sorry, but what was that one again?
[ ] Hoofbeard's Heist: Hoofbeard has alerted your agents to a curious occurrence in Maretonia. It seems that, despite their ideology of racial superiority and attempts to enslave every people they come across, the Maretonians do have a trade partner. Once a year, a convoy of vessels bearing the sigils of the Maretonian Noble houses departs from the port city of Cantergena with a heavy mercenary escort, their holds loaded with gold, and every year the convoy returns with cargos of exotic spices, wines, and other luxury goods bound for the mansions and villas of the Maretonian elite, netting the Noble houses involved a significant profit as they sell their imported wares to their less powerful peers. Exactly where these ships go and who they do business with is unknown, but their arrival and departure times, as well as their routes of travel, are well known to the pirates of Libertalia. The treasure ships are a legend amongst the crews of the anarchical island nation, and many a charismatic captain has attempted to pull off the raid of a lifetime and seize the riches aboard the ships for themselves...but none have ever succeeded, their ships torn apart in Pegasi directed storms or blasted apart by Unicorn Battlemages.

Hoofbeard has always dreamed of being the Pony to finally pull off the nautical heist of the century, simultaneously ruining the finances and reputations of numerous Maretonian nobles and gaining enough riches to transform Libertalia from a collection of shipwrecks and shanties into a self-sustaining city-state. Before, he'd thought that such an ambition would remain nothing but a dream...but his deal with Gryphus has given him hope that you might help him make such a thing possible. Ravenburg has been exchanging letters with the former slave, and he thinks that, with enough Imperial assistance, such a thing may be possible. Of course, if the whole thing goes south and your involvement is discovered, the Maretonians will likely consider this raid on their trade route to be an act of war, and Hoofbeard will probably either be dead or discredited in the eyes of his colleagues, costing you a valuable diplomatic and intelligence asset. Still, it may be worth it to throw such a massive wrench into the machinations of the Maretonian elite. Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years (Cannot be hastened by Imperial Priority). Reward: Maretonian Nobility's Finances Ruined, Maretonia loses face with Trade Partner, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 40% (Roll to be made at conclusion of Action)
[ ] Follow the Money: Hoofbeard's tales of the mysterious Maretonian treasure fleet have led Ravenburg to propose a risky gambit: slipping a spy aboard the trade fleet to document its route and determine exactly who the Maretonians are making deals with. Needless to say, this is a dangerous gamble. The crews of the treasure ships are thoroughly vetted, and there's no telling how long your infiltrator(s) will have to keep up the ruse. In addition, the abolitionists will be of little help to you, as they possess no connections within the Noble houses responsible for the treasure fleet. Still, such a thing may be possible, and would be an intelligence coup second only to the liberation of your people from Maretonian captivity. And, as Ravenburg stresses, even if your spy is discovered, the diplomatic blowback should be minimal, assuming they can even trace the infiltrator back to you in the first place. Hopefully it doesn't come to that though. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on Maretonian treasure fleet, Increased chance of Success for Hoofbeard's heist, Intel on Maretonian Trade partner. Chance of Success: 55%.
Here you go, remember we just did Follow the Money.
Hopefully by completing Follow the Money this previous turn that non-hasteable 2 Year time period for Hoofbeard's Heist'll be shortened to 1 Year with a higher success rate as well... Now that we know and have contact with the Minotaurs at least.
About the "follow the money" and hoofbeard's heist: it's possible that that action will no longer be available, or not as profitable as before.

After all At least SOME of the republics won't trade with Maretonia anymore, and with the civil war going on there might be fewer nobles able and willing to continue the trade.

The epidemy was a shame, but still better than another enemy attacking us right now. We'll have to invest more in medicine when possible. Maybe we can finally develop inoculations and/or vaccines

About the civil war... well, this brings us opportunities.

I'm pretty sure we won't go to war the coming turn, as we have to
1)strenghten/prepare our army
2) deal with the refugees
3) equip/train/use the abolitionists and their spy network.
4)talk with the minotaurs to completely stop the trading with Maretonia (or simply wait so that it does so by itself)
5)talk with our allies and see what their positions and intentions are in this conflict. The Yaks might wish to keep themselves out of this, But Neighpon could easily (and with relatively little risk(losses) dominate Maretonia's seas. Canterbury will certainly want their pound of flesh, and maybe some monster-free territory.

I think we have a good chance of getting, at the very least, the abolitionists-controlled territory to join us (especially if we treat the refugees well), with maybe some more territory given to/taken by Canterbury.

We might very well find to our advantage attacking in two or three turns, depending on how the situation develops.
You are forgetting that thanks to things like public and international opinions, that pesky morality is implicitly part of any good cost-benefit calculation.

There is a difference between *spending people* and *wasting them*...and not just in a purely military context, after all
I'm not, no. The fact that PR will affect us is specifically why I worded my statements the way I did. Red_faux's statement was that we should not warmonger because each life lost is a horrific thing, which I feel is not a stance that we as the controllers of the Empire's fate should take nor do I feel it is a tenable stance to take. They personally mentioned nothing about PR, and in fact made their stance based entirely on the morality of the issue itself.

War is always an option, and done correctly it can bring us immense benefit whilst not damaging our PR overtly. Taking that option off the table because of the morality of sending some people to die is not a philosophy we should hold to, nor can we afford to hold to. In the short-run, we should work to minimize national harm for the greatest national gain. In the long-run, we should work to maximize national gain for the least national harm. That is what a great and pragmatic ruler would and should do.
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I would like to make some upgrades to the army and navy before we any other trouble comes to us.
The navy especially. Compared to our general ability to support military might, our navy is still rather small and underprepared. It could prove helpful if we wish to get involved with Neighpon's exploration fleets or interfere with the caribou raids.
The navy especially. Compared to our general ability to support military might, our navy is still rather small and underprepared. It could prove helpful if we wish to get involved with Neighpon's exploration fleets or interfere with the caribou raids.
Should we try to make prototype Aircraft carriers or Steamships for our navy?

