Oh hey there new carnivore buddies! Finally, someone to trade meat recipes with that aren't just side-dishes for more rice! The bone broth recipes are nice and all, but the Diamond Dogs don't really have much new to pass on by this point.
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Am I crazy for thinking that maybe we should be looking to make diplomatic contact with Phalanx? Yes she's impersonating a diety, but that's not actually a crime most places, and depending on your definition of such, she may in fact count. I mean she's got all of the powers she claims to, and is clearly willing to play the smart game of helping her devotees to help herself. A few nudges on domestic policy and PR, and I don't see a major issue with supporting a move into a more open relationship with her followers.
Am I crazy for thinking that maybe we should be looking to make diplomatic contact with Phalanx? Yes she's impersonating a diety, but that's not actually a crime most places, and depending on your definition of such, she may in fact count. I mean she's got all of the powers she claims to, and is clearly willing to play the smart game of helping her devotees to help herself. A few nudges on domestic policy and PR, and I don't see a major issue with supporting a move into a more open relationship with her followers.
We dont really know enough about her, but she was willing to keep her territory monster infested because it helped her rule through fear.
Yes, there's the nudging we'd need to do.

I'm not saying she's perfect, but she is potentially useful, and it would be another ugly war, possibly with spies and mind control used competently by the other side. We just need to leverage her into a position where we can keep her honest.
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@Questor out of interest, how do you handle random event rolls? Do you have a list of things that can happen and then roll for some of them in specific, or do you just roll and then retroactively decide what is happening based on the situation?
So with that sword we just made, did we just forge a mother fucking runefang? God damn we are the dwarves of this world.

Also with the bat ponies, if we could get Luna's ear we could tell her we found out about them and where wondering if she'd be willing to support us setting up trade stations at some of their settlements since they eat similar foods to griffins so we figure it will be a new avenue of trade. Even offer to foot the lion's share of the bill if Tia decides not to fund it for whatever reason. This way we gain more (maybe) profit from even more trade with Equestria, the bat ponies settlements actually get some economic aid through these trade stations, Luna gets a win for doing something that helps out her beloved bat ponies, and we open up a path to our empire for the bat ponies to immigrate to should they wish to leave their homeland for bluer skies.

Might annoy the normal ponies since they don't seem to like their bat cousins but I'd doubt it seeing how they mostly seem to want to forget they exist.
Well Thestrals can probably feel more at home in Empire given that Gryphons are also carnivores, plus empire being far more multicultural entity than Equestria, not to mention having more vibrant night life which will give Thestrals the chance to come in contact and mingle with the locals .

Heck given that we trade with Equestria and discrimination against them i expect some of them to migrate to Gryphonia as news about our land's take hold, even more so if our government takes into account nocturnal immigrants.

I could see them thriving in night shifts, in bars and probably even in Army. Otherwise this might have positive effect on Equestria as well given that Thestrals will be first Equestrian Community to immigrate, possibly strengthening our relationship and Luna's diplomatic image. I can already imagine Thestral in the military writing about their adventures in forgein lands and making it a bestseller in Equestria.
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Awesome Update, @Questor!

Also, I don't mean to annoy you, but just in case you missed it, here's the Link to the Omake I wrote.


Who Needs Harmony?: An MLP Empire Quest

A.N.: Alright...here we go, Guys! For those of you who don't know, the Omake is written in the Style of this Youtube-Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx-dJoP9hFCBloY9qodykvw If you don't know them yet, check them out. They're great. But anyway, onto the Omake! BazBattles-Omake: The...
The moment that we see the Thestrals, we immediately want them. I can just picture the future political delegation with Luna.

Celestia: I wonder how Luna is doing in the Gryphus Empire?
*Meanwhile in Gryphus*
Drunk Luna: The nightlife here is astonishing! We shall open up many a club of the night in Equastria!
Lunar Bodyguard: Yes, my princess. I shall make note of it.
Drunk Luna: We shall even import this wonderful alcohol made of mushrooms! There is only some small additions.
Lunar Bodyguard: What are those?
Drunk Luna: There will be more card games and ladies of the night.
Lunar Bodyguard: Ladies of the night?
Drunk Luna: Hookers, of every species.
...this turn went pretty well :D

Yakyakistani-Storm Country Border now Fortified against any Incursions or Invasions. +.5 Yakyakistani Relations.

