(Maneuver1: 58, Maneuver2: 67 Code Phrase: 40)
Damn it! Damn it! Damn It! The screen fizzes in and out of completely white and covered in static. You need to see the enemy to be able to fight him, wait that's it.
"Don't think it will be that easy."
You settle your Pixie into a pose you hope looks menacing.
"This battlefield shall be your grave."
The phase goes out and the data-link updates began to come in.
< A bold claim from a blind archer. >
Pixie...... Negative
< Sorry buddy. >
Thunder...... Negative
< No eyes.>
That's not good eth- LEFT! You spin your Suit out of the way a of a Heat Hawk you can't see.
< What!? How?! >
Bayard...... Established
Oh right, you forgot about him. Your left-most screen comes alive with radar and visual feed, he's below you.
"Got you!" You fire your beam rifle at him as you twist away. He dodges, again taking him out of melee range.
< They shouldn't be able to see me. A Newtype? Miss archer is tougher than she first appears. >
A what?
< This is the 85th, we are here to help protect the transports. >
< Thank God! >
[] System Reboot (roll 2d100)
[] Keep using Bayard's data (roll 3d100)
[] Use a data from the new GMs
[] Fight blind (???)
[] Optional: Talking is a free action (white in)
(Your Beam Rifle has 16 shots, you have 1 reload)
"Skadi"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord
ECA- Yellow-green
Status- Green
"Thunder"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord
ECA- Yellow
Status- Green
"Pixie"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord Solo Wing Custom
ECA- Yellow
Status- Yellow-green
"GK"-Vehicle: GM Plus
ECA- Yellow
Status- Yellow