Omake: Grimm Tales Volume 1 Part 2
AN: Rapid Fire Trash. Ora!!

I still blame @Lisain somehow.

Grimm Tales
Volume 1 Part 2

Dreaming of Flying

In a land far from here, but not close enough to there, a Lioness dreamed of flying.

Each morning, the lioness would leave her cave, and face the rising sun, gazing enviously at the eagles and falcons flying in the blue sky, and each day she would pray to the ancestors that she and her Pride would one day take to the skies.

One day, while on the hunt, the Lioness came across a trapped gazelle. The Gazelles leg was trapped under a fallen tree, and he cryed and scrambled to be free. He looked upon the Lioness with fear, and pleaded to be let free.

The Lioness, feeling pity for the wounded prey, reluctantly shook her head, and stated that if it were her alone, she would do so. But her pride was starving, for the previous hunts had been poor, and she must feed them.

The Gazelle stopped his struggle, and looking upon the Lioness, noticed for the first time how her coat clung to her ribs, how her blue eyes were dulled and filled with hunger and sorrow. He asked why she and her pride didn't leave, to go to greener pastures and better hunting lands. The Lioness said that they had tried, but the Mountains were too tall to cross, the Sea too wide to swim, that her Tribe was too weak to survive. If only they could fly, they could find a new home. But that was a dream, and could not happen.

The Gazelle nodded, and said he understood. He said he would die to feed her and the Pride, but he wished to see his family one last time. He stated that if the Lioness were to free him from the tree and let him go, he would return to this spot in three days time, and she could kill and take him back to her Pride.

The Lioness, suspicious, asked how could she trust that he would keep his promise, that he wouldn't run and never return. The Gazelle swore upon his ancestors and the earth and the grass and the sky, and promised he would return. The Lioness accepted his promise, and using her teeth and claws, moved the tree from the Gazelles leg. The Gazelle shot up and galloped away, yelling as he left his thanks and that he would keep his promise.

The Lioness watched the Gazelle leave, and feeling fooled, returned to her Pride hungry. There, she waited, and with each passing day felt more and more certain that she had been found a fool, and that she had doomed her Pride to starvation and death. Then, on the morning of the third day, she returned to the spot where the Gazelle has promised to be. There she waited, and waited as the morning turned to day, and then to evening. She waited and waited until she finally realized that she had been right, that she had been found a fool.

She cried and raged, and was about to return home in disgrace and anger, when the tromping of hooves and the flurry of wings met her ears. She turned towards the sound, and was astonished to see the Gazelle, running towards her at a gallop and above soared an eagle, the largest she had ever seen. The Gazelle stopped before here, huffing and puffing as the Eagle landed on the fallen tree and settled in to place, standing tall and proud uptop it as it gazed upon her.

The Gazelle caught his breath, and looking upon the still astonished Lioness, apologized for being late, but he had just returned. He gestured towards the Eagle, and said that this was the God Of Birds, of Flight and of predators of the sky. That the Gazelle had gone to the God and pleaded before him her case, and asked for a boon for her and the Pride. The Lioness turned towards the God in shock, and hope in her heart.

The Eagle gazed upon her, and spoke that understood her plea and request, and was willing to help, as long as the Gazelle was free to leave after the deed was done. The Lioness immediately agreed, and swore that the Gazelle would no be harmed by her or any of her Pride fro this day forth. The Eagle accepted her words, and leaning forward, open his beak wide, and from it came a heart, bloody and red.

The Eagle told the Lioness to take the heart back to her pride and have all feast upon it. Then they were to fast for two days, and on the dawn of the third day, they would leave this place forever. The Lioness agreed, and thanking the Gazelle and the God, took the heart and left, running back towards her home as fast as she could. There, she told her Pride the gods instruction, and together, though some reluctant, all feasted on the hearts, from Kit to Elder Lion. Then, all retreated to their cave, and slept in the darkness, and waited.