YakYakistan: 8.5/10 (Good Neighbors)

and they're now our best allies... again!

well, we have our flank covered, so we shouldn't need to worry about Stormcountry much for some time. Especially if Equestria decides to fortify THEIR border as well.

Within a matter of months merchants ships bearing the flag of Gryphus become a common sight off the coast of the Emerald Isles, and yet another source of revenue is gained for the Imperial coffers as wealth flows along the new trade route.
+150 Trade Income.

-Equestrian Trade Delegation: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with Equestria, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 70%

Required: 30. Rolled: 78+18=96 (Art. Crit!)

...well, this is nice. quite the boost to our income!
Imperial College of Magic Completed. Higher Magical Education Now Available to Imperial Magic Users. May Now Train Mages. New Options Unlocked.
and the nice thing is, our magic school can also teach magic to non-magical races (runes). I wonder if we'll come up with other possible branches usable by gryphons and dogs... once we meet the Zebras I'd definitely want to hire some of them to teach potioncraft/alchemy...
-Supplying a Demand: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Boosted Linen Exports, Additional Trade Income. Chance of Success: 65%

Required: 35. Rolled: 70+15+10(Back in Marethon omake by @Firebringer2077)=95 (Art. Crit!)

Gryphus now rivals Neighpon in the Global Textile Trade. +350 Trade Income.

...again, this is VERY nice. I'm just slightly annoyed that apparently Equestria is too good for our linen :p
Steamship Design Developed. New Actions Unlocked.

Commercial Airship Designs Acquired. New Actions Unlocked.

and we have two new categories of "vehicles"!

The steamships will be nice to move goods and people along the rivers, even upstream (generally speaking moving goods by ship is usually cheaper than trains, though it might be different here), and while they can't really get too far from the coast they might be good to defend it...

and then there's obviously potential for the future. Sooner or later the age of sails will end (though I suppose pegasi and/or unicorns with wind-related spells might make them more competitive in the long term, as you actually have a way to generate thrust even when there's no natural wind available...)

and the airships will be VERY useful to keep in touch with Equestria, move our trade goods and tourists... and they should also be safer than ships to move over the ocean I think, though I have no idea what's their speed compared to normal ships.

Required: 30. Rolled: 71+13+15(Regional Flag omake by @Firebringer2077)=99 (Art. Crit!)


For starters, while everything that the Alicorn Sisters told your son regarding their history is proven to be accurate, it seems that they were somewhat overstating the unified state of their realm. Oh, the various dukes, counts and barons all swear fealty to Celestia and Luna, who categorically forbid any open hostility between their vassals, but that hasn't stopped the more ambitious among them from plotting against each other or waging economic warfare against their rivals. Blackmail, bribery, tax dodging and the occasional magical duel are not uncommon occurrences in the noble courts of Equestria, though it is clear that all those involved take great pains to conceal their activities from their monarchs.

This is not particularly surprising to you. Members of the nobility scheming against each other for more wealth, power and influence seems to be a common trend in nearly all of the nations you have thus far encountered. The fact that your agents had to go digging to find evidence of such activities is actually a point in Equestria's favor; in Maretonia and pre-Imperial Gryphus such things often happened right out in the open, the perpetrators confident that they would face no consequences for their actions. At any rate, the fact that you now have some inkling of the illegal activities some of Equestria's leading citizens are up to gives you a potential opportunity to leverage such information to your advantage.

yeah, this is good to know. We can use this info against those ponies in our trade deals, or we could use potentially use it in negotiations with the princesses if we're willing to admit to our spying later on.

And we can probably send anonymous (or not, it depends) tips about the very worst of it, if necessary.
More interesting to you is the reported discovery that there is apparently another subspecies of Pony that you and your people were hitherto unaware of.

yay, vampire ponies Thestrals!

Although bearing some resemblance to the more common Pegasi, these Thestrals are nocturnal, bat-like, and perhaps most importantly, obligate carnivores. This last detail, combined with the fact that their batlike nature was apparently a curse inflicted upon their ancestors by Discord, has led to them being faced with a certain level of discrimination and being pushed to the edges of Equestrian society for much of their race's history, occupying their own secluded settlements far from those of their herbivorous brethren. The only exceptions to this are the soldiers of Princess Luna's Night Guard, who are the only Thestrals to reliably live and work within the major cities of Equestria. It seems that the Lunar Princess has taken it upon herself to attempt to rehabilitate the image of the chiropteran equines, and has made numerous attempts to try to bridge the gap between them and the rest of the Kingdom, though she has thus far made little headway in the endeavor. Still, by all accounts the Thestrals themselves adore the Lunar Princess for her attempts to protect and assist them, so clearly her efforts have had some positive results for her.

