We seriously need to start actually producing goods beyond just raw materials. Trains are great but they don't produce anything on their own, so at some point we should get the cloth mills up and running. You know get an actual production line going.
It's not like we don't trade finished products already.

We trade our steam engines and weapons to Neighpon. We trade a bit of everything with Yakyakistan (though they don't have that much we're interested in). We trade high quality steel.

The trains themselves are something we can trade, making a deal to establish a few railway networks on the biggest islands of Neighpon, and maybe we can get both Canterbury and the Yaks interested in it in a few years.

In less than a decade we might have a basic network connecting every non-maretonian nation!

(Well, except Neighpon cause it's an island :p)

Once we get airships we'll likely sell a few (or even the blueprint) to Neighpon.

And we likely trade our alcoholic drinks.

Right now we have a considerable treasury, and we spend more or less only our income.

Clothes are mostly a luxury item in mlp. They wouldn't be bad to have/trade, but not as important as it would be for humans. And our actions are limited (and right now better spent on other things)
Turn 23 Results
Martial: Redbeak, though relieved by the revelation that your neighbors to your Southwest are friendly, and pleased at Libertalia's fear of you and your military, remains concerned regarding the potential military threat that Maretonia poses. And, although he vehemently denies it, you suspect he's developed a bit of a sense of rivalry with the Knights of Canterbury, riding hard on your own Knights to become true paragons of the Empire.

-Crystal Knights: The recent revelations regarding a slave-holding state just South of the Crystal Protectorate's borders have led to a marked upswing in the militancy of its inhabitants. Several prominent Crystal Ponies have begun to call for the establishment of a formal military of their own, in addition to the already existing militias. Several members of the Crystal Assembly have signed a petition forwarded to you, requesting the resources and expertise required to establish a homegrown Knightly Order to serve as the protectors of their lands. As with the establishment of any Knightly Order, such an endeavor will be expensive, but worth it to ensure the protection of your latest group of subjects. Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Establishment of Crystal Knightly Order.

With great fanfare, pomp-and-circumstance, and national pride, Crystal Consul Ivory Rook personally oversees the official establishment of the Crystal City's own Knightly Order: The Crystal Guardians. Dozens of disciplined and dedicated Crystal Ponies, trained by Konrad Hardbeak himself, form the core of a new breed of warriors dedicated to the defense of their home and their people from all threats, foreign or domestic. Supported by Squires and Ponies-at-Arms, and operating out of a dedicated citadel just outside the walls of the Crystal City (Dubbed the Ivory Keep, despite the Consul's protests), the new Knight Chapter is welcomed by it's Griffon-led brethren, ready to serve as the bulwark of the Crystal Ponies and protectors of the wider Empire. You expect great things from them.

Crystal Knightly Order Established.

-Dog Knights: The idea of inducting Diamond Dogs into the Imperial Knightly Orders is not a new one, but it is only recently, after tales of the bravery of canine volunteers during the Winter War began to spread throughout the Empire, that the idea has begun to be seriously considered at the highest echelons of power. It is not a simple thing to do. Specialized equipment will have to be provided, unique tactics will have to be developed, and several Knight Citadels will require modifications to accommodate the differing physiology of the Dogs. Still, it may be worth it to have a larger pool of recruits to draw new Knights from. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Diamond Dog Knights.

Numerous orders are placed by the government with numerous forges and workshops for large amounts of armor and weapons designed for Diamond Dogs, tons of ore mined by the very packmates of many of the aspiring new knights smelted down into fine steel which is hammered into shape. Meanwhile, hundreds of dogs, having already served the Empire in the regular army, volunteer to undergo the strenuous, months-long training regimen designed to condition their bodies and steel their minds in preparation for joining the ranks of the Imperial Knightly Orders.

Finally, after months of effort on the parts of countless individuals, hundreds of Dogs are welcomed into the ranks of the Empire's finest, the induction ceremonies rapidly turning into massive celebrations as the oldest minority in your nation is granted another honor previously reserved only for Griffons. With this infusion of new blood into your Empire's first line of defense, your nation's military is stronger than ever, as is the bond between Griffons and Diamond Dogs.

Diamond Dog Knights added to Imperial Knightly Orders.