On the third day, the Pride emerged from the cave as one, and were astonished to see the changes done to them. Their heads had changed, turning from lion to bird, with large beaks and full eyes. Wings, great and wide and of many colors and hues sprouted from their backs, and their coats had changed as well, white and gold, brown and silver, and many other besides.

Together, the Pride took to the sky, and left the land of their birth. The flew over Mountains and across the Seas, till they came to a land of rich bounty and tall mountains, of clean air and pure waters. There they settled, and named themselves Griffons, and eventually, these Griffons decendents named the land Griffonia, and founded a mighty empire. And thus, the First Empire was founded.

Slow and Steady
Many Cycles ago, when the land was new and the Kin were young and reckless, when the Sky still held and the Moon burned no Kins nest, two Brothers of the same Littering argued about who was to be Alpha of the Pack.

The older brother, proud and arrogant said that it was he, as he could dig tunnels faster and quicker than any other kin. He could lift more Stone and Gems than any other, and had more years to his name. He argued that his Kin was slow, and weak, and thus was not fit to be Alpha.

The younger Kin, slow but cautious and thoughtful, stated that speed and strength had their place, but were dangerous and useless without the wisdom and patience to use them. One could not rush for to hastily, for then one would exhaust themselves before the job was complete. Thus, the Younger kin stated that he would be a better Alpha of the Pack.

The brothers and Pack argued for many moons, each argument escalating higher and higher, with the Pack being spilt in two supporting one side or another, until finally an Elder was called to intervene on behalf of both claims. The Elder called both brothers together, and proposed a challenge to the two Kin. The Alpha of the Pack must be able to lead and direct the other kin of the Pack, and thus proposed that each group will have one moon to dig a new series of tunnels to the nest. Whoever led their group better and had the better tunnels at the end of the challenge would be Alpha, with the loser becoming Beta.

Thus the contest began. The Older Kin led his Pack ferociously, starting out swiftly and strongly,urging them forward and onward with ever increasing speed, though some were left behind in their haste. The Younger kin started slower, falling behind in speed, but endeavoring to keep his group together and at a steadier pace.

As the end drew closer, the Older Kins group slowed down, having spent much of their energy in the intial burst at the start. The Older Kin grew confident, sure that his victory was assured. His confidence disappeared when he realized that the Younger Kin was right behind him, having saved his groups strength, and was steadily gain ground. Panicked, the Older Kin rushed forwards shouting and railing and threatening his group forward in his panic haste. Scared, his group rushed toward, and finished first, with the Younger Kin finishing just behind them.

The Contest done, the two groups presented their tunnels for the Elders inspection. The Elder inspected both groups work, and noticed that while the Olders Kin was done first, his was rushed and falling apart in places, especially at the end, and was unsafe for them use. The Younger Kins tunnels on the other hand were clean and supported, showing time was given to make sure it would be safe for the whole pack. Thus, the Elder proclaiming the Younger Brother the Winner, and named him Alpha of the Pack, for slow and steady wins all.

AN: aaaaaand done. Agh. Lenny, get me a drink. Yare Yare Daze.

And with this post, @Questor, I give this unto you in full. Burn it all I say.

Also, I open the Omake Grimm Tales to all. Write your own if you wish, or not, it's up to you.
.... I just NOW realized that for some reason, I havent been gettin' notifications for this quest T~T. Did I do something stupid when I was messing around with my notification settings...?

Nice omake~~

from what i've heard in other threads that's been a problem for many. notifications stopped working for a bit to many (maybe even all)
The Council of Feathercaea
The word goes out across the Empire and beyond: Emperor Goldenfeather has called for a council of faiths, and has invited representatives from every religion within Gryphus to address the issue of faith and spirituality, a topic of great debate and discussion in the kingdom as of late. Dozens of representatives of varying faiths and beliefs flock to the Crystal City. There, under the light of the Crystal Heart, followers of every faith and creed gather to debate theology and make their case to the Emperor.

The conference hall (a repurposed lecture hall of the local University), is arrayed in splendor befitting such a historic moment. Griffons, Diamond Dogs, Crystal Ponies, and even a few Yaks, Qilin and Canterburians are in attendance. But the most notable individual in attendance is you, the Emperor himself, personally presiding over this event that shall determine the role of faith and religion in the Empire of Gryphus.

