Having a really great time right now
Better lucky than good, I swear.I'm crunching the numbers, and Belegar got ridiculously lucky. Statistically, it should have taken him four to five rounds to kill the Warboss, and it would have averaged one to two wounds back per round - 4 attacks, 3+ to hit, 2+ to wound, 6+ armour and 4+ ward save. I was half-expecting to write Mathilde protecting a fallen Belegar in a mirror to past events, but instead he just dunked on the warboss like it was nothing.
[X] Pursue standard carriers and seize greenskin banners
[X] Seek and slay bosses and other important targets among the fleeing greenskins
Either of these seem fine. I dunno how easy it is for a greenskin banner to be made, like if it needs weird boyz or something? If anybody can just paint up a new one, then I'll retract my vote.