'Sips smoothie watching the scrying mirror blasting everything into a fine red mist' "Discord pass the popcorn it's gettin to the good part"- Grabs handful of popcorn from statue munching loudly.

Your troops eventually resort to blasting massive graves into the ground with the use of black powder, dozens of Griffons working to push each one of the bodies into the craters before the draconic cadavers are buried by the efforts of hundreds of Diamond Dogs, leaving behind over a dozen hill-like burial mounds.
Eyyy I got my hills at last!
Using Orichalcum or even black steel to protect our cities and other infrastructure would be insanely expensive and not worth while I'm sure with runes and other such Magics wards could be created and we can save the Metals for meeting rooms and vaults if we absolutely need to be sure. The metals are just to expensive and rare to use in such vast projects
Admittedly it brought me great satisfaction to see a genocidal maniac like Pegicles bask in his admittedly well-earned victory and rally his people right before a teleporting explosive went off in his face at point. Blank. Range. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I'm also thoroughly glad to see we got away with our foreign adventurism largely unscathed. Questor wasn't kidding when he mentioned that, historically, such interventionism has an awful track record, even when taken with the very best of intentions. I don't know what's going to happen to Maretonia in the future, but whatever it is, I can't really see it being any worse than Pegicles as an ascendant tyrant, and the non-Pegasi of the nation enslaved to feed his war-machine. That would have been... very bad, to put it mildly.
So @Questor does this mean a Maretonian protectorate was never an option?

If so I kinda wish that had been stated just to stop the conversations about it and so that people didn't get their hopes up

There goes our conquest of the eastern coast
By the way, can someone remind me what species Koryū is? Because if he's just a normal dragon then the discovery of an entire nation of them might cause problems

On a brighter note, even if we're not conquering anything, as much as that pains me, hopefully all the loot we're bringing home will go a decent way to recouping our losses from last turn, especially with us probably not having to do anything to restore morale or make up losses

Wait a second… we can annex Libertalia!
By the way, can someone remind me what species Koryū is? Because if he's just a normal dragon then the discovery of an entire nation of them might cause problems

On a brighter note, even if we're not conquering anything, as much as that pains me, hopefully all the loot we're bringing home will go a decent way to recouping our losses from last turn, especially with us probably not having to do anything to restore morale or make up losses

Wait a second… we can annex Libertalia!
Not much of a problem I think a lot of people will be happy for the fact Mr war crime cyclone is dead and won't do it to them?
Orichalcum is anti magic no doubt about it, but its protection only extends to those who wears it. Its not gonna stop a teleportation say, 2 feet above a floor of orichalcum. (which sounds very expensive and not at all worth it.)

No, what we need isnt orichalcum floors or walls. What we need are wards, something to create interference and enchanted to prevent scrying or divination so magic users cant see where they are aiming. So Runes, to make wards, enchantments to program what they need to target a specific branch of magic. Which sounds way more cheaper thing to research and develop then making a room made out of orichalcum.
While it isn't mentioned explicitly, you and some of your troops did take some parts of the dragon bodies, enough to fill a couple of carts full of materials. The majority of the carcasses were buried but with their causes of death being what they were there were plenty of pieces lying around.

You can add that to the barrels full of Ursa blood on the "Loot from Maretonia" list.

@Questor , so your not against harvesting materila from sentient creatures? or better yet is it taboo to do so?
I was talking about the morale part of your sentence.
Ah, my bad sorry
There is more then one way to conquer a territory, we shall now flood their markets with our goods.
I'm honestly kind of worried how they're going to cope because as much as my desire to turn them into a protectorate stemmed from greed it was also a genuinely good way to help them recover from a massive civil war that decimated their population, destroyed their two most important cities, irrevocably changed their culture and society, destroyed most of their food supply and removed their main industry

Sure we could just build a train network for them and provide them with some technology to help but we'd need to charge through the nose and who the hell would we even be charging?
Is there a reason we didn't take the dragon bodies to use for supplies? Like, typically dragonskin is considered extremely good leather, and dragonbone useful for weapons and shields. Dragonfangs for sword and daggers. Just seems like burrying them is a waste is all.
Because now we have a dragon daughter.
It'd be really awkward to discuss butchering technique now.

Edit: Also, we apparently picked up some carts worth of choice/blasted-off bits.
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God.... I think there will be plenty of pegasi with ptsd about loud booms also

I would LOVE a pov of the other two faction leaders when we pulled out the scry and die.

I can just see them looking at us like "THIS IS WHAT WE ALMOST FOUGHT"

and them concluding that "While there are beings out there mightier individually than griffons there are none with a greater affinity for war. Griffon generals show a frightening insight into the most devestating plans and ways to destroy any enemies that threaten them. If you are to face an army with a seasoned griffonian general at the head be ready to face a mind built, bred, and honed not for battle, not for combat, not even for conflict.... But for war."

Then them seeing us leave without looting or demanding anything as a price

And then them going "But this insight of war does not merely limit at waging it but also knowing it's cost and price, knowing when it is over. Few are those among grifffonian generals of good standing who seek war but every soldier and general is always ready to end it."
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Considering the matter of orichalcum based protection it should be said that the expensiveness of protections would depend on the following that I shall list; minimum required thickness to block teleportation and scrying magic (foils are less expensive than heavy plating),
if there is a minimum size for gaps in orichalcum through which magic can penetrate possibly differing between spells (like when one uses a metal mesh for a faraday cage or photon wavelength constraints),
and whether or not the teleportation can reach around walls (if it just hits a wall of orichalcum and dissipates rather than coming from another direction that would be ideal).