[X] Gisa Eagleclaw: Gisa Eagleclaw has spent much of the last decade negotiating with foreign cultures, a fact that makes a great deal of sense once one considers her education as an interpreter and linguist. The young hen made a name for herself establishing relations with the numerous Yak clans and assisting with their modernization efforts, facilitating communication between the local population and Imperial experts. Gisa is an idealist who believes that military force should be used only when all other options have failed. Having seen the benefits that the integration of the Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies have wrought, she makes no secret of her desire to encourage much closer relationships with neighboring powers in hopes of creating an Empire that encompasses multiple nations, though she admits that this is likely little more than a pipe dream.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
Okay so I'm gonna call it now, after Pearl doing her rock farming and pioneering geological stuff... Gilda is going to be... OUR SPYYYYYYYYYYYYYY DAUGHTER (or a Diplomat if we wanna be boring lol; look I can't remember what we did for her education or if we had a hobby vote for her yet, so lol i guess). X3

I wonder, if say we still have quite a few turns as Garrick, and at least most of our kids reach 18 by then, will we still have votes for them? Perhaps herding them toward jobs or something to prepare them for... Life stuff? Possible rulership things? I think there was chatter about it like... A couple hundred pages back in the thread lol, but now that Gawain's 18 it's got me thinking about it again. Our boy is turning out so well! I'm so proud! :)

Maybe with the development of all these boom towns around the railroads (after all, historical precedence yanno) we should consider making sure they stay viable (and not end up like those empty ghost towns in the US after the mines dried up) beyond the original boom. Then again, I'm sure we'll figure it out lol. I wonder, if we develop the logging industry and magic enough plus magical geology bullshit, would we get semi-infinite lumber? Food for thought. So many thoughts!

Also: I ship Ravenburg/Ambrosia, I just KNOW that someday there's going to be a bunch of historian shippers dissecting the code of their correspondence once they're all declassified. The moment Ravenburg retires he's defo gonna take a "vacation" to wherever Ambrosia just happens to be and just generally live there... On Vacation... Maybe adopt a wandering Changeling grub child or something. <3

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i understand what you mean, but that "only tangentially part of the family" sounds a bit cold :(.

Ivory Rook is currently the...let me check his title..."Consul of the Crystal Protectorate and head of the Crystal Assembly ". I think we have a good chance of making Pearl his successor. Or, if we ever had the protectorate become fully part of our empire she can become the archduke/princess of those lands, as long as she manages to gain the ponies' love and loyalty.

Who knows, maybe she'll unlock/discover more about crystal magic. thoughts and hopes for the future.
>"thinking about our daughter like that is cold"
>immediately turns to use her in politics

Not nescessarily cold. We do want what's best for her. It just happens to be something beneficial for us.

Well not us really, being born/adopted into royalty is a blessing, it guarantees one social standing, riches, more chances and so on, but it also come with certain responsibilities towards the Empire , basically this isn't beneficial for us, it's benefice to Griffonia as a whole.
[ ] Cecil Gaudreau: Originally a member of the Knights Panther, a crippling injury forced him to pursue an alternative career in diplomatic service, eventually becoming the ambassador to Neighpon, where he has served with distinction, impressing the honorable warriors of the Qilin both inside and outside of the conference room. The former soldier brings a militaristic view to the art of diplomacy, focusing on forming relations with potential allies and marginalizing potential enemies, seeking to preserve the Empire's supremacy above all else.
I want diplomacy to be the velvet glove to our army's iron fist. Particularly, I think we need someone who will give us more options to make peace with that country that Maretonia is trading with (once we meet them), rather than marginalizing them too. I think this guy is not the best option.

[ ] Gallo Ventriglio: Born the second child of Featherisian Nobility, Ventriglio was raised in a mercantile culture that valued one's ability to make and handle money. Perhaps that was what led him to become the foreign ministry's foremost expert on international trade policy. Ventriglio, unsurprisingly, tends to focus upon the monetary aspects of diplomacy, focusing on forging and strengthening economic relationships with other nations to enrich the Empire and ensure a robust economy, preferring the idea of trade war to actual war.
This guy strengthens our strong point (economy). It's not a bad option, as he would surely give us an option to start trade with the unknown country, hopefully replacing their trade with Maretonia.

