[X] Plan Neighpon, Economy and Protectorates
-[X] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.
-[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
-[x] The Iron Steppe: Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Yak-Storm Border Fortified, Improved YakYakistani Relations. Will Finish This Year
-[X] Emerald Isles Trade Delegation: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with the Emerald Isles, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 75%
-[X] Equestrian Trade Delegation: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with Equestria, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 70%
-[x] Arcane College: Cost: 2500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial College of Magic Constructed. New Options Unlocked. Will Finish This Year
-[X] Supplying a Demand: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Boosted Linen Exports, Additional Trade Income. Chance of Success: 65%
-[X] Paddle Steamers: Cost: 250. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Coastal/Riverine Steam Ships.
-[X] Airships-Commercial Refinement: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
-[X] Equestrian Investigations: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intelligence on Equestria, Potential to Unlock New Actions. Chance of Success: 60%
-[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
-[X] The Imperial Creed Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.
-[X] A Gesture of Friendship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.
-[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
-[X] The Prince and the Lady: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain asks Isabelle a Very Important Question. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as Gotta get with my Friends)
@TheLordofAwesome @jonasquinn @Questor Here's a version of post-war events that would more sense to me, given the actual realities each faction is facing. I've been working on it since TheLordofAwesome replied to me about the Abolitionists splintering either yesterday or the day before that. Sorry for the delay!


The Royal Guard: Though they may have won the war, it sure doesn't feel like it. They've been beaten down, decapitated by the pegasi, and are now facing the prospect of the Abolitionists seizing control of the whole country. With their political relevance slipping fast and fear of increased Imperial influence spreading, they must act quick if they wish to continue the legacy of Mareia!

Abolitionists - Reformist: Having successfully won the war and now in control of most of Maretonia, the Abolitionist coalition has found itself set adrift. It may have held together for the noble cause of abolitionism, but no one can quite agree what to do next. The newly-dubbed Reformists and Imperialists have taken large internal pluralities of the coalition, but there still awaits a significant pool of Undecideds fresh for the taking.

As it stands, the lesser nobility and burghers have begun clamoring for Ambrosia to work towards a monarchy that will enshrine their rights and protections and create a new, bureaucratized system from which the best and most-educated can lead the country. Though warm towards the Gryphonian Empire, they seek a Maretonia that is strong, independent, and able to bring peace and harmony alongside their new feathery partners from the north.

Abolitionists - Imperialist: Having successfully won the war and now in control of most of Maretonia, the Abolitionist coalition has found itself set adrift. It may have held together for the noble cause of abolitionism, but no one can quite agree what to do next. The newly-dubbed Reformists and Imperialists have taken large internal pluralities of the coalition, but there still awaits a significant pool of Undecideds fresh for the taking.

Whether through a genuine idealization of the Gryphonians or a pragmatic belief that only they can rebuild Maretonia to new heights, these Abolitionists seek a unification with the Gryphonian Empire, being inspired by the model province that is the Crystal Protectorate. These ex-slaves and formerly oppressed peasantry of Maretonia believe that the Gryphons have a superior technological and cultural gap that would greatly aid in Maretonia's recovery, bringing stability and prosperity back to its lands. However, they will need to push back against the Reformists and sway the Undecideds if they truly wish for a Union.

House White Star: Of all factions, White Star has truly suffered the worst. They have lost their leader, their forces, their wealth, their land, and now their economic mainstay. Though Countess Copper Top remains a favorite among the Old Guard, such concerns are quickly becoming irrelevant to the new Maretonian political scene dominated by the Abolitionist coalition. The Old Guard that still backs her for a return to the status quo antebellum (minus the slavery of course), as the caste is the rightful way of things. These calls have held little sway and White Star has found itself a sinking ship. Something must be done quickly to save its cause.

Army of Pegicles: Dishonored and leaderless, the pegasi are left without goals or direction. Even with them, they wouldn't have the might left to truly enforce them upon others. The command were killed by Gryphonian bombs, most of the grunts have been imprisoned by the Abolitionists, and a scant few former Royal Guards have been taken by Jewelius to face charges of desertion and treason. The remaining bunch have escaped into the wilds, resorting to banditry and sell-swordery to make ends meet. It would take a true miracle for these lost pegasi to once more rise to glory.


Potential Outcomes

Rise of the Gutter Queen: Through charm, guile, and a healthy amount of reconciliation and deal-making, Ambrosia has successfully held together her ragtag coalition of abolitionists to forge it into a true political force to lead Maretonia into an age of prosperity and harmony. Crowned Queen Ambrosia I, the future looks bright for the Maretonians as, for the first time for many, they dream of a future of friendship, peace, and harmony.

Effects: Ambrosia is the new queen. Abolitionists are reforged into a new, stronger party with unifying goals and ideology. Rights of lesser nobility and burghers enshrined into law Strong trade and investment established with Imperials and high chance of a defensive alliance and furthered partnership in the future. Reactionaries and conservatives sidelined for the moment. Recalcitrant Royal Guard reluctantly swears loyalty. Reactionaries and conservatives refuse to recognize the new monarchy as legitimate.

A New Protectorate: Having successfully swayed the Reformists and Undecideds that the best chance for Maretonia to prosper is with the Gryphons, an Imperial Protectorate has been established over Maretonia at the behest of the Imperialist faction. They have a lot of work to do if they wish to keep it, however. Burdened by promises of prosperity and stability, the Gryphonian Empire will need to act quickly to rebuild Maretonia to new heights if they wish to consolidate their grip over the region.

Effects: Maretonia becomes a protectorate of the Gryphonian Empire. Reactionaries and conservatives are sidelined for the moment. Investment in political, physical, and economic infrastructure needs to be immediate or reactionaries and conservatives will gain support. Royal Guard refuses to swear loyalty to foreigners and disbands as an organization - possible hot spot for future trouble. General populace is cautious but hopeful of their new overlords.

