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[Branarhune aspect developed: momentum dump. Remaining aspects: guard bypass, quick-draw, hand switching.]

Hey @BoneyM , I take that using Branalhune with Smoke and Mirrors would be a further development from what we are currently doing, right? First learn what to do with the teleporting sword, then learn to teleport yourself while teleporting the sword?

I ask because if we are developing a never seen before fighting style we might as well go full into it. And Smoke and Mirrors can be cast safely if we chain it with, for example, Shadow Knives.

Also, I think that's a typo in that line I quoted.

EDIT: nevermind about the typo
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Hey @BoneyM , I take that using Branalhune with Smoke and Mirrors would be a further development from what we are currently doing, right? First learn what to do with the teleporting sword, then learn to teleport yourself while teleporting the sword?

I ask because if we are developing a never seen before fighting style we might as well go full into it. And Smoke and Mirrors can be cast safely if we chain it with, for example, Shadow Knives.

Also, I think that's a typo in that line I quoted.
Branalhune is the sword, Branarhune is the style of fighting based around the unique properties of Branalhune.
Hey @BoneyM , I take that using Branalhune with Smoke and Mirrors would be a further development from what we are currently doing, right? First learn what to do with the teleporting sword, then learn to teleport yourself while teleporting the sword?

I ask because if we are developing a never seen before fighting style we might as well go full into it. And Smoke and Mirrors can be cast safely if we chain it with, for example, Shadow Knives.

Also, I think that's a typo in that line I quoted.
Branalhune is the sword, Branarhune is the style.

Edit: Weber'd.
Right. Sorry. My Khazalid is still bad, even after reading all this quest.
Here's BoneyM's etymolog.
Branarhune is the tentative name for the finished style, replacing the 'ul' of an item with the 'ar' of something that continues indefinitely.
Don't worry about it, while I have picked up some Khazalid words reading this thread the distinction here is the result of small grammatical signifiers, if it weren't for BoneyM's post I would have had no idea what the logic behind Branarhune's name was.

Edit: Also you, me and @Mopman43 have been misspelling Branulhune as Branalhune this entire page, funny how the mind glosses over single-letter substitutions.
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Edit: Also you, me and @Mopman43 have been misspelling Branulhune as Branalhune this entire page, funny how the mind glosses over single-letter substitutions.
Not my conversation, but In relevance, did you know that if you created an entire page where literally every word was scrambled except the first and last letters, a majority of people could read it just fine? Granted, after a while their brains would probably start to hurt a bit, or at least develop a knot, but humans tend to read words as a whole rather than through individual ordering of letters. It's actually probably a big reason people will miss typos even after several correctional read throughs.
Not my conversation, but In relevance, did you know that if you created an entire page where literally every word was scrambled except the first and last letters, a majority of people could read it just fine? Granted, after a while their brains would probably start to hurt a bit, or at least develop a knot, but humans tend to read words as a whole rather than through individual ordering of letters. It's actually probably a big reason people will miss typos even after several correctional read throughs.
Yes I do actually. Typoglycemia, although in real life the effect isn't quite strong enough for all words to be recognized with only the first letter and last letter virtually all short and common words are recognizable and of the remainder a few more letters in the right place should do the trick.
Yes I do actually. Typoglycemia, although in real life the effect isn't quite strong enough for all words to be recognized with only the first letter and last letter virtually all short and common words are recognizable and of the remainder a few more letters in the right place should do the trick.
Fair enough. I mean, it generally works for me no matter what, but I'm also a very experienced reader—as in have probably spent more than fifty percent of my entire life reading something—so I'm probably a bit biased.
Want to thank BoneyM A LOT for this superb quest! I think this quest is a high quality reading easily on par with such books as Gotrek and Felix novels, as good as best of them and better then the others!

Btw I've got a guess that author of this quest is also author of "Honour is all" and "Warhammer dynasty" epic quests. ^^

Want to ask people here: do you know where I find the "Necromancer quest"? BoneyM mentioned it in this post in 2018:

Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest Fantasy - Users' Choice!

As a Journeywoman, Grey Wizard Mathilde Weber is dropped into the deep end of intrigue and double-dealing after a surprise assignment to the necromancer-afflicted province of Stirland. Follow her trials, travails, feats and discoveries as she makes her way in the world and does her best to...
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Want to thank BoneyM A LOT for this superb quest! I think this quest is a high quality reading easily on part with such books as Gotrek and Felix novels, as good as best of them and better then the others!

Btw I've got a guess that author of this quest is also author of "Honour is all" and "Warhammer dynasty" epic quests. ^^

Want to ask people here: do you know where I find the "Necromancer quest"? BoneyM mentioned it in this post in 2018:

Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest Fantasy - Users' Choice!

As a Journeywoman, Grey Wizard Mathilde Weber is dropped into the deep end of intrigue and double-dealing after a surprise assignment to the necromancer-afflicted province of Stirland. Follow her trials, travails, feats and discoveries as she makes her way in the world and does her best to...
It's a common running joke in quest threads that other characters are also protagonists, in other hypothetical quests. There is no actual 'necromancer quest'.
I would think it very likely that author of this quests created other quests of fanfics before. In my understanding such talent can't come without a ton of practice. But, "a number of years of experience with GMing" also works for that I guess. :p
I would think it very likely that author of this quests created other quests of fanfics before. In my understanding such talent can't come without a ton of practice. But, "a number of years of experience with GMing" also works for that I guess. :p
Well, I can tell you he hasn't posted anything else on this site. (He only has nine posts outside this thread)

Honor is All was Voikirium, and the original Dynasty quest was Gaius Marius on Spacebattles.

