Oh my.
That settles that it looks like.
(Intrigue action to off Chrisalis and put Rose in power? Only me? Okay...)
It's been
quite some time, but iirc the current Intrigue chain was effectively "Search out and gather more Changling Princesses to assemble the Hive Control necessary to either bargain from a position of Power or institute a Coup."
@Maretonia Post War:
Here's what I suggest.
We present them with 4 Options.
Option 1: Basic Aid Package
In essence, we look at how much we can afford (this is the bit that will take debate on our side) to spend to help them rebuild and not starve while they rebuild, from a purely financial, food, and volunteer basis, and offer up like, half of what we can afford? 3/4ths? It'll depend on what we can actually afford. In addition we'll poke our Diplomatic Contacts pointing out "Hey, they finished their war, now would be a good time to get in good with their newly developing government and send some aid."
The Price? Nothing.
Maybe some "diplomatic concessions"? In essence, we recognize that without our help more people will die, and we aren't about that.
We will begin this option as soon as they're willing to let us do it.
Option 2: Expert Aid Package
In addition to option 1, we'll specifically send in our own work forces to help rebuild infrastructure and modernize to a point, across the entire country.
The Price? Idk, some land concessions? I don't actually know what pieces of land we'd actually
want. Maybe recognition of our "rights" over that "no man's land" that Maretonia raided a lot that borders the Crystal Protectorate, if I'm remembering that correctly? I'm also thinking about an Imperial Observer in their government, basically an Especially Fancy Ambassador, in the interest of being a "liason" aka "They're here to help provide a consistent mediator between the factions and to also look grumpy if you go do things we really wouldn't like, such as screwing over the ex-slaves." I'd suggest Trade Concessions but they don't actually
have a trade economy at the moment sooo.
Option 3: Last Gen Aid Package
All the prior options, plus we'll actually teach your people how to make infrastructure that's only somewhat behind current Griffon Empire standards.
The Price: all the prior stuff, plus I want Mare-A-Thon.
Option 4: So You Want To Be A Protectorate
So basically we do what we did for Crystal Land. Full modern redevelopment, massive investments into infrastructure, government, and defense, etc etc.
(We'll almost immediately build a Wall blocking off the Dragons hint hint nudge nudge)
The Price: Protectorate status. You'll be nominally self governing, just look at the Crystal Protectorate, but we are in charge of foreign policy and your laws need to be broadly acceptable to our legal system. Feel free to have a referendum in like a decade or two if you want to join the Empire directly.
And then we let
them make the big decisions about things.