: Elva...well, there's no sugar-coating it, she's begun to really show her age lately. The Geriatric Hen can hardly fly anymore, walks with a pronounced limp, and struggles to cope with an ever increasing workload. Despite this, she retains her skill, knowledge and quick wit that got her the job as your chief Diplomat, and somehow manages to get all her work done despite her deteriorating physical condition.

-Elder Statesgryph: Though Elva denies it, she's rapidly reaching a point where she's no longer capable of doing her job due to her advanced age. As much as you'd prefer to not think of it, you're concerned that one day she'll drop dead at her desk, leaving your foreign ministry leaderless. Though the stubborn old hen may not like it, she needs to be replaced, both for her sake and the Empire's. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Elva Retires, New Diplomacy Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.

You'd expected Elva to put more of a fight. The old hen had shrugged off or shut down any talk of her age impacting her work performance, and true to her word the geriatric noble had kept up with her ever increasing workload despite her advanced age. It therefore came as surprise that, when directly confronted by you and politely asked to retire, the elderly hen simply smiled and sighed her resignation papers right then and there. The old bird even had a list of potential replacements already written up for you!

During the ensuing retirement celebration (organized by Frida, naturally), your most aged advisor states that she was simply waiting to be asked to leave, intending to stay on until otherwise asked. Her pride and professional code of conduct would not have allowed anything less. You thank Elva for all her years of valued service, and as she retires to her family's estate for a well-deserved rest, you begin poring over the list of veteran diplomats that she had recommended to take her place. You'll have to pick one of them to head up the ministry of foreign affairs, the only question is which one.

[ ] Cecil Gaudreau: Originally a member of the Knights Panther, a crippling injury forced him to pursue an alternative career in diplomatic service, eventually becoming the ambassador to Neighpon, where he has served with distinction, impressing the honorable warriors of the Qilin both inside and outside of the conference room. The former soldier brings a militaristic view to the art of diplomacy, focusing on forming relations with potential allies and marginalizing potential enemies, seeking to preserve the Empire's supremacy above all else.

[ ] Gallo Ventriglio: Born the second child of Featherisian Nobility, Ventriglio was raised in a mercantile culture that valued one's ability to make and handle money. Perhaps that was what led him to become the foreign ministry's foremost expert on international trade policy. Ventriglio, unsurprisingly, tends to focus upon the monetary aspects of diplomacy, focusing on forging and strengthening economic relationships with other nations to enrich the Empire and ensure a robust economy, preferring the idea of trade war to actual war.

[ ] Gisa Eagleclaw: Gisa Eagleclaw has spent much of the last decade negotiating with foreign cultures, a fact that makes a great deal of sense once one considers her education as an interpreter and linguist. The young hen made a name for herself establishing relations with the numerous Yak clans and assisting with their modernization efforts, facilitating communication between the local population and Imperial experts. Gisa is an idealist who believes that military force should be used only when all other options have failed. Having seen the benefits that the integration of the Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies have wrought, she makes no secret of her desire to encourage much closer relationships with neighboring powers in hopes of creating an Empire that encompasses multiple nations, though she admits that this is likely little more than a pipe dream.

-Ahoy me Buckos!: Libertalia's Tribute was...unexpected, but it opens up some possibilities that you could potentially capitalize on. A collection of pirates and other ne'er-do-wells they may be, but they've shown signs that you could potentially negotiate and work with them. Their willingness to police their own to avoid your wrath proves that they are at least willing to acknowledge your superior force of arms. Though many of its inhabitants may be motivated by greed, you could certainly use that motivation to advance the interests of Gryphus, either as a proxy against Maretonia, or even as another possible protectorate in the future. But before any of that can happen, you'll have to establish some sort of actual diplomatic relationship with the Island nation and whatever passes for a government upon it. Perhaps it would be a good idea to send another, less heavy-handed delegation to the Pirate Republic to reassure them you're not planning on killing them all...as of now. With Hoofbeard now on your side, it shouldn't be hard to bring the rest of the pirates around. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations with Libertalia, Peace Agreement, Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%.

