if they are inspired by Steppe Peoples the there wont be much we can trade with them as they wont have any goods
Hmm natural long distance travelers, hardy survivors of the local foliage (which isn't a lot apparently) and a burgeoning, if not vibrant, culture.

These folks will be wonderful new vassals of our empire, once we show them the light of Gryphus of course.

You get more bees with honey than salt water and all that.

Of course this doesn't preclude the occasional raiding band coming down from their lands to try their luck at stealing some of our things, but that just means that we have to beef up border security a bit now that we know that there are people out there to poke at them.

The only downside to this that I can see is that there is no central governing body of the Yak people, each one content to travel in clans similar to the Mongol hordes pre-Gengis Kahn. Of course we can use this to our advantage, swallowing up the Yaks one tribe at a time through either diplomatic overtures or straight up beating the shit out of them until they get the message.

This is assuming that we even want the land to begin with. I suppose we won't know until we get some diamond dogs here to dig around a bit and see if anything of worth is hiding underground.
>Implying you can subjegate the nomads

They were known as empire-killers for a reason. Now, we have a better rapid-response than most, but they can still raid and plunder with the best of them.
they are flightless how about we simply let the dogs dig a moat and laugh at them while we drop stones from WAY up high. ;)

Sadly i fear those guys will suck HARD tradewise, since they are nomadic.
Why aren't we forming the royal army prior to poking neighbours with a stick and rolling if a first contact war will start? This expedition went well, but for all "We must unite Griffonia because the outside is dark and full of terror!" propaganda used for the unification, the griphons are being ridiculously careless
I kinda agree with that next turn since we have both marital options free we should do the imperial army and scout south just so we have an army worth the name in case the dice decided they want revenge.
if they are inspired by Steppe Peoples the there wont be much we can trade with them as they wont have any goods
Not true. Silk Road is another possibility. They can trade goods from beyond their lands like they did in real life.

Steppe Nomads have two modes that they switch between, raiders and traders.

Much better to give them stuff at a discount than deal with them as raiders.
they are flightless how about we simply let the dogs dig a moat and laugh at them while we drop stones from WAY up high. ;)

Sadly i fear those guys will suck HARD tradewise, since they are nomadic.
*rolls eyes*

Because as nomads they have never had to deal with rivers before. Because tiring out our forces on stupendously impractical practices is clearly the way to go.

And again, Silk Road.
well, i guess assimilation os their (and ours) best bet at stability. Or a huge wall. Nomad clans aren't known for stability, so its likely we would get a eventual raid from them sooner or later as @Sivantic pointed out. They have (currently) a lower tech level than ours (apparently) AND no flier units so it would be a very difficult for them to exert dominance over us, but they could become a deterrent to our progress by raids (and grow with our tech if they don't have it).
Worst case scenario we can... you know, drop rocks on their settlements from above(and have Archimedes develop the world first chemical/incendiary weapon) but being a nomadic culture they don't keep much sessile assets anyways.
I don't think they'll attack as nomads do if they do attack.
They appear to me as beings who are not created for speed in any way really.
Hmmm. I wonder what the diplomat stat with them will look like. Will it be conglomerated like the Feathersian League?
Lets not forget that for them to get to us will be no easy feat for them as they will have to cross over a fairly decent mountain range to get to us which i doubt will be worth the effort for them.
Why aren't we forming the royal army prior to poking neighbours with a stick and rolling if a first contact war will start? This expedition went well, but for all "We must unite Griffonia because the outside is dark and full of terror!" propaganda used for the unification, the griphons are being ridiculously careless
oh, we'll surely upgrade our army next turn. We did become stronger in the last two turns anyway, after all we founded two more knight orders and integrated the militia. The idea was that we would leave the option with the highest upkeep for later.

Now that we KNOW we have neighbours (and that they could possibly be a threat, an ally OR a new vassal) it's the perfect moment to expand the army, both for security and to project strenght.
Sadly i fear those guys will suck HARD tradewise, since they are nomadic.
Not necessarily. They shouldn't have advanced tech/products, but they have info on their territory, which might include possible mining sites, and for all we know they might have their own flavour of magic (and magical knowledge) we might be interested in.

If we manage to integrate them in our empire they'd also probably be better than griphons and diamond dogs at the heaviest tasks, like transporting heavy goods by land.

There is actually an interesting sinergy here: Griphons in the airs, Yaks on land, and Diamond Dogs under it (+ our cutie dragoness of course)

Problem is they are not a conglomerate. They are a bunch of little clans. Which means contiuous diplomacy actions to any group that pops up on our borders.
it also means we have a good chance of getting a few of those clans to join us. We have better climate, more food and more tech.

They have...well.. I'm sure they have something to offer :p

Worst case scenario we can... you know, drop rocks
...we have gunpowder! bombs are the way to go!
Lets not forget that for them to get to us will be no easy feat for them as they will have to cross over a fairly decent mountain range to get to us which i doubt will be worth the effort for them.

Pretty sure China said that about the Mongols once. Then they got conquered by the Mongols.

Still, a big part of why the Mongols made that work was because they pulled off some genius diplomacy with disgruntled regions of China, and from the sounds of things the Yaks don't really have much in the way of diplomacy yet. So if we play our cards right and make them like us, we can probably avoid the worst of that. Probably.
Clans, mountains, nomads and that kind of armor ...

Ok, I'm the only one who thinks that the Yaks are based on the Huns / Mongols? Because they certainly share some similarities.
Culturally, yes, they are somewhat inspired by the Mongols, Huns, and other Steppe Peoples.

Ok, let's avoid pissing these guys off.

Fortify the mountain passes. Leave the Yaks be, trade if there's anything of value.

Yes, exactly that.

Extra Credits - Genghis khan series
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Hm. The Steppe peoples were Empire killers because of their impressive mobility and the fact that they could sustain a ton of warriors for their population size. Griphons are natural predators with much higher mobility than Yaks, so we counter that about as hard as possible.

Unless there is a China equivalent on the other side of Yakyakistan for them to subjugate and yoink siege warfare tech from, they'll also have huge problems with the combination of our heavily fortified settlements and the ability to fly allowing us to bring in supplies to besieged towns almost unchallenged.

Only way i see the Yaks becoming a threat to the great Empire is if they have some bullshit levels of magic up their sleeves. We don't have a counter to that.
Lets not forget that for them to get to us will be no easy feat for them as they will have to cross over a fairly decent mountain range to get to us which i doubt will be worth the effort for them.
Yaks actually live in cold climates even in the RL and since they are nomads crossing mountains in big numbers isn't really a problem for them.
We should solve them while they are still disunited or we might have ourselves a Mongols on doorsteps.
Yaks actually live in cold climates even in the RL and since they are nomads crossing mountains in big numbers isn't really a problem for them.
We should solve them while they are still disunited or we might have ourselves a Mongols on doorsteps.
You say that but they have yet to cross the mountains yet and i doubt hey had a reason to before now besides there to busy fighting each other to deal with us. Also i think we would notice a big number of yaks starting to come down from the mountain, stealth dosent seem like a strong suit for them.
Yaks actually live in cold climates even in the RL and since they are nomads crossing mountains in big numbers isn't really a problem for them.
We should solve them while they are still disunited or we might have ourselves a Mongols on doorsteps.

I think we might want to advance our tech a little bit more, but with our natural advantage combined with gunpowder we could probably pull a Russia on the Yaks.