Stinging Maretonia's Rump: Having failed to fully reconcile the two primary factions of her coalition, Ambrosia has had to make strong concessions. In return for the political support of the Imperialist faction, Ambrosia will cede a slice of land along the northern border to be a new Imperial protectorate for any Maretonian citizens or peasantry whom wish to live under the empire or reunite with their families in the Crystal Protectorate. With her position weakened by infighting and the fury of the other factions, Ambrosia can only hope she will manage to consolidate her power quickly enough.

Effects: Ambrosia is the new queen. Abolitionist faction in power but weakened. Limited rights of lesser nobility and burghers enshrined into law. Northern border with Gryphonian Empire shifted south to river. Potential for conservatives and reactionaries to create revanchist sentiment to boost themselves into power. Trade established with Gryphonian Empire. Tenuous chance for investment and alliance with Gryphons due to weakened political position. Royal Guard refuses to swear loyalty to the faction that sold away Maretonian territory and disbands as an organization - potential hot spot for future trouble. Conservatives and reactionaries refuse to recognize the new monarchy as legitimate.

Mareia Walks Once More: Miraculously, Ambrosia and the Reformist faction have managed to find common ground with the Royal Guard and the remnants of House White Star led by Copper Top. With a unity government secured, Queen Copper Top I has been coronated and the Legacy of Mareia is secured. Maretonia may face a few bumps on the way there, but there is a happy future to look forward to for most Maretonians.

Effects: Copper Top is the new queen. New moderate faction emerges from the ruins of the Old Guard, the Royal Guard, and the Reformist faction of the Abolitionists. Trade and limited investment established with the Gryphonian Empire. Low chance of strictly defensive alliance in the future. Rights of lesser nobility and burghers enshrined into law. Royal Guard swears loyalty to the new monarchy. Imperialist Abolitionists pushed into stable opposition. Slow process of centralization of powers to the Crown begins. Mareia's legacy secured!

The Army's Pet State: In a move that has surprised everyone, Jewelius has struck a deal with the Old Guard and the remnants of the Army of Pegicles to secure the sovereignty of Maretonia against the Gryphonians and their Abolitionist allies. They have crowned Copper Top as the legitimate queen of Maretonia in what has been viewed by Gryphonian onlookers as a soft coup. Facing mass unrest from the de facto reestablishment of the status quo antebellum and the Gryphonian Empire looking on with a wary eye, this continuation of "Mareia's" legacy seems to have a dark and rocky road ahead of it.

Effects: Copper Top is the new puppet-queen. Anti-Imperialist government established in Maretonia. All Imperials are to leave the country and investment to be gone. Authority centralized in the capital. Stratocracy formed. Former members of Pegicles' army are pardoned in return for loyalty. Former high nobles given prominent positions in the new government. Mass unrest among the general populace. Chance of return to civil war should Jewelius fail to quickly stabilize. Possible chance for warfare with the Gryphonian Empire after rebuilding and rearmament has taken place. Mareia's legacy secured (?)

Maretonia's Warlord Period: Despite Gryphonian intervention, all deal-making has broken down and left Maretonia in a stalemate. Such a situation was never going to last and the battered Maretonians are preparing once more for war, each for their own unique vision of Maretonia.

Effects: Maretonia fragments into multiple warlord states. Recovery set back generations. Famine exacerbated. There are no more clear battle lines to support.

Those Revolting Peasants: The ceasefires and political maneuverings have broken down and Maretonia has once more descended into chaos. Unable to stand the thought of further warfare and betrayed by Gryphonian inaction, the peasantry and ex-slaves have risen up to take control of multiple spots of authority across the, declaring themselves to be under the legitimate authority of a new form of government they call a "Peasant Republic." They shall no longer slave under the old caste. They have risen up to create a Maretonia by the peasantry, for the peasantry!

Effects: Mass chaos and instability throughout Maretonia. Continued rise in banditry as new republic struggles to make something wholly brand new. Republic turns inward into diplomatic isolationism. High racial strife as furious Earth Ponies strike back at the Unicorns and Pegasi they identity as the source of their historical troubles. High chance of fragmentation of Maretonia if republic is not consolidated and stabilized. Increased monster attacks (?)

This is masterfully written, and I do apologize for not seeing this sooner.
+15 to a roll, just for how well it was put together.

It's also quite accurate as to the current situation in Maretonia. Don't think I could have summarized it better myself.

As for the Royal Guard and House White Star not accepting that, neither of them should really have any say, though for some strange reason @Questor has seemingly buffed them to make them far more influential and relevant than they have any right to be, and the few remaining nobles very well might accept it in order to maintain any position of power

It's not that they've been buffed. Both White Star and the Royal Guard are indeed significantly weaker than the Abolitionist faction both militarily and economically. They can't even hope to begin to rival them, even with their forces and resources combined. But their existence cannot simply be discounted.

For starters, both factions have claims of legitimacy. White Star contains the majority of the surviving nobility, and the Royal Guard still operates under the pretense of following the orders of Queen Mareia to defend the Kingdom and it's people. The latter also built up a great deal of public goodwill with their initial neutrality in the conflict and aid provided to common Ponies who had been internally displaced by the war.

Secondly, both of the groups claim significant amounts of Maretonian territory as being under their influence. Of course, in practice, most of the land they lay claim to is in poor condition and overrun with bandits and refugees, and is only tenuously under their real control, but their claims still exist, and are acknowledged by the Abolitionists.

The control they exert over the territory they lay claim to is due to the fact that, in those areas, they are the only real form of law and order. With the exception of diehard loyalists and ordinary ponies grateful to the Royal Guard for working to help and protect them under the now-deceased Captain-General Marecinas, most of the Ponies within White Star and Royal Guard territory are simply supporting their overlords either due to a perceived lack of options, fear of the bandits and brigands running rampant over much of the nation, or in hopes of receiving aid.

Could the Abolitionists just strong arm White Star and the Royal Guard into going along with whatever they wanted to do with their superior strength? Yes. But it would almost certainly lead to further bloodshed and conflict, armed or otherwise, that would likely last for years after the supposed end of open hostilities, and obliterate any possibility of a truly reunified Maretonia. Even if the Abolitionists destroyed the other factions as you destroyed Pegicles, the fallout and long-term consequence of such an act would be significant.

The Abolitionists aren't playing nice because they fear the other two groups. They're playing nice because they believe that a peaceful compromise will be less costly in the long run than crust killing all of their rivals.

@Questor out of my sense of paranoia, did we ever test out if Coppertop or the abolitionist leader were changelings?

Rose looked into it. They are clean.

Contrary to what you might expect, Changelings actually rarely replace major public figures like that. There's too much attention directed towards them. They usually try to imitate the sort of people no one gives a second glance to, the kind of people who can easily blend in to their surroundings as a second layer of camouflage. The palace maid, the new army recruit, a merchant transporting their wares...

It's not the political elite you need to worry about being replaced pod-people style. It's the Changelings who lay low for months, switching between equally generic false identities, performing menial tasks as common laborers while gathering intelligence and awaiting the order to activate their sleeper-cells.
Last edited:
For starters, both factions have claims of legitimacy. White Star contains the majority of the surviving nobility, and the Royal Guard still operates under the pretense of following the orders of Queen Mareia to defend the Kingdom and it's people.
I suppose my issue with this is firstly how many nobles can still be alive and with how many of the Abolitionists used to be slaves, or at the very least very much hated slavery, how much appeal does "used to run the country" actually have
The latter also built up a great deal of public goodwill with their initial neutrality in the conflict and aid provided to common Ponies who had been internally displaced by the war.
That's fair but that goodwill is arguably limited to the people who survived the devastation of Roam and their families
Secondly, both of the groups claim significant amounts of Maretonian territory as being under their influence. Of course, in practice, most of the land they lay claim to is in poor condition and overrun with bandits and refugees, and is only tenuously under their real control, but their claims still exist, and are acknowledged by the Abolitionists.
Correct me if I'm wrong but don't the Royal Guard only control the ruins of the capital and immediately surrounding area? Unless they just got given all of Pegicles' land by there's no way they could govern all of that and it would be pretty stupid on the Abolitionists part
Could the Abolitionists just strong arm White Star and the Royal Guard into going along with whatever they wanted to do with their superior strength? Yes. But it would almost certainly lead to further bloodshed and conflict, armed or otherwise, that would likely last for years after the supposed end of open hostilities, and obliterate any possibility of a truly reunified Maretonia. Even if the Abolitionists destroyed the other factions as you destroyed Pegicles, the fallout and long-term consequence of such an act would be significant.

The Abolitionists aren't playing nice because they fear the other two groups. They're playing nice because they believe that a peaceful compromise will be less costly in the long run than crust killing all of their rivals.
That's fair though I still feel like it's weird that it's being treated like it's possible for White Star or the Royal Guard to get what they want rather than just limiting how far the Abolitionists go
Adhoc vote count started by Questor on Oct 14, 2021 at 8:49 PM, finished with 255 posts and 62 votes.