Required: 30. Rolled: 24+18=42

The negotiations with the Libertalian Captain's Council started off promising. Your diplomatic team, acting much more friendly than the last group of Imperials to come to the tropical island nation (the burnt out hulk of that ship you'd made an example of still posed a navigational hazard...you're not sure why they hadn't tried to move it) arrived at the collection of beached ships and shanties requesting an audience with the island's leaders, a request that was quickly fulfilled thanks to Hoofbeard subtly making preparations for your people's arrival in advance.

Using a hastily emptied tavern as an impromptu council chamber (a standard practice for the island's governing body), your diplomats exchanged the usual pleasantries before cutting to the chase of their visit: the establishment of official diplomatic relations between the Empire and Libertalia, and the signing of a peace agreement between the two.

To say the pirates were surprised by this would be an understatement. In fact, they didn't seem to know how to respond. For establishing diplomatic relations would require a measure of bureaucracy, which would in turn require a form of actual, organized government to implement and support said bureaucracy, rather than the largely informal council of influential captains that it currently possessed. And while almost all of Libertalia was in favor of better relations with the Empire, they weren't so eager to do what was necessary to ensure such a thing was carried out. These were, after all, pirates. Many of them had been poorly educated and had little knowledge of civics, governance or diplomacy. Intimidation and the paying of protection money they could easily wrap their heads around, they themselves used similar tactics against each other...but operating like an actual state, with an actual governing body? That was something they had little experience in...and even less desire to do. Again, pirates. They'd taken to the sea to get away from things like law and authority, and even those who liked the idea of implementing such things on Libertalia did not like the idea of forcing such ideas upon their independently minded, heavily armed, and extremely rowdy population.

Still, after much debate and more than a few glances out the window to the gutted remains of the ship your navy had obliterated with a single volley (you suspect Hoofbeard had been sabotaging any attempts to remove the thing for precisely this reason), the assembled Captains manage to come to an agreement on the establishment of a very basic and barebones version of government, along with a crude diplomatic service. Having turned the formerly anarchical island nation on its head, your diplomatic team departs with a signed peace treaty and a future agreement to establish an embassy on the Island to ensure closer cooperation between your peoples. All in all, a successful negotiation. Diplomatic Relations with Libertalia Established, Peace Agreement with Libertalia, New Actions Unlocked.

: After restoring the Crystal City from a bombed out ruin to a modern metropolis, Frida is widely regarded as a hero by the Crystal Ponies and inhabitants of the Empire in general. While she appreciates the recognition for her hard work, she doesn't let the praise go to her head, and continues to work to improve the Empire and modernize its territories.

-The Crystal Line: Of course, Frida has also begun to explore the idea of building a rail line connecting the Crystal City to the wider Empire. While not nearly as expensive or difficult as the establishment of a national network, such a task would be hampered by the distances involved, as well as the terrain the tracks would need to be laid across. Still, the potential benefits, in both the economic and military spheres, would far outweigh the costs. Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Rail Line connecting Crystal City and Central Gryphus. Increased Income, New Actions Unlocked.

The inhabitants of the Crystal City have much to celebrate this year; not only is their hometown home to a new Knightly Order, the long-awaited Crystal Line is finally completed, connecting the formerly isolated protectorate to the Imperial heartland and kickstarting the local economy as an avenue of transport is secured for goods and raw materials being exported from and imported to the rapidly expanding boom town. The Crystal Assembly pens you a letter of appreciation and thanks for your continued support of the Crystal Ponies, and your approval ratings amongst the wider population of the Crystal City has never been higher. Perhaps most importantly, the rail line's completion opens up a host of new possibilities and opportunities.

Rail Line connecting Central Gryphus and the Crystal City constructed. +200 Tax Income, New Actions Unlocked.

-Rail Network: Your first railway has been proven a great success, and leaders and business magnates from across the Empire are clamoring to have more lines built across the provinces, to facilitate the flow of goods and raw materials. The establishment of such a network will be both time consuming and costly, but it will more than pay for itself through the boost to national productivity, and the economic benefits of cheap transportation. Cost: 1500. Time: Four Years. Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked.

Even as the Empire marvels at the technological marvel that the Crystal Line represents, work has already begun on a nationwide rail system that will make the current infrastructure seem paltry by comparison. Hundreds of tons of steel are painstakingly shaped into the metal rails that will carry dozens of steam engines and hundreds of train cars as entire forests are leveled for the lumber needed to hold the rails together. Survey teams carefully plot and mark the mountain paths and valleys where the rails shall be laid down, and engineering workshops across the Empire busy themselves with the herculean task of building the complex devices and replacement parts needed to make a national railway more than an idle fantasy.