...well, they're prime targets for our immigration campaign, and our merchants will be glad to make deals with them. We might also be able to help Luna in her PR campaign.

After all many of the races in our empire, Gryphons included, eat meat. We might be able to offer a good example of "meat-eaters".

And finally, there is one final piece of information that is passed along to Ravneburg. More of a rumor, honestly, but an interesting one. Apparently, some of the more knowledgeable and long-serving staff in the Castle of the Two Sisters have claimed (usually under the influence of alcohol) that the magics used to bind Discord in stone were not purely the product of the Alicorns themselves. Supposedly, they managed to achieve the feat only by using a series of ancient arcane relics known as the "Elements of Harmony". What little information could be found on these fabled objects makes them sound quite similar to the Crystal Heart. This may bear further investigation.

uh. I forgot we don't know about them IC. Maybe we can ask about them later on. Depending on their limits we might even be able to convince the sisters to use them in the future, for example against the Yeti of the stormlands or the Changeling Queen. Or even just to... I don't know, reverse damage from a war? It's not exactly clear what they can and can't be used for, other than dealing with villains...

I imagine getting a chance to study them would require a VERY high level of trust though, even if it were to be done under their watchful eyes...

-Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.

Required: 30. Rolled: 86+13+10(It's Raining Storm omake by @Markala)=109 (Art. Crit!)
...seriously?! o_O

Unfortunately, this raises the possibility that the boogeymen that Queen Chevaline intends to rally the inhabitants of Canterbury against will come from outside of its borders...and that you and Gryphus may be counted amongst them. You will have to be watchful going forward.

...If it was Stormcountry, or the dragonlands, that would be fine. But literally all other countries on the continent have close ties to us, so that's going to be a problem.

Well, we'll see how it goes.

Apparently "only the truly divine deny their own divinity." You almost tore your own head feathers out the first time their representative on the Council of Faiths had offered up that rationalization.
... at least they're more helpful than not...

The result is a masterpiece, a wholly unique weapon that is as much a work of art as it is a tool of war. You are certain that Koryu will appreciate his new gift.

To be Continued in "Eastern Sunrise"

-The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.

To be Continued in "Eastern Sunrise"

and one interlude incoming...

-The Prince and the Lady: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain asks Isabelle a Very Important Question. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as Gotta get with my Friends)

To be Continued in "The Most Important Question"
... and two.

well, Hopefully Koryu will appreciate the gift. It's not quite artifact-level (like the elements or the heart), but it's the closest we can get to right now.
Random Event Rolls:
78 (Pass)
55 (Pass)
100 (To be Continued in Rumor Mill)
... I wonder what this will be. Crystal Referendum? The Thestrals getting close to our people? Maretonia proposing favourable terms? Some new technology or magic? Maybe Princess Luna decides to visit us and good things follow?

...Maybe some friendly nation makes contact and brings gifts? We'd certainly appreciate Zebras sharing knowledge of potions and ritual magic, or even a (reasonable) dragon ambassador...
With this academy constructed securing cheaper rune reagents just became even more important.

We really do need to look into how to farm some of the plants and crystals.
Also we know Ruby and Gyne are proto-queens, what's the process for getting them started on making their own hives? Imperial changelings seem like the obvious counter to enemy changelings.
We don't know, we have no idea how to find out, it's definitely something we could use.

Where did you find that?
I kinda doubt there are real MLP-themed medival illuminated books out there.
I think you're underestimating the mlp fandom :V

Mostly they would be good at jobs griffons are doing, but night shift. Considering that we are quickly moving into a industrial revolution that is a godsend.
definitely a good point. Also we took that one action to have lights on at night, so we could quite literally get at least our biggest cities to be open 24/7...

And we can use it as a good example of what thestrals can bring to the Equestrians as well, which is likely to make us look good to Luna (unless she gets jealous at us I suppose).

Also having thestrals around at night would likely make cities safer too.