  • [X] Plan Neighpon, Economy and Protectorates
    -[X] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.
    -[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
    -[x] The Iron Steppe: Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Yak-Storm Border Fortified, Improved YakYakistani Relations. Will Finish This Year
    -[X] Emerald Isles Trade Delegation: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with the Emerald Isles, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 75%
    -[X] Equestrian Trade Delegation: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with Equestria, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[x] Arcane College: Cost: 2500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial College of Magic Constructed. New Options Unlocked. Will Finish This Year
    -[X] Supplying a Demand: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Boosted Linen Exports, Additional Trade Income. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Paddle Steamers: Cost: 250. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Coastal/Riverine Steam Ships.
    -[X] Airships-Commercial Refinement: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Equestrian Investigations: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intelligence on Equestria, Potential to Unlock New Actions. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] The Imperial Creed Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.
    -[X] A Gesture of Friendship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[X] The Prince and the Lady: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain asks Isabelle a Very Important Question. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as Gotta get with my Friends)
    [X] Plan Calm Water's
    -[X] Flying Fortresses: Cost: 1500 Time: Two Years. Reward: First Squadron of Military Airships
    -[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
    -[X] Libertalian Defense Agreement: Cost: 150. Time: One Year. Reward: Signing of Formal Pledge to Aid Libertalia in the event if Foreign Aggression. Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] Olenian Developmental Aid Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Olenian Economy/Infrastructure Upgraded, Increased Trade Income, Improved Relations with Olenia. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Crystal Forests: Cost: 400. Time: Three Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate develops domestic logging industry, increased logging income.
    -[X] Airships-Commercial Refinement: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Bio-magical Samples: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Possible Applications of Ursa blood and Dragon Remains.
    -[X] Riddle of the Labyrinth Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Minotaur Republics. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] Seaside Shrines: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.
    -[X] A Gesture of Friendship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[X] Gotta get with my Friends: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Get together of Gawain's Friends, Potential to Unlock New Actions or Trigger Other Events. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as The Prince and the Lady)
    [X] Plan: Peace, Money Making, and Family
    -[X] Gryphus Foriegn Legion: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Foreign Legion established, Foreign Auxiliaries recruited.
    -[X] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.
    -[X] Post-War Summit: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Maretonian Summit Interlude.
    -[X] Libertalian Defense Agreement: Cost: 150. Time: One Year. Reward: Signing of Formal Pledge to Aid Libertalia in the event if Foreign Aggression. Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] Supplying a Demand: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Boosted Linen Exports, Additional Trade Income. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Paddle Steamers: Cost: 250. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Coastal/Riverine Steam Ships.
    -[X] Better Breweries: Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Trade Income due to Higher Quality Alcohol.
    -[X] Equestrian Investigations: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intelligence on Equestria, Potential to Unlock New Actions. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] Seaside Shrines: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[X] Dynasty of Duelists: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Grand Tournament Held. Potential for further rewards and options.
    -[X] The Prince and the Lady: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain asks Isabelle a Very Important Question.
    [X] Plan: Not Neglecting Your Buddies Retitled ft More Revenue v3
    [X] Plan: Bringing the War to its end v2
    -[X] Flying Fortresses: Cost: 1500 Time: Two Years. Reward: First Squadron of Military Airships
    -[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
    -[X] Post-War Summit: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Maretonian Summit Interlude.
    -[X] YakYakistan Mutual Defense Pact: Time: One Year. Cost: 300. Reward: Defensive Pact with YakYakistan. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Crystal Forests: Cost: 400. Time: Three Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate develops domestic logging industry, increased logging income.
    -[X] Airships-Commercial Refinement: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Bio-magical Samples: Your troops recovered a large number of samples from both the Ursa Major and the Dragons that you encountered in Maretonia, and Archimedes, Genevieve and Merlin are very eager to study them and see what sort of practical uses they might be able to gain from them. Toss some funds at the issue and see if their research bears any fruit. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Possible Applications of Ursa blood and Dragon Remains.
    -[X] Amenable Abolitionists: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Additional support for Successionist Faction of the Abolitionists. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] Expanded Crystal Worship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Crystal Shrines outside the Crystal City. Expanded Crystal Disciples Influence.
    -[X] A Gesture of Friendship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[X] The Prince and the Lady: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain asks Isabelle a Very Important Question. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as Gotta get with my Friends)
    [X] Plan: Raising Income and Other Matter
    -[X] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.
    -[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
    -[X] Equestrian Trade Delegation: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with Equestria, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] Olenian Developmental Aid Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Olenian Economy/Infrastructure Upgraded, Increased Trade Income, Improved Relations with Olenia. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Western Lumberjacks: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.
    -[X] Better Breweries: Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Trade Income due to Higher Quality Alcohol.
    -[X] Bio-magical Samples: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Possible Applications of Ursa blood and Dragon Remains.
    -[X] Storm Chasers Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Detailed Intelligence on Storm Country and the Yetis. Chance of Success: 40%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] The Imperial Creed Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[X] Dynasty of Duelists: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Grand Tournament Held.
    -[X] Gotta get with my Friends: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Get together of Gawain's Friends, Potential to Unlock New Actions or Trigger Other Events. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as The Prince and the Lady)
    [X] Plan: Bringing the War to its end
    [X] Plan: Flying High Into The Sunrise
    -[x] Flying Fortresses: With the development of a final design for a military airship now complete, you can finally begin to fulfill the once impossible dream of an airborne navy. It will require a great deal of work, time and funds to create the manufacturing and support facilities, as well as train an entirely new breed of sky sailor, but once completed your military will possess an edge no other nation in the world can match. Cost: 1500 Time: Two Years. Reward: First Squadron of Military Airships
    -[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
    -[x] The Iron Steppe: Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Yak-Storm Border Fortified, Improved YakYakistani Relations. Will Finish This Year
    -[X] Post-War Summit: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Maretonian Summit Interlude.
    -[X] Libertalian Defense Agreement: Cost: 150. Time: One Year. Reward: Signing of Formal Pledge to Aid Libertalia in the event if Foreign Aggression. Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[x] Arcane College: Cost: 2500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial College of Magic Constructed. New Options Unlocked. Will Finish This Year
    -[x] Griffonstone Revitalization, Part 1: Cost: 3000. Time: Two Years. Reward: First Stage of Griffonstone Revitalization.
    -[x] Airships-Commercial Refinement: The prototype Airship has proven itself a resounding success, and your engineers have learned a wealth of new information as they observe its performance. The test flights have generated quite a bit of attention as well, from both the common people and from the rich and influential. You've already had several nobles and business magnates inquire as to how or when they can get their talons on a sky ship of their own. As a former merchant, it's not hard for you to imagine the numerous commercial applications for the new technology. But Archimedes and Genevieve still think the design can be improved, turning the current testbed into a dedicated airborne cargo hauler. Have them prioritize that avenue of research. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Bio-magical Samples: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Possible Applications of Ursa blood and Dragon Remains.
    -[X] Amenable Abolitionists: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Additional support for Successionist Faction of the Abolitionists. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] Seaside Shrines: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.
    -[X] A Gesture of Friendship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[x] The Prince and the Lady: It is obvious, to you and everyone else who sees the two of them together, that Gawain and Isabelle are desperately in love with each other. Though they've kept their relationship discrete (more for the sake of privacy on their dates than any desire to keep their love for each other hidden), at this point half the people in Gryphus Peak know about their nocturnal flights and romantic dinners in the subterranean dog town. It's gotten to the point where the palace staff have started placing bets on when the Prince will finally propose. Judging by his recent visit to a jewelers, it won't be much longer. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain asks Isabelle a Very Important Question. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as Gotta get with my Friends)
    [X] Plan Neighpon, Economy and Protectorates
    -[X] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.
    -[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
    -[x] The Iron Steppe: Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Yak-Storm Border Fortified, Improved YakYakistani Relations. Will Finish This Year
    -[X] Emerald Isles Trade Delegation: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with the Emerald Isles, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 75%
    -[X] Equestrian Trade Delegation: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with Equestria, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[x] Arcane College: Cost: 2500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial College of Magic Constructed. New Options Unlocked. Will Finish This Year
    -[X] Supplying a Demand: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Boosted Linen Exports, Additional Trade Income. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Paddle Steamers: Cost: 250. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Coastal/Riverine Steam Ships.
    -[X] Airships-Commercial Refinement: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Equestrian Investigations: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intelligence on Equestria, Potential to Unlock New Actions. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] The Imperial Creed Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.
    -[X] A Gesture of Friendship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[X] The Prince and the Lady: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Get together of Gawain's Friends, Potential to Unlock New Actions or Trigger Other Events. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as The Prince and the Lady)
    [X] Plan: Let's get down to basics, to defeat the Yetis
    -[X] Security Runes:
    -[X] Force Recon:
    -[X] Post-War Summit:
    -[X] YakYakistan Mutual Defense Pact:
    -[X] Griffonstone Revitalization, Part 1:
    -[X] Better Breweries:
    -[X] Airships-Commercial Refinement:
    -[X] Amenable Abolitionists:
    -[X] Storm Chasers:
    -[X] Holy Icons:
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun:
    -[X] Dynasty of Duelists:
    -[X] Gotta get with my Friends:

Alright, the Vote seems to be fairly clear, if more divided than I had expected. Plan Neighpon, Economy and Protectorates is the Winner.