It is a massive undertaking, the largest public works project in recorded history. But though the cost may be high, and the task time consuming, all agree that the benefits of a nationwide transit system will be an incomparable boon to the Empire. The first steps have been taken, all that is left is to see the plan through to the end. Will Finish in Three Turns.

: Archimedes and Genevieve continue their work as always, despite the former's advancing age that doesn't seem to slow him down. Both of the learned Griffons, as well as the Trio of Neighponese magic experts, continue their studies, drawing upon research from their academic equivalents in Canterbury, the Crystal Protectorate, and Neighpon.

-Sea Mines: The infamous Karl Kaboom has written to Archimedes with a seemingly mad idea: floating bombs. Archimedes, apparently seeking to uphold his reputation of doing the impossible, has somehow devised a way to make such an idea work. Simply put, a waterproofed barrel filled with blasting powder and liquid fire that is detonated by a spark-producing mechanism that activates when it comes into contact with a ship's hull. An effective naval weapon...in theory. Archimedes still needs to construct a prototype and carry out tests to see if the idea is practical. Give him funding and a few floating targets to test the idea and see if Karl's ramblings hold water. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Naval Mines Developed.

Exactly what it was that prompted Archimedes to go along with Karl Kaboom's mad idea to make floating bombs, none can say, but you were willing to give the renowned inventor enough funds to see the idea made manifest, along with a pair of outdated ships to use as targets for the new munitions, should they work as hoped. Archimedes cooperates with the infamous Captain in the development of a water resistant mixture of liquid fire and blasting powder. While it won't stand up to a drenching, it should still detonate if it comes into contact with condensation in the damp conditions of a submerged barrel.

Archimedes eventually comes up with two designs, one more streamlined and purpose-built than the other, both to distinguish it from a regular barrel and to better conceal itself under the water. While the bobbing bombs look a bit odd due to the protrusions of Archimedes spark-making trigger mechanisms, the engineer assures you that function beats form when it comes to weaponry. And judging by the way the two practice ships explode when the unoccupied vessels sail into them, he's not wrong. Your Empire now has a new weapon to use on the high seas...and that spark mechanism has given Archimedes ideas. Naval Mines Developed.

-Crystal Heart Studies: Now that you've got a fully functioning university, complete with laboratories, in the Crystal City, you now have the capability to study the Crystal Heart. There are many questions you and your scholars have. What exactly is it? Where did it come from? What does it actually do? And most importantly of all, how can you use it to better the Empire and protect it's inhabitants? Put your magical experts and the University's staff on the case. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Crystal Heart, Additional Actions Unlocked.

While Genevieve is theoretically in charge of the study of the Crystal Heart, her lack of expertise on the matter relegates her to a supervisory role as your more magically inclined foreign-born experts carefully examine the makeup and function of the magical artifact. As Sombra had destroyed any records of the time before his rise to power, it's the only means you have of learning anything about the object.

The Neighponese trio of Asahi Kaji, Yakō-Nogitsū, and Danzaburō spend months poring over every detail of the object that they can think of, using all manner of esoteric magical instruments to measure it's every output, input and throughput. The Crystal Ponies assist as best they can with the study of their most sacred artifact. If they're at all concerned by the proceedings, they show no sign of it. Finally, after months of painstaking work, the Neighponese trio deliver their report on the Crystal Heart.

First of all, it's not simply a hunk of carved Crystal. It is at least partially composed of solidified thaumatological energy. In other words, it is literally made of magic. Your arcane experts repeatedly inform you that this is something that was previously thought impossible, as magical energy normally dissipates unless it is stored in runes or other means of preservation are taken. It is the equivalent of finding a chunk of ice at the center of a volcano. Additionally, the object is layered with hundreds of runes that are almost microscopic in size, yet are perfectly carved and charged with yet more magical energy in such a way that the heart simultaneously stores, generates and amplifies arcane power, somehow drawing upon the emotional states of the Crystal Ponies to power itself.

It is a blatant violation of the previously accepted laws of physics in regards to magic, an artificial construct of such complexity that none can even begin to speculate about its origin or how it was made.

