I mean, Abelhelm only got his seat after a long series of Electors died by various means in a short period of time, right? I'm pretty sure it was implied most of those guys got assassinated. Except for the one who like, summoned a demon on accident or something. It's been a while and those were early days, so I forget the exact circumstances.
It all depends which army book you appear in, and how much the writer of the day likes you. The Haupt-Andersens appeared in a Vampire splat book, and got repeatedly stomped in a side bar for the vampire thrall model. In that book, they run a conspiracy that goes to the highest echelons of power, and can snare even Grey Wizards.
Of course, it mustn't have worked well enough in drumming up sales, or a new guy in charge really hated vampires, because they decided to stomp them right to hell in the next splat. There, you have a
journeyman wizard repeatedly beat the vampires in their shadow games on her lonesome, where previously the whole Grey Order was basically helpless. Then super wizard and the new Elector Count, a Witch Hunter (notice anything with that?) and descendant of Frederik van Hal (aka the guy who fucked up Sylvania in the first place) team up and tear down Castle Drakenhof. Most of the fanbase expects them to just flat out drop Vampires as a main line army, because where do you go from there?
That's a rhetorical question, by the way. The next book, a dwarfen splat for the new K8P subfaction, mentions the ECs daughter proceeded to stomp on the vampires some more, since they apparently wanted to make their position on vampire fans clear.
Because I'm already ranting, do you know why we know this, since it's from a dwaf book, but involves no dwarfs? Because super wizard (now a magister) is one of their lords (yes, one of three lords in a dwarf army book is a wizard. Surely that's completely sane and not at all lore breaking), and it's mentioned how she likes to show up for some vampire dunking now and then. In between casually conquering Karak-bloody-Eight-Peaks (and it is casually, since they make it a point to mention how quick and bloodless the whole thing goes down, especially the final battle she commands. Because that makes sense, but then they did the same for Drakenhof), building magical superweapons (yes, in a dwarfhold), and destroying million+ Waaghs with magical superweapons. You can't make that shit up (unless your GW, I guess).
I haven't even mentioned all of it. She's also super rich and best friends with the Empress (a former Haupt-Andersen, just to really drive the point home, and then that little extra bit further). That isn't the end of it either (bloody pseudo runefangs), but I don't want to be sued for reprinting copyrighted material.
At this point, the only way we'll get a vampire army book is if they decide she's a secret mega necromancer for some reason that would surely make total sense. No, I'm not bitter about my favorite army getting kicked to the curb in the lore. Incidentally, anyone want to buy some models?
Well, Elfs are slated for the next book, so hopefully we'll get a reprieve there. I'd say they can't shoehorn Ms Perfect into those when she's palling around with dwarfs, but that would feel too much like tempting fate.