[ ] Gisa Eagleclaw: Gisa Eagleclaw has spent much of the last decade negotiating with foreign cultures, a fact that makes a great deal of sense once one considers her education as an interpreter and linguist. The young hen made a name for herself establishing relations with the numerous Yak clans and assisting with their modernization efforts, facilitating communication between the local population and Imperial experts. Gisa is an idealist who believes that military force should be used only when all other options have failed. Having seen the benefits that the integration of the Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies have wrought, she makes no secret of her desire to encourage much closer relationships with neighboring powers in hopes of creating an Empire that encompasses multiple nations, though she admits that this is likely little more than a pipe dream.
And here we have the diplomat's diplomat. Focusing on bringing people together, she'd probably give us options to make peace with both Maretonia and the unknown country. Making peace with the unknown country would probably be a good thing, and if she gives us some kind of options to make Maretonia give up slavery peacefully that would be very good, but I worry that she might put peace above an end to slavery.

I think I want either Gallo or Gisa.

(the burnt out hulk of that ship you'd made an example of still posed a navigational hazard...you're not sure why they hadn't tried to move it)
:rofl: Omake reference! :D

[ ] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?
This looks interesting! I don't know what it will do, but I want it.

Carracks Built (1d4): 4

Random Event/Hazard Rolls:
68 (To be Continued in Rumor Mill)
95 (To be Continued in Rumor Mill)
Woohoo! More ships!!!
Also, that 95 certainly looks like a good thing! Maybe Maretonia's trading partner will contact us and turn out to have had no idea about Maretonian slavery.
[X] Gallo Ventriglio: Born the second child of Featherisian Nobility, Ventriglio was raised in a mercantile culture that valued one's ability to make and handle money. Perhaps that was what led him to become the foreign ministry's foremost expert on international trade policy. Ventriglio, unsurprisingly, tends to focus upon the monetary aspects of diplomacy, focusing on forging and strengthening economic relationships with other nations to enrich the Empire and ensure a robust economy, preferring the idea of trade war to actual war.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?

I want to integrate all species and cultures into the empire under some type of federation like Gisa wants as well, but it seems like a really stupid idea to make that the foremost focus of our foreign policy.
[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?

[X] Gallo Ventriglio: Born the second child of Featherisian Nobility, Ventriglio was raised in a mercantile culture that valued one's ability to make and handle money. Perhaps that was what led him to become the foreign ministry's foremost expert on international trade policy. Ventriglio, unsurprisingly, tends to focus upon the monetary aspects of diplomacy, focusing on forging and strengthening economic relationships with other nations to enrich the Empire and ensure a robust economy, preferring the idea of trade war to actual war.

Now that our industrial revolution is officially in full swing with railroads sprouting up everywhere, perhaps it's a good time to start thinking about protecting the environment too? IRL, we only started thinking about what effect we had on the environment after things got really bad with dumping pollutants and messing up the air quality for everyone, and now we're stuck playing catch up with regards to fixing the environment. Waiting too long to start preserving the environment bit us hard irl, and promises to bite us even harder in the future. In this quest, we're only now starting to do serious deforestation, and haven't seen a drop in air quality yet at all. We have the chance to start ahead of time, completely preventing future harm to the environment. I would suggest establishing some kind of environmental advisor, or perhaps just a Stewardship/Learning action to take a look at ecosystems around areas with particularly heavy mining/logging, to see the potential effects of continuing without any regulation.