Debates go back and forth for days, then weeks. Arguments practical, ethical, religious and secular are brought forth in favor of one viewpoint or another by a myriad of priests, preachers and proselytizers, each one trying to advance their own vague agenda that seems to change from hour to hour.

It quickly becomes apparent that the idea of a religiously homogeneous Empire is, at present, little more than a fantasy. Even discounting the widespread practice of ancestor veneration, there are already multiple religions that have begun to entrench themselves, slowly gathering followers and influence in different corners of the Empire. From the resurgent pantheon of the ancient Empire to the spiritual belief systems of the Yaks and Neighponese to the Crystal Ponies' worship of the Crystal Heart and even the small but fanatical cult that views you as a god, the faiths of the Empire are varied, and that's unlikely to change anytime soon. Naturally, this only underscores the importance of the conference, as these religions will have to be brought into harmony if the Empire is to prosper. The last thing you need is internal sectarian conflict threatening to tear your nation apart at an inopportune time.

The first and most important question that must be answered is what place religion should have in the Empire, and how it should relate to the state. This seemingly simple question is actually one of the most divisive simply because of how many potential answers there are. What role should the government have in the religious affairs of the people, if at all? No consensus can be reached regarding this first and most fundamental of questions. As such, it falls to you, the Emperor, and the ultimate authority over the conference, to resolve the issue.

[ ] Total Religious Freedom: A person's religious beliefs are no business of the state. The Empire's diversity is one of its greatest strengths, and you see no reason for the Government to try and change that by meddling in people's private affairs. You may advise and offer your opinions upon the different faiths, as is your right, not only as Emperor but as a citizen of the Empire, but you have no intention of telling your subjects what they can and cannot believe.

[ ] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[ ] State Control: As with all things in your Empire, this is something you'll want to have a firm grip on, especially given the importance of it. You have the authority to ensure the physical health of your subjects, why not their spiritual health as well? Taking on the responsibility of administering the religious infrastructure of an entire Empire will of course be quite the undertaking, but you've accomplished difficult tasks before.

After resolving that issue, the conference attendees begin discussing, and bickering over, minor differences between the sects of various faiths, or comparing similarities between major belief systems. You are forced to sit and listen as elderly priests argue over the most detailed of theological minutiae in an effort to come to a consensus and unite their sects or make a point in the vain hope of converting their verbal sparring partners. You tune much of it out...until the discussions start to take on a more personal tone for you.

Two of the major leading figures of the cult that worships you have apparently gotten into an argument about how to go about said worship. They'd been arguing for hours before realizing that their diety was physically present in the room and decided to just ask for your opinion. Honestly, you couldn't care less what titles they referred to you as when they prayed, or what day of the week they chose to gather for their ceremonies, and you tell them as such. They of course interpret this as "anyone can worship me however they want to" and praise you for your wisdom and beneficence.

As they continued to sing your praises (to your slight embarrassment...some of the other representatives were staring) you realized that the conference gave you a unique opportunity to potentially influence this small but growing faith. You'd have to be subtle of course, but a few carefully spoken words in the correct context should be sufficient for your ends.

[ ] Discourage the Imperial Cult: You find the idea of being worshipped as a god...unsettling. Whether you object on moral or practical grounds, you just aren't comfortable with the idea of an entire religion revolving solely around you. That being said, you don't really have it in you to just outlaw this new faith, and not just because that would go against everything you've been saying at this very conference. Still, you think you can subtly nudge these worshippers towards a more moderate view of you as a mere mortal, albeit an exceptional one. You think you've earned a little bit of awe and respect for your achievements after all.

[ ] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.

[ ] Encourage the Imperial Cult: Maybe you see an opportunity to further your power and influence over your people. Maybe you genuinely want to be seen as a divine figure. Or maybe you just find the whole thing unbelievably hilarious and want to see what they do next. Whatever the reason, you'll quietly encourage the growth of this small band of fanatics that see your words and deeds as divine acts.

