So... apologies if this is not close to the current subject, but I just cannot stop thinking about Ranald. I also started writing this before the update, apologies for that.
Ranald has 4 facets, they say, 3 neutral/slightly evil and 1 good. But is that true? Is that correct? On a cultural standpoint, maybe. But when evaluating, or assessing Ranald as a god, I am unsure if that can be taken as gospel. Each god has multiple domains , but a god is not the sum of their domains, I think. I think a god exists based on the way their domains interact with each other and/or with their tenets.
After all, if a god was just their aspects, then worshipping, say, Nurgle in the aspect of endurance or Tzeentch in the aspect of change should not be corrupting, nor should it enpower evil powers. Yet it is, and it does, because these gods are greater than their aspects.
In that sense, Ranald may be the god that thieves worship or the god that guides thieves, but he is not really the god of thieves per se, at least if my analysis is right. The way his aspects would work if so, theft, deception and gambling are more means that ends, even if they are fun. Its the aspect of the Protector that is the end. A holistic view or Ranald would, under that viewpoint, be of "the god that guides the weak to fight against the strong when the strong oppress them".
In these lens, thievery, wit, stealth, risk(gambling), risk with stacked odds (also gambling) and deception are his aspects mostly because these are the only tools someone weaker can use to beat someone stronger. There is one more tool, unity, and it is one Ranald champions as well in his commandments. Ranald wants you to always go against someone stronger, because oppressors are by definition stronger than you. So he asks you to use solely the tools the weak use to defeat the strong.
In that sense, we didn't lie to Belegar, as he is the closer cultural equivalent to the god of rangers. Dwarfs have no tyrants who forget their obligations to the people, after all, and when they do, they are quick to depose them, so their oppressors are without rather than within. A Ranaldian Dwarf would, in that sense, be a ranger, for there is no dwarf that the Ranaldian talents should be used against.
[X] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.