Some kind of regulations should be placed, but no need to outright dismantle such areas methinks.Is it okay to keep Maretonians in Little Maretonia enclaves?
I kinda worry about them later turning into Chinatown analogues - impossible to dismantle and regulate...
Breadbasket of the World: With the recent advances in agricultural techniques pioneered by Archimedes, Genevieve and the arcane scholars in the Imperial Court, the numerous land reclamation efforts undertaken by the government, and the introduction of Earth Pony magic to the Empire, the nation's agricultural output has skyrocketed to previously unimaginable levels. Average national crop yields have nearly quadrupled over the course of the past decade, far exceeding population growth and causing a corresponding drop in food prices, further feeding the population boom that began in the aftermath of Discord's disappearance.
The Empire's agricultural productivity is such that it has begun to export foodstuffs by the ton to its neighbors and trade partners, Gryphus-grown produce finding its way onto the plates of Yaks, Qilin, Minotaurs, and the Ponies of Canterbury, further swelling the Imperial coffers as foreign funds flow into the economy. +250 Trade Income
Little Maretonia: The steady influx of thousands of Maretonian refugees entering the Empire in general and the Crystal Protectorate in particular over the past few years has resulted in the establishment and rapid growth of ethnic enclaves in several major cities, the largest of which exists in the Crystal City. While the formation of such neighborhoods provides the refugees with a sense of community and familiarity, questions and concerns have been raised regarding how the Ponies living within these neighborhoods cling to the culture of their original homeland. Others see the ethnic enclaves as little different from the numerous underground settlements established by Diamond Dogs that exist parallel to many cities in the Empire, and accuse the critics of the newly formed Maretonian neighborhoods of xenophobia.
Vikings vs Samurai: The attention of the Imperial Public is suddenly drawn away from the events unfolding South of the border and towards the Emerald Isles as the long anticipated showdown between the Qilin and Caribou finally occurs. In a series of events that will come to be known as the Labsfarne Skirmish, a small flotilla of Vikinger vessels, intent on raiding the Western coast of the Emerald Isles and relieving it of its newly acquired wealth, clashed with a Neighponese Patrol. Neighponese officials have stated that the Caribou vessels refused to turn back or adjust their course despite numerous warnings, culminating in an attempt by what has been surmised to be the lead ship in the raiding party attempting to ram one of the Neighponese ships.
A Neighponese "Turtle-Ship", similar to one used in the battle.
The resulting naval battle was as swift and brutal as it was one-sided, ending with the sinking or incineration of all Caribou ships and the capture of the few surviving would be raiders, who are now being held by the Neighponese government as pirates. Casualties amongst the Qilin sailors were limited to half a dozen wounded and largely cosmetic damage to two of their ships. As of now, there has been no response or official statement regarding the event from the Jarls of the Caribou Kingdoms, though the Alphas of the Emerald Isles have officially expressed their gratitude for the Neighponese intervention. Time will tell what the consequences of this event will be, and what effect this will have on the region.
also the firebenders, the cannons, the flamethrowers, the illusionists that could have likely hidden smaller boats with firebenders getting closer...Vikinger long-ships vs Neighponese turtleboats
The vikings did not stand a chance......
Is it okay to keep Maretonians in Little Maretonia enclaves?
I kinda worry about them later turning into Chinatown analogues - impossible to dismantle and regulate...
Some kind of regulations should be placed, but no need to outright dismantle such areas methinks.
I want to create a small omake depicting a small part of the negotiations. Can you wait writing the update a tad, @Questor?
Yep, we should not wipe it out, but we should not encourage the isolation it may encourage. Get people from outside to explore it, and vice versa. We don't want china-towns where some who live there could not feasibly live outside of that area due to something like never bothering with working to close the language gap.
Hmm... if this does escalate to a full war should we help them? Maretonia isn't likely to need us to invade at this point and if it does it will be more a land battle then a navy one. We could definitely send some ships to help them, they were technically attack and we do have a defensive pact.
Hmm... if this does escalate to a full war should we help them? Maretonia isn't likely to need us to invade at this point and if it does it will be more a land battle then a navy one. We could definitely send some ships to help them, they were technically attack and we do have a defensive pact.
The social democracies the Nordic countries have today arose directly from the Vikings' political structures. They might still be in the very early prototype stage now, but I'd be wary of assuming they can't work together if pressed.
The social democracies the Nordic countries have today arose directly from the Vikings' political structures. They might still be in the very early prototype stage now, but I'd be wary of assuming they can't work together if pressed.
Oh no worries, it's going to be a little while before the update.Some kind of regulations should be placed, but no need to outright dismantle such areas methinks.
I want to create a small omake depicting a small part of the negotiations. Can you wait writing the update a tad, @Questor?
Of course they will, but for now even incomplete mechanisms of unification can work fine for responding to clear external threats.Even if they come together, it might not be as raiders, but as merchants/explorers (wikings were both, after all)