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Nah, doesn't fit. He'd be mutating the ambient environment. If there's such a rune in play, it's on Cor-Dum himself, otherwise the effects of his aura would be visible from here.

As you watch reality flinch away from him, Morghur the Shadowgave, immortal demigod of the Beastmen, bellows a warbling prayer to the mountain that has become his Herdstone, and from the trees countless more voices join him.
Days? That thing has been up since before I started reading this quest, sometime in early 2019.
Oh, haha. I think it didn't show up for me for ages because of a script blocker or something. But yeah, Boney works hard enough without having to police the thread.

Kk, but Dawi culture being cripplingly conservative is still kind of a thing which has to be kept in mind when we consider what might be considered "shameful".
Sure, I agree it is a lot of the time. The same traits that make them so stalwart in adhering to oaths, or chasing perfection, also unfortunately result in new slayers because someone judged themselves based on an impossible standard.

Karak-Runes of Valaya exist. And ward against Chaos.
Could (their custom RuneMasterTM version?) be somewhat stabilising the environment around (both) Dums.
I mean, there almost certainly is some sort of rune doing something along these lines present. I just don't think it would be strong enough to suppress his aura alone - it's more likely that there's multiple factors at play. But yes, given the popularity of the burning ambient Dhar theory, this is possibly part of what's going on.
Wonder if Mathilde could revisit the Yusek after figuring out this Dum Dum issue. Kurgan moon-worshippers for K8P get! :V
You know what I think? I think Cor-Dum is three dwarves in a coat, all the beastmen are actually just rangers playing dress up to match, and Borek's just ashamed some idiot managed to blow up the entire mountain range while he was away. We're all panicking over nothing. :D
(Don't mind me, just going to sleep now...)
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The issue is 'resist Morghur' is not some random rune doing whatever. That is the kind of purity you need to be blessed by the Everqueen or something to manage. Also the ground near the Corruptor seems to be distinctly uncorrupt. Did the Dwarfs put runes on the soil of the forest?

Well, that just loops back to the theory about the holds Rune of Valaya being modified to keep the surrounding area purified of Dhar. Also, if the normal blessing of Valaya given to newborns is powerful enough to grant innate magic resistance, then how powerful could a Runemaster kickflip version be?
Was re-reading a bit of quest and want to share with others what in restrospect became a Mathilde-defining post, way back in chargen.


"Aren't wizards supposed to be old and shady men? Not smol peasant girls with big hats?"

" T_T Don't cheat me of my dreammmmms"

The wizard was, indeed, undeterred.
Maybe Borek has a rune/blessing of protection upon him?
I don't think 'reality flinching away' is congruous with how his aura is typically described. It certainly indicates something is up, and that he might be the real deal, but a lot of descriptions of it are more like, 'he walked near those trees so they started weeping corrosive pus sap'. It's definitely restrained in some manner.
...So just spitballing here but. I feel like part of that would mean doing the Rites of Valaya for him. To protect him from the influence of outside magic. And if so, hey, I guess the people who though he was a dwarf were right! Because that's what that'd mean. That they took one of the greatest gifts of the ancestors, and used it on him, effectively baptized him into dwarfdom.
Does that mean Mathilde will get the Rites when she's back? She is a dwarf. :V
Two points I'd like to add to the discussion:

1) The fact that the Kurgan seem to regularly treat this place as proving grounds strongly implies that they aren't getting vaporized by Morgul (or whatevers his name) on sight. Most likely troublemakers battle beastmen minions until they get tired of it and stop poking Dum. The existence of the desert would (though this is a supposition) serve as a convenient firebreak to run through and leave the aggroed beastmen behind when the battling turned too much to stomach. Ergo, we should stop 'walking on eggshells' with our possible plans and thinking that we'll get Dhar sniped for so much as farting in Karag-Dum's direction.

2) The thread is still thinking like a Dwarf with all the talk of 'unacceptable ways' and how lost they are to even so much as look at potentially iffy ways of defending themselves (and in that same vein, taking Borek's word for it). Just because whatever they did would be deeply offensive to the pathologically traditionalist Dwarfs of the Karak Anzor (and even perhaps to the dwarfs of Karak Dum themselves) doesn't mean that it has to be deeply offensive to Mathilde. They could still be a valuable member of Order even if all the other Dwarfs in the Old World spit in their faces. Another instance of Divided Loyalties, but one which would present a clear choice at least as far as I'm concerned.
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I layed out my prefference in my action vote. Even if no one else voted for it. :V

The expedition circles the wagons and waits 24 hrs while we sneak in and try to find out more details.

Which *yes* are important because we need to know if the Waystone (we shouldn't share that with the other expedition members) will *stay* uncorrupted or if it will serve as a trojian horse and needs to be disconnected as fast as possible. That example of a reason to stay is just of the top of my head while eating lunch. I'm sure people can think of other things to look for.
I doubt Mathilde has the expertice to say anything about wether or not the waystone will remain uncorrupted.
And no matter how stable it may seem now, the second people in here change their minds it will change as well.
The safest thing, unless we want to conquer Karag Dum, is to justbreak one or more of the stones directing the flow towards Vlag.

And that's before getting into the risks involved with sneaking in, or snooping around if succesful in getting in.
Mathilde then: Oh no I hope my witch hunter boss doesn't catch me embezzling to pay off my student loans
Mathilde now: Oh no I hope the Bursar doesn't catch me returning from the wastes with more money than I left with
Considering how much gold we actually picked up, I would say it's a legitimate concern. Probably more than an entire village will see in a generation. :V
After sleep, I am back to 60 fricking pages behind. So again, apologies if this has come up before:

Whatever our theory is, we need to confirm a) whether or not that's the real Morghur and b) if he's constrained from leaving (and for how long if so). Morghur is a massive threat - if that thing is not really him, then the real one is still out there somewhere and the forces of sanity assuming otherwise would be dangerous.
[x] THEORY: The specifics are hazy, but this is a known contingency plan that Borek is entirely aware of, but hoped hadn't been enacted. The result breaks all Dawi notions of acceptability, but Karak Dum survives in some capacity and continues to inflict attrition on every local and visiting Chaos force that want to take a swing at them, so it is considered a lesser evil by the pragmatic Karak Dum.

[X] ACTION: Turn back
So on the topic of 'how to keep up with the thread.'

I pick several key posters (BoneyM, picklepikkl, Mopman43, chocolote12 etc.) and effect posts (long posts with a lot of quotes.)

and I basically only look at those posts and skim the rest until I'm in punting range of the end of the thread (4-5 pages)

ya, I miss some stuff, but it's rare that I miss anything big. if it's important, it will come up again.
Oh my god, I'm apparently a key poster. I wasn't prepared for this info.
After sleep, I am back to 60 fricking pages behind. So again, apologies if this has come up before:

Whatever our theory is, we need to confirm a) whether or not that's the real Morghur and b) if he's constrained from leaving (and for how long if so). Morghur is a massive threat - if that thing is not really him, then the real one is still out there somewhere and the forces of sanity assuming otherwise would be dangerous.
Yep it's been brought up. Alternative explanations on what Morghur could be include runelord in disguise, dryad (or other elfy thing) in disguise, and golem in disguise. Plenty of possible explanations exist such as perhaps the dwarfs captured the real Morghur and use it's beastman attracting aura to call in disposable meat shields for protection and control them with constructed Morghur facsimile (we could call it Lessghur :p ).

Plenty of actions for investigating, right at the top is the fairly simple gain more information action for those interested in putting in at least a few hours of work to get some details before heading home.
[] ACTION: Gain more information.
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