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[X] No, but they could help break the blockade

On one hand, potentially weakening the Empire or the Karaz Ankor, disgruntle the dwarves, and potentially leave Marienburg in play to Intrigue in the background.

On the other hand, war with Marienburg.

...Well screw them.
Honestly I wonder if part of that may have been a somewhat violent chiding on someone, perhaps Teclis', part, at the Empire's mismanagement of their wizards by pointing out how fucked they are against magic-using opponents. Protect their interests with minimal resources involved and show the Empire to quit fucking around without grievously damaging their ability to fight the forces of destruction.

A sort of elegant brutality.

I was thinking this exact thing at work today, but only now got home to share it. :(

Ah well. At least someone else saw it.
SV ate the start of this post, so here's a summary of the most interesting/relevant points.
-Gunnars is great. The "Zhuf soul, so no possession" bit was really great. It would've made for a really good resolution in a plotted novel, having it in the unpredictability of a quest is damn impressive. We wouldn't have been able to call it out beforehand with certainty, but there was enough info to at least conjecture without going into pure speculation. That's some very impressive quick thinking.
-"Start slowly, like an avalanche" is a great line. Very dwarfy, generally badass, and quite appropriate to the scene.
-The trajectory of Panoramia's relationship to Mathilde is kinda similar to Mathilde's to Kragg. The end point is Dorky Boss instead of Grumpy Granpa, and there's lots of other differences, but in the end it's about approaching a distant unapproachable figure (the dork revelation for Panoramia happened after she got the shit scared out of her by Mathilde).

[Counterspell: 79+20=99.]
[Induce miscast: 100.]
Killing an ork army with a dispell/miscast was a super badass moment. It makes me recall my old flame, Mathilde the Dispeller. I'm sure when I get back to the Eye, I'll switch back to Mathilde the Superweapon Builder, because that's much less sensible, but still.
I kinda want to built a superweapon that makes others miscast. I think the runesmiths would enjoy that too.
Codrin departs to pass on the message, and you watch him thoughtfully
We never did figure out what's his deal. Maybe that plot thread will be picked up at some point in the future. Or if enough time passes that it's no longer relevant, Boney might be mercyful to just tell us.
This suggests a future in Stirland, whether Roswita likes it or not.
Huh, Mathilde is pretty tsundere for Roswita.
...We're entering the visual novel part of the quest (and I genuinely wish there was Divided Loyalties visual novel. The characters are strong enough to carry it). But I never realised it would be a sequel/spinoff of Roswita's Magical Romance Adventure, where she awkwardly gets romanced by wizards of the differnt winds. The darkhorse Mathilde proved so popular she got her own novel about her hijinks.
You also receive a few unexpected requests, and after a word to an equally bemused King Belegar, you plot out the future locations of shrines to Grimnir and Valaya.
Hmm, would they be receptive? On the one hand, ancestor gods. On the other, I think Valaya at least would appreciate a defender of the hold, no matter the shape.
[ ] The Grand Abyss
If you value secrecy over all else, you could go just as far down as you can up. Deep below Karag Lhune lies the Lhune Deeps, and below that is the Grand Abyss. The Dwarves never were able to plumb the extent of its depths, and that is somewhat concerning, but it would certainly be impressive to have a tower built atop a bottomless pit.
I'm gonna be honest, I'm still sad we missed out this. Panoramia probably wouldn't like living over a depthless abyss, or we could build her a tower there as a courting present.
though no other powers have followed the Dwarves into the sky, some of the strange weapons that bristle upwards and track your approach suggest that they are determined not to be caught unprepared when they do.
So they do have some sort of flak. If Zhufbar doesn't have that as well (they might, since Gotri was running their air force and might have introduced it), we won't get access until the feud is resolved, but it's certainly something to look into.
@BoneyM Is this something we can buy with dwarf favor for an AA tower, or is that exclusive to the Everpeak and so locked?
Poptart raises valid points about infeasibility of Marienburg blockading the Empire for very long, but honestly I am not entirely convinced. Sure, their wealth relies on Empire trade going through them, but they are explicitly said to have deeper coffers than the Empire does. If they are stubborn enough to keep up the blockade for any length of time, it could hurt the Empire and Karaz Ankor significantly, and the risk of some Elector Counts doing something dumb is fairly high.

Whereas against Barak Varr ironclads, as Poptart also pointed out, they have absolutely no chance without extremely powerful backup from Ulthuan, and there's no way Ulthuan will send Dragonships to fight Dwarfs over Marienburg where they don't even really have a treaty. Threatening to break the blockade, or even actually doing so, seems to me like a better option on average.
I'm pretty sure its been 24 hours.

Is the vote gonna close today or is boney gonna wait a bit longer?

I mean blockade busting is still a solid 30 votes ahead of the next big contender.
Earlier on, it was asked if we could strongarm Brettonia into not exporting food to the marienburgers, to a resounding "no", but how possible would it be to just use, like, normal diplomacy instead of strongarming?

Like, even going against the inevitable bribery attempts from the 'burgers, you might be able to make a solid enough argument to the brets that the Empire proper would be worth backing here, with the right incentives.

(I'm not really sure how you'd go about that, though; would you try to go through the nobility to get orders passed down, or would you need to negotiate with the merchants themselves because of their weird state of autonomy?)
Why sell you're vote to one group to vote for what they want, when you can sell you're vote to every group to not vote for what they don't want, essentially getting paid by everyone to stay out of it?
This sounds likely for Marienburg, but also sounds similar to certain permutations of Skaven numerology. 🤔

Are we sure these Staadtholders are human?
So, still catching up on this thread, and I'd like to point something out that I'm hoping won't just be proved or disproved five minutes from now.

Our character just assumed Ranald spent the power he stole from Mork and Gork on the Empress, it doesn't seem like this was actually confirmed anywhere. We took a guess because it's such a crazy thing that it just makes sense.

We don't actually know though, and, honestly, if there's any person who could pull this off without using a mountain of Divine Power it's miss "I out bluffed and fooled all of Sylvania".

I'm just gonna attribute this to the Empress and assume she did most of the work here.
Our character just assumed Ranald spent the power he stole from Mork and Gork on the Empress, it doesn't seem like this was actually confirmed anywhere. We took a guess because it's such a crazy thing that it just makes sense.
It's certainly implied that He did.
"Wasn't entirely sure what to do with myself after that. Thirteen years playing the Vampire Countess. Set myself up in Altdorf and started showing my face around town because there's all kinds of capers that start well if high society thinks you're one of them, and next thing I know our mutual friend shows up grinning and bulging with stolen power and saying 'you won't believe what Mathilde did'. So He let it ride. I 'reveal myself' as the lost scion of the Haupt-Anderssens, and act terribly brave about how the lands of my ancestors are denied to me, and just as certain gullible parties are starting to grumble I reassure all the right people by laying aside my claims to Stirland. And it just so happens there was another throne in need of a bum, and gosh isn't this lady who gave up power for the sake of the Empire just the sort to introduce to dear Luitpold?
"Letting it ride" means not withdrawing your wager, with the wager in this case being the stolen power (given that stealing the power took the metaphor of a card game).
[X] No, but they could help break the blockade

Okay, changing my vote again. My hope is that Marienburg will be sensible enough to capitulate after their navy is blown to bits and a fleet of dwarf dreadnoughts and ironclads are threatening to destroy parts of the city proper if they don't.

And yeah, it's utterly baffling how the high elves--being defined by their pride and superiority--basically signed a treaty to more or less become patsies--in peace and war--of a single city-state of humans in exchange for...literally nothing.
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[X] No, but they could help break the blockade

Okay, changing my vote again. My hope is that Marienburg will be sensible enough to capitulate after their navy is blown to bits and a fleet of dwarf dreadnoughts and ironclads are threatening to destroy parts of the city proper if they don't.
Be even better if they hear about the possibility of dwarf ironclads sinking their fleet and shelling them and back down right away.
It's certainly implied that He did.

"Letting it ride" means not withdrawing your wager, with the wager in this case being the stolen power (given that stealing the power took the metaphor of a card game).

Good to know, stopped reading five minutes too soon.

One of the posts inbetween the two story updates had some claiming that Mathilde was Ranald's favorite straight man while the Empress was his favorite co-conspirator, and wow, that quote makes it really seem like the case.

I swear I'm half expecting the next Lord Protector or Head Marshal of the Witch Hunters to be a secret Ranaldian at this rate. I can't even tell if their an overarching aim to this plot or if the two of them are just going for whatever opportunity they stumble upon.
Be even better if they hear about the possibility of dwarf ironclads sinking their fleet and shelling them and back down right away.
Marienburg: "Ha! The Empire is in no condition to wage war against us now! And they'll capitulate for sure when their coffers start drying up!"
*faint grumbling in the distance*
Marienburg: "...does anyone hear that? It sounds like..."
*grumbling grows steadily louder*
Marienburg: "...dwarves? Why would dwarves get involved in an economic dispute between us and the Empir--wait. The canals...are being built by dwarves."
*grumbling reaches a deafening pitch as dreadnoughts are spotted on the horizon*
Marienburg: "...oh shit."
I'd like to see Heidi's entry in the Dramatis Personae next time Boney has space to update it. (Perhaps after the dates with Panoramia and Johann, seems like they could differ?) Mathilde's thoughts are always fun.
Okay, changing my vote again. My hope is that Marienburg will be sensible enough to capitulate after their navy is blown to bits and a fleet of dwarf dreadnoughts and ironclads are threatening to destroy parts of the city proper if they don't.
Given that Boney said that the Dwarfs would make sure that they don't need to make two trips, if it gets that far, I'm pretty sure that they're razing everything that could be an issue, not just the fleet itself.
Dwarves won't go all the way around the continent to sabre-rattle. If they show up at Marienburg, they're going to make sure they don't have to come back a second time.
Poptart raises valid points about infeasibility of Marienburg blockading the Empire for very long, but honestly I am not entirely convinced. Sure, their wealth relies on Empire trade going through them, but they are explicitly said to have deeper coffers than the Empire does. If they are stubborn enough to keep up the blockade for any length of time, it could hurt the Empire and Karaz Ankor significantly, and the risk of some Elector Counts doing something dumb is fairly high.
Frankly I don't think it's accurate to say that their wealth RELIES on Empire trade going through. Empire trade going through is very important, but the Ulthuan Monopoly is very valuable in its own right. Not just goods from Ulthuan itself, but the high elves perform the only actually reliable trade with Cathay, and Marienburg is where they sell all that off.
Not just goods from Ulthuan itself, but the high elves perform the only actually reliable trade with Cathay, and Marienburg is where they sell all that off.
Most of that's probably going to the Empire, though.

Sure, some of it's destined for Tilea, Estalia and Bretonnia, but I think the Empire would certainly be the largest market.
Frankly I don't think it's accurate to say that their wealth RELIES on Empire trade going through. Empire trade going through is very important, but the Ulthuan Monopoly is very valuable in its own right. Not just goods from Ulthuan itself, but the high elves perform the only actually reliable trade with Cathay, and Marienburg is where they sell all that off.
Not true. While you're correct that the Elves do an excellent exotic goods trade with Marienburg, the claim from the RPG is that they're trading goods from the New World, or Lustria, rather than Cathay. Although Marienburg doesn't actually have a monopoly on that trade, because it's entirely possible to sail to the greatest port in the world and buy there instead.

Plus, Marienburg sells most of those goods to the Empire anyway. The other options are Bretonnia, Estalia, Tilea or the Dwarfs, of which only Bretonnia and Barak Varr might match the Empire.
I thought on an action, visit Marienburg and use The Deceiver face of the coin to spread rumours in Marienburg so that we are spreading as much discontent towards blockading the empire as possible.

Such claims as the

  • Empire is full willing to invade
  • The Elves have told the Empire that they won't interfere
  • The Elves are planning to use this as a chance to annex Marienburg when they call for aid from Ulthuan
  • Ulthuan won't be able to commit forces due to increased dark elf raids
  • The empire will deploy Battle Wizards
  • This will ruin so and so's business
  • The dwarfs will send its full fleet... minus some basic protection for the coasts
  • Britonnia will support the Empire in an Embargo of Marienburg
  • The Marienburg council are chaos worshippers,
  • If Marienburg blockades the empire Marienburg will experience a complete and utter economic collapse
  • The council will use the blockade to buy out small trade organisations
  • The Council member x is doing this to hurt a particular rival
  • The Canal will allow for Marienburg traders easier and safer access to the dwarfs (may not count if this is true)
  • The dwarfs will finish the canal soon
  • The empire and dwarfs are collaborating to make a fleet of flying ships (added support if we make a flying dreadnaught)
  • Marienburg will starve before the empire gives up
Basically, spread as many different rumours as possible, and hopefully make the council concerned about potential riots. The council doesn't need t believe the rumours are true but rather that the public believe they are true.
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