After that...unusual event, the conference soon draws to a close, some of the many questions and issues regarding faith and religion settled, if only temporarily. You give a closing speech thanking everyone for attending and voicing their opinions on such an important matter, and once again extol the virtues of a diverse Empire, subtly reminding everyone that they are Imperial Citizens before they are members of any particular faith.

And with that, the First (and as far as you know, only) Interfaith Council on Faith and Spirituality comes to an end. Time will tell what effects the decisions made here will have on the Empire and its people in the days to come.

Ok, clearly not my best work, but I was eager to get this out and finished already. Might try and polish it up a bit later. Let me know if you have any suggestions to make it flow a little better.

Now, some explanations regarding the different choices and the options to be voted upon. The latter choice is pretty simple: do you want to see more or less of the Imperial Cult? I've seen some people expressing varying opinions about it and wanted to put the matter of their future relevance as a faith to a vote. It doesn't really have any effects beyond that. Do you want to see more or less of them, or do you just not care either way?

As for the first choice, that is much more complex. Basically, this vote will determine how religion and piety actions will be handled in this Quest.

Total Religious Freedom is the "secular" path, in that Piety actions won't become a thing. Your people will practice various religions, but aside from providing flavor text or context for future events, they won't have much of an impact upon the narrative or mechanics of the quest. This is the option for those who like the quest as it is and don't want to add piety as a category.

State Influence will give you a measure of control and choice regarding the different religions without actually making you manage the varying faiths. Basically, each religion will have its own beliefs, values, desires and leadership. These religious leaders will seek to gain your favor or ask you to help them via a certain action. These actions will either boost that religion's popularity (unlocking other actions in the process) or give some other benefit, such as a unit of Warrior monks, holy artifacts, boosted income, or improved relationships with foreign powers. Managing the different ideologies will be a balancing act that the Emperor(s) will have to engage in to ensure a prosperous Empire. Note that your actions are not the only thing that will determine a religion's popularity. Dice rolls and events on the world stage will also play a factor.

State Control is the all in, "Piety is now a central game mechanic" option. There is no separation of church and state because the Church is a State Apparatus. Temples and churches are built, funded, and managed by the government as a public institution, like schools or hospitals. You will have direct control over what houses of worship get built, what they teach, how they teach it, and what sort of benefits you'd like to claim as a reward. There is no church leadership to negotiate with, only local clergy that will raise suggestions or concerns. There is of course a downside to this, however. Having religion and government become so tightly intertwined will have repercussions down the road. A crisis of faith or a religious scandal could lead to a loss of public confidence in the government, or strained relationships with other say nothing of the possibility of theological schisms (think the Protestant Reformations).

If anyone thinks that those options aren't too good, or could be improved, please let me know. As always, I'm happy to answer any questions that anyone may have. Thank you all again for your patience!
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[X] Total Religious Freedom
[X] Discourage the Imperial Cult:

Frankly, if an imperial cult forms and this goes all WH40k, I'm quitting. I find the imperial cult of WH40k pretty disgusting, and I don't really want to see the memes, and toxic behavior of people when it becomes a central concept.

Mind, imperial cults are something of a tradition.... see, for example Japan, Egypt, Rome and to some lesser extent China. And if it was handled in the way those countries handled it, it would be fine. But... Not if it's handled like WH40K.

I think one major difference is in pretty much every real world situation, except Egypt, the emperor is depicted as the child of a god, or the person who the gods/ancestors/whomever choose to speak through. In egypt the emperor was the avatar of the god. Or was the god. Or something... it was more complicated.

In WH40k it's just gross.
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Thinking over State influence perhaps we could give some sort of "Cardinal of Griffonstone" the job of crowning the Emperor, it would be an excuse to create a College of Cardinals that is nominally has membership as a recognized religion of the Empire.

I'm totally not thinking of the bird puns...