I've got a post with a list of quests I'm aware of if you want it.

Older, very good Quests
  • Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism- take control of the very drunk Count of Ostland as he somehow survives everything, despite how hard the players and GM try to kill him.
  • Divided Loyalties- Serve as an advisor to the new Count of Stirland, where your loyalty to your lord will be contested by other factors.
  • Paradox of Choice: Ulthuan Quest- take control of the newly-elected Phoenix King and try to revitalize the High Elves. Rather on the complex side, been a while since the last update, but that's not unusual.
Newer Quests
  • Of Wolves and Witches- Control Erika Kurtsdottir, Journey(wo?)man mage of the Bright Order as she stumbles through disasters and one-night-stands.
  • Hearts as Cold As Ice- Control an Ice Witch, Anastasia Bohka, the daughter of the Tzarina, as she deals with her sudden exile over her... overly honest nature.
  • Clan Rakidum- Control a Dwarf clan of Rangers as they establish themselves in the Vaults.
  • An Empire Divided- Control the Count of Nordland as he tries to navigate the politics of the Empire in the Age of Three Emperors. (Dead)
  • Blood in the Reikmouth- Unusual one- the head of the Elf enclave in Marienburg has been killed, and you need to solve his murder before the riots start. Occurs post-canon. (Probably Dead)
  • An Empire, Long Divided, Must Unite!- Control the head of an Estalian polity as he seeks to unite Estalia, and possibly all of the Southern Realms, into one kingdom.
  • Heretic Gods- It's about a Norscan who would doesn't worship one of the 4- not that her god is any more pleasant. (Seems Dead)
  • RHUNRIKKI STROLLAR- Control a Dwarf Runelord during the Dwarf golden age, starting before even the Vortex has been made.
  • No Plea For Help Shall Find Me Wanting- Bretonnia quest, playing as a lord in Moussilon, uses tabletop rules, Knight's Quest-style.
  • Age of Heroes- Warhammer quest using mechanics inspired by the Scion game, playing as the mortal daughter of Asaph. (Probably not dead?)
  • From Hell's Heart- Play as a newly-reformed Demon who just became the latest Order god- not that any of the others would care. (On Hiatus)
  • From the Hidden City- Control the last surviving Temple-City in the Southlands, just after the connection to Lustria has been broken.
  • Court of the Phoenix Prince- Play as the advisor to one of the Princes of Ulthuan.
  • Dark Child of Naggaroth- Play as a young Corsair out to make their fortune and their name.
I would think it very likely that author of this quests created other quests of fanfics before. In my understanding such talent can't come without a ton of practice. But, "a number of years of experience with GMing" also works for that I guess. :p
They're specifically other users on this site. @Voikirium and @torroar, specifically (at least, that's the dynasty quest that came to mind first; I don't know if there's more than one). Both of those users are currently actively posting.
Not my conversation, but In relevance, did you know that if you created an entire page where literally every word was scrambled except the first and last letters, a majority of people could read it just fine? Granted, after a while their brains would probably start to hurt a bit, or at least develop a knot, but humans tend to read words as a whole rather than through individual ordering of letters. It's actually probably a big reason people will miss typos even after several correctional read throughs.

You know what really hurt my brain? I was convinced that you would be doing the thing you described to selfillustrate , so I started reading your message really slowly, but in the end, nothing was scrambled in your message .
You know what really hurt my brain? I was convinced that you would be doing the thing you described to selfillustrate , so I started reading your message really slowly, but in the end, nothing was scrambled in your message .
I was tempted... but then realized it would be funnier if people did exactly what you just did and found nothing at all. Because someone was going to try, eventually. (Also I didn't want to screw over random passerby reading it, because that can still make your vision go screwy if you're not expecting something like that)
Oh, can you imagine? Four years from now, and he's trying to bribe Mathilde to knife some grad student for being slow-stupid and preventing he, Qrech, from reaching his proper place as associate professor by whispering poison into the ears of the Deans about his position on the interactions between the ogre and the chaos dwarves.

Tenure track academia, the one place where a Skaven fits perfectly into human culture.

I really, really want to see Qrech climbing the academic ladder.
How about a minimal one with things Mathilde thinks she knows, the what do I think of him and what do I think he thinks of me stuff, and a couple of CK2 stats in the X+ form where we just know that he definitely has more than that?

I mean personally I don't need it, just as I don't need much of the stats for any other character, but it is really helpful for newcomers or people returning from a long thread break.

I might add him in when I next do a pass of it.

Out of curiosity, is the nature of Hexensohn's side business still under the aegis of wheels in motion, or is it safe for us to find out now?

It might never come up on screen, but in case Mathilde ever has reason to get involved in Amethyst College business I'm going to keep that subplot in reserve.

Hey @BoneyM , I take that using Branalhune with Smoke and Mirrors would be a further development from what we are currently doing, right? First learn what to do with the teleporting sword, then learn to teleport yourself while teleporting the sword?

If you're in a swordfight and you've still got enough breathing room to break out a spell of that calibre, your opponent is doing something very, very wrong.

Btw I've got a guess that author of this quest is also author of "Honour is all" and "Warhammer dynasty" epic quests. ^^
I would think it very likely that author of this quests created other quests of fanfics before. In my understanding such talent can't come without a ton of practice. But, "a number of years of experience with GMing" also works for that I guess. :p
Well, I'm very sorry if it sounds argumentative, just want to remark that people are able to create new accounts on the same site. ^^

This is my first and thus far only Quest.
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