, that does not mean that one cannot find learned Griffons outside of it. A number of the more scholastically inclined noble heirs have congregated on the balcony outside, discussing the latest developments and discoveries in their fields of academic interest. Most of the children here wouldn't be able to keep up with such learned youngsters. But Gawain has spent years as Archimedes' personal protégé, and is one of the most well-educated Griffons in the Empire. A discussion of mechanics or natural philosophy would be a welcome change to the usual topic of noble politics at gatherings such as these.
I think that this would be the group Gawain would have the best time with, also I'm paranoid about the loner option.
[X] The Loner: In a corner, sitting by herself, is a young She-Griffon, obviously trying to avoid attracting attention to herself. From where he stands, Gawain can't tell if she's shy or simply content to people watch from her seat in quiet isolation, but she certainly doesn't seem like the type of Gryph who's eager to suck up. She might make an interesting conversation partner, if nothing else.
[X] The Loner: In a corner, sitting by herself, is a young She-Griffon, obviously trying to avoid attracting attention to herself. From where he stands, Gawain can't tell if she's shy or simply content to people watch from her seat in quiet isolation, but she certainly doesn't seem like the type of Gryph who's eager to suck up. She might make an interesting conversation partner, if nothing else.
[X] The Foreigners: A bunch of Neighponese Qilin had been invited to this particular party in the interests of "furthering international camaraderie and cooperation." While they're all the same race and nationality, their backgrounds vary wildly, from the children of military officers to the scions of wealthy merchant houses. It's even rumored that the Neighponese Ambassador's child is present, though it's difficult to pick them out of the crowd of scaled equines, each of them dressed in finely embroidered silk garments. Disconnected from the intricacies of Griffonian politics, Gawain is hopeful that they are likely to treat him as just another foreign noble...assuming he can breach the language barrier. He's been taking lessons in Neighponese, but he's never tried to communicate with a native speaker outside of his tutors.
Im not trusting mysterious ladies after that spymaster sounded us out during our initial inauguration party.
[X] The Loner: In a corner, sitting by herself, is a young She-Griffon, obviously trying to avoid attracting attention to herself. From where he stands, Gawain can't tell if she's shy or simply content to people watch from her seat in quiet isolation, but she certainly doesn't seem like the type of Gryph who's eager to suck up. She might make an interesting conversation partner, if nothing else.