Naturally, this raises questions of whether we should focus more on the economy or the environment, but right now our economy is AMAZING. We don't really need to help it to the exclusion of all else, we have tons of governmental income so we don't need to worry about that either, and we can continue the economic growth through actions we would take anyway (such as trade deals and stuff), we'd just be regulating them enough that we wouldn't completely destroy the environment. Frankly, measures such as requiring loggers (if we ever do the logging action) to replant trees past a certain amount cut would end up helping the economy, as this (for example) would give the loggers more trees to cut down in the end, as well as letting them plant the trees at intervals which make it easier to cut them down.

Edit 2:
Even better, we may be able to act soon enough that only doing actions that still help or don't affect the economy are still enough to completely prevent environmental degradation. That would be extremely nice.
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I want to integrate all species and cultures into the empire under some type of federation like Gisa wants as well, but it seems like a really stupid idea to make that the foremost focus of our foreign policy.

I kinda prefer being Griffonia for now, maybe near the end of the game, but now i would rather expand Griffonian influence and power abroad, maybe founding some colonies or similar.

As for species, I'm open to immigration and integrating species without a country .
Naturally, this raises questions of whether we should focus more on the economy or the environment, but right now our economy is AMAZING. We don't really need to help it to the exclusion of all else, we have tons of governmental income so we don't need to worry about that either, and we can continue the economic growth through actions we would take anyway (such as trade deals and stuff), we'd just be regulating them enough that we wouldn't completely destroy the environment. Frankly, measures such as requiring loggers (if we ever do the logging action) to replant trees past a certain amount cut would end up helping the economy, as this (for example) would give the loggers more trees to cut down in the end, as well as letting them plant the trees at intervals which make it easier to cut them down.

Exactly why I wondered if we can somehow figure out how to quick farm lumber trees (bc there's a thing about old growth vs new growth esp with such long term plants like trees that take pretty long to grow to decent sizes? With magic we could upscale that and lessen the negative impacts perhaps) with enough Learning actions in a few areas or something, like, more magic geology to treat the soil to keep us from turning said soil into a salted wasteland or something.

Basically the economy wishlist as follow: Longterm Sustainability & Sustainable Expansion (Agriculture bc FOOD, Lumber, Textile), and Smart City/Civilization Area planning. Maybe try not to pack everything in too tightly with our industrial areas, leave room for them to grow as well as ensure proper sanitation stuff so we don't end up with a whole plague that no even our tiny Imperial CDC can't handle (we might want to expand that later?). I'm just yeeting out what comes to mind atm.
[x] Cecil Gaudreau: Originally a member of the Knights Panther, a crippling injury forced him to pursue an alternative career in diplomatic service, eventually becoming the ambassador to Neighpon, where he has served with distinction, impressing the honorable warriors of the Qilin both inside and outside of the conference room. The former soldier brings a militaristic view to the art of diplomacy, focusing on forming relations with potential allies and marginalizing potential enemies, seeking to preserve the Empire's supremacy above all else.
Well it seems like the votes have Died down a bit. And we seem to have a pretty clear winner.
Adhoc vote count started by NexusEye on Sep 8, 2019 at 9:55 PM, finished with 87 posts and 52 votes.
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I'm wondering if it would be useful to use an imperial priority on the rail network in the next few turns, it could be really useful to get something so important up as early as possible and we can definitely afford it.
I'm wondering if it would be useful to use an imperial priority on the rail network in the next few turns, it could be really useful to get something so important up as early as possible and we can definitely afford it.
It will probably depend on our other available actions. We'll probably need to do something for Gawain, with his stats it would be criminal to not have him help us in some way.
It will probably depend on our other available actions. We'll probably need to do something for Gawain, with his stats it would be criminal to not have him help us in some way.
Advisor to the diplomacy advisor? Kind of like Genevieve was for Archimedes? I'm hoping that Gwyndlyn will end up with a truly absurd martial score due to her +4 from being a dragon, and be an eventual martial advisor, so that leaves diplomacy as Gawain's other top stat.
Advisor to the diplomacy advisor? Kind of like Genevieve was for Archimedes? I'm hoping that Gwyndlyn will end up with a truly absurd martial score due to her +4 from being a dragon, and be an eventual martial advisor, so that leaves diplomacy as Gawain's other top stat.
mh...maybe he could be a special advisor, giving 1 extra action not limited to one category (basically be a free overtime/imperial order. It would be an easy way to have him both help and familiarize with the kind of work we do, for when he'll ascend to the throne.

