Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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"I owe you everything, as long as you do not disgrace my honour",
One of the complications with this boon is that for Belegar, by his lights, he owes us so much the second clause doesn't really apply.

His honour- bound up with K8P, which he feels he owes to Mathilde- would demand he fulfills such a dishonourable boon request, and that probably leads down the road of brittle-goop-orange-dye-hair.
Hmm... Could we legit ask that Belegar wouldn't throw his life away?

People have suggested that we try to change the dwarven self-destructive tendencies, and that could be one of the ways.

Right, the boon is "ask anything, and Belegar will do everything he can to get it done".
There are no limits, Belegar will break himself, his Karak, his clan, the dwarf empire, the empire, the world if that's what it takes, to fulfill whatever we ask of him.
S-stop trying to make me ship MathildeXBelegar, it won't work!
[X] [BOON] I know just what to spend it on...
[X] [COLLEGE] 5 favors for a full translation of the Cathayan books
[X] [DWARF] Have a Grandmaster Engineer have a go at the Stirland Repeater - 8 favors

For one, some proff that College of Engineering suppresses labour saving devices would be nice. I've seen no evidence that human civilian purposes are banned for Engineers. My understanding is that there isn't enough of them, and all are occupied making guns and devices for the military and working for the nobility.
Suppressing the devices is a little exaggerated, AFAIK. In the 2e career compendium there's this tidbit about suppressing a treatise on such devices:

In his treatise, A Machine For All Seasons, Mickelbach argues that the
School of Engineers should not just focus on military applications,
as has traditionally been the case, but on inventions of a civic value.
He proposes the development of machines such as the self-propelled
scythe-cart, the clockwork scarecrow, and the steam-powered handloom,
which he believes will revolutionise the Empire's economy. The School's
officials have suppressed the treatise, fearing it will provoke riots against
the college among workers enraged they might be replaced by automata.
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so... no chance by this point to get 8 more lurkers or non voters too pop out of the wood works for [ ] [BOON] I know just what to spend it on...

ah well, not a complete loss.
Feeling blessed that even one person other than me was okay with the idea of getting a MMAPP item for the Karak. 🧙‍♂️

Wasn't really expecting any given I didn't really shop the idea around at all, but I have experienced a sliver of that warm fuzzy "Someone voted for my thing!" feel, even if it was a blank cartridge shot in the dark. :V

Gods preserve me if I ever work up the effort to make a plan that gets voted for, I might not be able to handle it haha.
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I have a strange theory.

Remember how Belegar stated, about the Dwarf psyche, that stone doesn't heal? Perhaps that is the reason dwarfs die. Not that they are unhealable per se, but because they accumulate cracks and flaws until they break, with the standard length being 200 years. Anyone that has enough cracks to die faster does... as a slayer, from unnatural causes, so no one notices.

On the other hand, look at the immortal dwarfs: I admit, my sample size is small, but of the few I have seen, they ain't the kind of dwarfs that are "honor, duty and the dwarven way are a burden we must all bear no matter how it hurts us", but rather the kind of idgaf dwarfs that just do what they want, when they want, never ever giving a chance to circumstance to crack them. Yes, they do uphold duty and honour, but not as a burden, but rather as a privilege, and they do not let small things like betrayal or loss make them lose sight of that, and that seems to be the key difference here. When they are sad, they are sad at the situation, and they may want to change it, but its never directed inwards, always outwards, because they know they will and are doing their best.

That, if true, means 1 very important thing and 1 thing @Omegahugger is not gonna like. Starting from the second, it means necromacy is gonna be useless. But the first, the important one... if we could find a way to semi reliably heal their psyche, we'd have a race of much longer liiving indivinduals, maybe even immortals.
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I for one also just want a giant pile of books. Having a giant pile of books and telling people you have a giant pile of books will get the ball rolling on getting even more books. Soon enough we would have a library of Alexandria parallel and that is what I want.
something I don't really understand is the library people who are scare about the money.

I would argue that the library would have a yearly budget that can be increased or decreased depending on how well K8P is doing each year, so that would not really matter on a state wide scale.

a: the vault is empty: small budget until other things like silk, mining, taxs on the caravens etc etc. picks up.

b: vault full: the yearly budget starts bigger, but is still dependent on the yearly income, so it the same thing just faster.

the Library is not dependent on a lot of money, its a flow of money and time. the transcended part of the boon is to get it to keep on going as long as K8Ps stands, not how much is thrown at it from the start.
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Out of curiosity, has it been said at all yet what Kragg's reaction to KEP, and himself, being abandoned by Thorgrim and then his subsequent flood of 'support'? I'm assuming Belegar hasn't yet told him about the Karaz-Ankor waystone network, but at the same time I'd guess that he would be one of the few to already know about it.

You don't reach four digits in age by stressing out about every little thing. Kragg leaves the politics to Belegar, just as Belegar leaves the Runes to Kragg.
[X] [BOON] Save it until the Karak is wealthy enough to afford my ambition.
[X] [BOON] Save it as a trump card to exploit an opportunity or address an emergency.
[X] [BOON] I have no idea what to spend it on. Put the matter aside for now.
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You don't reach four digits in age by stressing out about every little thing. Kragg leaves the politics to Belegar, just as Belegar leaves the Runes to Kragg.
Considering how Kragg scoffed at Thorek involving himself in politics, not too surprising. At least Belegar is savvy enough that when dwarven politics has to be dumped onto Kragg--at least, the way I interpret it in the form of dwarven favors--runes are almost always involved as well.
@BoneyM what are Kragg's thoughts on getting sent on a fact-finding mission to look at Eonir Waystones? As a Master Runesmith, his input would help this new cooperative project a lot.
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