It is, in the words of Asahi Kaji, "total trollshit."

Needless to say, replicating the heart is a non-starter. Your experts state quite bluntly that they could study the artifact for decades and not make any headway in determining exactly how it works. There's also another, more concerning fact that Danzaburō has stumbled upon.

The heart appears to possess a mind of its own.

At least, that's his explanation for why it kept pinging as a semi-sapient being (similar to an animal) when he cast a "detect presence" spell. It would also explain why and how the heart reacted when you and Gabriella fought Sombra beneath the Crystal Palace, as well as it's spontaneous relocation of itself to the top of the Palace Spire. Exactly what this means is unclear. Danzaburō, out of an excess of caution, attempted to communicate with the heart or the presence being channeled through it, but it hasn't responded to any stimulus or attempts to establish a dialogue.

Yakō-Nogitsū proposes a theory that the heart was instilled by its creators with the means and directive to defend the Crystal City, possessing just enough rudimentary intelligence to carry out its function. But this is merely speculation.

Overall, the study of the Crystal Heart has raised far more questions than answers. However, you now have a better understanding of just what it is...and a few ideas as to how it may be put to use in the defense of the Empire.

Crystal Heart Studied, New Actions Unlocked.

: Ravenburg has been busy drawing up plans for covert operations across the world, from Maretonia to Yakyakistan to your newly discovered neighbor of Canterbury. Despite having his attentions divided, he has no difficulty keeping up with the increased workload, in no small part due to his numerous subordinates in the Ministry of Information, which he now grudgingly acknowledges the utility of.

-Arming the Abolitionists: When Operation Winged Freedom escorted hundreds of Maretonian slaves to freedom, a talonfull of freed slaves refused to leave Maretonia, even when offered safe passage to Gryphus, opting to stay behind and work to free their many brethren who remained in bondage. These die-hard freedom fighters have joined up with other, more militant abolitionist cells and are preparing to embark upon a campaign of guerrilla warfare against their former masters. Unfortunately, though they are some of the most spirited and motivated fighters one is likely to ever meet, their equipment and training leaves much to be desired, many of them armed with nought but the crudest of weapons and garbed in little to no armor. If their attacks are to succeed, then they'll need access to blades and armor of the finest steel. You've smuggled hundreds of people out of Maretonia, why shouldn't you be able to smuggle supplies in? You'll just have to file off the Gryphonese lettering... Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists gain access to quality weapons and armor. Chance of Success: 60%

Required: 40. Rolled: 32+13+15(A Treatise on Military Dogma)=60

The arming of an army of rebels in secret is no easy feat...for most people. For Ravenburg, it's just another day at the office. Crates of armor and weapons are withdrawn from the stocks of the Imperial armories under the excuse of replacing rusted or broken equipment. Incriminating lettering and symbolism is stripped or filed off, leaving only featureless steel, unidentifiable as originating from your Empire. From there the crates make their way to the Crystal City, hidden among shipments of mundane goods, then to a warren of tunnels snaking their way under the Maretonian border, where they are handed off to Ambrosia's militants.

Due to the need for secrecy, the process is slow and cumbersome, but the limited numbers of guerrilla fighters lessens the difficulty of providing them the equipment they need. By the end of the year, every Maretonian abolitionist who wants a weapon has one, and Ambrosia sends a letter of thanks for your "continued support of the abolitionist movement". It might not help them overthrow their masters, but it will prevent them from being slaughtered in their first few engagements with actual soldiers.

Abolitionists Gain Quality Weapons and Armor.

-Stirring up Trouble: You've gotten your people back, but you're not quite finished with Maretonia. You and your people aren't comfortable sharing a border with a kingdom of slavers, and the abolitionists, riding high on their success, are jonesing to take further action against the Maretonian nobility, with or without your support. Ravenburg and Ambrosia have been sending a flurry of secret missives back and forth, exchanging ideas and opinions, and have come up with a complicated series of interlocking plans meant to spread disorder and discord throughout Maretonia by spreading misinformation and sowing strife between the rival noble houses of the realm. If the plan works, Queen Mareia and her vassals will be too busy searching for traitors and schemers amongst themselves to worry about you and their escaped property. You might even be able to leverage the situation to get some of the Abolitionists into greater positions of power and usurp some of the biggest slaveowners in Maretonia. It's worth a shot at least. Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Maretonian nobility discredited/at each other's throats, Abolitionists gain more power and influence, Maretonia becomes less concerned about Gryphus. Chance of Success: 55%