Something similar could work for any of the children. For example Gwin could give one extra action on martial. We certainly invested enough actions and time on them that it wouldn't feel too unbalancing
mh...maybe he could be a special advisor, giving 1 extra action not limited to one category (basically be a free overtime/imperial order. It would be an easy way to have him both help and familiarize with the kind of work we do, for when he'll ascend to the throne.

Something similar could work for any of the children. For example Gwin could give one extra action on martial. We certainly invested enough actions and time on them that it wouldn't feel too unbalancing

I always thought that they will basically just take imperial positions, basically Gawain gets to administer a province to familiarise himself with running things (maybe Griffonia while we take care of wider empire ), our Dragon daughter takes position within military and such.

Basically these positions are already filled by other people, so i don't think we get a free actions for them.
Vote seems pretty clear. Geology and Gisa Eagleclaw win.
Adhoc vote count started by Questor on Sep 9, 2019 at 3:15 PM, finished with 93 posts and 52 votes.
Awww, Ravenburg has a crush! That would be a sweet relationship.

[X] Gisa Eagleclaw: Gisa Eagleclaw has spent much of the last decade negotiating with foreign cultures, a fact that makes a great deal of sense once one considers her education as an interpreter and linguist. The young hen made a name for herself establishing relations with the numerous Yak clans and assisting with their modernization efforts, facilitating communication between the local population and Imperial experts. Gisa is an idealist who believes that military force should be used only when all other options have failed. Having seen the benefits that the integration of the Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies have wrought, she makes no secret of her desire to encourage much closer relationships with neighboring powers in hopes of creating an Empire that encompasses multiple nations, though she admits that this is likely little more than a pipe dream.

We need dreamers like her in our empire. It's the ambitious people who have dreamed big that have got us this far. Gisa carries the ideals needed for that kind of diplomacy.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?

This should synergize well with how we are raising her to be a merchant. Kind of ironic the first merchant raised Goldenfeather isn't one by blood. I suppose we'll have to raise Gilda that way to keep the merchant bloodline going.
Awww, Ravenburg has a crush! That would be a sweet relationship.

[X] Gisa Eagleclaw: Gisa Eagleclaw has spent much of the last decade negotiating with foreign cultures, a fact that makes a great deal of sense once one considers her education as an interpreter and linguist. The young hen made a name for herself establishing relations with the numerous Yak clans and assisting with their modernization efforts, facilitating communication between the local population and Imperial experts. Gisa is an idealist who believes that military force should be used only when all other options have failed. Having seen the benefits that the integration of the Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies have wrought, she makes no secret of her desire to encourage much closer relationships with neighboring powers in hopes of creating an Empire that encompasses multiple nations, though she admits that this is likely little more than a pipe dream.

We need dreamers like her in our empire. It's the ambitious people who have dreamed big that have got us this far. Gisa carries the ideals needed for that kind of diplomacy.

[X] Geology: Pearl has taken a somewhat unusual interest in minerals, mining and associated objects and activities, often taking the opportunity to talk to any Diamond Dogs willing to share their considerable expertise in the subject. It may be a tad odd, but if she has a passion for it, why not cultivate it?

This should synergize well with how we are raising her to be a merchant. Kind of ironic the first merchant raised Goldenfeather isn't one by blood. I suppose we'll have to raise Gilda that way to keep the merchant bloodline going.
Look right above you.
Hey guys what's goin-

"Notices update"

.... I miss everything.

Overall, a great turn, and our boah is having a waifu of a time. Yeh.

I am glad we chose Gisa as our new diplomat. Yeh.

And DD shenanigans with royalty. Much love. Must write about.