Thanks to all those who voted.
Hey @Questor I've been wondering, how many Household troops does the White Star faction have left? I know that all their mercenaries left after Libertalia stole their money but the Household troops should be more loyal than that right? And on that note, how many troops due to Royal Guard and Abolitionists have left?
Okay it's time for the Omake Tally Card! Time to apply Omake bonuses ya'll! Let's be Garrick's hoard of bickering Patron Eldritch Beings from beyond the pale that they can barely comprehend! @Questor I would like to apply my 'It's Raining Storm' +10 Omake Bonus to Etymological Studies please, thank you.

EDIT: Minor math hiccup, thanks for pointing it out @jonasquinn.

Current Plan's % Chance Omake Tally Card:

Emerald Isles Trade Delegation: 75% + 18% (Garrick) = Base 93%
-0/2 Omake Slots Occupied

Equestrian Trade Delegation: 70% + 18% (Garrick) = Base 88%
-0/2 Omake Slots Occupied


Supplying a Demand: Cost: 65% + 15% (Garrick) = Base 80%
-0/2 Omake Slots Occupied


Equestrian Investigations: 60% +13% (Garrick) = Base 73%
-0/2 Omake Slots Occupied

Etymological Studies: 60% + 13% (Garrick) + 10% ('It's Raining Storm' omake by @Markala) = Base 83%
-1/2 Omake Slots Occupied
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I think another reason the Abolitionists haven't simply taken over Maretonia and ousted their rivals from any claim to prominence is the fact that they've, well, achieved their ration d'etre - literally, the name "Abolitionists" is now a vestigial title. So just as important as securing power over Maretonia is trying to determine the actual future of their faction - which, at the moment, has now turned to the question of their relationship with the Griffonian Empire. The Reformists want to pursue a reconciliationist policy, as doing so is important to accruing legitimacy and re-establishing Maretonia as an independent power, whilst the Imperialists are less concerned with bringing the conservatives and nobility back into the tent, as the Empire would serve as a supplanting force to provide legitimacy and reconstruction, meaning that there's not as pressing a reason to compromise with their former enemies.

Simply put, the Abolitionists are the dog that's caught the car, and are now trying to restructure their fundamental identity: are they going to be some kind of Progressive party crowning a new monarch? Are they griffonophiles seeking to embrace their relations with the Empire that's backed their cause from the beginning? Or will they become something else entirely? Until that question is answered, the Abolitionists will find their hands tied and total hegemony over Maretonia beyond their grasp - which is an issue, as the questions of the day are demanding an answer yesterday, and few are inclined to let them sort their issues out before getting to the business of determining the future of their nation.
I am happy we are finally doing another Imperial Cult action! I would've liked this or the Neighpon religion one, but with the Cult one I am always afraid more fear of it will have it delayed indefinitely.

This is masterfully written, and I do apologize for not seeing this sooner.
+15 to a roll, just for how well it was put together.

It's also quite accurate as to the current situation in Maretonia. Don't think I could have summarized it better myself.
Huh, well that was unexpected on multiple levels. Thank you! :D

(also a bit of a confidence booster as to my analysis abilities to have it confirmed I got pretty close to the mark there)

Anyhow, thank you for providing your rationale, and there is no need for apologies. I did not wish to argue or anything. Just wanted to know the "why" as to your internal logic for the current faction situation of post-war Maretonia. We were in no rush, and I'm sure you were busy as I said earlier.
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How many omakes are available

If you mean which posters still have omakes to spend, there's a list of all the unused ones (titles only, usable only by who wrote each) in the Information threadmark: Who Needs Harmony?: An MLP Empire Quest.

If you mean how many omakes per action left can be applied, may I refer you to my incredibly convenient Bonus Tally Scorecard that I already made like, less than six posts ago: Who Needs Harmony?: An MLP Empire Quest.
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Hey @Questor will the grand tournament have Glida love interest in it because I love to see drama of Garrick and Gawin trying to stop this and just making it worse (making them fall more In love)

And then have Gabrielle kick their asses. As much as overprotective father/brother troop is interesting Gilda should have a chance to live her love life as Gawain had. Or we could simply stop everything and restore good ol arranged marriage.
Well... figured I would design a flag in case of the impossible and a Unified Maretonia emerges under the majority of the Abolitionists and makes a peace accord with all three...

It is a bit busy and probably should have enlarged it but incorporating all three factions into one flag wasn't easy. There's elements of Mareia's old flag (which the Guard likes), there's traces of Lavender and purple (which White Star likes despite their name), and a horseshoe has been thrown in to show Earth Ponies (which were never incorporated into a flag before). Also fitting the emblem into the framework of the Abolitionist makeshift flag works I think
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I do hope the interlude for Neighpon has Gwyndlyn be the one to present Ryuo with the sword, given that we chose both of those options at the same time. I think it'd be a good diplomatic move, and also just be a great moment to read!

Well... figured I would design a flag in case of the impossible and a Unified Maretonia emerges under the majority of the Abolitionists and makes a peace accord with all three...
That's actually a rather beautiful design. Nice job!
Well... figured I would design a flag in case of the impossible and a Unified Maretonia emerges under the majority of the Abolitionists and makes a peace accord with all three...