Required: 45. Rolled: 39+13+20(Imperialization)=72

You swirl the red liquid in your glass, savoring the flavor as you regard Ravenburg, idly sipping at his own chalice of Maretonian wine. Ambrosia had sent it alongside her latest letter to your spymaster, as "a gesture of thanks and good will" alongside her latest report on the events unfolding in Maretonia, as well as the status of the numerous plots and conspiracies the three of you have been setting up to distract the Maretonian nobility from your "theft of their property." Events had been set in motion, but if things were to be believable for the Maretonians, the plots you'd set up would have to develop organically for a bit. After all, if the kingdom started coming apart right after you'd rescued your people...well, the conclusion would be obvious wouldn't it? Mustn't make it too obvious.

You hum quietly to yourself. Detestable slavers the Maretonians may have been, but they did make good wine. The fact that Ambrosia sent this bottle meant it hadn't been made with slave labor, so you didn't need to worry about that. You turn your gaze to Ravenburg.

"Did you send something back for her?"

The veteran spymaster, his head-feathers beginning to gray at the edges from age, nods.

"A bottle of mushroom moonshine and a box of Neighponese tea. They should reach her...tomorrow, if the couriers don't run into any unexpected difficulties."

"Very good."

You take another sip from your glass, your thoughts idling through your head.

"Ambrosia is quite a character isn't she? A brothel madam turned rebel heading up an anti-government movement, corresponding with a foreign Emperor, plotting the defamation and death of multiple nobles...and she treats the whole thing as just another workplace responsibility."

Ravenburg sighs contentedly, running a talon along the rim of his chalice.

"She certainly is a remarkable mare."

You quirk an eyebrow, but say nothing. Ravenburg was a consummate professional, married to his job. He knew better than to risk his feelings getting in the way of what was best for the Empire.

That didn't mean you weren't going to joke about his pen-pal girlfriend with Gabriella later.

You clear your throat, placing your now empty glass down.

"So everything is proceeding as planned?"

Your minister of information nods.

"Quite so. Evidence of numerous crimes has been fabricated and will be planted in the proper places once a window of opportunity opens up. A few rumors, both absurd and easily believed, are festering in the Maretonian gossip mills, set to be released upon the general public in a matter of months, and the owner of a slave-operated strip mine is slated to die in a sudden and tragic rockslide sometime next year...whether they'll find evidence of a rival family's involvement is up to the agent assigned to that particular task."

You turn to the window, gazing out at the setting sun as it dips below the horizon. This was a part of the job you didn't enjoy...secret meetings, plotting murder and betrayal...it reminded you far too much of the days before the Empire was reunited. But if it was necessary to ensure the safety and security of your people...then it would be done.

"Good. Keep me informed of any developments or changes to the plan."

You didn't strictly speaking need to know exactly what your spies got up to, down to the last operational detail. One could even say that you shouldn't know, that it would make it easier to distance yourself from the actions of Ravenburg if his schemes were to be discovered...but no. You had to keep a firm grip on the Empire's intelligence apparatus, for the sake of your conscience as well as the long term health of the nation.

You bid Ravenburg goodnight and begin making your way back to your personal chambers. More blood would be on your talons soon enough...but that was a cost you would gladly pay to prevent another one of your subjects from ever suffering as a slave again.

Will Finish Next Turn.

: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day. (Two Actions per Turn)

-Crystal Pastimes: Pearl, much like her siblings before her, has found her attentions divided and her passions unfocused. She's in need of a hobby to occupy her time. What manner of time-sink shall you guide her towards, and what skills shall she gain from it? Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gleaming Pearl gains a Hobby/Stat Modifier

Pearl has grown restless and bored lately...perhaps it's time to direct her towards a particular pastime?

[ ] Board Games: She shall follow her elder brother's example, and will learn patience, strategy, and how to read people by playing numerous board and card games with you and members of the Imperial court.