More seriously though State influence might be the best option here, since state religion means that the position of Emperor is tied to a religious role it never had before, and total freedom means that well... imagine if Chevaline starts getting worshipped as the Lady of the Lakes in our nation. Neither situation is good so I'm going to opt for the middle ground.

Oh and let's kill that Imperial cult thing before it goes too far
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.

probably going to have to go with these two. One, to keep in check really radical influences, and the other so that it shows we'll try not to be too direct with religion. They're not doing anything harmful, yet, so I see no reason to encourage or discourage them. If they happen to go around doing purges and crusades in our name, then use the influence to diminish their power.
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[X] State Control: As with all things in your Empire, this is something you'll want to have a firm grip on, especially given the importance of it. You have the authority to ensure the physical health of your subjects, why not their spiritual health as well? Taking on the responsibility of administering the religious infrastructure of an entire Empire will of course be quite the undertaking, but you've accomplished difficult tasks before

[X] Encourage the Imperial Cult: Maybe you see an opportunity to further your power and influence over your people. Maybe you genuinely want to be seen as a divine figure. Or maybe you just find the whole thing unbelievably hilarious and want to see what they do next. Whatever the reason, you'll quietly encourage the growth of this small band of fanatics that see your words and deeds as divine acts.
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Encourage the Imperial Cult: Maybe you see an opportunity to further your power and influence over your people. Maybe you genuinely want to be seen as a divine figure. Or maybe you just find the whole thing unbelievably hilarious and want to see what they do next. Whatever the reason, you'll quietly encourage the growth of this small band of fanatics that see your words and deeds as divine acts.

Bitch, we DID NOT come this far in two decades to REFUSE the cult named after us! Also middle of the road in terms of the Piety category, basically just enough so we get more actions per turn to DO SHIT but also hedging off the risk that total control would've given us.
[X] Total Religious Freedom
[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult

I really like the idea of having a cult for our Emperor. You have any idea how much of a boon that is to the legitimacy of future heirs? I don't want to do away with that, but encouraging it is the wrong move, politically.
[x] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[x] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.

Middle of the road for both of these: we need a bit of distance, but still be ready in case we need to stamp down on Discordians or something stupid ... and we all know how well a certain other Emperor did while loudly insisting he wasn't a god ...
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Discourage the Imperial Cult: You find the idea of being worshipped as a god...unsettling. Whether you object on moral or practical grounds, you just aren't comfortable with the idea of an entire religion revolving solely around you. That being said, you don't really have it in you to just outlaw this new faith, and not just because that would go against everything you've been saying at this very conference. Still, you think you can subtly nudge these worshippers towards a more moderate view of you as a mere mortal, albeit an exceptional one. You think you've earned a little bit of awe and respect for your achievements after all.

Having a neutral court where different religious leaders can call each other to account and settle grievances without causing mass strife seems like a good idea. Plus managing the demands and offers of different leaders sounds like it would be an interesting addition to the game without having to make major plans about the future of religions.

And just no to the Imperial Cult. We're a merchant who just happened to be born into the right family, and who has done well through a combination of good choices, outstanding subordinates, and a fair amount of luck. Claiming that we succeeded due to our own divinity just insults everyone else who has sweated, bled, and died to make the empire as successful as it is.
Glad to see this finally got posted hope you didnt kill your self over it too much, and now i can finally start waiting for the true interlude ive been waiting for the one where our son finally has some time with brockhards niece. SO MUCH EXCITEMENT. yay
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.
[X] Discourage the Imperial Cult: You find the idea of being worshipped as a god...unsettling. Whether you object on moral or practical grounds, you just aren't comfortable with the idea of an entire religion revolving solely around you. That being said, you don't really have it in you to just outlaw this new faith, and not just because that would go against everything you've been saying at this very conference. Still, you think you can subtly nudge these worshippers towards a more moderate view of you as a mere mortal, albeit an exceptional one. You think you've earned a little bit of awe and respect for your achievements after all.

I might be fine with having the Empire being a neutral court where various religions can gather and settle grievances. For now I'm just going to vote for us to not meddle in religion.

Edit: Changed my mind. Changing from freedom to influence.
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