It is a bit busy and probably should have enlarged it but incorporating all three factions into one flag wasn't easy. There's elements of Mareia's old flag (which the Guard likes), there's traces of Lavender and purple (which White Star likes despite their name), and a horseshoe has been thrown in to show Earth Ponies (which were never incorporated into a flag before). Also fitting the emblem into the framework of the Abolitionist makeshift flag works I think
This is a solid argument for a unified, independent Maretonia. Great flag design.
and the questor notification brought me back to this thread.

I must have forgot to reopen the thread after a past notification, so I wasn't getting any new ones. I hate when that happen.

and I was even forgetting to vote!

Not quite, for once Garrick is verry xenofile, hell i suspect the bulk of the imperial cult are made of cristal ponies.
mh.. maybe if they follow both the cult and the crystal heart.

Going to just come out and say that Gryphus is blessed by some greater power. And I have a theory about it.

In the MLP: FiM Comics there are actually multiple Trees of Harmony, only they aren't exactly the same. There is the Tree of History in Farasi, Tree of Family in Caninia, Tree of Purpose in Abyssinia, and Tree of Love in Ornithia (Too many nations ending in -ia.) There is also the Tree of Patriotism that belongs to the Knights of Harmony. Most of this comes from Issue #100 which came out in July.

Maybe Gryphus was build on top of the Tree of Civilization or something? (But maybe we are just super lucky)
nah, I doubt Questor would adapt such recent chapters in his quest canon. It would likely require uncomfortable changes to other countries.

ok. Our priorities:

1)We want a STABLE Maretonia that will NOT make more problems for us in the future.
2)We'd like to profit from the new Maretonia. the more the better, as long as it doesn't result in potential instability.

...that's it, as far as Maretonia goes, really.

Adhoc vote count started by Questor on Oct 14, 2021 at 8:49 PM, finished with 255 posts and 62 votes.