[ ] Gardening: Pearl has often accompanied her Draconic Sister on her near-daily forays into the Palace Gardens, delighting in the atmosphere and her sister's enthusiasm for all things green. You don't think it will take much to get her to join her sister in her passion projects.

[ ] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?

-A Question of Faith: The Yaks have their sky-gods, the Neighponese have their nature spirits, and the Canterburians have their Lady of the Lake. And your people have...well, that's just it; with the exception of a widespread custom of ancestor veneration, the people of Gryphus aren't a very spiritual sort. Considering the fact that the only "God" most Griffons and Diamond Dogs are familiar with is Discord, that's not much of a surprise. But since Discord's defeat, and in the wake of your encounters with other cultures, Faith has become a subject on the mind of many Imperial citizens. A scant few Griffons have begun to practice foreign faiths, some even trying to resurrect the pantheon of the Old Empire. You've even heard rumors that some of your subjects have taken to worshiping you as a divine figure! Regardless of your own thoughts on the matter, it may be a good idea to host a "Council of Faiths", to discuss the state of religion in your Empire, and to determine what should be done about it, if anything should indeed be done at all. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Council of Faiths Interlude. Chance to unlock Piety Category.

To be Continued in "The Council of Feathercaea"

-Getting to Know You: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain Improves Relationship with a Friend, May Lead to Further Developments and Benefits Down the Road. (Does not cost an Action. May only develop one relationship per Turn)

Isabelle Brissette: Brochard's Niece is not what you'd expected...then again you're not really sure what you'd have expected her to be like. You're proud of your son for looking beyond her family's past. Hopefully he can help her come out of her shell a bit.

To be Continued in "A Night on (and Under) the Town"

Carracks Built (1d4): 4

Random Event/Hazard Rolls:
68 (To be Continued in Rumor Mill)
95 (To be Continued in Rumor Mill)

Lots of stuff happening this Turn, lots of new developments. Let me know if I appear to have missed anything or if you require clarification on something I wrote.
Good to see this back, Questor!

[X] Gallo Ventriglio: Born the second child of Featherisian Nobility, Ventriglio was raised in a mercantile culture that valued one's ability to make and handle money. Perhaps that was what led him to become the foreign ministry's foremost expert on international trade policy. Ventriglio, unsurprisingly, tends to focus upon the monetary aspects of diplomacy, focusing on forging and strengthening economic relationships with other nations to enrich the Empire and ensure a robust economy, preferring the idea of trade war to actual war.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?

