I doubt I'll beat Advent's 93, but giving it a shot

Yep, not even close :D
Derek58 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Newtype Flash Total: 19
19 19
Battle Turn 6- Training Day
(Result: 93, MS Piloting skill is now 7/10, all penalties removed, additional +10 to dodge and maneuver rolls, trait gained: Born Natural: Take best of 4 on all MS Piloting rolls)

"Geez this guy's like lightning."

You only half hear what Pixie says as something doesn't feel right, you've only seen two teams worth of MS and standard procedure is two per a warship.

Zeon has three warships in the AO, if you assume two guarding their fleet and one fighting Roy....

There's one team unaccounted for.

"Pixie! Break right!"

"Wha? JEEZUS!" Pixie just barely dodges the hale of fire, three Zaku 2s emerge from the black.

Right in between you and Pixie.

It's like a shooting gallery.

Blue paint splatters all across their frame, and it again is just you, Pixie, and the ace.

[] Overwhelm him with fire

[] Flank him

The 118th

"Nugget"-Vehicle: Zaku 1

"Pixie"- Vehicle: Zaku 2
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(Result: 94, MS Piloting skill is now 7/10, all penalties removed, additional +10 to dodge and maneuver rolls, trait gained: Born Natural: Take best of 4 on all MS Piloting rolls)
:o Sweeeeeeet! :D

"Wha? JEEZUS!" Pixie just barely dodges the hale of fire, three Zaku 2s emerge from the black.

Right in between you and Pixie.

It's like a shooting gallery.

Blue paint splatters all across their frame, and it again is just you, Pixie, and the ace.
Get Fucked Scrubs :cool:

[X] Flank him

I feel that flanking will work better on a pilot of Char's skill.
[X] Flank him

We just got a trait giving multiple rolls to piloting ms alongside a modifier to maneuver rolls, and flanking should fall in that category.
Also playing maneuver warfare takes advantage of the fact that Char lost a thruster, and well that is why we survived this long.
Yun threw 2 100-faced dice. Total: 84
40 40 44 44