Yeah, if we end up specialising our military, we should focus on a proper airforce. After all, far over half our people (all Griffs and Pegasi, leaving Eartherns, Unicorns, Dogs and any foreign immigrants from Neighpon/Yakyakistan we might have out - the Hippogriffs have not yet reached aulthood, so I am not counting them either way at the moment) already can fly by default, which is a strength we should expand upon. So we should try getting those flying machines into mass-producing shape ASAP.
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One Thing some have already mentioned that I think would bei a good idea:

Try getting the opinions on the Maretonia Matter from the Yaks, Neighponese and Canterburians, maybe even the Protectorate (they are still a partly autonomous polity and might wanna make some Input especially since they are currently getting flooded with Maretonian refugees and any gained territory at their southern Border would be of possible interest to them AS well)

- The Yaks I expect to abstain from IT, unless their shamans feel strongly enough about it to throw their Weight around

- The Neighponese might still feel vindictive about the slavery Bit and want to right those wrongs, but honestly I think theyre a Bit occupied with Libertalia, Olenia/Dogland and maybe the Minotaurus (depending on where exactly those are relative to everyone Else)

- Canterbury probably hast a bestes interest in seeing Maretonia pacified asap, since the two nations Share a Border. Additionally I wouldnt be surprise at Chevaline attempting a Landgrab because of the possible kinship between Canterbury and conquered trübes in Maretonias Western provinces.

- The Crystal Protectorate should ultimately Go along with any non-outrageous proposal by US, but they still Reserve their voice to be Heard.
I made this. I incorporated elements of Richard the Lionheart's crusading crown helmet and elements of the Royal Armor pic on the profile. Tell me if you want any changes such as his face feather colors. I left it default white because i wasn't sure how Garrick is colored.
@Questor Something I made by repurposing assets. Black and White silhouette of A griffin soldier stabbing a Sombra Soldier.

Use any bonus I get to cancel out any omake bonus Sombra gets. I'm doing that out of spite.
Images no longer available, please rehost them. Whenever I want to upload am image I use memegenerator, it will give you a URL that will let you upload images here.
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Quick idea/proposal

Let's have Garrick's abdication/Gawain taking the throne (whenever that happens) coincide with a crystal referendum to have the protectorate officially join us.

Bonus points if this happens immediately after the Maretonia conflict is over.

After all if we get part of Maretonia's land, we'd be technically separated from it by the protectorate. Also at this point the separation between empire and protectorate is mostly a formal thing
coincide with a crystal referendum to have the protectorate officially join us.
We beat Sombra six years ago and then said we would come back to the issue of what to do 20 years later. So that would be 15 or 14 years from now unless something big happens that means we address it sooner. I don't think Garrick will stay on the throne into his mid 70s.
We beat Sombra six years ago and then said we would come back to the issue of what to do 20 years later. So that would be 15 or 14 years from now unless something big happens that means we address it sooner. I don't think Garrick will stay on the throne into his mid 70s.
1)It honestly felt like longer

2) we didn't say that. There WAS an option like that, but it didn't win. We went full protectorate.

[ ] Protectorate: Aid will be provided on the condition of the Crystal Empire becoming a Protectorate of Gryphus. While the Crystal Ponies will be allowed a degree of autonomy over their own affairs, they will be considered a part of the Empire. A portion of their tax revenue will be paid to you, and they will be protected from outside aggression by the might of the Imperial Military. The vast majority of Crystal Ponies would be content with this, not believing themselves capable of standing on their own hooves so soon after their liberation from Sombra, and seeing the assistance gained as being well worth the price of some of their autonomy. And while some of the particularly ambitious members of your nobility may grumble a bit, most of your own people will likely see this arrangement as beneficial. Though it should be noted that the attitudes of the Crystal Ponies may change with time, either seeking independence or further integration into the Empire itself. Something to think about at any rate.

Now, I admit it would probably be better to wait for the new generation to be grown up before we raise the question.
It's been only 6-7 years , so we that will take quite a while.

Or maybe we could do something like ask the question every ten years?
Actually, it would be even better if the ponies raised the topic themselves, which mechanically could be a possible consequence of a very high event roll.

On the other hand IF WE are the one that raise the topic, we should if possible make it start like a petition promoted by crystal ponies instead of asking it directly. Basically an intrigue option in which success means the petition is not traceable to us (the vote would be a legitimate one though)

@Questor are those two ideas possible (high event roll and intrigue petition, maybe even diplomacy petition if we do it openly)

What would be the actual difference from now if the protectorate joined us completely?
Yeah, let's be real: ALL factions except the abolitionists are slavers.


It's simply how things are over there.

The only ones against slavery are the abolitionists and (and the very least most of the) earth ponies and diamond dogs (as they're the ones most likely to be enslaved)
Not the subject, but listen to this from 13:55 to 14:35 in the timestamp ("inspiration" for Gawian, and a tale of warning for others)

Civilization and culture are... complex things and changing it (making it better, like us, or in Maretonia's case abandon slavery) is tricky.

And in a way we can thank Discord: he gave the world a non-lethal restart, something that made Equestria in OTL and perhaps something better that we are forging.
Guess, I'll get punishment for double posting but:
Found some interesting pictures, what are your thoughts?:

Canterbury monster trophy:

Future Learning/Intrigue advisor?

Gawian's son: