Just realised this and it's very late but I have a question regarding some rolls earlier in the quest on turn 30.
[Mathilde studying Warp Lightning: Learning, 67+28+4(Library: Skaven Warp Magic)=99.]
[Adela studying Warp Lightning: Learning, 41+20+10(Adaptable Mechanic)+4(Library: Skaven Warp Magic)+5(Uncanny Memory)=79.]
Were these tests done in the room of utter neutrality or the room of calamity?
Room of Utter Neutrality: A room with absolutely no ambient magic whatsoever, perfect for close examination of magical phenomena. +20 to investigating magical phenomena, +10 to investigating anything else for Mathilde or anyone with similarly developed Magesight. +10 to investigating magical phenomena to anyone with less developed
Tbh even if this was done in the room of utter neutrality I fully understand if this is to far back to make any changes.