  • [X] Plan Neighpon, Economy and Protectorates
    -[X] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.
    -[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
    -[x] The Iron Steppe: Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Yak-Storm Border Fortified, Improved YakYakistani Relations. Will Finish This Year
    -[X] Emerald Isles Trade Delegation: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with the Emerald Isles, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 75%
    -[X] Equestrian Trade Delegation: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with Equestria, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[x] Arcane College: Cost: 2500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial College of Magic Constructed. New Options Unlocked. Will Finish This Year
    -[X] Supplying a Demand: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Boosted Linen Exports, Additional Trade Income. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Paddle Steamers: Cost: 250. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Coastal/Riverine Steam Ships.
    -[X] Airships-Commercial Refinement: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Equestrian Investigations: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intelligence on Equestria, Potential to Unlock New Actions. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] The Imperial Creed Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.
    -[X] A Gesture of Friendship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[X] The Prince and the Lady: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain asks Isabelle a Very Important Question. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as Gotta get with my Friends)
    [X] Plan Calm Water's
    -[X] Flying Fortresses: Cost: 1500 Time: Two Years. Reward: First Squadron of Military Airships
    -[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
    -[X] Libertalian Defense Agreement: Cost: 150. Time: One Year. Reward: Signing of Formal Pledge to Aid Libertalia in the event if Foreign Aggression. Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] Olenian Developmental Aid Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Olenian Economy/Infrastructure Upgraded, Increased Trade Income, Improved Relations with Olenia. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Crystal Forests: Cost: 400. Time: Three Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate develops domestic logging industry, increased logging income.
    -[X] Airships-Commercial Refinement: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Bio-magical Samples: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Possible Applications of Ursa blood and Dragon Remains.
    -[X] Riddle of the Labyrinth Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Minotaur Republics. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] Seaside Shrines: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.
    -[X] A Gesture of Friendship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[X] Gotta get with my Friends: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Get together of Gawain's Friends, Potential to Unlock New Actions or Trigger Other Events. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as The Prince and the Lady)
    [X] Plan: Peace, Money Making, and Family
    -[X] Gryphus Foriegn Legion: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Foreign Legion established, Foreign Auxiliaries recruited.
    -[X] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.
    -[X] Post-War Summit: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Maretonian Summit Interlude.
    -[X] Libertalian Defense Agreement: Cost: 150. Time: One Year. Reward: Signing of Formal Pledge to Aid Libertalia in the event if Foreign Aggression. Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] Supplying a Demand: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Boosted Linen Exports, Additional Trade Income. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Paddle Steamers: Cost: 250. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Coastal/Riverine Steam Ships.
    -[X] Better Breweries: Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Trade Income due to Higher Quality Alcohol.
    -[X] Equestrian Investigations: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intelligence on Equestria, Potential to Unlock New Actions. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] Seaside Shrines: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[X] Dynasty of Duelists: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Grand Tournament Held. Potential for further rewards and options.
    -[X] The Prince and the Lady: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain asks Isabelle a Very Important Question.
    [X] Plan: Not Neglecting Your Buddies Retitled ft More Revenue v3
    [X] Plan: Bringing the War to its end v2
    -[X] Flying Fortresses: Cost: 1500 Time: Two Years. Reward: First Squadron of Military Airships
    -[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
    -[X] Post-War Summit: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Maretonian Summit Interlude.
    -[X] YakYakistan Mutual Defense Pact: Time: One Year. Cost: 300. Reward: Defensive Pact with YakYakistan. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Crystal Forests: Cost: 400. Time: Three Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate develops domestic logging industry, increased logging income.
    -[X] Airships-Commercial Refinement: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Bio-magical Samples: Your troops recovered a large number of samples from both the Ursa Major and the Dragons that you encountered in Maretonia, and Archimedes, Genevieve and Merlin are very eager to study them and see what sort of practical uses they might be able to gain from them. Toss some funds at the issue and see if their research bears any fruit. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Possible Applications of Ursa blood and Dragon Remains.
    -[X] Amenable Abolitionists: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Additional support for Successionist Faction of the Abolitionists. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] Expanded Crystal Worship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Crystal Shrines outside the Crystal City. Expanded Crystal Disciples Influence.
    -[X] A Gesture of Friendship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[X] The Prince and the Lady: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain asks Isabelle a Very Important Question. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as Gotta get with my Friends)
    [X] Plan: Raising Income and Other Matter
    -[X] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.
    -[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
    -[X] Equestrian Trade Delegation: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with Equestria, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] Olenian Developmental Aid Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Olenian Economy/Infrastructure Upgraded, Increased Trade Income, Improved Relations with Olenia. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Western Lumberjacks: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.
    -[X] Better Breweries: Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Trade Income due to Higher Quality Alcohol.
    -[X] Bio-magical Samples: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Possible Applications of Ursa blood and Dragon Remains.
    -[X] Storm Chasers Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Detailed Intelligence on Storm Country and the Yetis. Chance of Success: 40%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] The Imperial Creed Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[X] Dynasty of Duelists: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Grand Tournament Held.
    -[X] Gotta get with my Friends: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Get together of Gawain's Friends, Potential to Unlock New Actions or Trigger Other Events. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as The Prince and the Lady)
    [X] Plan: Bringing the War to its end
    [X] Plan: Flying High Into The Sunrise
    -[x] Flying Fortresses: With the development of a final design for a military airship now complete, you can finally begin to fulfill the once impossible dream of an airborne navy. It will require a great deal of work, time and funds to create the manufacturing and support facilities, as well as train an entirely new breed of sky sailor, but once completed your military will possess an edge no other nation in the world can match. Cost: 1500 Time: Two Years. Reward: First Squadron of Military Airships
    -[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
    -[x] The Iron Steppe: Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Yak-Storm Border Fortified, Improved YakYakistani Relations. Will Finish This Year
    -[X] Post-War Summit: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Maretonian Summit Interlude.
    -[X] Libertalian Defense Agreement: Cost: 150. Time: One Year. Reward: Signing of Formal Pledge to Aid Libertalia in the event if Foreign Aggression. Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[x] Arcane College: Cost: 2500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial College of Magic Constructed. New Options Unlocked. Will Finish This Year
    -[x] Griffonstone Revitalization, Part 1: Cost: 3000. Time: Two Years. Reward: First Stage of Griffonstone Revitalization.
    -[x] Airships-Commercial Refinement: The prototype Airship has proven itself a resounding success, and your engineers have learned a wealth of new information as they observe its performance. The test flights have generated quite a bit of attention as well, from both the common people and from the rich and influential. You've already had several nobles and business magnates inquire as to how or when they can get their talons on a sky ship of their own. As a former merchant, it's not hard for you to imagine the numerous commercial applications for the new technology. But Archimedes and Genevieve still think the design can be improved, turning the current testbed into a dedicated airborne cargo hauler. Have them prioritize that avenue of research. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Bio-magical Samples: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Possible Applications of Ursa blood and Dragon Remains.
    -[X] Amenable Abolitionists: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Additional support for Successionist Faction of the Abolitionists. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] Seaside Shrines: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.
    -[X] A Gesture of Friendship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[x] The Prince and the Lady: It is obvious, to you and everyone else who sees the two of them together, that Gawain and Isabelle are desperately in love with each other. Though they've kept their relationship discrete (more for the sake of privacy on their dates than any desire to keep their love for each other hidden), at this point half the people in Gryphus Peak know about their nocturnal flights and romantic dinners in the subterranean dog town. It's gotten to the point where the palace staff have started placing bets on when the Prince will finally propose. Judging by his recent visit to a jewelers, it won't be much longer. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain asks Isabelle a Very Important Question. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as Gotta get with my Friends)
    [X] Plan Neighpon, Economy and Protectorates
    -[X] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.
    -[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
    -[x] The Iron Steppe: Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Yak-Storm Border Fortified, Improved YakYakistani Relations. Will Finish This Year
    -[X] Emerald Isles Trade Delegation: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with the Emerald Isles, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 75%
    -[X] Equestrian Trade Delegation: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with Equestria, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[x] Arcane College: Cost: 2500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial College of Magic Constructed. New Options Unlocked. Will Finish This Year
    -[X] Supplying a Demand: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Boosted Linen Exports, Additional Trade Income. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Paddle Steamers: Cost: 250. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Coastal/Riverine Steam Ships.
    -[X] Airships-Commercial Refinement: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Equestrian Investigations: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intelligence on Equestria, Potential to Unlock New Actions. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
    -[X] The Imperial Creed Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.
    -[X] A Gesture of Friendship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
    -[X] The Prince and the Lady: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Get together of Gawain's Friends, Potential to Unlock New Actions or Trigger Other Events. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as The Prince and the Lady)
    [X] Plan: Let's get down to basics, to defeat the Yetis
    -[X] Security Runes:
    -[X] Force Recon:
    -[X] Post-War Summit:
    -[X] YakYakistan Mutual Defense Pact:
    -[X] Griffonstone Revitalization, Part 1:
    -[X] Better Breweries:
    -[X] Airships-Commercial Refinement:
    -[X] Amenable Abolitionists:
    -[X] Storm Chasers:
    -[X] Holy Icons:
    -[X] The Land of the Rising Sun:
    -[X] Dynasty of Duelists:
    -[X] Gotta get with my Friends:

Alright, the Vote seems to be fairly clear, if more divided than I had expected. Plan Neighpon, Economy and Protectorates is the Winner.

Thanks to all those who voted.
.....aaaaand too late XD

I forgot!

well, let's see what won...