I'm up for trade wars so long as it's not a bungled up one like the one with China. Also, part of raising kids is letting them go in the direction they want. If Pearl likes rocks so much then let her go for it. Who knows, she might find out something about the Crystal Heart.
[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
[X] Gisa Eagleclaw: Gisa Eagleclaw has spent much of the last decade negotiating with foreign cultures, a fact that makes a great deal of sense once one considers her education as an interpreter and linguist. The young hen made a name for herself establishing relations with the numerous Yak clans and assisting with their modernization efforts, facilitating communication between the local population and Imperial experts. Gisa is an idealist who believes that military force should be used only when all other options have failed. Having seen the benefits that the integration of the Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies have wrought, she makes no secret of her desire to encourage much closer relationships with neighboring powers in hopes of creating an Empire that encompasses multiple nations, though she admits that this is likely little more than a pipe dream.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
[X] Gisa Eagleclaw: Gisa Eagleclaw has spent much of the last decade negotiating with foreign cultures, a fact that makes a great deal of sense once one considers her education as an interpreter and linguist. The young hen made a name for herself establishing relations with the numerous Yak clans and assisting with their modernization efforts, facilitating communication between the local population and Imperial experts. Gisa is an idealist who believes that military force should be used only when all other options have failed. Having seen the benefits that the integration of the Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies have wrought, she makes no secret of her desire to encourage much closer relationships with neighboring powers in hopes of creating an Empire that encompasses multiple nations, though she admits that this is likely little more than a pipe dream.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
[x] Cecil Gaudreau: Originally a member of the Knights Panther, a crippling injury forced him to pursue an alternative career in diplomatic service, eventually becoming the ambassador to Neighpon, where he has served with distinction, impressing the honorable warriors of the Qilin both inside and outside of the conference room. The former soldier brings a militaristic view to the art of diplomacy, focusing on forming relations with potential allies and marginalizing potential enemies, seeking to preserve the Empire's supremacy above all else.
[x] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
[X] Gisa Eagleclaw: Gisa Eagleclaw has spent much of the last decade negotiating with foreign cultures, a fact that makes a great deal of sense once one considers her education as an interpreter and linguist. The young hen made a name for herself establishing relations with the numerous Yak clans and assisting with their modernization efforts, facilitating communication between the local population and Imperial experts. Gisa is an idealist who believes that military force should be used only when all other options have failed. Having seen the benefits that the integration of the Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies have wrought, she makes no secret of her desire to encourage much closer relationships with neighboring powers in hopes of creating an Empire that encompasses multiple nations, though she admits that this is likely little more than a pipe dream.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
[X] Cecil Gaudreau: Originally a member of the Knights Panther, a crippling injury forced him to pursue an alternative career in diplomatic service, eventually becoming the ambassador to Neighpon, where he has served with distinction, impressing the honorable warriors of the Qilin both inside and outside of the conference room. The former soldier brings a militaristic view to the art of diplomacy, focusing on forming relations with potential allies and marginalizing potential enemies, seeking to preserve the Empire's supremacy above all else.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
[X] Gisa Eagleclaw: Gisa Eagleclaw has spent much of the last decade negotiating with foreign cultures, a fact that makes a great deal of sense once one considers her education as an interpreter and linguist. The young hen made a name for herself establishing relations with the numerous Yak clans and assisting with their modernization efforts, facilitating communication between the local population and Imperial experts. Gisa is an idealist who believes that military force should be used only when all other options have failed. Having seen the benefits that the integration of the Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies have wrought, she makes no secret of her desire to encourage much closer relationships with neighboring powers in hopes of creating an Empire that encompasses multiple nations, though she admits that this is likely little more than a pipe dream.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
[X] Gisa Eagleclaw: Gisa Eagleclaw has spent much of the last decade negotiating with foreign cultures, a fact that makes a great deal of sense once one considers her education as an interpreter and linguist. The young hen made a name for herself establishing relations with the numerous Yak clans and assisting with their modernization efforts, facilitating communication between the local population and Imperial experts. Gisa is an idealist who believes that military force should be used only when all other options have failed. Having seen the benefits that the integration of the Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies have wrought, she makes no secret of her desire to encourage much closer relationships with neighboring powers in hopes of creating an Empire that encompasses multiple nations, though she admits that this is likely little more than a pipe dream.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
I am eager to see what that 95 was for.

Very good update and I am eager for more.
[X] Gisa Eagleclaw: Gisa Eagleclaw has spent much of the last decade negotiating with foreign cultures, a fact that makes a great deal of sense once one considers her education as an interpreter and linguist. The young hen made a name for herself establishing relations with the numerous Yak clans and assisting with their modernization efforts, facilitating communication between the local population and Imperial experts. Gisa is an idealist who believes that military force should be used only when all other options have failed. Having seen the benefits that the integration of the Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies have wrought, she makes no secret of her desire to encourage much closer relationships with neighboring powers in hopes of creating an Empire that encompasses multiple nations, though she admits that this is likely little more than a pipe dream.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
I mean, our allies have a divine emperor, and clearly something about the office of Emperor of Griffonia is blessed given Garrick's successes. I think he can actually trace his lineage to the Pre-Discordian emperors as well. :V
I know the last two comments in this line of thought are jokes, yet I would like to express my opinion on this. Can we be a mortal emperor? That would be so much more epic. In a world of divines, gods, and immortals, a mortal being is able to keep up and be on par with them.
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[X] Gisa Eagleclaw: Gisa Eagleclaw has spent much of the last decade negotiating with foreign cultures, a fact that makes a great deal of sense once one considers her education as an interpreter and linguist. The young hen made a name for herself establishing relations with the numerous Yak clans and assisting with their modernization efforts, facilitating communication between the local population and Imperial experts. Gisa is an idealist who believes that military force should be used only when all other options have failed. Having seen the benefits that the integration of the Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies have wrought, she makes no secret of her desire to encourage much closer relationships with neighboring powers in hopes of creating an Empire that encompasses multiple nations, though she admits that this is likely little more than a pipe dream.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?