The Emperor of Commerce strikes again!
Good timing after the money sink we did last year.

after all that money spent in the war, and with the coming expenses for Maretonia, we're going to NEED all this income.

As well as the greatest spies on the planet.
Canterbury looks to be preparing for a holy war.
Luckily nothing in Equastria is too off if we only found feuding nobles, that's rather predictable.

I think we should give a good stern talk to the sisters (especially Celestia) for not mentioning the Thestrals.

"Why didn't you tell us about the FOURTH tribe living in your lands? You mentioned the NOMADIC BUFFALO, but not YOUR OWN CITIZENS?" Luna gets sad/angry because she thinks we're about to insult the thestrals
"Come on, meat-eaters nocturnal bat-ponies? That's so cool!" Luna gets happy
"If you don't want them we'll take them! They'd make a GREAT addition to our empire, and we have plenty of meat to share anyway" Luna starts to be jealous/possessive (no they're mine!)

But seriously, not mentioning the thestrals' existence is kind of a diplomatic faux pas, isn't it? We EXPLICITLY asked about all the races they knew of, and Thestrals are different enough that "they're actually cursed pegasi" is not an excuse! Especially if everyone sees them as basically a different tribe.

They're already nearly outcasts with Luna as their only real advocate. If she does go Nightmare Moon having a friendly nation that would be glad to take them in when the Equestrians inevitably push them out even harder would make for a damn good starting point.

If Luna goes Nightmare Moon (presuming Nightmare Moon is NOT an external entity possessing her, but basically still Luna but angrier/corrupted) and the conflict doesn't end in a single duel between the sisters, we'd be the natural mediators between them, really.

We might actually be more sympathetic to Luna than to Celestia, depending on the circumstances.

I have a question who's closer to the changeling Kingdom us or the sisters? I'm just wondering if we could have them deal with it because I'm sure they had to have fought at least one hive before.

Why would you be so sure of them? Right now Changeling are, supposedly, a secret race nobody knows of. It's definitely possible the sisters have no idea of their existence. We don't exactly know how old they are or THAT much about their past, and even in the comics Celestia only faces the changelings for the first time LONG after Luna's banishment.

In any case I think Equestria is technically closer to them, but it doesn't matter much because we're likely to hesitate to inform them of the Canterburian problem anyway, at least for now.

So would recruiting Thestrals fall under the Immigration Campaign action? It's one I've wanted to do for awhile since I want Yaks, Qilins, Kitsunes, Tanukis and Oni in our ranks for some time, but we were dealing with overpopulation for awhile so that was a no. Though I do think it's fine to do it now.
4 pony tribes, emerald dogs, the various neighpones races, yaks, (in theory buffaloes too, but I very much doubt we'd get any of those)...that action is becoming always more tempting.

And we now have magic schools too, so we're decently equipped for magic-using races as well.

There's definitely use for every race in the empire. The Ponies are the most useful due to the versatility and usefulness of their magics (agriculture, weather control, unicorn magic, night-shifts) but they're ALL goods.

Also being shown to be accepting of all those races in our lands is likely to get us an even better reputation with the various countries... though we should expect at least some of those immigrants to be spies. It's simply unavoidable.

I just love the imagery of our gift ever since we saw the Equestrian perspective of our culture. A gift of peace and friendship? Only the finest weapon, forged by the best artificers both mundane and magical and taking advantage of all the lessons of war the Empire has learned. What greater statement of peace can there be in arming another?

Like imagine a point where we're just giving the Princesses a pair of Runeswords as a gesture of peace.

I think Armor might be better for them, as they'd need to use TK to move the weapons, while they might prefer to use other kinds of combat magic instead.

Also a "defensive" gift might be a better fit for the Equestrian mentality than an instrument of death.

Or... orichalcum bindings, to use on their enemies to restrain them without killing them, might also be a good gift. Also a potential tool to use against Discord if he ever gets free.

Am I crazy for thinking that maybe we should be looking to make diplomatic contact with Phalanx? Yes she's impersonating a diety, but that's not actually a crime most places, and depending on your definition of such, she may in fact count. I mean she's got all of the powers she claims to, and is clearly willing to play the smart game of helping her devotees to help herself. A few nudges on domestic policy and PR, and I don't see a major issue with supporting a move into a more open relationship with her followers.
We dont really know enough about her, but she was willing to keep her territory monster infested because it helped her rule through fear.
basically what zxzx24 says. What we know doesn't give us a good first impression of her, and she's been shown to be pretty paranoid, so revealing our knowledge is risky and gives up our main advantage over her.

