Shadowmancer of the Shadow Cabal
While that is true the effort to learn how to ride a unicycle is far less than what it would take to cast in a new paradigm especially for the elves who have to take everything carefully since they cannot risk an arcane mark.
I think where this shines would be Elves that have been arcane marked and dumped as crippled. Also I'd argue Ulgu Tongs shouldn't be any more susceptible to further arcane marks because it's manipulating the other wind of magic externally if it works.
Call it a test case for just how seriously we should take the radical researchers too extreme for Ulthan label on the part of the Grey Lords.
Just how radical is radical? I look forward to finding out.
Yea, for those Elves that have been arcane marked and it would only take one bit of bad luck to happen then this potentially opens up using the other winds of magic again.
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