[X] Plan Neighpon, Economy and Protectorates
-[X] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.
-[X] Security Runes: Cost: 1500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Strategic Fortifications reinforced with Anti-Scrying and Teleportation Runes.
-[x] The Iron Steppe: Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Yak-Storm Border Fortified, Improved YakYakistani Relations. Will Finish This Year
-[X] Emerald Isles Trade Delegation: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with the Emerald Isles, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 75%
-[X] Equestrian Trade Delegation: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with Equestria, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 70%
-[x] Arcane College: Cost: 2500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial College of Magic Constructed. New Options Unlocked. Will Finish This Year
-[X] Supplying a Demand: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Boosted Linen Exports, Additional Trade Income. Chance of Success: 65%
-[X] Paddle Steamers: Cost: 250. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Coastal/Riverine Steam Ships.
-[X] Airships-Commercial Refinement: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
-[X] Equestrian Investigations: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intelligence on Equestria, Potential to Unlock New Actions. Chance of Success: 60%
-[X] Etymological Studies: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.
-[X] The Imperial Creed Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.
-[X] A Gesture of Friendship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.
-[X] The Land of the Rising Sun: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.
-[X] The Prince and the Lady: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain asks Isabelle a Very Important Question. (Does not cost an action. Cannot be chosen in the same turn as Gotta get with my Friends)

Martial: I would have MUCH preferred airships over a new knight order, especially because they could have been nice for scouting too. Add a few pegasi on the crew and you might even cover them with clouds as some kind of improvised stealth mode!

Still, at least a new knight order means more local stability, and it's bound to be a popular move anyway. Also a few soldiers from our recently expanded army are sure to try, and it's basically a promotion for them. Both civilians and military should be happy.

Diplomacy: I'm fine with this. I think I would have slightly preferred Olenia over dogs, and I'm a bit unsure about waiting for the summit... but It's fine.

Stewardship: I've agreed with stated reasons for more linen. The ponies will likely need it for winter anyway, and it's a nice source of income as well.

Learning: I'm fine with it. It's more progress on both ships and airships, though we'll need follow-up actions to actually put them in practice.

Still, steamships and airships should directly improve trading AND the movement of passengers...shame the initial ships are only good for coasts and rivers, but it's a start.

Intrigue: full approval here. I suppose we're giving up the "take only a bite out of Maretonia" option, but it was probably the most unpopular anyway, as both not very ambitious AND likely to foster resentment long term with the rest of the country.

I'm hoping we get to take the minotaur action soon though. SURE, it's not as important as the two we took right now (Equestria and changeling are MASSIVELY more important AND dangerous...)but I feel a bit uneasy at this long-kept mistery.

Piety: probably only my third option here (I was for neighpon or crystal heart), but it makes sense. some light propaganda after winning a war... it fits.

I expect the cult will recruit a few pony immigrants with this.

Personal: full approval for the neighpon actions (though I'll always regret the missed opportunities of "twin blades for the two emperors"), but I would have enjoyed the "all friends together option" a bit more than the romantic one.

Not a big deal, and I imagine the country will be much happier to celebrate the prince getting engaged/married right after this war...

If you mean which posters still have omakes to spend, there's a list of all the unused ones (titles only, usable only by who wrote each) in the Information threadmark: Who Needs Harmony?: An MLP Empire Quest.
...@questor, with how many omakes were left, couldn't we change things from "use them only when stated by the writer" to "qm uses them when they fit best"?

I mean, we're NEVER going to use them all at this rate anyway!

There's also the problem of what to do if the writers stop to follow the quest, or just miss their timing. does that mean the bonuses will never get used?
...@questor, with how many omakes were left, couldn't we change things from "use them only when stated by the writer" to "qm uses them when they fit best"?

I mean, we're NEVER going to use them all at this rate anyway!

There's also the problem of what to do if the writers stop to follow the quest, or just miss their timing. does that mean the bonuses will never get used?
I'm gonna go ahead and say it right now that I am NOT allowing you guys to automatically use my points up. I can barely convince a single person to vote for a plan (or even an option) that I made or favor on a normal day. Not gonna give up the tiny bit of leverage towards convincing people (by putting my own +15 on the line to support it) I accidentally just earned to add it to a community pool, especially when said pool is probably going to go towards actions I don't favor most of the time.

As for the writers no longer following, I see no problem with that. Bonuses are explicitly bonuses. We are not owed a bunch of meta-boosts to in-game stats at opportune moments.

Heck, I myself have some points in another quest I've dropped that will never get used because I don't plan on reading it anymore. Mind you, I did plan to give those points to someone else, but they ignored me when I asked if the point list was updated as they usually do when I ask questions so that's their loss :V
ok. Our priorities:

1)We want a STABLE Maretonia that will NOT make more problems for us in the future.
2)We'd like to profit from the new Maretonia. the more the better, as long as it doesn't result in potential instability.
I want neither of these things. My priorities are, in order of most to least, as such:

1) Protectorate Maretonia; failing that,
2) fragmented, warlord, or continued civil war Maretonia; failing that,
3) Hostile anti-Empire Maretonia that will declare war on us in the future

Everything else is to our detriment by setting us up against a rival for continental hegemony that we cannot take down easily due to casus belli. You never want your rivals to be stable because a stable rival IS a problem in itself. A power vacuum can only be to our benefit in a region as large and with as much potential for growth as Maretonia.
mh.. maybe if they follow both the cult and the crystal heart.
I mean, grifs themselves have a ancestor worship underpining their spirituality, garrick will go down in legend but his conquests are the empire conquests, pining all down on him and deyfing him is a disservice to the dead.
Diamond dogs see garrick as the big boss, sure they understand how the empire works on a intelectual level. But instinctually the empire is the great pack and like the grifs their loyalty it's for the pack before its alpha.
Then theres the cristal ponies the heavyly traumatized population that was breed as slave stock for a unknown amount of time, that was saved in slaughter and by the bond of garrick and gabriella awakening their god. That lionize the griphs a big already. Yeah the ponies are already hardcore imperialists on general so the leap into the imperial cult isnt that faar feched.