It would only make sense to do it if we had a good Plan B ready.

It's completely possible that the reaction to "we know" would be "attempt to kill us before we can share the knowledge".

So with that sword we just made, did we just forge a mother fucking runefang? God damn we are the dwarves of this world.
the best kind of dwarves: FLYING dwarves!

(the dogs can cover the more traditional "underground dwarves" variety)

Well Thestrals can probably feel more at home in Empire given that Gryphons are also carnivores
omnivores (or maybe carnivores. technically carnivores. we DO also eat plants.

An Obligate carnivor eats basically ONLY meat, and can't digest plants.
A carnivore CAN digest (some) plants (usually small quantities), but it's not enough to sustain them.
Omnivore can leave on either meat, plants, or a mix of both (though usually more plants than meat, really).

Celestia: I wonder how Luna is doing in the Gryphus Empire?
*Meanwhile in Gryphus*
Drunk Luna: The nightlife here is astonishing! We shall open up many a club of the night in Equastria!
Lunar Bodyguard: Yes, my princess. I shall make note of it.
Drunk Luna: We shall even import this wonderful alcohol made of mushrooms! There is only some small additions.
Lunar Bodyguard: What are those?
Drunk Luna: There will be more card games and ladies of the night.
Lunar Bodyguard: Ladies of the night?
Drunk Luna: Hookers, of every species.
oh no, she's going to make her own version of gryphus, but with blackjack and hookers! WE'RE DOOMED!

...wait, we already have Blackjack and hookers, right? We're saved!

Random drunk griffin : Ya mean Brothels?

So dose this make Luna lesbian or Bi?
hey, maybe she was thinking of her thestral guards and wanted to be nice to them :rofl:

...You know, if we actually open immigration and get literally ALL known races in our kingdom, I wouldn't be surprised if Gryphus also started sex-tourism! Get a pony tonight, and a kitsune the next one!

...though, of course, we all know that the best ones would be the changelings if we ever get them to join us :p

With this academy constructed securing cheaper rune reagents just became even more important.

We really do need to look into how to farm some of the plants and crystals.
Well, we just started commercial relationships with Emerald Island and Equestria, so we should be able to get some from them at least (though it might requires more actions).

Other than that... yeah, crystal mines in the Protectorate and plant cultivation (preferably with the help of earth pony immigrants) would be nice too.
We continue to inch closer to that diplomatic victory with our allies, and once again we get more income. At this point, is it possible to spend more than our income in 1 turn? not counting the Griffonstone action, most of the actions average out about 500 gold.

Also, I want to ask, do you guys feel like its finally time to do that Immigration action that has been sitting there since we first met the Yaks?
Me from the past said:
But how is he sending letters through his fire?
Actually can Heavenly and earth dragons have kids?
is Spike emperor Koryù's kid or like him had his egg found after the curse?
How dose dragon biology work?!
Are Heavenly and earth dragons just subspecies of dragons or two entirely different species?!
How do to ponies interbreed?!
And We still don't know how Hippogriffs work!

We need answers @Questor, please give some of them to us!

Oh yeah can we finally get answers to my questions @Questor
Also, I want to ask, do you guys feel like its finally time to do that Immigration action that has been sitting there since we first met the Yaks?
Yes, and hopefully with good omake bonuses to get the best results possible.

You think if we get a nat 100 on that, we'll get more changeling defectors?

4 pony tribes, emerald dogs, the various neighpones races, yaks, (in theory buffaloes too, but I very much doubt we'd get any of those)...that action is becoming always more tempting.
Don't forget the caribou and minotaurs. The former is unlikely, but he have had decent contact with the latter.
Been thinking about that 100 rumour result, we are sending our dragon daughter and a priceless runic sword to our friend Koryù, who also is a dragon and an unmarried emperor, if I was a citizen on the ground I would swear this was a marriage alliance in the making, after all isn't that what the nobles do with this sort of thing.

"Behold my young, beautiful and fertile daughter, she comes with the dowry of a unique magic rune sword, so what do you say my fellow noble ruler?"